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Liu Yao gritting his teeth led his army to close the opening that was exploited by Sun Jian and Sun Ce. Unfortunately, the line of communication between him and the frontline of his army was cut off because Sun Jian and Sun Ce exploited the opening he made, so slowly Liu Yao's army was losing ground, and Liu Yao's eyes flashed with the word defeat while looking at his army uncoordinated defense against Sun Jian and Sun Ce.
Sun Jian and Sun Ce utilized the tactics that were provided to them by Huan Jie and Zhou Yu, and Liu Yao in the passive can't give his orders efficiently to the commanding officers in the front line, Sun Jiana fn Sun Ce slowly but surely pushed back Liu Yao's army.
Realizing that his position is under critical threat, Liu Yao doesn't have any choice but to order his army to retreat to another area in Yangdu County, choosing to leave some of his men as meat shields should you say.
Liu Yao's men who were on the frontline, especially the officers and generals, tried their best to regroup their units in this chaotic situation while waiting for Liu Yao's next order not realizing that their communication line was cut off by their messenger killed in the chaos.
While trying to hold the line, they heard the war drums from their rear being sounded, signaling a retreat for Liu Yao's army many of the generals or officers on the front line tried to retreat but something shocking happened right in front of their eyes.
Their comrades or companions who fought the enemies or supported them from their rear were abandoned at the fastest speed leaving them behind in Sun Jian and Sun Ce's clutches.
This sudden maneuver shocked them so much because they realized that they were being abandoned by Liu Yao, causing them to not have the spirit to fight back against Sun Jian and Sun Ce.
Sun Jian and Sun Ce see the retreat of Liu Yao and his Arny, abandoning their front line soldiers to halt their attack, and under Huan Jie's persuasion issue an announcement for the abandoned soldiers to surrender.
Liu Yao's men who were abandoned by Liu Yao, losing their will to fight and resenting Liu Yao for abandoning them, choose to surrender to Sun Jian and serve Sun Jian to live and have a chance of revenge on Liu Yao.
Liu Yao has around 70,000 to 80,000 men right now and he abandoned around 10,000 men, bolstering Sun Jian's army with more men which could tip the scale for Sun Jian's future victory.
Since Liu Yao had been pushed back deeper into Yangdu County and even abandoned some of his soldiers, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu decided to return back to Guangchang in preparation to attack Lean County. (A/T: There's more than one county named Lean, one in Qing Province and the other one in Yang Province.)
Sun Jian and Huan Jie feel like it was the right decision for them to do so because they also had received the news that Wuhu County and Shixin County were under Lie Fan's attack.
Before leaving for Guangchang, Zhou Tai who fought beside Sun Ce had caught Sun Jian's eyes, and seeing how skilled he was, Sun Jian appointed him as Sun Ce's personal aide from now on.
Zhou Tai gratefully accepts the promotion, swearing that he will protect Sun Ce to the death. This may not be the rank he wishes for, but it was a great start for Zhou Tai so he accepts what he can get because previously his rank was an unofficial one.
After all, Sun Jian was the only one who could promote or give a title to anyone officially. After saying their goodbyes, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu lead their army toward Guangchang, leaving Yangdu County.
Huan Jie: "My Lord looks like Young Lord Sun Ce has begun to grow up, look at how he has recruited his first retainer well second because Zhou Yu is his first retainer should we say."
Sun Jian: " I always knew Bofu would grow up one day, at least it's not too late for him to realize the responsibility he has shouldered now as the heir to the Sun Clan, I can rest easy now after we defeated Liu Yao."
Huan Jie: "My Lord are you sure to relinquish your position as the Head of the Sun Clan to the Young Lord? It means that all of the power and decision making of the Sun Clan will fall on Young Lord Sun Ce's hand."
Sun Jian: "Yes Huan Jie I'm sure that I will relinquish my position to Bofu, my disability is not a good image for My Force and it's also holding me back in battle, you know that I like to lead at the front line rather than in the rear, it's the best option for me to relinquish my position to Bofu, don't worry I will still be included in Bofu decision making as the Clan advisor."
Huan Jie: "Then if that is My Lord's decision I will follow through, but I don't think some of the veterans and old timers that had served My Lord since My Lord came to power for the first time will try to make a fuss."
Sun Jian: "Haha! Let those old fools do what they want when they see Bofu is fit to succeed me they will settle down, and this is also good training for Bofu as a Lord letting him experience it firsthand in managing a big force."
Huan Jie nods his head hearing what Sun Jian said, while his old comrades will definitely make a fuss they will not get out of line, knowing that Sun Jian still has some handle on Sun Ce's decision making.
Also just like Sun Jian said, it's good training for Sun Ce to manage his subjects and retainers, especially appealing to his father's retainers who now serve him, even though all of them knew Sun Ce doesn't mean they will accept Sun Ce as their lord that easily.
