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36.95% My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted! / Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Dodge this!

Kapitel 34: Chapter 34: Dodge this!


-Hachiman POV-


I was surprised to see Asia run to Rias and beg for mercy on Viser's behalf—it wasn't just me who was surprised; everyone was caught off guard by this sudden turn of events.

"Umm, Argento-san, you may not know this but Viser is a human-eating stray; according to orders, they are all to be killed on the spot to prevent further damage," Rias explained to the nun Viser's case—trying not to look into Asia's teary eyes. "If we let them get away, more people will surely get killed. So please understand that we need to get rid of her. I know it looks cruel, but it is the only way."

Akeno then stepped in to try and help diffuse the situation, "Asia-chan, if you feel uncomfortable, I and Hachi-kun can take you back home or we can even take a walk around Kuoh." She said gently, almost uncharacteristically so; she wasn't usually this way around people she just met.

I wondered what made her act that way with Asia so quickly.

"Buchou is right." Koneko agreed, with Kiba following suit.

But even when met against such opposing opinions, Asia remained strong, although some stutters seemed to seep into her voice. "Ha-Hachiman-san told me that all strays are people who lost control of their devil powers… is that true?"

We all exchanged uncomfortable glances with each other. It is quite common for someone to hate devils and resent the race after learning about such facts. The church would regularly send exorcists-in-training to hunt down strays, only to show them the cruelty and destruction that could be brought upon a region where a stray was let loose. It didn't help that Asia was formerly from the church, and I didn't want her to have any bad between her and the devils.

Still, Rias gave a short nod, confirming her question. "Yes… but believe me when I say that there is more to it than you might think. Not every devil will turn into strays, only those who left their king or grew drunk with power."

I reached Asia's side and patted her on the shoulder to reassure her. I wanted her to get as comfortable as possible with Rias and hopefully become friends with her—for as popular as Rias was, she had little to no friends aside from her peerage, Sona, and me.

I had planned for her to join Kuoh, and let her choose to join either the Service Club or the Occult Research Club. This would make her dreams of having more friends come true and offer her a life she never had.

"I do not blame the devils; Hachiman-san told me you were all good people and I believe him. Bu-but this means that this woman became like this because she couldn't control her powers, right? Then we should try and save her!" Asia remained adamant much to the dismay of Rias and the rest.

When a person turns into a devil, it becomes impossible—at least to my knowledge—to change them back into a human.

"Asia, there is no way to save them. Strays are those that have completely lost their sanity; they are now no different than a rabid animal—and the longer they live, the more people are bound to get hurt." I was being harsh, but I needed her to understand.

It was no use trying to save those who have gone past the point of no return.




I wonder when I started to think of them like that. Probably when I witnessed my first encounter with a stray eating the remains of its victims. If I had the power of healing back then… I would have probably reacted like Asia.

"You told me that you wished to atone for your sins, to search for forgiveness from those who have died… Hachiman-san is a kind person. Killing is not something you should resort to, nor it should be something you force yourself to accept; always try to save them first, even the most wicked need a second chance, especially when they turn evil because they've lost control." The more she talked, the more I felt my resolve slowly crumbling, her shimmering green eyes begging me to do the right thing.

It just wasn't fair.

"Asia… it's not that easy… or even possible… " if even someone like Ajuka Beelzebub, the 'Albert Einstein' of devil-kind, couldn't find a solution, how could I?

"I know it's going to be hard and I know we might not succeed, but unless we try, how will we ever know?" She put on a large smile, held my hand in her own and looked at me, "I know you can do it because you have saved me as well."

Air filled my lungs before being exhaled slowly. I was at an impasse, with my only option being asking Akeno for help. I threw her a pleading gaze, begging her to come to my rescue, but that woman chose to betray me.

"You know what? I agree with Asia-chan. If we can save a single stray, then we do so for the others. For now, we can try it with Viser only, and continue our hunt. It doesn't hurt to try." She said while giving me a sly grin, enjoying my uncomfortable situation.

'I'm going to remember this, woman.'

"Alright, we won't kill her, but instead place her in a cell. Asia since this is your decision, you will help as well." I had neither the care nor the time to perform the impossible task of saving a stray, but I'll try it anyway if it appeases her.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed excitedly, hugging me around my waist and burying her head on my chest. I would've returned the hug, but her outfit makes it hard for me to know where to place my hands.

