lf as a sharkcroc swimming to reach karluk.
Hahaha this rivergod offspring is funny it looks so fat ,.said karluk
Karluk dont do that youll anger the rivergod another boy named Haro said.
Relax were just messing around for some fun.
They usually hangs out in a group of 5.
while they were talking i showed up revealing the fin and skull of the sharkcroc just barely above the surface.
WHaa... whhattt the fffk is thattt a sharkcroc????? yet another boy named Peter said
Karluk looks back at him and said . Huh no way they swam this close, but then he looks back at the river and sees me swimming nearing him.
And All hell break loose! all i hear is a scream sayin RUNN FOR YOUR LIFEEEEE!!!splas splas splash
Brakkk Puok (sounds of people falling to the rocks).
Nala was frozen stiff suddenly i got up and said hi to her .
Hi nala? said Sion
ROARRRRR!! she replied with a roar
Hahahah its just a joke to scare them .
She ignored me and started swimming underwater , guess shes going back to her lair.
i called Red, and he shows up munching on a root.
Nearing the sunset there is some commotion near the village central ,but the hunters are guarding the Village hall next to the central.they said that they will announce the news once the elders and chief are done.
At the hall .. murmur murmur... (sounds of people talking)
Silence !! the elder whose in charge was elder Hamung ,hes known to be wise,impartial and often gives good suggestion for the village.
'Chief muru would you kindly share with us whats the situation with the raigo attacking our outpost'
said by elder hamung
'Yes elder the essential information is that the raigo are backed up by the Great khan of the savanna,they will rule the riverlands under the Khan's wil, the Khan Empire are trying to conquer and bring everyone under the Great khan, we are being given a week of time to gives an answer should we choose to submit ,they will come and decide our village as one of their territory.
and if we choose otherwise they will still come conquer our village said chief muru.
Hearing the news shocked most of the elders they was thinking that this is just a small time skirmishes .
All started shouting wanted to know more about it.
Calm yourselves elders we are here to decide the fate of karoka .said elder hamung.
' the khan empire?its pointless to fight with the khan This is an entire nation! we are only a village!!'. said by another elder named Barqo.
What do you think what will happen to us if we decided to submit to them muru? asked elder hamung.
I believe that we will be enlisted in the khan empire army and we will fight at the frontlines fighting for the khan's Conquest of all the lands. said muru
Elders , i wish that we could fight and repelled the raigo if its the raigo we still have a chance and we have the rivergod protecting our village ,but if the khan's army are coming i dont believe we will be able to hold them back. it will mean demise for our karoka village,.
said by the muscular stouted elder saroba.
'Muru , have you met with the emissary? ' asked elder hamung
no i havent. replied muru
'You should try and and meet the emissary and asked for few special treatments for us it seems like a battle is futile we of the karoka are not cowards! i believe it to be so but we must choose our fight 'I have an idea when you meet up with Jago later on try to ask to talk to the khan's emissary maybe you could challenge the raigo place of ruling the riverland said elder hamung.
thats a great suggestion elder! said by a few elders.
I dont think that there's a point of voting anymore .we will submit to the khan's but we will try to contest the raigo for the ruling of the riverlands. said by elder hamung
Agree! said by elder barqo
Agree!!! all the others.
'after the meeting end come and find me at my house chief muru,we will talk more about the best terms what you will present to the Raigo and the khan's emissary. said elder hamung
Very well then the meeting is concluded you may return to your houses.
you may tell the hunters of these decisions to spread to everyone.
Just as i predicted there was something wrong with Raigo village, hearing the news from my dad that were deciding to submit to the khan's army makes me wanted to grow even more stronger i just hope they wont enlist the kids i dont think i have a good chance surviving in the conquest war even if i do get picked as logistic and stuff , said sion.
I dont think they will enlist younglings son , im more afraid of the way the rule doesnt suit us nevertheless we should try our best to survive,Remember son as long as you live you could grow stronger! The earth have blessed us with abundance resources. Said Jiga
Yes son, Remember our lives comes first ,as long as we persevere we could always get them back later ! said kaui
Yes dad,mom i nodded
(having to died once is enough though ,and i do have family here and someone to protect, i should try getting more beast meat said sion in his mind.)
A week have passed since meeting the raigo the Chief have went there yesterday to negotiate the terms with the raigo about our village. i dont think i will have any power to change anything though all i can just hope for the best now, now lets off to train red! were going to the jungle now!.
Hoghoghog snort Red's replied.
finally i mounted red's shell ,while opening the hunter scroll containing the basic information about the jungle .
it shows that the stronger beast resides deeper in the jungle maybe i should try getting a bit deep now.
