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52.17% My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted! / Chapter 48: Chapter 48: My prize

Kapitel 48: Chapter 48: My prize

Beta read by n1ch, Shigiya, Solitary heart and 8kagi




-Hachiman POV-

"That was quite bold of you, Hikigaya-san." I glanced to my side and saw Ruval talking to me, not looking the slightest bit offended or angry. Both he and his father were completely relaxed and not about to burn the entire place to the ground.

"You're not angry that I just—kinda—made your brother lose, and sorta seduced his former bride to be?"

"Why would I be? Riser needed to learn an important lesson that I failed to impart to him as a brother. Our immortality isn't that much of a big deal against strong foes, it doesn't make us invincible in the slightest. My brother had become blinded by his pride as a Phenex and paid the consequences of his misplaced beliefs." Said Ruval to me, his tone sounding disappointed at failing to impart this knowledge to his little brother. "I would believe he gained more from this battle than Rias. Now, I only hope this will be enough to open his eyes to the truth of the matter, and learn to become a better Devil."

That was unexpectedly wholesome of him. A bit strange that he waited for his brother to lose, but there wasn't a better teacher than failure in life. I had no doubt that Riser will definitely change from this moment onwards.

"Lord Phenex. I'm very sorry that this engagement turned out like this. I know it's rude but this engagement—."

"You don't have to say anymore, Lord Gremory. It was a good engagement for pure Devils, but it looks like we both had too much greed. Both of us already have pure Devil grandchildren. Maybe it's the greed of Devils that made us crave for more. Or is it because we saw true hell in the last war, and we wanted to make sure that our children's future was secured."

"…No, I also forced my greed onto my daughter," Zeoticus answered despondently, now realizing his actions.

"Hikigaya Hachiman, I wanted to thank you. What my son lacked was the experince of defeat. He overestimated the ability of our clan. This will also be a good lesson for my son. Phenex is not absolute. Just learning that was enough for this engagement, Lord Gremory." Yeah, your more capable son said the same thing to me old man. Though I'm glad that he took more from you… I wonder who Riser turned up as? His mother? God, I hope to never meet her, if that was the case.

"Lord Phoenix…"

"Your daughter has good servants. [Sword Birth], [Forbidden Balor View], a Senjutsu user and the daughter of Baraquiel himself with her [Holy Lightning]. Looks like the Underworld won't be bored in the future."

"But, I never would have thought that my daughter would have gotten so much stronger." Indeed, after her previous attitude towards training, Zeoticus didn't think he would miss such an important detail about his daughter… just how much has he been neglecting his daughters to miss this much growth?

"By the way, have you heard about the Welsh Dragon being on the Sitri heir's side? I can't believe that such a loathsome being actually came to our side… I need to see it with my own eyes to believe it."

"Then the next will be—."

"—Yes, it must be. No, perhaps it's already here."

"It is, I believe my daughter informed me that a man assaulting her 'precious wizard' faced him in the past."

"The Vanishing Dragon. It's a matter of time until red meets white… why and how the black got involved with those two is a mystery, but at least it'll be intersting."




Both of you do realize that I'm less than two meters away from you right? I gave them a deadpan look which they conveniently ignored and kept talking as if I wasn't there, to begin with.

Rude old geezers.

"Thanks for letting me talk, Grayfia-san," I said to the expressionless maid, as she gave me a curt nod to my gratitude.

The scene of Rias losing her cool almost made me do something stupid and try to rush into the battle like some stupid protagonist who didn't care about consequences. I mentally slapped myself and sit down while calmly thinking about my next move. It was then I remembered that Devil powers worked in correlation with imagination and desire. Rias was strong, her potential was enormous, but she couldn't use it due to the mental block she unconsciously put on herself. It became an innate fear, that she couldn't ever reach her brother's potential, that she wasn't strong enough to win. I found such thoughts to be normal, she was still a young girl. In fact, out of everyone here and her peerage, she was the most normal one. So, I had to play on her emotions, as that was the answer to her winning this match.

Granted, I did find it a bit suspicious how Graifya had a spot for me ready before I even began talking to her. It was almost like she expected such a move from me… Was I that predictable?

"I believe it is time you go give my sister a visit." Serzechs cut me off my musing, quickly rising from his seat. Looking like the siscon he is. "She should be here soon to claim her hard earned 'prize'." The emphasis on the prize part was unnecessary, you know. I might as well write my will before having to face Akeno.

Probably won't have to spend money on my funeral, as she will me in nothing but ashes.

So a silver lining… I guess.

"Maaaa~ Hachi-kun has truly grown up~" Please don't say it like that, Shuri-san, you're ruining my image.

And besides, I had to visit someone before meeting Rias.


I came in front of a familiar wooden door, the slight traces of scorch remained from the previous attack. I couldn't hear anything from the other side, finding it to be odd. I was preparing myself for an angry shout and a hissy fit from a certain Phenex.



