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27.77% We are Remaking / Chapter 5: Monday, School Day

Kapitel 5: Monday, School Day

The sun shone brightly as morning arrived... (Do I have to write how people wake up every time? They woke up nibba, what are you expecting...)

Gabriel and Peter had to get up early today, as they had to get dressed and attend to school.

Gabriel went inside the bathroom and closed the door, before he leaned close to the mirror and closely inspected his long and spiky hair, causing his other self to ask in a curious tone;

[What are you planning to do, Gabriel?]

"...Just a sudden idea... You'll see soon enough, so just watch closely..."

To his question, Gabriel just smirked and said as he held a few strands of his spiky brown hair with his thumb and index finger, before he placed the same fingers of his other hand on his strands of hair as he slowly pulled back his fingers towards the tip of his strands.

As Gabriel was pulling his fingers back, the fingers left a silver trail of color on the places where the fingers passed from, causing Gabriel's previously all brown hair to have a couple strands of silver color. (If you are wondering; [oh my god what a coincidence, he looks just like how he would in his previous life.]... My answer to those thoughts; [Gabriel only lost his memories, meaning that his taste of style and any other characteristics that he used to have are still the same].)

Seeing this, his other self spoke in an approving tone;

[Creative indeed. I did not think that you would use our ability to alter the color of our body in such a way.]

"How could I not? This is so much easier than struggling to dye my hair for half an hour! Plus, it makes us look even more of a badass..." Gabriel chuckled before he replied in a satisfied manner before he exited the bathroom and headed back inside his room.

Peter, who was in the middle of dressing up, noticed the change of color on Gabriel's hair and asked with a surprised tone;

"I thought that aunt May forbade you from dying your hair?"

"Well, you know how the saying goes, Parker...<Rummage around inside the cupboard for clothes>... Rules are meant to be broken~" Gabriel said as he mischievously grinned, before he suddenly exclaimed in delight as he pulled out his leather jacket out of the cupboard.

Peter then sighed in a tired manner as he adorned his big glasses after he wore his blue t-shirt and tucked it under his gray pants. He then grabbed his green hoodie before he swiftly put it on. He looked like a classic hardworking student, unlike his cousin...

Gabriel wore his red shirt under his black jacket and slowly wore his cargo pants which had a small chain adornment attached onto one of it's pocket. He then turned towards a small cupboard before he rummaged around a drawer or two before he exclaimed as he quickly picked up a pair of silver earrings up and adorned them on his ears.

The duo then grabbed their individual bags and headed downstairs. While they were walking down, Gabriel notified his cousin;

"Ah by the way, we seem to be a little bit late than our usual schedule it seems..."

To this Peter just gave a slightly annoyed expression as he retorted in a sarcastic tone;

"I wonder why? Maybe it's because of my cousin who lazily wore his stupid pants and searched for a pair of annoying earrings. Or it might be because that he took his sweet time to dye his hair instead of getting ready?"

To Peter's accusations, Gabriel lifted his hands up as he said in his defense;

"Hey man, don't blame it on the earrings. Plus It took almost no time for me to dye my hair! ...Ugh, tell you what, let's leave quickly and I'll buy us some food on our way?"

"Fine, but it better not be chocolate croissants!"

Peter said with a tired yet serious tone as he followed behind Gabriel.

To his comment, Gabriel opened up his arms while he continued walking in a fast pace as he said;

"W-what do you have against chocolate croissants, man!? They are delicious."

Peter stopped walking and turned towards Gabriel with a deadpan expression before he slowly spoke;

"You ALWAYS buy chocolate croissants when we are late. And every single croissant, I repeat EVERY. SINGLE. croissant that you bought were past the expiration date!"

Gabriel's face took a surprised expression, but he knew that Peter was right...

"Uhh.. Hmm.. B-but, it was... School! Yes school, we have to go to school, Parker!"

Gabriel mumbled around, but could not find anything good to say or get a comeback, so he grabbed Peter by the shoulder and pulled him towards the door as he nervously smiled while speaking in a righteous tone.

"Where are you kids going, you two didn't even have breakfa-

"Sorry mother, we kinda got late for school!"

May asked towards the two, but was cut mid-sentence by Gabriel as the teenager duo opened up the door.

"Alright then, be carefu- Wait.. Gabriel, did you dye your ha-

"Can't talk, we gotta go, Love you~!" <Slam>!

May asked in a shocked and a somewhat mad tone while Gabriel interrupted her once more before he slammed the door shut.

