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79.54% Mystic High Popularity Rating / Chapter 35: I’m In the Shower- Chapter 28

Kapitel 35: I’m In the Shower- Chapter 28


Passing David to Ivy gently, he gripped my arm and pressed his wet feet on my shirt.

"C'mon David." I cooed at him and he finally let go of me as I passed him to Ivy who was holding a towel. I grinned at her.

"Thank you." I said. She laughed as she dried him down.

"No problem." She said. I watched as David stared at her and played with her bright blonde hair. Ivy grinning brightly as he did so. I smiled at them before getting up towards the room to check Jewel. She was lying in the middle of the bed fast asleep, her small thumb falling out of her mouth. Just as I was about to pick her up, I heard David yell.

"Kiki!" David shouted. His small footsteps running towards me. I jumped slightly as he rammed his bare body into my legs. Ivy came running in seconds later.

"I'm so sorry! He just hopped up and-"

I started laughing. Grabbing the towel from Ivy, I rapped it around David before picking him up again. Ivy looked nervously. I looked at David who was looking at me. Smiling, I came up with an idea. David frowned.

"David, what's her name?" I said. He looked around and didn't say anything.

"Hey, look over here." I pointed at Ivy who looked at him, a smile waiting to break out any minute. David put his head in the crook of my neck and mumbled something. I smiled.

"Say it louder. " I encouraged him. He lifted his head and stared at Ivy.

"Vivi." He said louder. Ivy's face bloomed into a bright grin and laughed joyfully. She reached out to carry him, David compiled and allowed her to carry him without throwing a fit. Ivy spun him around in her arms with her smile growing each second.

"Again? Can you say it again?" She promoted. David stayed still and quietly muttered 'Vivi' again which was enough to nearly make Ivy throw him up out of pure joy.

But before she did that, I gently swooped David from her arms.

"Alright, let's get you changed." I said. Ivy who was still grinning clapped loudly. I flinched slightly.

"Alright! I'll go now and let you guys rest, goodnight!" She said. Coming closer to David, she hugged his small body with one arm before releasing him and hopping out of the room happily. I sighed and turned to David who sat on the chair with his fingers in his mouth. I hissed and pulled his hand out.

After dressing him, I tucked him into bed next to his sister who was still fast asleep. I carried her to the bathroom sink where I gently wiped her down and changed her diaper. After putting her in a fresh new pair of clothes, I put her back next to David who was just fading in and out of sleep.

"Kiki?" David's small voice spoke up.

"Yes angel?" I replied. I sat on the edge of the bed next to him.

"Love you." He said. I smiled warmly before kissing his forehead.

"Love you too, sleep well okay?" I told him. I rubbed his cheek softly before getting up to go into the bathroom. He snuggled closer to Jewel, his small hand holding her even tinier one. I smiled once more at the both of them before grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom. Once I closed the bathroom door, pain instantly hit me like an unexpected wave. I stumbled a bit but was able to balance myself by gripping tightly to the sink's edge.

My head was throbbing as though someone had thrown a brick at my head. I sat down with my back on the cool wall. Reaching up to touch the bump on my forehead which was even bigger than before. I sighed before covering up the side of my face with my hair again.

I suddenly remembered to words Garrett had said. A chilling shiver ran down my spine. I brushed my curls back deep in thought, only realizing the knocks on the door after after moments. Getting up quickly, I rushed to the door. Upon opening it, Violet was on the other side.

"Hey, just wanted to check up on you. You alright over here? Need anything?" She asked. I smiled and shook my head.

"No were good, there actually sleeping so-

"When was the last time you ate?" Sara interrupted me. I looked back at her in shock.

"W-what? Oh I don't know, I ate a bit at the house." I said. Sara scanned me as if she already knew that I was lying.

"And them?" She asked.

"I fed them as soon as I got back from school, there probably still full. Plus it's late and-"

"Look," she interrupted again. " I'm leaving some food downstairs on the counter, if you want it you can have it, if you don't want it don't have any. But I'm not gonna let you starve in my own house." She said. I rubbed the back of my neck and nodded.


"No problem, now get some rest, okay?" She said. I gave her a small smile before closing the door. I checked back to see if David and Jewel were still asleep.

Once ensuring they were, I walked back into the bathroom to wash up.