While all of this is happening in Yang Province, In Jiaozhi Province something early shattering happened that could change the landscape of the land, especially in the Southern Part of China.
Shi Xie who was the Governor of Jiaozhi Province now is facing mutiny from members of his own clan, Shi Wu and Shi Hui who can be said to be his nephews staged a coup and led their own forces in the northern part of his domain, bordering with Liu Biao.
The sudden uprising by Shi Wu and Shi Hui caught Shi Xi off guard, he never expected that his own clan members would of something like this, the Shi Clan could rise because of him and this is how his own family repays him by betraying him.
Shi Xie immediately held an emergency council meeting at his capital, to discuss countermeasures for handling Shi Wu and Shi Hui's betrayal, since both of them declared Independence as their own separate forces.
Shi Xie: "Those bastards!? How could they repay the life favor that I made for the Shi Clan by betraying me?! All of you tell me what plan you have for me to handle these insolent bastards!"
Zhang Min: "My Lord please calm down, Shi Wu and Shi Hui's sudden uprising is a very weird and tricky matter, I think there's someone behind the two of them or people that influence them to do so."
Shi Xin: "Father I think what Master Zhang Min said is correct, Brother Hui and Brother Wu would never do this out of their own conviction, there must be someone behind them or at least influence them to do so."
Shi Xie: "Humph! I don't care if there are people behind them or if they were influenced by someone, the facts are the two of them choose to betray the Shi Clan! I called all of you there not to speculate, but to give me a plan of action!"
Shi Yi: "Big Brother I have a plan! We should mobilize our army to the border of the domain controlled by Shi Hui and Shi Wu, bolstering our defenses there so as not to let the two of them have the upper hand in attacking us first."
Zhang Min: "I think what General Shi Yi suggested is a good plan, may I add something where we should also collect all the supplies in My Lord's domain because I suggest that we let Shi Hui and Shi Wu attack us first exhausting their supplies and manpower."
Shi Xi: "Alright then let's do what Shi Yi and Zhang Min suggested, Shi Zi you go with Shi Xin to collect the supplies across our domain while Shi Yi and Zhang Min the two of you prepare our army to head out!"
Everyone present immediately cupped their hand receiving Shi Xie's order, leaving the hall to do the assignment that was just given to them by Shi Xi, while Shi Xie looked out on the horizon through the window at the hall.
While Shi Xie's army is in preparation to head out under Shi Yi and Zhang Min's leadership, Shi Xin and Shi Zhi head out with an elite unit to collect the supplies across Shi Xie's domain, at Shi Hui and Shi Wu's respective capital something similar happens.
If Zhang Min and Shi Xin saw this happening with their own eyes, they would realize that their suspicion was true because there was someone who influenced Shi Hui and Shi Wu to lead an uprising against Shi Xie.
Shi Hui takes control of the North Western Part of Jiaozhi Province, while Shi Wu takes control of the North Eastern Part of Jiaozhi Province booth bordering Liu Biao to the north at Jing Province.
The people who influenced them were Oriole members who were sent by Jia Xu without Lie Fan and Xu Kai's knowledge, Jia Xu felt that Shi Xie would grow too strong let alone in Jiaozhi Province without any conflict that could reduce his resources and strength.
So he sent Oriole members to infiltrate Shi Xi's ranks to identify someone they could influence, and after around 2 years of service there the Orioles managed to identify Shi Hui and Shi Wu.
Jia Xu received the report from Oriole he sent there, and knowing that there was a weakness that he could exploit, he ordered the Oriole members to get close respectively to Shi Hui and Shi Wu to influence them slowly and had them lead an uprising against Shi Xie, creating their own domain over the land that Shi Xie assigned them to oversee in his name.
Name: Lie Fan
Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu
Age: 27 (194 AD)
Level: 15
Next Level: 938.000
Renown: 645
Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)
SP: 571.700
STR: 906 (+20)
VIT: 598 (+20)
AGI: 583 (+10)
INT: 587
CHR: 93
WIS: 509
WILL: 397
ATR Points: 0
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Jia Xu received the report from Oriole he sent there, and knowing that there was a weakness that he could exploit, he ordered the Oriole members to get close respectively to Shi Hui and Shi Wu to influence them slowly and had them lead an uprising against Shi Xie, creating their domain over the land that Shi Xie assigned them to oversee in his name.
After a few years of hard work, the Orioles finally managed to Persuade both Shi Wu and Shi Hui to mutiny against Shi Xie and had the two of them ally with each other to face off against Shi Xie.
Jia Xu hadn't received the news yet from the Oriole in Jiaozhi Province due to the distance between their location, but the Oriole in Jiaozhi Province had sent a letter to Jia Xu to inform him that the plan had succeeded.
