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92.03% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 103: Issue 103: The Amazing Web Part 17

Kapitel 103: Issue 103: The Amazing Web Part 17

The Spider-Hero shared what he learned with the others and got the same shock and awe that he expected.

They all seemed to understand just how serious the situation was, but Quill was freaking out.

"So, you're telling me my father is some kind of ancient god alien hybrid who has been body jacked by a living planet."

"More or less," Peter waved his hand side to side.

"Man, and I thought Gamora's parent issues were bad," Rocket commented.

"This sucks, this royally sucks, and apparently, I can say that because I happened to be royal…go figure. Oh, and apparently, I had a bunch of siblings that were all eaten by my dad-not-dad?" Star-Lord strutted around while throwing his hands here and there.

"We don't know that they were eaten," Drax commented.

"If he's the planet, and all those things rot, then I'm counting it as being eaten," Rocket added.

"Guys, you're talking about Quills…" Gamora paused as she saw the pained look on his face.

"I am Groot," Groot let out a sad sigh as he patted Quill.

"Yeah…sorry, Quill. I'll let you win a race next time we decide who gets to be the pilot," Rocket looked rather ashamed for some reason.

"I wasn't expecting a story like that," Yondu looked away.

"Hey, at least that Mantis girl is still alive. Doesn't that mean you still got family," MJ commented.

Peter sighed before saying, "Yeah…Quill? Not to make matters worse, but I think you should know…Ego…had to make the children orphans so Yondu would take the job."

Everyone in the room froze as Quill looked Peter dead in the eye, "What are you saying, Pete?"

"Yondu…do you happen to know what happened to the mothers of these children died from?"

"Yeah, it was something like a tumor…A brain tumor…that's what it was. It's what let me catch on to that thing's lies. It's an easily enough treatable condition on most planets if you catch it on time."

Quill's vision suddenly turned dark as he reached for his gun and started to leave the bridge.

Peter stepped in front of him and stopped Star-Lord, "Hold on. Don't forget your dad is pretty much a prisoner in his own body."

"He killed my mom, Pete."

"Ego, killed your mom. J'son probably doesn't even know about it."

"I need to kill him, Peter…tell him how to kill him."

"I…might have a way…but even I'm not sure if it'll work. Just…give me a few hours Quill, I need just a couple."

"I…huff…I…arggg!" Quill punched the nearby seat and sent it flying across the room.

"Hey, don't take it out on my ship!"

"Not your ship anymore, dumbass," Rocket said as he walked over to Quill and sat on his shoulder.

Groot gave Quill a hug before pulling Drax and Gamora over to join, "I am Groot…we are Groot."

"Yeah, thanks Groot…I'm sad too…" Quill covered his face with his hands.

Spider-Woman looked to her husband and asked, "What are we going to do now?"


"Something stupid?" MJ lifted a brow.

"Something dangerous?" Tony's voice came over their coms.

"Something stupidly dangerous," Peter sighed as he walked out to inform the other Avengers of what was going to happen.

"Have you been listening in this whole time?" MJ asked.

"Yeah, sad story. What do we do with daddy dearest?" Tony asked.

"Oh, I got something to buy us some time. Luckily, Ego is really far away. It should take him time to realize what's happening," Peter spoke up, "Tony, use the Stasis Field to lock him up."

"This thing has a Stasis field?" Tony exclaimed with an excited expression.

"Webster, give him temporary access over the Ring's weapon systems," Peter spoke as he marched through the Ravager ship and stepped out onto the docking platform.

"Holy shit!!!" Tony cursed as he looked at everything the Ring could do, "I didn't add any of this."

"Yeah, I may or may not have added a few things…Wait until I give the order," Peter said as he made his way back to the entrance.

"Quill, you stay here," MJ stopped him from leaving.


"Because your expression is written all over your face," Gamora sighed.

"We'll stay back with ya, Quill," Rocket leaned against the wall.

"I am Groot."

"I want to see what's going to happen," Drax left the group.

"Really have to work on that guy's sensitivity issues," MJ shook her head.

Peter met up with J'son and stood across from before saying, "Sorry about the wait."

"No, it's no trouble. So about leaving with my son,"

"Actually, Quill had some issues to work out with the Ravagers. So, he'll be a while longer. Until then, care to eat some Earth food?" Peter looked at Mantis walking out of the ship.

