Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto, Baruto and all its other characters, for they all belong to Masashi Kishimoto. All I own is Drogo and any other OC I create myself.
A young soul died at the hands of his own loved one. Finally able to free himself from the shackle of pain and suffering but only to find his second life to be filled with the same pain as the first.
Do Gods exist? If so then why is his life so miserable? If not, then who shall he complain to? Why was he reincarnated and if his fate is to repeat the same sufferings then what's the point?
Alas, having a sister in this new world can change things maybe for the better or maybe for the worse. A hateful mother and a loving sister. Follow Drogo as be tries either tries to find the meaning of his life or plunge into the darkness that his heart has carried.
Please Leave Reviews so i can get my story to have a Rating. It really helps.
This is also my first work so forgive me if it's not up to par with good fanfics and make contain grammatical errors
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionI have to say, I have rarely read a fanfic where the writer knows the world as well as you do! Rich with detail and brimful of conflict, physical and emotional both. I think, though, that you get so caught up in the rush of writing that you miss punctuation here and there. As far as suggestions I can make, it's that you should read your chapters over once more before you post.
Such a great character build. The dtory was such a tear jerker for me. Craving for more chapters Such a great character build. The dtory was such a tear jerker for me. Craving for more chapters Such a great character build. The dtory was such a tear jerker for me. Craving for more chapters Such a great character build. The dtory was such a tear jerker for me. Craving for more chapters Such a great character build. The dtory was such a tear jerker for me. Craving for more chapters
This is an absolute masterpiece! Wonderful in both the story and writing aspect. Only the updates seem to be a little dragged out for my taste. Other than that, keep it up!
Did I mention I love Naruto!!!!! I really like the story so far !!!! EEEEEEEEp can't wait for more, I hope you keep it up and make the story even more interesting.
nice work dude.... keep up the good work... hope for more chapters to come... if it could be permitted to have manga and anime it would definitely be a huge hit...
This is a great idea and hope it continues to the end, it doesn't get nearly as much recognition as it show. Really looking forward to the future plot and personally would like it to continue having the darker theme and not getting reformed and forgiving everyone.
seems interesting so ill try it for a bit after it has more chapters......... so anyway keep it up........ good luck........ sdfafas sdfa sfasd fasdfasasgf asf asasdf asdfga sd asg sd
So far enjoyin.......................................................................................................... Cycyvuvuvuvuvubububibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibubuvyv ubibibibbiibibiibibibibib ihihihiihibibibibibibibibihibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibib how huhuhihihguhuhuh higguguguguguguguguvuvuvugugugihuvuguvuvuguguguguguguggugugugug how have hibibibibinibibibubibi
This is amazing I can't wait for more to come please don't drop this for it's a good story and set up tho there some things that can be changed but it still leads to a good development in the story
This novel is actually fucking amazing, I never thought I would read fanfiction and like it so much. I'm going, to be honest, its every **** favorite main character. The main character is an edge lord cold-blooded character he has an eye that lets him use every type of eye power in naruto. And yes every naruto character meets him. I wish the author could tell e where to continue reading :( he seems to have dropped it. Author please continue the novel its probably my favorite on here.
Spoiler enthüllenthe whole story is awesome (at least the ones updated 9 Mnths ago.) But whatever.... i am still waiting for a update as i am totally hooked and re read it when im bored with other novels..wish the author came back
Spoiler enthüllenoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Good story with a richly developed MC. Original take on a Naruto FanFiction. Tragic past and present of the MC makes the MC need for revenge more real and relatable. Hope for new chapters soon.
Why not revive his sister whit the outer paths then say the true of tsunade to the whole village I Maine he have to gets strong under but you gave him soo much hated that cloud his judgment hi can get his recent by making hire daughter now the true so che can hate here mother and wen he revive his sister make live whit guilte all her life perfect revenge and hi can live anormal life whit his sister
This book has got me longing for me. it's beautiful and we'll developed. The translation quality is just ok but every would definitely understand the story. I love the characters and can't wait to see if Drogo would actually change his. I also wouldn't like to see burotu become stronger than him. It won't make sense.
Wild megane-ojisan, dropping in for a review! Nin, nin! Well, first things first, I like the ideas you're trying to put accross in this fanfic. And I'm also glad that the main character you created is not some cliche overpowered author-insert who's only purpose is to pander to the fanbase. It definitely needs some polish though. Maybe you could get another fan to proofread it for you to make the reading experience smoother. But good job with the overall concept. Keep it up.
Autor Darkjokes