Strong hot wind had instantly dried all the sweat I had on. my body, the wind had risen this past hour.
It would have been very nice if the wind had been a little cool, the hot wind of the desert feel lacerating on the skin.
I tried to stand with the help of my sword but failed due to weakness, I am drained both in mana and physically that I don't want to lift a finger
Still, I move my hand toward my pocket and remove two potion bottle, one is mana potion while other is vitality potion.
Vitality potion will help me remove my physical weakness. opening the bottle I drink one potion and another and wait for them to take the effect.
Slowly weakness of my body recede and my mana also starts to enter the refinement engine.
Five minutes later, I had enough energy to remove my sword from the eye of the Sand Scorpion.
When I look around people are still fighting the monster and I got quite pleased seeing, I am the only one Specialist grade evolver that had killed the monster first.
Looking at Corporal grade evolver fighting, I can tell that they will kill last remaining two corporal level monster in a minute or two as they were fighting two against one.
After Corporal grade monsters are dead, it wouldn't take too much time to kill the rest of the specialist grade monsters.
I noticed that after I drink the vitality potion, sometime later two seals of supreme combat exercise had absorbed the remaining vitality potion into them and looking at seals, In less than five minutes, I can use the skill again.
The reason I wait for twenty-five minutes for using skill so that vitality can charge again in the seals, as Nine Raging Tides skill, both needs Vitality and mana to operate.
The winds had become more ferocious than before but seeing we have experienced this type of wind many times, I didn't take it, heart.
After ten minutes, I became good enough to fight again, after seeing all the fights, I decided to help a girl in a purple.
''Need help!" I said as defended against the blow of Sand Scorpion that girl is fighting.
''Yes, I will be grateful!" She said giving me a smile, I never had taken a good look at her.
Now that I looked at her, she is quite cute. She is about my age with strawberry blond hair and blue eyes.
She still has baby fat on her cheeks and when she smiled a dimpled form on her cheeks which made her look very cute.
I got quite surprised when I saw the fist holding thunderbolt sigil on her suit, it means she is from Thunder God's Arena.
As I am fighting the Sand Scorpion with the girl, I notice extreme emotions from Ashlyn saying the big danger is coming.
'what danger?' I asked her telepathically but she didn't answer just that danger is big.
No matter how smart she is, she still has the intelligence of the toddler. Some things she can't convey even if she wants to.
"Chirp chirp chirp!….." she kept chirping loudly that people started noticing.
'What happened to that little bird?' 'is that silver birdie went mad?' They said seeing loudly.
"What happened?" I heard Rhea asking loudly as she is a little far away and wind it little strong.
''She said the big danger is coming?" I shouted, rhea nodded and suddenly her attacks and speed become even faster, looks she was holding back something.
"Do you want to kill Sand Scorpion quickly?" I asked purple hair girl, I myself would have killed this monster in my time but after hearing Ashlyn warning, I decided to help the girl killing this monster.
She had been fighting this monster for quite a while but didn't even manage to seriously injure it.
Looking at her attacks, she is definitely more powerful than me despite both us being at the same level, if she had the little battle experience she would have finished this sand.
"ok then!"
"Tell your monster to hand its pincer and I will handle its stinger (tail), all you have to do is activate your skill and pierce the eye of the monster using all your strength!" I said.
''And remember, I can hold off that tail for six seconds!" I stated.
''Bitsy, hold off Scorpions tail pincer for few seconds will you!" Said girl lovingly to her stag monster.
Her monster neighed in affirmation and looking excited.
''Ready then?" I asked, their girl in purple nodded with a serious nod.
''First Tide!" I shouted as I activated the power of first and jumped on the scorpions back as stag monster is holding back its pincer.
''Second tide!" I activate the power of the second tide as I was stinger is coming toward me.
''Bang!" I defended against it but suddenly it taunts back and mover towards its I know that girl arrives near its head.
''Ahhhhh!" I screamed loudly and attacked the tail of a scorpion, to obstruct it from attacking the girl.
''Clang!!" I felt a large amount of traveling to my arm as I obstructed tail.
"Stars in twilight!" I heard behind my back and I know that girl is using her skill but the tail is also coming toward her again.
Power of skill is gone, I have to defend against with my own power, I thought and readied my shield to defend against it.
''Puchi!!!" I heart and scorpion slumped on the ground but tail still coming and I have obstructed it.
"Bang!" my shield closed against the dead scorpion tail and next moment, I flew away from it back and crashed on the ground while having some fractured bones and blood in my mouth.
A but when I standing up from the ground, I saw a faint cloud of dust at very far away but it is slowly coming u toward me.
