" I can fight all the wolves on my own but that is no good.. I want you guys to fight and gain experience " I gathered all the goblins in this village and gave the a speech. maybe due to my new skill [ pack leader ] no one had any objection. they all looked at me with respect and admiration
"Now, let's start our battle preparation "
they looked at me confusingly, so I said
" we need to set up traps and fences to kill the wolves and delay their progress... "
I showed them how to build the fences. we built the fences in the direction that the wolves will be coming from. I strengthened the fences with my sticky silk to make them more sturdy
and I spread my steel string across the road, hanging them from the trees. I checked their weapons and found some good bows.
I asked who is good at using the bow, and there was some good amount of them, around 15 goblins
" You guys will climb the trees and shoot the wolves who will pass our traps " I ordered them
Next is our last defense, the fences, I found that they have some strong wooden clubs in their possession, I strengthened them with my sticky silk and gave them to the goblins who can use it and have better body condition than the others.
" If any wolf reached the fences and tried to pass under it or between it. immediately you are to attack him "
"Yes!! Asura-Sama "
The goblins are a hard working ones they were able to do the job with the proper instructions
After that, i learned from the Elder Goblin and his son that there is a bunch of injured goblins and they want to evacuate them with the females until the battle ends
"Take me to them " I said to the Elder
" yes! Asura-Sama " he took me to a house at the back of the village, the smells of blood is everywhere. it didn't hurt me tho, since I my preys with their blood sometimes, I don't have time to skin and cook that stuff. too much trouble
" This all our injured warriors, Asura-Sama, they all suffered in the last battle " said the elder
" Hm! I see, there is a lot of them "
this is the perfect time to use my skill [Healing Breath]
I went near the first goblin and used my skill. white flames came out and surrounded him, just a few seconds and the goblin opened his eyes. he was confused and started to inspect his body. his injuries are all healed
I did the same to the others too, there are a few who had some of their limbs missing but it was regenerated... looks like I can heal any thing as long as they are still breathing
The Elder explained to the goblins who i just healed the situation and told them I am their master
they came in front of me and kneeled " MASTER!!"
" I hate to say this but you guys will have to fight again even tho you were just healed "
"NO PROBLEM. WE WILL FIGHT FOR ASURA-SAMA AND THE VILLAGE " they all said at the same time
" Then, do your best " I said.
the battle won't be easy on them. the are still outnumbered but with my plan they can defeat them without even being in direct contact with the wolves
It's night time, the wolves are trying to use the night as their cover and attack the village
howls of wolves are filling the night
the wolves gathered and their chief said " Tonight is a good night " a big wolf with a scar on his eye said
" We will start by exterminating the Goblin village then the rest of the jura forest "
he howled and started running followed by his subordinates " LET'S GO!!!"
" those weaklings don't have the protection of that Dragon anymore. Slaughter them!!"
The wolf pack destination is the Goblin village the Asura is protecting
a goblin with a big and round nose like a clown, with a haircut of Mohawk, he was keeping an eye on the road when he noticed a storm of dust coming from the main road. he quickly screamed " THEIR ARE HERE!! THE WOLVES ARE COMING!! "
everyone got ready into their position, the bowman are up in the trees and the goblin with the clubs and swords are behind the fences.
And for me, I wrapped my body on the fence at the entrance of the village, waiting for the wolves who are dangerous and kill them
the pack of the wolf is running at their top speed, when a certain wolf with a blue star on his head saw me on the fence, he remembered me as the demon who planted fear inside him. he quickly warned his leader
"FATHER!!! that is the white demon I told you about "
the leader heard his son and looked at me, his eyes are filled with disdain
"HMPH!! what demon, you got afraid of a Snake " the leader ignored his son's warning and just advanced
then, the wolves who are in front of him fell down with blood coming out of their bodies
the pack stopped advancing seeing their friends dead. it was then a rain of arrows came down on them, killing those who let their guard down
the leader was shocked seeing his
subordinates falling down one after another
it was then when he saw the strings that are covered by blood " It was a trap "
he got angry and shouted " Move! evade the strings that are covered with blood. and don't stop so you don't become a target for their arrows "
the wolves passed the strings and reached the fences. but as soon as they tried to pass through their heads were smashed or cut by the goblins that are stationed behind the fences
The anger if the leader grow more and more as he shouted " WE WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY A MERE GOBLINS !! "
he sprinted at the village with bloodlust. it was then when I said " You have no hope of winning. this village is under my protection, me, Asura Tempest " I came down from the fence and standing in his way, making him targeting me
" YOU!!! you are the leader... PREPARE TO DIE!!!"
after passing the strings and evading the arrows, he came near me and jumped in the air to attack me
' That's right, stay in the air so you can't evade my attack ' I thought
taking the chance I waved my tall at him, aiming at his head. it hit him!
he fell down near me, I went to him and stepped on his face and said " That's your place " I activated my Intimidation skill. my voice sent fear to his core. the leader started trembling, his subordinates saw their leader under my feet and lost their fighting spirit since their leader is defeated
I looked at the rest of the wolves and said " It's your loss " then I burned their leader with my [Breath].
the goblins saw me kill the leader of the wolves went started screaming and shouting
"He did it !!"