"Is she okay?" Violet asked, munching away on a slice of pizza. I shrugged.

"Yeah, her siblings were already knocked out. Think she was going to shower." I told them. I hopped on my bed letting out a sigh.

"Man, I can't help but feel bad for them, she's younger than us and been through all that!" Ivy said sadly. Violet hummed in agreement.

"I offered her some food, she can't even remember when she last ate." I told them. Ivy's expression saddened.

"And, her siblings?" She asked.

"Said she fed them as soon as she got back from school. Even then.." I said shaking my head. Violet sat up on her knees.

"Man! We should have let Adam kill that guy! What a bi-"

Ivy cut her off by throwing a pillow at her head. I nodded slightly.

"Doesn't sounds like such a bad idea." I said. I shuddered remembering vividly how close Adam was to killing the guy.


"Let's go, Violet, you bring Vikky, we'll wait in the car. alright?" Sasha said. We Ivy and I nodded before following Sasha outside to the car. I was just about to walk out the front door when Ivy who was walking in front of me screamed. I looked up and paled at what I saw.

Luke and Alex were trying to pull Adam back who was beating Garrett up while being dragged back, his fists covered in dark blood that didn't belong to him. His eyes glowing bright yellow. Sasha yelled before taking off her shoe and rushing up to Adam with only one on.

"Get off, get off, get off!" She yelled at him, trying her best to block Garrett from getting hit again. She turned her face to face Adam who was still trying to rip away from the guys grip and go beat up Garrett.

My sister was finally able to pull them apart and quickly dragged Garrett away to heal him while the guys tried to calm down Adam. I slowly walked up to them.

"Adam? Hey it's alright, Vikky's fine remember? " Ivy said, trying to calm him down. Adam ran his hand through his hair still fuming.

"He said something to him." Alex suddenly said. Adam glared at Alex who looked away quickly. I raised a brow.

"What did he say?" I asked. But it only seemed to make Adam more angry remembering it. His fists were still clenched tight. I looked at Alex who gave me a small nod. The ginger boy stared hard at Adam before frowning.

"What?" I said to him. He shook his head.

"I got it but, it doesn't make any sense." He said. Adam still glaring daggers at Alex.

"I swear to god Alex if you-" Adam started but a flying shoe smacked him in the back of his head. I turned to see Sasha glaring at him.

"You idiot! He's unconscious cause of you!" She yelled. I looked over to see that the blood covering Garrett's face was gone, it just looked as if he had fallen asleep.

"Good." Adam said. A second shoe was thrown at his head.

"Stop causing trouble for me!" Sasha yelled again. She turned to look at me and I flinched slightly, she quickly changed the murderous look in her eyes to a sweet smile.

"Sara baby, can you bring me my shoes please?" She asked. I nodded and quickly picked up the shoes and giving them to her, before crouching and staring at Garrett. He was much less threatening when sleeping. Just as I thought that, his eyes shot open.

"Ah!" I shouted and jumped back, falling back panicked. "Y-you scared me!" I said, putting a hand on my chest I collected my breathing. He glanced at me before glaring. I stood up uncomfortably. His angry gaze followed me. Sasha hissed and smacked him on the head with her shoe.

"What's wrong with you kids these days! Shoe some respect even if you hate her, she just saved you from getting killed." Sasha said. "You should be grateful that she even stepped in after what you did to that poor girl!" She continued, shaking her head with every word. Garrett laughed.

"What I did? That girl was weak long before I entered the picture, and I'll tell you now, I can guarantee you all just ruined her life." He said. I snorted and crossed my arms.

"By taking her away from some toxic boyfriend? I don't think so," I said. He laughed again and shook his head.

"Oh no, but once she decided to tell you, oh boy will you guys hate her guts!" He said. I swear I heard Adam growl at him but before I could make it out for certain, Sasha smacked Garrett on the head with her shoe again.

"The hell is wrong with you!? How could you be so twisted?!" She smacked him outside the head again. "And what's wrong with you for making someone feel ashamed of their powers?! Do you already know how hard it is for people to trust you with that information!? And here you are abusing the poor girl because of it!" She yelled again, this time when I looked in her face I could see the sadness that filled her eyes mixed with the anger.