If one doesn't look carefully, one would not notice it from this far away, my gaze just lucky to spot, I immediately made a connection with it, heavy wind and Ashlyn's warning.
"Sandstorm!" I should top of my lungs with extreme fear in my voice.
Top 10?
I shouted sandstorm with top of my lungs, people heard and looked at me but when saw I am looking at the sky, they followed my gaze.
Color had drained out of their faces as they understood the sandstorm is coming.
Sandstorm is really dangerous, even the smallest one can threaten Lieutenant grade evolver if he caught the middle of it.
Suddenly all the people started to use their full power fighting the Sand Scorpion as there is still time to left sandstorm to arrive and people don't danger of scorpion lurking when they were facing sandstorm.
I also started to fight after drinking the potion, it didn't take long to all scorpion to finished, as Corporal grade evolvers had killed two Corporal grade monsters.
All four Corporal grade evolvers had become free and with them helping killing Specialist grade monsters, the fight finished in a couple of minutes and by the time fights finished, sandstorm had become visible and winds had become even stronger.
"The tent in your backpack would be better!" I said to rhea when we find a suitable spot to activate the tent.
"Your right." She said the Grey colored box and pressed the button on top of it.
We had founded five camps in Neil and Andrew stuff, while we use it had good defense capability and it also has some basic necessity like bed and cupboard and other but the one Rhea had had strongest defense but is very plain inside.
the main reason for choosing this camp over its original that it is perfect in unfavorable weather condition as it has grip drill function.
Four drills inside the tent burrow into the earth for better grip and stability, we will able to survive inside it as long as sandstorm is not overly powerful.
The only flow it had that one have to use four Corporal grade monster core to fully power it to its apex but this is not a problem for as we already had quite a few Corporal level monster cores.
Other people have also their tent and started to enter their camp seeing the storm is very near.
"Umhh would you mind if I and my brother took shelter in your tent?" I heard from my behind, I looked back to see it is the cute girl in purple before with the older boy, who is also wearing a purple suit like her.
It same boy who was fighting two corporal level monster at once with Mid-level Corporal level power.
"Sure!" I said after seeing Rhea isn't oppose to the idea.
The interior of the tent as expected is plain, with all grey without any extra component, the only saving grace is that the floor is quite soft and good sleep.
We took off our backpacks and sat, as both brother sisters sat, I couldn't help but notice that both of their backpacks are temporary, the once I brought to keep extra monster parts when hunting in the Miasta first.
They both noticed my gaze but disnt say and I didn't inquire too not to be true intrusive.
I got quite shocked earlier when I saw that all the equipment that girl and boy are wearing is Knight grade, similar to that of Jim and his girlfriend is wearing.
She had tried very hard to cover it but she revealed when she perform killing shot at the sand scorpion, she has manipulated it last moment and I luckily noticed from the corner of my eyes when defending against Sand Scorpions tail.
And looking her and her brothers are the same branded with Thundergods Sigil, I can definitely assume that her brother equipment is both knight grade.
Look like Knight grade equipment aren't that rare as I imagined, just that they are only available to the Organisation's elite.
And seeing their equipment, I can definitely say the boy hadn't completely used his power when fighting against Scorpions especially that cute girl brother.
I can hear strong winds are colliding against the tent as we sat awkwardly staring at each other silently.
It is very awkward to stay silent in the camp only listening to the strong wind as the storm approaches us.
Like girl, the boy also had strawberry blond hair and blue eyes but he looked handsome instead of cute like his sister.
"I am Jill and this is my brother, William, that you for giving us shelter." Said cute jill, with her speaking the awkward atmosphere diffuse between us.
''Its nothing!" Replied rhea with a smile, ''I don't mind me asking, why aren't stayed in your teammates?" Rhea asked.
I am also really curious about this, why aren't they stayed with the rest of their teammates.
"They aren't our teammates, we just met them at desert three days ago!" she said.
"As for not staying in their camp, there is girl names Rita they're who is really obnoxious that I got tired of it and your tent is best to cope with the storm than theirs!" Jill answered.
Well, that explained a lot, I wouldn't want to be with obnoxious people who I just met a few days ago, I am just about to ask her another question when the wind collided against the tent.
''Dhub! Dhub!….." Strong wind collided against the tent that it started shaking, the storm is closing on us.
Jill even summoned her minister and hugged it tightly after experiencing shaking.
Soon more strong winds started colliding against our tent as it started shaking more force full, it feels like the whole camp will be swept by the winds.
The Storm Has Arrived Finally!
Top 20?
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