The report that was sent by the witch hunters took a minimum of one and a half days before it reached the council that went to the head council's room. When Rueben pulled out the black envelope from the stack, tearing the cover to read the contents inside it, his eyebrows furrowed at what was in there.
Leaving the head council room, he made his way towards the other building and on the way, he met many of the councilmen who bowed and greeted. Barely sharing any words with them, he stepped out of the current building to go to where Murkh, the vampire doctor worked in the laboratory.
Passing through the bloody smell that came from the cells, he walked into the laboratory to see Murk who was already with the samples that were sent by the witch hunters. Getting closer to the tray dish where the organs were placed, he noticed how the organs appeared to be burnt and charred from outside.
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