Shi Wu and Shi Hui who had successfully been influenced by the Orioles are now preparing their army and supplies to attack Shi Xie, they had considered having an alliance with Liu Biao or Sun Jian but the plan was put to the shelf after the Orioles were.
If Liu Biao or Sun Jian entered the landscape it would change the whole setup made by Jia Xu and the Oriole, to exhaust the resources and manpower that Shi Xie had so he wouldn't grow too strong, not feeding Liu Biao and Sun Jian more territories.
So Jiaozhi Province which was at peace for a long time, even during the Yellow Turbans Uprising and Alliance Against Doing Zhuo was peaceful, now it had entered its own chapter of war, Shi Clan Civil War.
The other Lords of the land still don't know about what happened in Jiaozhi Province, except for Lie Fan who will be informed by Jia Xu in the near future after the letter from Oriole reaches his hand.
Back at the situation in Yang Province, Lu Jun and Sheng Xian who were leading their elite unit toward Yan Baihu's location, saw Chen Mu and Yan Baihu who were leading their unit battling each other.
Lu Jun wasn't shocked about what happened before his eyes, because he knew that Chen Mu was one of the few people whom Lie Fan had planted to support Yan Baihu's rise, and then overthrew his rule in Wu County.
On the other hand, Sheng Xian doesn't know about that so he is shocked by what he sees, but considering that it is a situation that he and Lu Jun could take advantage of, he is pleased that Yan Baihu has another enemy to face off, the enemy of an enemy is our friend so they say.
Chen Mu and Yan Baihu who were battling each other leading their unit, don't discover Lu Jun and Sheng Xian's presence because they are too focused on battling each other, Chen Mu to survive while Yan Baihu to avenge his brother.
Yan Baihu: "Chen Mu You Bastard! I trust to and give you a high position in my army, and this is how to repay Me?! By betraying me and killing my Brother?!"
Chen Mu: "Are You dreaming Yan Baihu?! Haha without me and Xu Gong's support, you are nothing but a bandit who's dreaming of becoming a Lord! And what have you down since becoming a Lord at Wu huh?! Nothing by enriching yourself and your gang!"
Yan Baihu: "You?! I'm the Wise King of East Wu! Those people will live a better life if they give all of their ruches to me and in return, I will protect and guide them to a better future!"
Chen Mu: "Hah! You're delusional and crazy, even Zhang Jiao leader of the Yellow Turbans preaches much more convincing words than your so-called title of "Wise King", I'm sure many people laugh out loud inside their hearts when you call yourself like that, but don't worry I will send you to the underworld to meet your brother so you will not embarrass yourself anymore."
Yan Baihu: "Ahh!!! Chen Mu I will Kill You and let you meet My Brother in the underworld to appease him!'
Lu Jun: "Yan Baihu come and receive my spear to wannabe King!"
Sheng Xian: "Haha Yan Baihu you would never expect to see me here now right, let me give you a taste of defeat myself!"
When Yan Baihu lets out a loud shout wanting to kill Chen Mu, raising his spear to stab Chen Mu and Chen Mu preparing to defend himself against the attack, Lu Jun and Sheng Xian ride toward Yan Baihu disturbing the battle between Chen Mu and Yan Baihu.
The sudden appearance of Lu Jun and Sheng Xian there Yan Baihu off guard, allowing Chen Mu to take advantage of the situation and use his glaive to slice Yan Baihu in the torso, injuring Yan Baihu.
Caught off guard by Chen Mu's attack, Yan Baihu tries to return Chen Mu's attack with his own, trying to stab Chen Mu in the abdomen but unfortunately for him, Lu Jun and Sheng Xian reached Yan Baihu and at the same time attacked Yan Baihu from behind.
Lu Jun used his glaive to slice Yan Baihu's neck, while Sheng Xian used his spear to stab Yan Baihu's back, Yan Baihu who was stabbed in the back let out a grunt of pain and suddenly felt his scenery spin so fast before stopping.
Yan Baihu sees Sheng Xian take out his spear from his back, his body falls from his horse, and Lu Jun approaches him before everything turns dark for him forever, not realizing that he is dead until the end.
Lu Jun takes Yan Baihu's head and raises it high in the air, demanding all of Yan Baihu's soldiers to put down their weapons and surrender, if they do so their lives will be spared.
Yan Baihu's men who saw Yan Baihu'd head were shocked, their Lord had been slain and now his head was shown to intimidate them, and it was working.
80% of Yan Baihu's men consisted of former Bandits, thugs, and criminals so when they saw that Yan Baihu was dead, they immediately put their weapons down and surrendered to Lu Jun and Sheng Xian.