"I'm afraid Riser-sama won't be seeing anyo—" The girl who had two Chinese style hair buns—Xuelan—had her words stuck in her throat when she saw me while opening the door. "Hikigaya… Hachiman?" Already she was wary of me. "What do you want?" She said with a snarl while giving me a cold look, quickly losing the fear in her eyes and looked ready to fight me. "Have you come here to mock Riser-sama!?"


"Let him in, Xuelan." Unexpectedly, Riser was the one to answer.


"Please… I don't have the strength to argue right now."

"... As you command." She gave me one last sharp look, conveying the message of guaranteed violence if I did anything to antagonize them.


The moment I came inside, dozens of unwelcoming glares locked on me.

It's been a long time since I recieved such harsh glares. Kinda nostalgic.

I just ignored them and focused on the main guy, Riser. He was sitting all alone on the sofa, downtrodden and listless, just staring at the ceiling. A stark contrast from his previous arrogant self.

"What do you want." Even his voice was so weak and broken that I had to double-take if this was indeed the same man I had confronted a while ago. "Have you come to humiliate me over the defeat? Rubbing salt on the wound until I break down, crying for mercy and forgiveness? Forget it, your wasting your time."

"No, I just came to have a look at ya, and possibly get to talk to you about this new situation."

"Talk? Hahahaha! Do you believe me to be idiotic? I know you carry an immense amount of contempt and hate towards me. A peaceful exchange would be the last of your options."

Wow, he really took his defeat hard, didn't he?

"Do you even hear yourself? Has this single defeat truly broken you to this extent? Where is that haughty attitude and pride of your existence as a Phenex that you've been flaunting around in the clubroom?"


Flames erupted from his back, though they were pitiful compaired to before and soon died out in a matter of seconds. A far cry from the display he had shown me when I crash-landed here.

"Do not speak as if you know me, human! I am… was a proud phoenix! Victory should have been in the palm of my hand. Yet I lost to an immature girl who got powered up from the promise of a mere kiss! I sullied the name of my house in front of the whole Underworld… Now whenever people hear the name Phenex, the memories of this Rating Game will resurface. The glory my father and brother have brought upon our name has been tarnished because of my arrogance! This engagement… I let this engagement break along with the honor of my house." Say what you will about Riser, but one thing remained an unshakable fact in his heart…

He carries the name of the Phenex and the love he had for his family and their image above all else in his heart. What he had done was no different from the biggest sin in his life. He wished to hate the Gremory girl and this human in front of him… but his anger always returned to blame himself for this loss. Had he not lazed around at the beginning of the match, had he listened to his sister's advice, and had he taken the Gremory peerage seriously—then none of this would have happened.

"You truly are both pathetic and blind, Riser."


"Honour? Image? The Phenex family as a whole? Wake up to reality, this world doesn't revolve around you. People will not disdain or look down on your family with this single defeat. Your father and brother won't think less of you and this is not the end. You're being dramatic for no reason, you've fallen back one step and you think that it's over—when this is merely a small setback."


I pointed at Ravel who was cautiously looking at me the entire time. "You there, blondie twin-tail drill ojou-chan."

"W-wha, me?" She was flustered at the sudden attention.

"Has this defeat shattered the image of the mighty brother you had in your mind? Has he turned into a worthless shitstain in your family's history?"

"Never!" She answered fiercely, making Riser look at her in surprise. "Onii-sama is and always will be a proud Phenex with the power to burn all his enemies to ashes!"


"So what if he lost once? He can get up, grow stronger and burn anyone looking down on him and our family, because that is the kind of person Onii-sama is! And I will personally make sure you'll suffer for that dirty move you pulled off during the end of the match! Huff… Huff… Huff…" At the end of her rant, Ravel's face was crimson red with her breathing becoming erratic.

"Uh… okay? A 'Yes' or 'No' would've been fine." I did not expect such a reaction from the little firecracker. I was waiting for a small 'Onii-sama is the strongest!' kind of reaction. But this was good, it was better than what I had initially planned.

Poor little Ojou-chan became extremely embarrassed from her sudden outburst. "You… You… This is all your fault!" She ran out of the room. Some of Riser's peerage members snickered at her tsundere attitude and went to make sure she was okay.

Don't know why she is blaming me. I'm not the one who told her to say all that, that's on you little brocon.

"Well you heard your sister, she still sees you as the powerful Riser from before." I then gestured towards the rest of the girls in this room. "So do they. Look at their eyes, I don't see the slightest trace of disdain in them. So stop moping around like your life is over, cause it's not, and for the love of G-cough… Lucifer, try to not be a douche in the future or I'll send someone to come around to kick your ass off your high-horse."




"Tell me, what are you gaining from trying to help me? I know that you don't like me, our first interaction already established that." Riser was confused, I could clearly see it. He wasn't wrong though, why did I bother to give him a motivational talk if he was my enemy? Easy.

"Because I'm tired."


