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86.72% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 97: Issue 97: The Amazing Web Part 11

Kapitel 97: Issue 97: The Amazing Web Part 11

The cloaked aircraft hovered over a large military compound before it opened, and a troop of Panthers and Spider Hero hopped out.

Peter looked over the encampment and did a primary scan of the environment.

"Huh? There's more than expected here. I guess the King isn't dumb,"

"Nope, just a corrupt asshole," Fury commented.

"Slave barracks over there," Peter nudged his head.

"Child Soldiers robbed from their homes. Thomas Lubanga is here as well. They're trying to hire him to capture more," A Wakandan corrected him as he landed next to the two.

"Use coms only. I'll take care of getting them all in one location, two of you are on rescue duty, the rest, prepare to ambush."

"Fury, you're with me," 

Peter started climbing down the side of the building.

"I can't climb walls,"

"With that suit you can," Peter sent back over the coms.

Fury reached out to the wall and clenched his hand against it. Claws came out and he noticed that just a few inches of penetration were enough to hold up his entire frame with ease, "Huh? Neat. Think I'll keep this thing,"

He slithered down the wall and passed by a television with an American News Station playing.

Tony Stark was standing in front of a podium explaining how the barrier that's been rapidly swallowing South Africa, was made by human hands, and that they were currently trying to figure out where it came from.

Peter scaled across the side of the building until he came across a gated window. He waved Fury over and pointed inside while whispering, "According the Noir's info, his office should be here."

Fury peaked inside and shook his head, "Something's up, lights are off."

"No thermals either," Peter crawled back up to the roof and looked over at the slave encampment.

"Panthers, report."

"We're in position. But something off, the children are armed."

"Ah, he's caught on to us. He must have put out some false information. It's an ambush. A mass murderer he may be, but apparently, he's not a fool."

"Webster, hack the cameras, get me a lead on this guy."

A series streams came across Peter's eye lenses, "He's not here…well, think you can hide from me, you got another thing coming."

"I have a hunch even if we take down the ambush, he won't show himself. Probably miles away watching everything unfold, at least that's how I'd do it," Fury commented.

Peter used his Space and Mind Gemstone to locate his target and grinned, "Got em, he's in the bunker below the. Apparently, he had some men dig a nice hole for him to hide in."

"Little rat probably thinks he safe hiding in the same place he's supposed to launch an ambush,"

"Not such a bad idea, who'd suspect the target would stick around the most dangerous area. Most people would think he'd take your safer option. Unfortunately, he met me," Peter smirked.

He then opened a portal into the bunker ceiling and jumped through with Fury at his side.

With their enhanced vision, they were able to spot both Warlords and 12 armed guards in the room. They moved like lightning and knocked out the guards one by one with ease until it came down to just the two Warlords.

"Who are…" Was as far as Lubagna got before Peter choked him out.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" Bosco tried to stand from his chair when Fury pushed him down.

"Sit down, you mutha fucker," 

"An American, what…"

"Shut up," Fury cracked the back of his head with the butt of his gun, "You're going to order ever able soldier into the compound right now,"


"You heard him, push that button on the microphone and give the order," Peter lifted a brow.

"What makes…"

Peter put a realistic water gun to his nose, "Say what again. Go on, I fucking dare you to."


Peter pulled the trigger and squirted him in the face. He let out a chuckle before knocking him out and opened a portal for transferring everyone in the room onto his Prison Planets for processing.

"Say hi to Kingpin for me. I bet he isn't doing too well in Exile." Peter laughed as he tossed through the portal.

"Didn't we need him?"

"Nah, Webster, did you finish analyzing his vocal cords,"

"Yes," The Symbiote replied in the Warlord's voice.

"Good, you know what to do," Peter said as he hit the coms device, "Get to the compound now! They've fallen for our trap!"

"Huh, you sound just like him," Fury commented.

Peter hit the alarm and watched the feed as hundreds of soldiers raided the compound. While they all gathered, Peter ordered the Wakandan Strike force to hit the kids with sleeping gas and take down all enemy targets.

Peter and Fury joined the fray, knocking out every last war criminal in the room. The room was pure chaos, bullets flying everywhere, shouts of confusion, and a small platoon of Super Soldiers tearing through them all with ease.