" Asura-Sama Killed the leader!!! "
"We won !!!!"
Letting the goblins celebrate, I looked at the wolves
"If you value your life, then leave and never return... this is my kindness as there was no losses on our side " I said to the surviving wolves
the wolves just looked at me with fear and were stunned in their place
I came forward and said " What? you still want to fight! Then let it be..." I opened my mouth and prepared to lunch my fire at them but...
all of them lowered their heads into the ground and said " WE SUBMIT TO YOU!!"
And that was the end of the battle that took place yesterday
there was no loss on our side and the wolves submitted to me.
Now, I am standing in front of a large group of Goblins and wolves. First is to organize them, I can't just let them like that with any instructions
"Oi, where is the Elder??" I was looking for the Elder to help me in giving instruction, he have more experience than
" I am here Asura-Sama " he came in front of me and kneeled
"You will be my advisor for now "
"Ooh!! that is an honor to me " he said, he was excited that I made him my advisor. Is it that good to be an advisor
" Tell me, do you have a name" I asked, I am having a hard time to talk to this people. if I want to talk to some, I need to go to him or point at him to know I am talking to him. it is hard
" No, I don't have a name sir. non of us have" he said
" Then I will give all of you a name " I said
as soon as I said that, all of them were shocked, they looked at me with shocked eyes and stunned expression... is having a name that strange
"A..Asura-Sama, are you sure ??" said the elder
" yeah!! No problem... Now get in a line " I order
they obeyed my order and formed a line. First is the goblins then the Wolves
I started naming the goblins like this :
I keep the first letter of their specie name [Go] then add something at the end
like this until the last of them
For some reason, I was feeling my magical Essence being drained as I name them. but it's not a problem since I have a lot of that.
As for the village elder I named him " Rigurdo " and for his son I gave him the same name as his brother " Rigurd " both of them were happy especially the old goblin he had tears in his eyes
Then it came the turn of the wolves, the first one is The Leader's son
"Don't you hate me??" I asked, honesty, I know they already submitted to me but I can't have them hating me, so if it is possible I want to remove that hatred from them
"No My lord, you have forgiven us and gave us a place to live, we are really grateful to you " and that what he said, I feel relieved that this wolf have some rationality in him
I was thinking for a good name for him...they are called fanged wolves and I have the blessing of the storm dragon...Fang storm...Huh!!!
" you will be Ranga " I said
"Thank you my lord " he accepted the name with a happy tone as he waved his tail
as I did to the goblins, I did to the wolves
keeping the first letter then add something
Fanged, I took Fa from it.
but as soon as I named the last wolf, it was as of I got hit by lightning, my body froze and I started to loss my consciousness " What is going on !?!?" I panicked and started to have fear, I felt weak suddenly
[Answer : in order to maintain a Adeqvate amount of magical essence. Switching to Low Activity Mode ]
I am still have consciousness but I can't see. I exhausted my magic essence. when I was naming the goblins, I thought I will still have more than enough to name the wolves. looks like because they are a superior specie they consume more magic essence
Sigh~~ just when will I wake up??
[Answer : the estimated time is 2 days, due to your vast magical essence and your magic recovery speed ]
Classification of the monsters
★Hazard : is an evolved monster with unique skill and high combat abilities
★Calamity : Is a Rare and unique monster who's strength can be equal to an army of Elite soldiers
★ Disaster : This class belongs to a demon lord, regardless of his strength, a demon is automatically classified as a disaster class
★Catastrophe : This class belongs to the strongest Demon lords and any being that is stronger than a demon lord
*************** ( go down see his class )
Name: Asura Tempest
Race: Demon Dragon
Rank : disaster Class. (New)
Blessing : Storm Dragon blessing
Title: None
Magic: None
♦ Unique Skill 『Great Sage 』
♦ Unique Skill 『 Predator 』
♦ Demon Dragon Natural Skill :
『Breath 』. 『Intimidation 』 『Sharp claws 』 『Hard scales 』 『Flight 』. 『High-speed 』 『Regeneration 』 『 Resize 』 『 Force Field 』 『 Thought Acceleration 』 『 Energy shield 』 『 Dragon Eye 』
Demon Dragon Extra Skills :
『 Steel String 』 『Sticky Silk 』 『 Mimic 』 『 Poison mist breath 』 『 Healing Breath 』 『 Heat sensor 』 『 Water breath 』 『 Magic perception 』 『Pack Leader 』 (New)
Resistances :
♦Thermal Fluctuation Resistance EX
♦Physical Attack Resistance
♦Fire resistance
♦Magical Attack resistance
♦All abnormalities resistance