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74.37% Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan / Chapter 209: I'm your antitesis

Kapitel 209: I'm your antitesis









After several seconds the fight between Gohan and Cell continued...









Turning into a completely one-way combat in which only Gohan attacked ...

Or rather, he was the only one allowed to attack





What the hell is happening?

Why can't I crush this brat!?] Cell thought as he defended himself from Gohan's incessant assault, which kept hitting him over and over again without him being able to counterattack

From time to time, when Gohan would stop for a few tenths of a second to take a breath to hit him again without respite Cell tried to get revenge for the humiliation



Once again his fist was unable to reach Gohan's expressionless face, who seemed to be staring at an inanimate punching bag [Why? Why am I again unable to ...]






And once again Gohan continued with his beating, cutting off that reflection with a punch to the chin.

"DAMN!" cried out at Cell helplessly as he defended himself like an armadillo from Gohan's incessant blows.






[Fall down at once, monster] Gohan thought as he sped up the pace at which he hit Cell

There was no doubt ...

Gohan was completely dominating combat, if this could even be called combat...


It was more of a training match against a CPU that was prohibited from attacking Player 1

Something that aroused the optimism of the spectators

Optimism that until a few seconds ago did not even exist

"He can win ...


Gohan can win!" Trunks yelled with great enthusiasm as he saw that his young sensei was achieving what his future self could not achieve.


Something that filled everyone with joy and hope






Unlike Cell, who was only beaten, bled, vomited blood, writhed in pain, regenerated and was hit again...

And above all he cursed the situation in which he found himself while suffering the greatest humiliation of his short life

It was frustrating ...

It was incomprehensible ...



AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Cell screamed as he tried to unleash an energy blast around his body to push Gohan away from him

An attack that to everyone's surprise ...




[Hey? Why?

Why now have I been able to attack?

What's going on?] Cell thought in amazement as he realized that he hadn't been completely disabled.

[This is bad ...] Gohan thought, who flew towards Cell to attack with even more fury than before

"Die!" Yelled Cell, who pointed his finger at Gohan with the intention of shooting a death beam at his head as he blindly advanced towards him.



Cell was unable to fire Frieza's attack, instead of him it was Gohan who hit him hard on the head


Why before could I and now not?

Where is the trick?] Cell thought as he tried to perform the attack that was previously successful but not now...



But once again he was unable to attack and it was Gohan, who was able to take advantage of that opening.

[Here's something strange ...

There are attacks that work and others that don't ...

Why?] Cell thought as he used all his neurons to unravel this great mystery and defend himself from Gohan's assault.


Meanwhile, inside Bulma's barrier...

"Oh no…

Cell was able to attack!" Piccolo yelled with great scaremongering like Muten Roshi, who was just as worried as he

And this was something that Bulma didn't quite understand "Why are you so alarmed ...

He's only been lucky once ...

You don't see it, Gohan has attacked him again in a unidirectional way"

"Bulma ...

If he has been able to attack once, he may be able to do it a second time ...

It has our cells and has shown considerable intelligence

It is possible that ... he will end up discovering what Gohan's trick is" Muten Roshi answered by explaining to non-combatants and combatants with little experience the consequences of this tiny setback

"Yes but ...

Gohan has an absolute advantage, he has been hitting him nonstop for more than a minute.

Even if he finds out the secret andcan start attacking correctly, he'll be in worse shape than Gohan" Trunks said, who agreed with his mother.

Gohan was giving him a brutal beating, it was common sense that go up that was practically impossible

However after hearing the different arguments Bulma, disagreed with Trunks "No ...

Piccolo and Roshi are right ...

This does not look good"

"Why?" Trunks asked as if he were an anime character that only existed to ask questions that served to clarify possible doubts from less intuitive viewers

"If Gohan was fighting other bloodthirsty enemie this strategy might work, but…

He faces Cell...

A guy who can regenerate even after his body explodes, who has unlimited energy, incredible physical stamina, able to survive the vacuum of space and who can survive even if he is sliced into a thousand pieces ...

Gohan cannot win in a battle of resistance against that monster" Piccolo said, cursing that in part his Namekian survival abilities were harming his godson and the world in this way

"That's right, Gohan knows ...

That's why he's giving everything to knock him out as soon as possible" Muten Roshi said as he watched as Gohan attacked with greater speed than before, without properly managing his energy reserves to have a multi-round combat.

"It's true…

Regardless of Broly's technique, Gohan is using the Kaioken continuously, he does not have infinite Senzu beans and he cannot always have the luxury of eating one in the middle of combat

Especially if Cell starts attacking" Trunks said, beginning to recognize that the situation was worse than he had imagined ...

