City of Nemthyr
It's a big city. four tiers
----First tier Poor class
----Second tier Middle class.
----Third tier Rich class
----Fourth tier University
Each level is base on where you gain. The guards duty to make sure each tiers are safe and secured
University of Nemthyr
The University is located in the middle of the city of Nemthyr. It where everyone is welcome to learn and grow. This is where each grade has and will always learn from Kindergarten to University level. Each group work at different time.
-----------Kindergarten is located in the middle of the group
-----------1st to 8th is located in the side next to the kindergarten\
-----------9th to 12th is located in front of the kindergarten
-----------University is located all around the three buildings.
----------------- Front is the warriors and guards
----------------- Sides are the support and magic users (Very few of them)
----------------- Back is knowledge users who studied and are helpful in tight situations
Each tire has their own portal they can use.
----First tier is located at the gates for those who are traveling.
----Second tier is located at the middle of the surrounding area of the forest they keep well hidden
----Third and fourth tier is located at the university front gates for the guards in training to keep watched over as well as all the the others.