After the duo were out of the house, Gabriel started to run towards the local market while Peter had no choice but to run behind him.

When they arrived at the market, Gabriel stretched his body as he groaned while Peter who had just caught up to Gabriel was panting intensely. Seeing this, Gabriel told Peter to exercise more often, which resulted in the former receiving a middle finger from the latter.

-After Buying A Pair of Chocolate Croissants-

Peter bit onto the Croissant as he angrily looked towards Gabriel while he walked next to him, possibly cursing at him inside of his mind due to having to eat expired croissants for breakfast once again. Gabriel however had already stuffed his face with his share of croissants, and was currently licking his hands in sheer pleasure of the taste of the almighty croissant.

Seeing his happy expression, Peter gulped the croissant in his mouth before he gave a tired sigh and said;

"You know that May is going to kill you when we get back, don't you?"

Gabriel, who was walking with his hands behind his head casually looked sideways with a carefree expression as he answered;

"I know. That's why I bought those expired croissants in order to make your day worse as well."

Hearing this, Peter lashed at Gabriel for his evil ruse and plain expression as the latter just laughed at his cousin's suffering and leaned to the sides to avoid his nerd-punches.

The duo bickered and argued for a bit before they quickly made up and started talking about various things and subjects until they arrived in front of their school gates.

Inside the school grounds, various students could be seen walking around while some students were talking with each other while others just had some fun.

"Ah, the sweet Midtown High School! With 10 minutes to spare, if I might add!" Gabriel exclaimed in an exaggerated manner as he breathed in the air.

"It's somewhat cheap and big enough." Peter added casually as he opened up his arms.

"Pfft! cheap for them, not us, baby-face!"

Gabriel then said in a joking manner as he placed his arm around Peter's shoulders while the duo casually entered through the school gates.

At first, Gabriel was not even attending to Midtown High due to his family's financial problems, and he had willingly given the chance to attend such a decent school to Peter, because he knew that his cousin was extremely smart and deserved to have a good and stable educational life. But when he learned that Peter was getting bullied and shunned out, Gabriel did his best to earn some money by doing some "work" and managed to convince his parents to let him attend together along with Peter.

Also Gabriel does not wish to reveal, but in one of his "works", he had received a scar that started from his right eye, all the way down the side of his face. When his family saw this, they were extremely worried and concerned about him, causing Gabriel to brush off the incident as a "bike accident". Gabriel then quit his "job" and decided to search for some other work which was "safer". (Anyways, back to the story. P.S. You'll never know the story about what really happened, bwahaha!)

The duo entered the school building and were walking in the hallways towards their class while having some casual talk, but suddenly, a voice loudly called out towards Peter;

"Hey look, It's Par- <gasp>!"

But as the owner of the voice spoke, it quickly noticed the person standing next to Peter as the owner of that voice exclaimed in shock.

Hearing this, Peter and Gabriel turned around to see none other than Flash Thompson and Kong, his right hand man, along with some other students that had been attracted towards Flash's sudden shout.

Peter's expression turned into one of annoyance, while Gabriel's carefree expression changed into one of anger and intimidation as he slowly walked towards Flash.

Seeing Gabriel walk towards Flash, other students that were attracted towards the previous shout quickly backed off towards the walls, leaving the middle of the corridor empty, and only leaving Peter, Gabriel, Flash and Kong in the middle of the corridor.

Gabriel harshly held Flash from his shoulder, which caused a weak yelp to come out from the latter's mouth before Gabriel leaned in and sternly asked with an intimidating tone;

"Wassup, Thompson? You were sayin' something, weren't you? Go on and finish it...I'll wait." His last sentence caused everyone who heard him to have a shiver down their spines as they looked towards Flash with a hint of pity.

Flash might be the most popular guy and the top dog in the school, and he might be pretty skilled in sports such as football thanks to his athletic body, but if he were to be compared to Gabriel, then it would literally be like comparing a cute little puppy to a violent and hungry wolf. And Flash was well aware of that fact...


As one time, while Flash and his group were bullying Parker like how they usually do, Gabriel had suddenly appeared and pushed Flash aside, causing even more of a disturbance as almost every student heard about the situation between the cool-looking new kid and Flash.

At the time, Flash did not personally know Gabriel, and once they learned that he was Parker's cousin, they automatically labeled the new kid just like they did to Peter. Gabriel angrily grinned and told Flash to man up and back that courage up after school, causing the spectators to gasp and exclaim in surprise as Flash was known to be the most strong and athletic person in the whole school. The spectators then had various reactions, some went wild, some gossiped, some prayed for the new kids's safety and so on...