Inside the jungle...
Two beast could be seen fighting and clawing one another ,A tigerclaw was fighting a huge Piranake (piranhha+Boa snake) . the piranake keeps swingin its Mace like tail and finally the tigerclaw got hit and fell down from the sky crushing a big tree.
The piranake it spring itself so fast a blur of green/brown color could be seen down from the tree standing on ground finally showing it razorteeth mouth ,it wanted to ate the tigerclaw in one bite suddenly the tigerclaw avoided the piranake and clawed it eyes. while sprinting to get free
Hisssrrrr !! it look furious! and it rolled like a spring and pounced at the tigerclaw ,the piranake was trying to get a hold of the tigerclaw and trying to constrict it but the tigerclaw was too fast.
noticing that it wont be able to constrict the tigerclaw the piranake curls up like a ball trying to resist the attack. it was quite smart it was waiting for the right time while recovering its stamina. finally the fatigue affects the tigerclaw and it slow down abit . at that moment the the piranake shows its huge mouth and bit the tigerclaw wings.
It looks like something is fighting Red, lets go take a look at it .. said sion
by the time they found the two beast was already on its last breath .
sion looked around and trying to find the piranake nest he climbs up above the trees and finally he founds the nest few eggs was already broken and few eggshells could be seen, it looks like the tigerclaw was eating its egg's thats why they were both fighting .
it was looking each other and decided that only one of the other could live through the day.
sion could see they were both at its last breath,the piranake was bleeding and its tail was all messed up with claw like scars , while the tigerclaw was bruised allover with a bleeding eye and one wings.
This is a good chance for me to get some strong beast gene!
i should just wait for it to fight to the death and take out the remaining one. he stealthily comes down and went back to wheres red was waiting while giving instruction to Red's .
Red well wait for these two to killed each other after that well swoop in and kill the victor. said sion
Red nods and continue to wait patiently.
It could be seen that these two beast are very strong or maybe they were the overlord in these parts because when they were fighting so loud not even one beast could be seen nearing them. trying to take advantage of it .
The fight continues i wonder when or where its gonna end ,these beast vitality is so immense they've been fighting nonstop for 6hours after i found them ,now its bordering night time i wonder if they will keep on fighting.
Insanity! madness! they kept on fighting, i guess i will have to wait otherwise theyll turn their crosshair at me(while chomping on a jerky). i grabbed my waterskin and took a few sip. and threw few pieces of jerky to Red.
if i get close enought they'll notice me in and instant or maybe they have noticed me already but pay no attention to me and red because they think we are too weak to do anything to them.
blood was spread all over the land destroyed trees and scraps of wood is all over the place
and they seem to notice that at dawn the fight will conclude, it both decided to rest nearing dawn.
When morning light shone suddenly the piranake lunge itself at the tigerclaw finally it teeth sunked in around the backside of the tigerclaw and started constricting the tigerclaw.but the tigerclaw keeps resisting it Clawed , bit and even stabs it with it broken bone from the wing that the piranake.
After a few moments nothing could be heard anymore. it shook me again awake from the sleepiness of waiting for it to end. i tapped a few times on red shell waking him up .
Come red lets get close and lets see what we can get from those beast. i mounted red and started walking towards the remnant of the clash. it was quite horrid the smell of the blood was still lingering in the air . but to my surprise no beasts comes smelling the blood, i guess these snake or tigerclaw was really strong.
finally i got close enough to the "ball" like beasts finally i could see that they were massive the tigerclaw was around 5meters tall and 6 meters long , while the piranake are at least 20meters long and it was so thick like a log. they were tangled up and to my surprise the tigerclaw was still on its last breath but it can resist no more it eyes was looking at me and i stare it right in the eye i could see its barely clinging to life. and i said to it. hey tigerclaw i dont have anything against you but its survival of the fittest here.
I grab my spear with both of my hands and stabbed it through its ear cause only the ear and the eyes part visible they piranake are constricting its whole body. i could almost see from its eyes its soul leaving its body unwillingly.
Finally theyre both mine!! i called red to come,
Hmm ive gotta move them somehow i couldnt just eat it in one serving. i tied em up and tell red to started dragging them near the river it was quite far around 500meters but red's quite strong so it went without a hitch. and finally i give it a little push it (splash) went to the river still tied, i was planning to get it to karoka village but it doesnt seem possible i should a find a place near the river to hide it.
i jumped with red on the river and let the river drag us with the current. i could see some small fishes nibbling on these 'carcasses'. we kept going until there was a weird looking cave and i decided we should check on these. i told red to drag it ashore and wait for me while i checked the cave.
Enjoy guys , if you have any suggestion feel free to let me know .
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