Penny swished her hand, creating a motion she knew she needed and speaking the curse spells as she looked at Kreme. When she did it, nothing happened. The toad was still there sitting on the ground and Damien chuckled behind her.
Damien was enjoying it as he had never seen anything like this before. He couldn't tell how useful Penny's spell would be in the future when he would take her help.
"Does this work on vampires?" he asked to make sure he wouldn't be the one turning to a toad.
Penny shook her head to a no, "Piers said it doesn't work on pureblooded vampires. Just humans, half-vampires, witches."
"Bless the witches for not finding it. Don't panic, Kreme," Damien said looking at Kreme who had turned to a toad. The last one who turned to a toad as gone missing so you better stay put."
The toad moved away from the clothes that it had been previously wearing when it was still a human.
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