Flash haughtily accepted the invitation. And after school, almost the whole population of the students gathered around the chosen place, which was not that far from the school grounds.

Then inside the circle of students, Gabriel calmly stood there in a carefree manner with his black leather jacket and his hands in the pockets of his cargo pants as Flash walked up to him as he tried to intimidate Gabriel with verbal insults and physical show.

To this, Gabriel simply grinned with a provoking expression(remember that he always looks sinister, whether he wants to or not) as he flipped Flash off, causing the latter to quickly walk towards the former before Flash punched Gabriel on the face in a hard manner, causing the latter to bend slightly backwards.

Seeing this, a satisfied smile appeared on Flash's face as his gang sneered at Gabriel while some of the crowd started to cheer. But it all quickly turned into silence as Gabriel slowly rose up before he slightly leaned forwards before he wiped off the slight blood on his face as he spoke in a scary manner;

"<Chuckle>...Thank you sir, would you like another?" as he had a sinister and grinning expression.

Seeing his grinning and wild expression, Flash subconsciously took a step back before he realized Gabriel's weird question, which caused him and his gang to chuckle before all of the crowd had started making fun of the weird comment.

"Hahaha, Another one? Flash must have hit him so hard that his brain must have malfunctioned!"

"I know right, Puehahhaa!"

"He thinks he's some cool shit, too bad he'll get his mug adjusted by Flash!"

"What the f*ck is that guy is even talking about? He thinks he's cool but in reality he is about to get wrecked!"

"Tch, that's what you get for dressing up like that, you edgy clown..."

As the crowd was making fun of Gabriel, Flash took a step as he pointed towards Gabriel while he held his stomach in laughter.

"Puahahah, You are as much as weird as your cousin, you know that? Plus you jackass, It's ''Thank you sir, may I have another?'' Even your nerdy cousin would know about it!"

Gabriel then grinned in satisfaction even more, which gave off a sinister vibe caused by his shrunk pupils as he spoke in a hoarse tone;

"With pleasure!"

As soon as he spoke, Gabriel's body jolted forwards as he suddenly closed up on Flash! Gabriel then spun around quickly before he jabbed his fist onto Flash's cheek, downwards, and p.r.e.t.t.y. hard!


Flash blurted out as his head quickly slammed onto the cold ground in a harsh manner, causing everybody present to have a deadpan expression for a second, causing the place to be silent as the only noise that was currently present was the noise of Flash's squeal and the sound of the impact of the hard punch echoing around the air...

Then suddenly, the whole crowd exclaimed in shock as they went wild. They stared at Gabriel that was standing tall, and Flash's unconscious body that laid on the ground. The scenery was too hard to accept, as it took a while to process everything that had happened.

Finally realizing what had happened, different emotions spread across the crowd as Flash's gang step up towards Gabriel before they rush him with a 4 man team.

I will not get into extra detail anymore, but know that Gabriel quite basically destroys the "4 man team" without much of a struggle, leaving all of them with a few scars for reminders of these good and joyous memories. (Keep in mind that Gabriel was unable to communicate with Venom at that time.)

Gabriel then walked away from Flash and his friends and towards the worried Peter that was "trying" to see Flash fighting against his cousin. The crowd opened up like the red sea as Gabriel walked towards their direction, causing Peter to exclaim in surprise before he ran towards Gabriel with a concerned expression.

Gabriel assured Peter that he was alright and that he barely managed to save his hide, which caused countless students to look towards Gabriel with expressions full of Disbelief and Doubt as they possibly were thinking "What ''barely''!? You literally decorated the ground with Flash and his group!"

The expression of the crowd went even more shocked as Peter easily believed Gabriel's bullshit, causing them to exclaim in shock and surprise.

Gabriel had guessed that Flash was way too haughty to leave things as it is. So Gabriel acted smart, as he had chosen a location where a few security cameras were present, which recorded that Flash was the first person to throw the punch, meaning that if Flash were to try anything that would include the laws, then he would be on the losing side of the deal. So when Gabriel and Peter were about to leave ,Gabriel turned back one last time and coldly threatened Flash that if he were to sue Gabriel, then he would definitely lose the case, along with all of his remaining face.

-Flashback End-

"N-no... I-I was just..." Flash mumbled around in a scared tone as he subconsciously took a step back.

This caused slight chattering to happen around the spectators, before suddenly Harry Osborn (Whom had the haircut from "The Amazing Spider-man" movie) walked in between the two as he said;

"Calm down you two, school hasn't even began and you two just start to bicker around..." with a passive tone which aimed to calm them down as he held out his arms in a posture to separate the two.