"Group hug!" Then came Akeno, taking advantage of the situation, hugging me and placing Asia in between us. Don't think I didn't notice you groping my butt, pervert.

I felt a pair of soft flesh on my back as another pair of arms wrapped around my neck. Crimson hair spilling over my shoulder.

"You better not make me regret this Hachi-kun, or I'll have to punish you~," said Rias, her hug getting tighter around my neck.

Great, now I'll have to avoid messing this up more than usual. Way to lay on the pressure guys.

I looked at the last two in the room, wondering if they were going to hug me next.

Kiba was just standing on the side finishing tying up the stray, while he smiled at my situation, but I can tell the bastard was laughing on the inside. I looked for Koneko but I couldn't find her until I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and nuzzle my side. I look down to see white hair next to me.

I let out another sigh and just let it happen, ignoring the groping from Akeno.

I'll punish her later… in my own way.

After we were done with Viser, Rias decided that we were done for the night. She and Akeno teleported together back to the house while Koneko and Kiba decided to walk back.

Of course, I chose to accompany Asia back to her apartment.

After dropping her off, I remembered that envelope she gave me. Taking it out, I tore the seal and found a picture inside of it.

"Pft!" Inside was a picture of none other than Kalawarna… or at least another version of her.

There she was, wearing a nun outfit very similar to what Asia currently had. She smiled innocently, standing beside a Raynare who was busy checking her nails.

'Guess this was her years before she changed into a sadistic temptress who enjoyed teasing me, just like Akeno.' I found it fascinating how a person could have changed so much. But then again, I was a prime example as well.

"Guess I'll keep it then." Pocketing the picture once again, I decided it was time to go back home.


(A few days later)

-Kuoh Academy-

A lot has happened in the past few days.

First of all, Asia successfully joined Kuoh Academy, which was not that hard to do since Rias and Sona basically own the whole school.

Just like a scene straight out of a highschool anime, the class exploded with cheers as the boys celebrated the addition of another cute girl among the already plenty of choices to choose from.

To say she was a lost puppy would be an understatement.

I decided to temporarily leave her alone and have her try to socialize with her classmates, which she did at first but then she would get overwhelmed by all the people that would try to interact with her, causing her to flee to me pleading for help.

She would follow me everywhere I would go, like a second shadow, Asia just wouldn't leave my side for the rest of the day.

Many started to joke around whenever they would see me walking down the corridor with a smiling Asia keeping up beside me. Even Akeno secretly took pictures of us and teased us non-stop about it.

"I wonder if I should be jealous? After all, little Asia-chan is always taking care of your needs~"

"Oi, phrasing! I don't want people to misunderstand things." She indeed did try to take care of me like an overcautious mother—worrying about my health, bringing me lunch that she cooked, and even hiding all of my stash of SUPER coffee, saying that it is bad for my health.

Woman, that coffee is my lifeblood!

…Is what I would've said before she gave me an adorably stern glare. After that, I lost my will to argue… I could just sneak in some cans from Rias's club afterwards anyway.

"Hachiman-san, I made some of Sister Bianca's spaghetti for you!"

"Did you sleep well, Hachiman-san? Your eyes look tired."

"Too much coffee is dangerous for your health! Kalawarna-san told me so."

That was the general routine we fell into.

One thing was for sure, I would never say no to free food… it saved me some pocket money from buying those Yakisoba bread, after all.

Not to mention my appetite has been growing lately, so both of Akeno's and Asia's cooking was a blessing.

What pleased me the most was how close Akeno and Asia got. Every morning, Asia would come to my house and Akeno would teach her how to cook. While Rias would just sit by and watch the scene unfold.

Rias didn't push Asia into joining her peerage, but she seemed very interested in her sacred gear and talked to me about how a bishop piece would suit the girl. It helped that the nun got along with everyone in her peerage very well.

Koneko would share her candies with her.

Kiba helped her with Japanese studies.

Akeno began teaching her how to use magic at a beginner's level, and according to her, Asia was very talented.

I shared the same sentiments with Rias and encouraged her to try to work towards properly inviting Asia as her Bishop.

Even if her devotion to God remained strong, it didn't hurt to ask.