While the rest either ran away or continued fighting, but managed to be quelled by both Lu Jun and Sheng Xian's men. This marked the end of Yan Baihu's shirt reign at Wu County and will be remembered as the catalyst that caused Liu Yao's downfall as well.
Yan Baihu's men were around 80,000 men, after the brutal battle between Yan Baihu and Sheng Xian previously, around 20,000 men died so the remaining men were around 60,000 men, and after this battle, there were only 30,000 men left.
Chen Mu led 5,000 of these men and immediately joined Lu Jun's side after the end of the battle, the remaining 25,000 men were split evenly between Lu Jun and Sheng Xian receiving 12,500 men each.
Lu Jun and Sheng Xian then ordered their men to take a rest and keep an eye on the prisoners, after the long battle Sheng Xian also threw his army a feast which Lu Jun and his army were invited to join.
Thinking that a feast was a great idea to raise morale and for his men to refresh their spirit, Lu Jun agreed and donated some of his army supplies for the feast.
In the evening, Lu Jun and Sheng Xian's men were drinking and eating together merrily, while at Sheng Xian's command tent, the atmosphere was somber where only Lu Jun and Sheng Xian drinking together, while their retainers were looking at each other with caution.
Lu Jun and Sheng Xian don't care about the situation between their men, they are drinking wine and eating food while talking merrily, at one point Sheng Xian suddenly says to Lu Jun that he wants to meet with Lie Fan.
Lu Jun who heard this asked Sheng Xian why he wanted to meet with Lie Fan, and Sheng Xian answered by saying that he would like to have an alliance with Lie Fan and that's why he wanted to see him.
Hearing that it was a matter of diplomacy between the two forces, Lu Jun didn't want to do anything out of line since it was not his duty, so he agreed to escort him to Lie Fan who was staying at Wu.
Some of Sheng Xian's generals and advisors immediately objected to Sheng Xian going to Wu, they felt that it was not safe for Sheng Xian to go personally so they suggested that he send someone else in his stead.
Sheng Xian raises his hand and all of his retainers that objected immediately quiet down, he then agrees to follow Lu Jun heading back to Wu under one condition that he can bring his army alongside him.
Lu Jun immediately agrees with that condition, and his retainer doesn't object to Lu Jun agreeing with Sheng Xian's condition, because Sheng Xian Army compared to the Army Lie Fan lead himself is just like comparing ants to elephants.
After the feast ended, everyone returned back to their tents to take a rest, the next morning Lu Jun and Sheng Xian after making sure that their Army was ready, marched toward Wu together.
At Wu, Lie Fan and his army have just finished consolidating his control over Wu County, cleansing it of corrupt officials, bandits, and criminals who roamed around freely thanks to Yan Baihu.
Right now he is in Wu's Governor Castle where he is in a meeting with Jia Xu and Xun You, discussing about two letters that they received almost simultaneously.
Jia Xu: "My Lord I have just received 2 different letters almost at the same time from the Orioles, the first letter's content is about Shi Xie and Jiaozhi Province while the second letter's content is about Yan Baihu and Sheng Xian."
Lie Fan: "Okay, tell me about the letter concerning Baihu's first, after that, you can tell me about the second letter."
Xun You: "Yes My Lord. The letter concerning Yan Baihu and Sheng Xian is filled with the report that Lu Jun and Sheng Xian worked together to defeat Yan Baihu, Chen Mu who was one of our spies can be said that turn on Yan Baihu, allowing the two of them to take advantage and now is heading to Wu because Sheng Xian's want to meet you My Lord."
Lie Fan: "I see, it's good that Lu Jun can use Sheng Xian to reduce the amount of casualties in his army, and since Sheng Xian is coming to Wu to meet me that means there is something he wanted to discuss with me, next letter."
Jia Xu: "Let me explain the second letter, My Lord, looks like there are two uprisings happening in Jiaozhi Province at the same time, Shi Xie's nephews Shi Wu and Shi Hui each take over some counties in the Northern Part of Jiaozhi Province, now they each led their own force and have allied themselves with each other to take on Shi Xie."
Lie Fan who heard the news was surprised, he didn't expect Shi Xi's force to implode this year, he knew that either Shi Wu or Shi Hui would separate themselves from Shi Xie at around 200 AD.
Jia Xu who saw how surprised Lie Fan was, told Lie Fan about how he was the mastermind behind this happening in Jiaozhi Province because he felt that Shi Xie would grow too strong in terms of manpower and supplies due to how peaceful his area is so he orchestrated for this to happen several years ago.
Name: Lie Fan
Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu
Age: 27 (194 AD)
Level: 15
Next Level: 938.000
Renown: 645
Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)
SP: 571.700
STR: 906 (+20)
VIT: 598 (+20)
AGI: 583 (+10)
INT: 587
CHR: 93
WIS: 509
WILL: 397
ATR Points: 0
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