"No, I'm fine…Mantis, can you help me with something," J'son looked to her before she nodded back at him.

They started making their way back to their ship when Peter teleported Mantis away and gave Tony the signal.

A massive set of what looked like laser cannons popped up around the ship the moment J'son stepped inside it. They fired an invisible beam that suddenly slowed the time around the area to a crawl.

Mantis looked worried as she shouted, "You must stop. Without me he will not be able to rest."

"He's fine…so I assume you somehow are able to let his sleep without letting J'son take over, right? Ego the one in control right now, correct?"

The green alien woman gasped, "How did you know?"

"What do you sense from me right now, Mantis?"

"Confidence unlike anything I've ever sensed, and worry."

Peter smiled and turned to the confused future Guardian of the Galaxy member and said, "You're safe now. He's frozen in time, so he doesn't need to sleep, and when I finish killing Ego, I'll find a way to save your father."

"You…you can do that?"

"I can, with my friends backing me up, Now, go spend some time with your brother. Get to know him," Peter walked towards Tony.

"What now?" Tony asked.

"Now we I go to forge something…but to do that…I have…urk…have to sort of time travel. Just saying that grosses me out."

"You're going to travel time?"

"And space," Peter corrected, "I have to go somewhere and give myself enough time to actually make the weapon we need to take this guy down."

"Making a weapon? Can I help?" Iron-Man grinned.

"Not this time," Peter said as he walked over to Mary Jane, "I…should be back in a second, a year for me, but a second for you."

"Where are you going?" MJ questioned.

"When is he going?" Drax spoke up.

"In another universe and in a far-far away galaxy," Peter closed his eyes and connected to the great web to find a universe where Galactus had died. Thanks to a certain guy named Abraxas, there were plenty to choose from.

"Have to go pick something up at my lab, so I might be gone for around an hour or so," Peter said as he teleported away.

Once inside, he walked over the gene serum he had been working on for some time. 

"Darwin's adaptability, Strong-Guy's kinetic Absorbtion and conversion of that kinetic energy into physical strength, the Griffin's growth factor, and then Elixir's power to bind them all together. I used Darwin to allow my body to rapidly adapt to the influx of kinetic energy I can absorb, evolving my body the more I store rather than damaging it. Add the Griffin's rapid growth when facing stronger opponents, and I'm basically Ultra Ego Vegeta."

He looked at the Serum in his hands and said, "Out of the countless trial and errors I had with this thing…only this one was successful. I wanted to add Gambit's kinetic generation ability into the mix, but the cocktail always became volatile once I added it. Though it's not like I can't just add Gambit's mutant gene by itself...However, I rather see if I can improve it first."

Peter placed it over his heart and sighed, "Normally I'd use a clone to test it…but I don't have time for that. Time for a Hail Mary…Webster, you ready?"

"At your command, sir."

Peter injected himself with the serum and felt his body suddenly surging with strength unlike anything he's ever felt before. The brand-new custom designed X-Gene merged with his blank gene, conforming into a single power rather than three separate ones.

After the initial burst of internal energy, everything returned to normal. Peter punched his own fist to check whether or not the new power worked when he felt the kinetic energy travel into his muscles.

"Okay, now all I need to do is fight someone like Super Man and evolve to grow as strong as him. I wonder if I can go to the DC universe or something and pick a fight with the blue boy wonder."

[Author Note Please Read:1

"Maybe I could challenge Blue Marvel or Hyperion for a spar. They're basically Marvel's versions of Super Man."

As much as he'd love to test out his theory, he had a graveyard to visit.

Peter opened a portal through the multiverse and went to one where Abraxas had killed just one Galactus, but a whole army of them.

He floated in a pitch-black vacuum surrounded by a massive pile of bodies that was bigger than several planets combined.

Peter made sure to make oxygen bubble around him with his Reality Topaz and made his way to the corpses of the cosmic being. 

"Well then, with a time difference of one year, I'll have to work fast."

Peter waved his hand, creating a massive copy of Nidavellir Forge and grabbed one of the bodies of Galactus before landing at the entrance.

"Now, to deal with these bodies…I'll start by dismantling him and learning everything about him."

Peter spent days trying to make heads or tails of one of the most powerful beings in Marvel. He worked tirelessly taking him apart piece by piece and inspecting every corner of his massive body.

"This isn't working…the materials of his corpse are certainly quite powerful, but I can't understand how his body works. Ah…I got it, what better person to teach me than Galactus himself."