Tanks were revealed and countless dots of men charged towards the compound, but with Wakandan Tech on their side, they never got close enough to fire a single shell, and in just mere minutes, over 4,800 raiders were beaten down and arrested.

Peter looked at Fury who was covered in a bit of blood before he walked up and said, "Get comfortable, there are about 20 more military bases that belong to this guy. Not to mention a list of over 100 Warlords and Villains waiting to be taken down."

"Let me see that list,"

Peter sent him a link and watched as Fury nodded his head, "I'll get a few other Covert Agents on this."

"Don't, I let you in on this as an individual. This has to be done with African forces. We can't let anyone figure out that we played any part in this."

"Right…So what are you getting out of this?"

"A safer world and a new the King as a new Council Member," Peter answered,

The super spy walked over to the kids and said, "What do we do with them?"

"I'll scan their memories and erase any brainwashing. Hopefully their parents are still alive. If not, Wakanda will raise them.

"Right, and the rest?"

"Prison Planet?"

"Prison Planet," Fury nodded his head.

A larger Wakandan Aircraft landed next to them and started taking every child while tossing the others into the portal to the Prison Planet that MJ made.

After the place was cleaned up, Peter boarded the speedest aircraft they had and flew off the next target.

"Think I should invite, Tony?"

"Are you kidding? You know how loud he is,"

"He is a showboat," Peter nodded his head, "But he's been whining about me not going out on more adventures lately."

"Spare me the drama," Fury looked at their rapidly approaching target and cracked his knuckles," We got work to do."

They spent the next three days running operations and cleaning up almost the entire land of the South African continent.

Hundreds of thousands of raiders, warlords, slavers, and even the most villainous criminals were arrested.

The barrier had spread to the point that the South African King could no longer ignore it and sent out his army.

With their enemy falling for their trap, T'Chaka and his most elite stormed the capital and captured the entire royal family. 

Noir had done his job and provided all the evidence for every last crime all the governing officials were guilty of and rooted out the loyalist for the Wakandans to remove from the picture.

The next couple of days the tension around the world was thick enough to cut with a knife. All African trade with other nations had been cut off, criminals from other nations lost their slaves and cheap resource channels, and now, no one knew what was going to happen next.

With all of South Africa being cut off from the rest of the world, a defeated army without a single death, and the royal family missing, an announcement was held at a public news station.

T'Chaka came into view and began to explain the origins of his people and their history with South Africa.

Needless to say, the entire world was shocked, all except the informed few places that had the tech to learn of the barrier's existence sometime after the aliens invaded. When this news was confirmed, they realized that T'Chaka was telling the truth.

While the whole world watched the press conference, on came on a stream of video footage that showed every last war crime and travesty inflicted upon the citizens of South Africa. The evidence was overwhelming, and as Peter predicted, the people started calling for the deaths of the old royal family.

T'Chaka informed them that from that day forth, all of South Africa would become the United Wakandan States. Cities would be cleaned up, new technology would be brought in, school systems changed, natural environments would be restored, and the people of South Africa would finally know peace.

"No more War Criminals, no more foreign nations exploiting the land and the people of my home, no more famines or plagues, and no more lawlessness. The Wakanda laws are now South African laws."

What happened next was a long speech of how Wakandan society worked. All were given a fair chance to learn and adapt. A grace period where no taxes needed to be paid, at least until the new royal family finished settling in. However, even with that, when they learned how little they had to pay, the people became more excited that they had new leadership.

"We will hold a trial for the previous Royal Family, and to make sure that other nations don't get involved with our politics, we will be enlisting the aid of the Avengers as our Peacekeepers."

The room was filled with gasps and shocked expression.

"Those that have profited from our lands, those that have stolen our kin, our men, women, and children, those currently enslaved or being sold, we will wring out the information needed from those involved and all will be returned."

The King gave a polite bow to the people, "It is my wish for a brighter tomorrow, a day where good people can live in peace and the wicked punished for the evil deeds. I promise to make this my life's goal, for Wakanda, for Africa, for my people, for a better tomorrow."

The cheers erupted in the streets all across the African Continent. The news spread like wildfire while strange machines roamed broken down cities and rebuilt everything. There were many naysayers, people accusing them of occupying and stealing an entire nation. However, many of those people were hired by the ones exploiting Africa for their ill-begotten gains.

