It was the time of morning when Penny woke up, her head felt heavy and so did her body when she tried to sit up on the bed. Damien who had been in the room came to her aid to feel her head which was hot.
She had caught a fever. Fluffing the pillow behind her, he helped in letting her lean back against the headboard.
The memory after seeing Helen die was hazy that she didn't remember how she ended up here. She had forgotten riding in the carriage along with Lord Nicholas and Jera and that included her memory of taking a bath and falling on the bed which was very faint in her mind.
Damien leaned over the wall, ringing the bell for the butler to arrive at the door after a few seconds.
"A bowl of soup for the lady and also warm water," he added in the end. The old man who was a vampire bowed his head and then left to get it prepared, "You should rest more."
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