"Who spoke about you saying anything. Digging your own spot and sitting in there later. How cute," Damien teased her. Leaning forward, he kissed her bare neck which he had full access to with her hair which was tied up completely, "One word and I can tell you fell sick."
"Why should I fall sick for it?" she turned her head in time to have his lips be placed on hers and move against her soft lips. Damien smiled into the kiss. Pulling back he said,
"So you agree you have been eyeing me, mouse," he bit right into her ear and she squeaked in the pleasurable pain, "Playing hard to get are we?" he asked her. Seeing Penny not answer as she only stared back at him, he said, "Shall we test your patience today?" he asked her.
Her expression and her green eyes that had the lust and need for him suddenly turned one to be of anxiousness.
Clearing her throat, she asked, "Patience?"
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