"And you think that isn't true? Whether we like it or not, some people's powers are more dangerous than others." He hissed at her. "And when she decides to use hers, it's all over for you guys!" He said his grin returning. Sasha ran her hand threw her hair angrily before taking out her phone.

"That's it! I can't stand you stuck up kids! You act as though it was her who chose whatever power she has! And that's no excuse for you to mess up her and those kids life like that!" She said before dialing a number on her phone.

"Who is that?" I asked. She smiled.

"The school. I'm gonna have a small talk to them about a certain someone threatening my little baby sister." She said. Adding emphasis on the "little baby sister" part to get her point across. I watched as Garrett face twisted with uncertainty. The phone was soon pick up as Sasha put on the biggest frown I'd ever seen.

"Hello? Yes, hi, this is Sasha Bearens, yes a pleasure to meet you, yes, we'll actually there is a serious topic I would like to discuss with you if that's all right. Yes? Okay. It has come to me attention that-"

"Stop it." Garrett muttered through a tight jaw. Sasha paused the phone conversation and moved the phone away from her ear with a smirk.

"What was that?" She said. Garrett groaned deeply and clenched his jaw tighter before repeating himself.

"I said.. stop!" He jumped up from the floor and made a dash for Sasha's phone. I gasped before watched Sasha dodge him with ease, her brown eyes turning into a deep bright blue as she smirked dangerously.

"Too slow." She said with a giggle. Unpausing the phone she placed it back next to her ear and talking. Garrett's eyes widened before chasing after her again.

"Stop!" He said. I backed up quickly watching what would happened. Ivy groaned before facepalming.

"He's going to get himself killed." She said. Adam grumbled a "he deserves to" but this time I silently agreed with Ivy though.

He was going to get himself killed. Going against a Bearen Sister was like courting death. Sasha continued to dodge him with her dark blue eyes, unlike Ivy's which always looked like the beautiful sea on a sunny weekend, always bright and full of light.

Sasha's eyes looked like an endless storm stranded at sea, it teased you with the slightest hope of getting out. Right before drowning you for your body to never be found again. I shuddered.

"Well that was dark." Alex said. I turned to glare at him.

"Stop doing that!" I yelled. Looking back at Sasha, I saw that Garrett was still chasing around her. I rolled my eyes and put my hands to my mouth.

"Just knock him out so we can go!!" I yelled. She seemed to take my suggestion as a few minutes later she was behind him and pulling his arm. Ivy squirmed uncomfortably. A few seconds later, Sasha had knocked him out before ending the call and walking over to us.

"You were still on the phone the whole time?" Jacob spoke up in bewilderment. Sasha smirked.

"The boy who doesn't speak! Man, I thought you were mute!" She said. "Neat accent you got there! Where you from?" She said while dusting off her hands.

Jacob frowned. "Cambridge, England ma'am" he said. I was somewhat shocked he even responded but then realized after the show Sasha put on for us, anyone in there right mind would respond to her.

"Cool! Ya know I've visited there once, it was for work but was still pretty cool." She said while putting her hands in her pockets.

"Alright so are we just gonna talk in front of someone's past out body?" I suddenly said. Sasha looked at me and frowned.

"Don't rain on my parade Sara." She said. I swear I saw the guys shiver in pure fear of her getting angry. I snickered.

"Sorry sorry." I said.

Ivy turned toward the guys. "when's your ride coming?" She asked. Alex cleared his throat.

"Should be here anytime soon, I think Adam's older brother is coming to get us." He said. Just as he finished. We heard a honk from behind us. Turning around, we saw a black pick up truck pull-up in front of us. When the door opened, a guy who was a little taller than Adam got out, wearing a tank top with bulging muscles. He looked much like Adam except his cheek bones which were much more defined.

I gulped. Ivy mummered something along the lines of "he's scary.", while Sasha whistled loudly. I groaned before facepalming. My face turning red in second hand embarrassment. The guys walked up to the car except for Luke who looked at me.

"See you at school?" He said. I smiled before nodding. He smiled back before waving bye and rushing to catch up with the guys. I brushed my hair back with my hand and turned around to go into the car.

"I'm exhausted." I said collapsing in the passenger seat.

"You can say that again." Ivy added mid-yawn.


(Thank you for reading! As you can see I'm trying to make up for the time missed.. sorry! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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