"That's why we can't assume that Gohan has the upper hand at any point…

It's more…

Do we even know if this guy can get knocked out?" Muten Roshi said, that despite how precarious this situation was, in a certain way he liked being able to share his experience with the youngest

"He can be completely regenerated from its core automatically…

It would not be unreasonable for him to be biologically incapable of losing consciousness

If I had more information about him I could determine it, unfortunately Gero did not complete it due to the imminent threat of Broly

So… we are blank…" Bulma replied, regretting not having investigated further that project temporarily discarded in her present

"That would be the worst scenario of all

Gohan couldn't use his ultimate ability to turn Cell into a harmless puppy…" Piccolo replied, who loved and feared that ability at the same time

"So his only viable alternative is to pressure Cell until he can completely destroy him with a final attack?" Bulma asked to be sure that she had understood the only paths to victory they had left

"If Cell is not able to pass out ...

Yes ... that would be the only possibility ...

But knowing Gohan ... he probably won't go for that strategy ...

Unless he looks totally desperate" Piccolo replied, concerned about the possible decisions that Gohan could make, when he could make them… and if he dared to


You're right" Trunks said, that apart from Piccolo he was the one who knew Gohan best, despite being another Gohan. That is why he shared part of that concern

In the past he made decisions that put him too much in danger to make sure his friends lived ...

Would he make a decision like that again?

"Right now Gohan has the whole world on his shoulders

He has to be completely sure of his success in trying to kill him.

If he launches his deadly attack but Cell survives and by regenerating he becomes stronger ...

Game over…" Muten Roshi said, giving his final verdict on the strategy of killing Cell when he appears to be distracted.

"But if he continues with the strategy of knocking him out and knocking him out, it's impossible ...

We're screwed too" Bulma said, expressing in the most subtle way possible that none of the alternatives they had was entirely safe.

And that failure in any of those options only meant one thing

The end of the world ... and possibly the whole universe ...


Gohan… cheer up "Trunks said as he looked with concern and resignation at the legendary combat that was taking place before his eyes.

A fight in which he would not be able to do anything except becoming an hindrance like everyone else who was there


While Trunks, Bulma, Muten Roshi and Piccolo discussed Gohan's chances of victory and defeat ... Gohan and Cell continued fighting fiercely









And even though Gohan was still the one with the upper hand in this confrontation ...





Cell was starting to get the hang of this strange curse

"I see…

I don't know exactly how you did it, but the key is not having the intention to kill when attacking right? " Cell asked with arrogance and satisfaction as he continued to dodge, block, receive Gohan's attacks.

And for the first time in a long time ... hit his enemy





"..." However Gohan did not answer anything

He just kept attacking and defending from Cell's attacks as if his enemy hadn't been asked anything.

However, that silence did not make Cell angry or uncomfortable, on the contrary, it was the confirmation that his hypothesis was true, something that filled him with pride and satisfaction. "I see ...

You will not answer, but it is not necessary ...

And if I'm not mistaken, this ability also affects you

You also have to attack without the intention of killing"





"..." And once again Gohan didn't answer, he didn't even change his facial expression

It was as if he didn't care if he had discovered his secret at all, or at the very least as if it didn't affect him.

"In your first attack you clearly tried to kill me.

But in the following ones there was not a hint of murderous intent ... unlike each and every one of my attacks

And all those attacks failed for one reason or another…

However, the energy blast from before was not intended to kill you, but to drive you away from me.

And that did work

Curious right?" Cell said more arrogantly than before as he increased the rate at which he successfully attacked his enemy






But Gohan still didn't answer

And even though Cell tried not to show it, he was beginning to feel very annoyed at having the sensation of talking to a wall "It's a somewhat strange and annoying ability ...

Too annoying ... just like you ...

It is incredibly difficult and irritating for me to attack without killing intent, especially you, the biggest annoyance I have encountered so far ...

But I will take it as a challenge..."





"..." And Gohan continued to ignore Cell, as if he only wanted hit Cell and nothing more

And this lack of attention and interest was driving the egocentric green monster crazy, who not only wanted to be heard and answered to, he also wanted to see the reactions of his enemies become bitter due to the possibility of being defeat ... and he was not experiencing any of that in this combat… and couldn't stand it "Tell me…

What do you plan to do now?

Sooner or later I'll get used to this curse and we'll be even

However, I can regenerate myself, I am more resistant than a simple Saiyan like you and my energy is unlimited

My victory is guaranteed at that rate

What will happen when you pass out?

Will your curse lose its effect and then could I kill you?

What if you were able to defeat me without killing me?


And with that sudden rage, Cell's power exploded, returning each and every blow that Gohan had given him so far.