Peter activated his Soul Emerald and Reality Topaz before creating a tiny body that resembled Galactus. Within it contained the combined knowledge of every Galactus corpse in this unique universe. 

The Chibi-Galactus suddenly opened his eyes and looked around with a confused expression.

"What madness is this?" The cosmic being looked over his sea of corpses.

"It's your graveyard," Peter smirked as he got his attention, "So, how do you like your new body. No starving sensations, correct?"

Galactus looked at his hands in surprise and then suddenly started laughing, "It's gone! GONE!"

"I left your intelligence intact and combined the soul fragments from this place to make your consciousness."

Galactus looked at Peter and quickly figured him out, "Is it the Infinity Stones?"

"Infinity Gemstones, but you're close enough," Peter smirked.

"I see…Merlin…hmm…so it's not that you revived me, but you have created an entirely new being. What did you create me for, Spider-Man?"

"I need to make a weapon to kill a new type of Celestial, and your body…bodies will be the resource I use to craft it. The only issue is I don't know how to make sense of what the tech in your body does and what to use for materials."

"So, you need me to teach you?" Galactus came to an understanding.

"It's why I left your mind intact. The knowledge you have will aid me in making the perfect weapon."

"If your aim is to kill a Celestial, then you've chosen wisely, Spider-Man. However, you need something that will be the base of your weapon."

Peter pulled out the Corvus Glaive and created a soulless clone of Anti-Venom as he said, "I intend to use this."

"Hmm…the Glaive of Corvus…and a Symbiote that is disconnected from Knull…not a bad base material. Very well, Spider-Man. In turn for creating this new body for me, I shall aid you in understanding."

Peter smiled and created a time dilation spell that covered the whole of the Nidavellir Forge. With all the time he needed, he spent almost a year just learning everything Galactus knew of his own body.

Peter gained a decent understanding of various bits of knowledge Galactus had amassed throughout several universes. Being one of the longest living beings in many different existences, he was a wellspring of knowledge that never seemed to dry up.

Once Peter had sufficient understanding of what he needed, he began construction on the weapon. For approximately five months, he hammered and merged the various materials into the new weapon. Every strike of his hammer generated so much heat and energy that it began birthing stars and galaxies.

While Galactus didn't have his full power in his new body, it was more than enough to transport them to various sections of the universe. Without rest, food, water, or entertainment, Peter poured his soul into the weapon.

Many years had passed, and before he knew it, Peter struck the hammer one last time that caused a massive explosion. That explosion wasn't normal whatsoever. It devoured the remaining bodies of Galactus and converged into the forge.

With his new powers to absorb Kinetic Energy, his body underwent a metamorphosis. His skin grew tougher, his bones became more durable, and his muscles had transformed into an entirely new substance that was both dense and extremely lightweight.

Peter managed to pull himself from the ground as he saw that the weapon, he had forge was completely white in color and radiated with an incredibly powerful cosmic force.

"Congratulations, Spider-Man. You have completed your task of making a weapon on par with the Necro-Sword. Even the All-Black Sword would not be able to break this weapon."

"I can't call it the All-White Blade since there is a streak of black in it...Vita-Glaive, I'll name you the Vita-Glaive," Peter said as he grabbed hold of it and felt his body boiling over with unlimited potential.

He stored the weapon within his Symbiote and smirked as he asked, "How long have I been working on this thing?"

"Roughly 2 and a half years within the temporal flow altered. Outside, you have spent around 2/10ths of a year," Chibi-Galactus explained.

"Well, I guess I'll take my leave. I've been here long enough. Enjoy your new life, Galactus."

"I'll do just that," Galactus replied as he looked out over the universe with a smile on his face.

Peter opened a portal back to his own universe and jumped in.

  1. I totally had a Marvel and DC Amalgam saga planned, was even gonna pull in the hero Access, a.k.a Axle Asher and had this whole huge plot idea to take place after the whole Marvel vs DC issue. The merger of certain characters was set up for it to be an event for Spider-Man that was really fun in my opinion. However, AlienWarlord beat me to the punch. I've got to applaud his idea of using the Injustice plotline, not my main choice, but still a damn good read. Though, I swear, we have such similar ideas, I'm starting to wonder if that Author and I share brain cells or something. Anyways, let me know if you want me to write it up anyways.

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