When their names and relationships with Africa's worst of the worst were revealed, some cities in France, America, and a few other nations nearly dissolved into rioting. However, with the Avengers heading up the investigation, it was basically hunting season for the heroes and the animals were the criminals that perpetuated the cycle of suffering.

Days after the conference, Fury walked into Avengers HQ and right up to Peter's Lab.

"You son of a…was this your real goal all along?" Fury put down papers with arrest warrants for several officials from various corrupt governments and dictatorships.

"Africa is the biggest Continent on the planet. The crime hub of that place is a gold mine for heroes like us," Peter smirked.

"France, Indoneasia, more than half of the sovereignty coming out of the Middle East, even famous idols and members of our own government. Kid, I've seen Spring Cleaning ops, but nothing on this level."

"There was opportunity, and I took it. Even those that were bribed at Jenova can no longer cover up the war crimes these nations constantly violate. Not to mention, it's good press."

"Not too sure about that. Especially after revealing your prison," Fury lifted a brow.

"Are you sure about that?" Peter turned around his tablet and showed Fury that the public had access to the planets' surveillance feeds.

The comments were overwhelmingly positive.

[Anon002425: Finally, a way to keep these animals in cages they can't get out of.]

[Superstupor: How is this not a bad thing. What's wrong with you people. Isn't just his own private prison? I'm telling you, this spider-man is a criminal and a threat to all humankind!"

[TheDudeOG: Superstupor, Duude, relax. According to the information I have, the hole facility is operated by machines, the criminals' memories are read, and a sentence is handed out to them based on the severity of their crime.]

[Superstupor: But how do we know that's true? He could just be kidnapping people and throwing them in randomly with fabricated evidence.]

[TheDudeOG: (Link) Check it out. All the receipts are there. He even gave the code used to build the A.I. Some features are missing, mainly for security purposes."

[Annon133315: How can you tell it's for security purposes?"

[TheDudeOG: I'm a programmer, and a damn good one at that. I know my code.]

[I'mGame: Who cares, it's none profit, and most importantly, my taxes aren't paying for it.]

[Homieman: Superstupor, STFU. Spider-Man is a hero. How many times does he have to prove himself for you to get it? Kingpin is a prisoner there. Do you know that he was still running his empire from behind bars when he was NY? Now every corrupt politician and lawman who associated with him is gone! Do you know how peaceful New York has become?]

[Thesaved1221: Honestly, I had given up hope for humanity. But this makes me feel like that things might be getting better. My parents were killed by some of these prisoners. I was held prisoner, beaten, brainwashed, and turned into a killer by these very scum that are being locked up. T'Chaka, any Wankandan, if you're reading this, thank you.]

[Theendisneigh: Honestly, I had given up hope. I thought humanity would never be able to pull themselves out of the gutter of filth, but I'm glad to see someone did something. Even if it's a mildly suspicious private prison.]

[Megalomaniac: Theendisneigh, it's not private. It's a free public prison that takes care of itself. All of the stuff like food, shelter, and waste management is already paid for, robots run the place, and since all these resources come from the planet out there at the edge of the solar system, he's not losing or earning a single penny from it. Aren't you glad that these monsters are dozens of AUs away from us?"]

[Mightbecrazy: So, it's a charity prison???]

[DPtheGoodkind: I love you Spider-Man!!! Call me!]

"I see what you're getting at," Fury nodded his head.

Peter took back the tablet and stood up, "I'll be busy with reporters and stuff for the next few days, but eventually, they'll come around. We're progressing quicker and quicker these days, if our society doesn't keep up with the changing times, they'll be left behind."

"So you wanna hold their hands all the way through?"

"No, I just want to show them that there is a path to take that doesn't involve bloodshed and endless struggling. They have to walk on their own two feet to keep up."

Peter exited the office while Fury followed behind.

"Well, at least we're not shy of work these days. We'll be hunting some of these guys down for a while."

"Less when you know their locations and have the keys to their piggy banks," Peter chuckled as he handed off a list of varying information that could help bring down some of the most wicked people on the Earth.

"You know, I had a few ideas on how to handle Russia and China…"

"Go crazy, just remember, it has to come from the people. We can only give them a bit of aid," Peter held his finger up.

"I got it, I got it. The land belongs to the people…man this is going to be fun." Fury grinned. 

"You and I have very different perspectives on the idea of fun," Peter chuckled.

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