A storm of blows that left Gohan very badly injured

Too badly injured, as if he were a shonen echi voyeur who had been caught by an army of powerful and violent women while they were bathing

"GOHAAAAAANNNNNNN !!!" Trunks, Bulma, Roshi, Piccolo shouted in terror when they saw the state in which Gohan had been after that burst of blows and energy

None of those blows had been fatal, but ...

If he didn't heal his wounds would he be able to continue fighting in that state?

It's more…

Would he be able to even eat a Senzu Bean to recover?

His hands, his arms ... his jaw, his ribs ...

They were all broken!

Is Gohan going to lose?

"I guess I'll find out soon ..." Cell said seeing that all his patience and planning had paid off.

He had destroyed Gohan to the point where he was unable to attack, defend himself, and recover.

Now he just needed to finish his job by knocking him out

And maybe after that he could kill him in the ways he had been imagining during the beating.


[I'm very afraid…

That you won't find out in the way you thought…] Gohan thought as he looked with the same hatred at Cell as before… but unlike before, a clear mocking smile could be seen on his face despite the fact that his jaw had been shattered


Y a continuación

"UUUAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Cell complained of excruciating pain, pain throughout his entire body, as if he had been brutally beaten in all the limbs.

His jaw, his hands, his arms, his ribs ...

They were all broken

"What is… what have you done to me now?

What?" Cell asked in bewilderment and fear as he regenerated his wounds

Fear of being hurt so badly

Fear of not knowing once more how he had been attacked

But above all fear to see that Gohan had fully recovered

It was ... as if he had never been hurt in the first place.

"What happened to your arrogance from a moment ago Cell?

Are you afraid? Fear of the unknown?

Fear of being defeated?" Gohan said, asking Cell with the same arrogance and contempt that Cell used with him a few seconds ago

And that was the greatest humiliation Cell had ever felt in his life ...


ANSWER BACK!!!!" Cell screamed with bloodshot eyes as he advanced towards Gohan to attack him with all his might


[Oh shit ...]

Cell was unable to hold back his urge to kill at that moment, so he was unable to attack Gohan again..


And unlike Gohan, hit him with full strength in the face, destroying part of his decorations

"I have nothing to say to scum like you" Gohan said with contempt as he invited him to attack him in a very humiliating way to further enrage the already angry monster.

"Damn brat!" He yelled at Cell with more hatred than before, however he learned from his mistakes and with great difficulty eliminated the killing intent from each of his attacks.












However, those attacks once again disappeared from Gohan's body and instead appeared on Cell's body "UUUAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!"

"Why are you hitting yourself Cell?" Gohan said mockingly as he encouraged Cell to attack him again

"BASTARD!" Cell shouted with more anger than before, but above all doubts and fear [How is it possible?

How is it possible that this child is so strong?

What is happening?

Where did he get these abilities and power from?]


Once more inside the barrier

"Am I imagining things or…

Gohan's injuries have been transferred to Cell?" Said Trunks, who didn't understand the origin of this ability either, he didn't even have the slightest clue

The Gohan of his future had nothing that even looked similar


As he is explaining to me it is one of the last rewards of Broly that he acquired today in the final test...

Antitesis, and ability that allows him to reverse something that has already happened between two targets, such as damage inflicted

That means that if Gohan were to be greatly injured while fighting an opponent, he could reverse what occurred between himself and his enemy, simultaneously healing himself while grievously wounding his opponent" Said Bulma, who had a direct link with one of Gohan's body and thanks to that she resolved everyone's doubts


That ability is very useful, you can tell that Gohan is Broly's favorite… "Muten Roshi said, who despite finding his ability very useful felt great envy of Gohan

"That means…

If Gohan is not defeated in one blow, is he invincible?" Trunks asked, who never wanted to give up his optimism whatever the circumstances, especially if it was about Gohan's survival and victory.


However, if his opponent can heal himself and does not tire, that advantage is not entirely perfect.

And there is still the possibility that he can knock him out if he is careless" Piccolo replied, who like him always had to be the pessimist of the group

Although considering everything that had happened to him today ... it was the most sensible thing to do...

"Yes, but things have improved a lot" Trunks answered, who still wanted to dream

"Yes but not enough ...

We can't relax, this guy has surprised us too many times so far" Muten Roshi said, trying to keep an attitude between Piccolo's pessimism and Trunks's optimism

"Bulma, be on the lookout in case we need to help Gohan at any time" Piccolo said, who couldn't bear the idea of standing here doing nothing.

At the very least they had to follow closely in case Gohan needed to be rescued if something went wrong.

But Bulma with great enthusiasm replied "I don't think it's necessary ..."


Why mom?!" Trunks asked, who had been left with the responsibility in this chapter to ask the questions so that they would later be answered.

"The latecomer is here" Bulma replied, creating the last cliffhanger of the android saga.

Meralman Meralman

Come on guys, the battle ends next week

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