"Yes, from the beginning I've wanted nothing more than a simple and peaceful life. Free of any forms of danger and responsibilities from the supernatural, I strived to become the ideal househusband."

"What!?" Everyone in the room was shocked at my words. Househusband? What kind of lame dream was that? Is probably what they were thinking. "Are you messing with me…"

"No, I'm truly being genuine with you. I know a guy who dreams to be a Harem King, someone you'd definitely get along quite well with… without your shitty attitude that is. Rias wants to become free and known for her own exploits rather than be glued to the Gremory fame that comes from her name and position as heiress… along with making the Underworld a better place. Sona wants to establish a Rating Game school for newly reincarnated devils. A drunk crow wants to establish true peace between all factions and Pantheons, many people have so many grandiose dreams that having another one doesn't change anything. I'm not… like them. I'm normal, I hate violence, I hate having to worry about my life every single day and I hate dealing with all these bullshit responsibilities that come as a dragon gear host." I just wanted to be Hikigaya Hachiman and not the Black Dragon King. "So you understand why I'm helping you now? Cause I rather laze around in a classroom while reading a book than to entangle myself in another conflict that I want nothing to do with, keep the people I care about safe."

"Is that so…" He said to me without adding anything else to the conversation.

We both remained silent for the next five minutes, not minding how the other girls were beginning to find silence a bit awkward.

"That… is a nice goal." Riser said. "I wouldn't mind living like that." I didn't know if it was the sunlight behind him playing tricks on my eyes, but I did see traces of a genuine smile on that man's face.

A simple life.

What was wrong with that?


After my surprisingly peaceful conversation with Riser, I returned to the main room where Rias and her group were present along with Sirzechs and the rest.

"You know, if this happened in the Underworld I would have given you a Griffon to bring Rias along on a ride." That damned siscon just had to start the conversation with a weird point.


"Please behave in front of the guests, Maou-sama."

"Ouch! Muuuu, Graifya-chan is being mean~"

I ignored the comedic duo and came in front of Zeoticus, Rias' father. "I'm not sorry for my actions. I interfered with the match because that is what I believed to have been the right choice at the moment. I've known the brat for years, she's the closest thing to a childhood friend—aside from Akeno—I have."

"Friend!?" Not now Rias, I'm trying to have a conversation with your dad here.

"I'm taking her back so that she can focus on normal stuff. Her studies, social life and just being a teenager for once."

He didn't say anything to me. The man smiled and closed his eyes, a sign that he wouldn't interfere.

"Come on, Rias. Mom and Dad cooked a feast tonight, I'm sure they're eager to see you again." We were gone for more than ten days, so of course, they were excited to see us.

She took my hand.

I saw her create a teleportation spell big enough for just us two. The red glow covered my view and the last thing I saw before leaving the room was Akeno waving at me with an excited smile. "Good luck~"


When we finished teleporting, I found that we had arrived not in my room, but at the park nearby where I once had a quick stop with Akeno during my training in the past.

To be honest, I didn't know what to do next.

I felt her touch my cheeks.

"A friend?"

She said it with a bitter smile. Rias seemed to have a relieved expression. Like she was finally released from something painful, which was true. Her engagement was a huge pressure that weighed on her shoulders for years.

The sad reaction was most likely from me calling her a friend.

"Was I wrong?"

"No… I thought that… maybe… I don't know."

"Don't get me wrong, you are special to me Rias." Hugh, the cringe! Don't give up now! You have to get this off your chest now! "I couldn't just sit by and watch you lose the freedom you so desired. I keep my promises, and I made a promise to always help you no matter what. From past, present and future, I'll always have your back, against Gods, Angels, and even your own family. I'll gladly come in between to share a few words with them."

Just like I did against Riser. I pulled the beautiful red head into a hug, making her blush. Feeling how my face was getting warm, she wasn't the only one, but I have to do this, and deal with the consequences later.

"I care about you. Maybe even lo—"


Right after I said that my lips got blocked. My mind was trying its best to understand what was happening right now.

Rias wrapped her arms around my neck and locked her lips with mine. It was not something that happened for an instant.

A kiss.

It wasn't a deep kiss where we let our tongues play hockey, but I could feel her feelings from this kiss. Her soft lips moulded into mine, pouring every ounce of her feelings into it and her familiar scent of strawberry and kiwi, with the smell of sweat and ash mixing along with it, nearly froze my mind.

I did promise a kiss as a reward but I was entirely not prepared for it.

After about a minute we overlapped our lips, and Rias' lips left mine.

She laughed, probably at the stupid look I had right now.

"A first kiss. It's something that girls treasure in Japan, right? I really wanted you to have mine first… but in both cases, our first kiss got stolen by the same person. I love you, Hachiman. I don't care if you return my feelings or not but I'll always love you no matter what." She proceeded to hug me while I was frozen there in shock, burying her face onto my chest.


This was not her first kiss!?


The next 5 chapters of Snafu and Fate are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter.

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