"Hey Brat when will you stop harassing your dad?"
"Until I see a beautiful mom". Taner winked at him and ran back to her room. Woo bin looked at her and shook his head. He went to his room and immediately fell asleep.
The next day, "Miss Taner breakfast is ready". Mrs Lan said knocking her door lightly. Not getting any respond, she opened the door only to see Taner fast asleep. She shake her head, 'Like godfather like goddaughter', she remembered waking doctor Su up too this morning. She quietly entered the room, walked up to Taner and shake her lightly but she didn't burge only rolled to the other side.
She remove the quint but Taner still didn't wake up. She left the room and came back with a trumpet, before Taner knew it a loud horrible sound was playing in her ear. She jumped out of bed and fell on the floor. She looked at the woman teary-eyed, Mrs Lan couldn't suppress her chuckle.
"Miss, breakfast is ready, master Su gives you ten minutes or he will eat all the Hotteok and Chimichanga and your favorite....." Before she could finish her sentence, Taner flew into the bathroom removing her lingerie. Mrs Lan shake her head and left the room.
Before ten minutes reached, Taner came running down the stairs wearing a black pant and blue tank top with a blue sneakers. She even forgot to comb her hair.
Mrs Lan and the rest servants couldn't hold back their laughter. Mrs Lan could remember the first time she saw Taner, she was eight years old and loved food so much, she ran downstairs holding a big lollipop which she was not allowed to lick and they were all chasing her round the house, she was quite a handful as a child, always pranking the maids and servants in the house. The house was always lively with her around.
"Morning, dad". Taner greeted as she bounced to her seat smiling happily as the maid serve her food.
"I see you finally decided to wake up"
"Of course I wouldn't miss my food for the world". Taner replied happily eating the Hotteok, "Aunty Lan your food never ceases to amaze me, it feels like if I'm in heaven already".
Aunty Lan smile and bowed respectfully. Woo bin just stared at Taner who was busy wolfing down the food.
"You know for a lady, you don't act like one".
"Who ever said I'm a lady? If being a lady means smaller food then I'm not one, by the way marry a woman who can cook very well if not she's out".
Everyone laughed at her comment. The rest of breakfast was filled with their bickering.
After breakfast, they both left the house together. Mia had called her earlier and they both decided to meet today in their favorite coffee shop before she heads to work since she's free in the morning.
She had been waiting for Mia for the past one hour but still yet no sign of her. She was drinking her favourite French roast coffee when she received a text from Mia apologizing that she couldn't make it.
Taner frowned, downed the whole coffee and paid at the counter before leaving the shop. She happily strolled down the street with her headset on humming to herself. She didn't even notice some strange people and car following her.
She entered her favourite cookie shop to buy some chocolates. She was having a weird feeling but just ignored it.
"Yes this is Blackjack".
"We just received inform about some dangerous activities happening in the Tupac Lane Street, we need you to check it out immediately".
"Affirmative, I'll get back to you". Jiseok replied and ended the call. He got up and entered the secret room in his office. He took out some weapons and his suitcase, he checked his security footage of the street before leaving.
"Mr Kim, we still have some important supervising of the various department and you have....." Chan woo stopped halfway as his boss raised his hands to silent him.
"Handle it yourself and report back to me when I come back". Jiseok said putting on his glasses before heading to his car. Chan woo couldn't do anything but watch as his boss car speed past him. He silently cursed him in his mind.
Jiseok went to his secret base to change. He dyed his hair dark blue with the tip having a platinum blond colour. He wore his black leather jacket and pants, and his black boots. He wore is cloves and his green contact lens. He took his red BMW C 310 GS, wore his red helmet and drove off.
"Miss please excuse me, can you help me deliver this package to this address". An elderly man approach her. Taner took off her headset and stared at the man.
"It's for my daughter but I'm too exhausted to go, I promise to pay you 500,000 RMB if you can deliver it". The old man stared at her pleadingly. All her senses was telling her to refuse but she really needed the money and agreed to do it.
"What's her name sir?"
"Sanwong, thank you my daughter". He gave her the package.
"No problem sir". Taner accepted it.
"When you reach there my daughter will pay you the money". The old man said. Taner happily left wearing her headset to the address.
If only she had known that this was a trap and the beginning of an unexpected adventure she would have, will she have still gone? Probably no, but it's too late to backdown.
Sorry for the late update that's why I made this chapter longer than the rest
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