In response, Gabriel made a dissatisfied expression as he sternly said;

"Bite me, Osborn."

Before he turned away and continued walking towards his class, with Peter in quick pursuit.

Gabriel did not like Harry from the moment he met him. You could say that Gabriel had an eye for people. He could intuit who a person really was in various ways, be it sight, smell or just instinct and guess. And it was safe to say that Gabriel did not get any good vibes from Harry Osborn, at all.

To Gabriel's harsh comment, Harry just lightly chuckled as he backed away while scratching the back of his head before he turned towards Flash and whispered something in an angry tone...

-In class-

The class was science, which both Peter and Gabriel enjoyed. Peter because he was a science nerd, and Gabriel because he loved to stare into a single spot before he unknowingly drifted off towards his dreamland as the teacher explains and teaches various subjects.





Out of nowhere, while Gabriel had drifted off into his dreamland, he suddenly hears Peter exclaim and shout!

"Wah- Whash?! Whash's goin on, Pehter!?"

This causes Gabriel to jolt back in panic as he quickly turns towards Peter in a worried yet sleepy manner.

Gabriel's sudden behavior and exclamation would normally cause the entire classroom to turn their focus upon himself, but currently the whole classroom was standing up and cheering.

Peter then quickly grabbed the sleepy yet scared Gabriel by the shoulders as he shook Gabriel while he spoke with an excited tone;

"Did you hear that Gabriel? We are going on a school trip at the Ozcorp Science Faculty, this Friday! How cool is that, right!?"

Gabriel looked towards Peter with a tired yet worried expression that soon turned into realization as he asked with a cracked voice;


He then looked around towards the hyped class before he slowly turned back towards Peter. The two interlocked their gazes for some time and just stared towards each other... before Gabriel exclaimed in realization;

"Wha- Oh my god, are you serious!? You scream like that for something like a school trip?" as he gripped Parker's shirt with a slightly angry tone.

[Unbelievable...] Gabriel's other self commented.

This surprised Gabriel as he commented in a slightly surprised tone;

"Hey, didn't hear from you for a while, man."

[It's because I did not want us to look like an idiot while we talked with ourselves...] His other replied as Gabriel's attention shifted back towards the wondering Peter that was staring at him.

"Umm Gabriel, what do you mean?" Peter asked in a confused manner.

This caused Gabriel to cough and exclaim in understanding as he gave a nervous laughter before he answered;

"W-well, you see... I've beeen... YES, I've been sleeping for a while, so It's been a while since we spoke!" before he scratched the back of his head along with a nervous laughter.

"Ooookaay... Anyways, we should definitely attend to that school trip! It's gonna be awesome, you hear me?!" Peter said as his tone changed from an awkward one to an enthusiastic kind.

Gabriel quickly realized that the "Ozcorp Science Faculty" belonged to Harry's father, which made him feel somewhat tense and agitated. Going to the school trip would make him feel like he would be entering a lion's den.

"What, pffft... We ain't going to somewhere boring like that, right Pete?..." Gabriel quickly shrugged off.

This caused Peter to get annoyed and disappointed before he continuously bickered at Gabriel for hours and hours. At some point Peter even started to practically beg until Gabriel, whom was enjoying his food in the cafeteria could not take it anymore and accepted his pleas, albeit not willingly.

Hearing that Gabriel agreed to come to the Science Faculty along with him caused Peter to get overjoyed as he jumped around in joy before he blushed intensely and quickly sat down as he realized that he was still inside the public cafeteria.

While Peter was in his own world, Gabriel was having a little chat;

"Are you really sure about this?" Gabriel asked in a whisper.

[Do you really think that Peter won't be safe while he is with us?] His other replied in a haughty tone.

This caused Gabriel to sigh a breath while he scratched the back of his head as he said;

"No... I guess you are right..."

[Of course I am... Now, less talking and MORE eating!] His other spoke in an excited and hoarse tone.

"<Lick>... Roger that!"

Gabriel happily complied as he quickly swept his whole tray with his drooling mouth before he got up in order to get more seconds while Peter buried his face onto his chicken sandwich...

After their lunch, the duo attended the rest of their classes like usual until the bell rang with the rhythm of freedom, indicating that school had came to an end.

LordAinzSama LordAinzSama

I kind of added the scar thing because I thought that Diego would look better with scars. But If you guys did not like the idea, then I can just scrap it away, so just tell me in the comments!

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