While coming back from my wandering thoughts, I realized that we had reached the Service Club room, with someone closing the door behind them.

It was Ruruko Nimura, a recent member of Sona's peerage and her latest pawn.

"Oh, Hikigaya-senpai! Sorry to disturb you, I came to search for you in the clubroom but you weren't inside, but here you are now! Anyways, Kaichou wanted to meet you as soon as possible. Alrighty then, gotta go. See ya!" She didn't even wait for my answer before walking away.

Ruruko was a short girl with brown hair in long twin ponytails and green eyes, who was also the first year. I don't know her backstory aside from it being related to her clan which shared some similar practices as the Himejima clan.

She wasn't the only one who recently joined Sona's peerage. Sona also got Tomoe Meguri to join as her Knight. If Ruruko was kind of a delinquent, Tomoe was a very cheerful and hyperactive girl

'I wonder if Sona let Issei join her peerage… maybe her invite is related to him.'

Before I was able to go to the student council room, I still had to finish up with matters concerning my club.

"Let's go, Asia."

As I opened the door, I was once again met with the sight of Aika, but this time, instead of trying to show off her panties or make sexual remarks, she was passed out sleeping on the table. 'Must have overworked herself again.'

I felt guilty for the amount of work she does for the club—the time she spends over every request was staggering. Behind her perverted persona, there exists a very caring person.

"Do you still have any leftovers?" I whispered to Asia, not wanting to wake Aika up.

"Yes, I always bring two bento boxes because of your appetite." She said proudly, showing off the two identical-sized boxes filled with food.


If she wasn't so innocent, I would have thought she was mocking me.

"Give it to Aika, she must be hungry. I'll be going to Sona and see what she wants." She agreed and sat beside the sleeping Aika. "Oh, and be sure to not listen to her nonsense, okay? Kala is bad enough of an influence as it is, I don't want another one trying to corrupt you." Asia nodded once more as I was leaving the room.


[Student Council]

These were the words written in bold on a gold-plated sign. It represented the power the council had over the school. What was supposed to be a group that represented the bridge between the student body and teachers—where their role lay in passing on information—was changed into a literal organization that controlled both the students and the teachers.

Especially the teachers. While Sona had shared her authority on the students with Rias, who most of the time never punished them, Sona got full control of the staff population. And to say they feared her would simply be an understatement.

They actively hid from her like a bunch of scared rabbits.

Once, the teacher of biology, Nimura-sensei, forgot to wear his tie, and the moment he saw the shadow of Sona, he immediately hid inside a random locker.

Which just so happened to be mine… I just stayed there standing, watching this unbelievable sight.

Who was the adult here?

For them, she truly was the devil.

I slid the door to the room and saw Sona's peerage members, aside from Saji who was missing, working on stacks of paper.

Sona looked like an absolute wreck, with messy hair and eye bags—a clear sign of sleep deprivation. To be fair, she did look like that most of the time.

"Oh, you finally arrived, Hachiman." To my surprise, Rias was also in the room as well, along with Akeno by her side. Unlike Sona, she looked to be in perfect condition—aside from avoiding direct eye contact with me for some reason. "We've been waiting for you."

"Is this about Issei?" I asked immediately, wanting to know about the topic of discussion beforehand.

Sona readjusted her glasses in a practiced move, making the sunlight reflect off of them. "Yes and no, we need to discuss Hyoudou's current situation, along with the upcoming familiar ceremony schedule." She started calmly before immediately bursting, slamming her hands on the desk in anger. "Rias, do you have any idea what sacred gear Hyoudou Issei possesses!?" She yelled at Rias.




We all recoiled a bit from her sudden outburst, whatever gear she discovered in Issei must have shocked her to the core. Even the other members of the council were looking at their president weirdly.

"Ummm, no?" Rias replied with uncertainty, "Looking at how you've reacted, I guess it's a powerful one."

"A powerful one, she says…" I could just feel her anger and frustration bubbling up from here. "It's a freaking Longinus!"


If I was drinking a coffee or something else, I would have certainly done a spit take. My eyes nearly popped out, I couldn't believe what was being said right now.

Longinus are also known as 'Tools that Destroy God'; thirteen original top-tier sacred gears with enough power to kill Gods. Just like Vali's [Divine Dividing], they all held extremely broken abilities that surpass all lower or normal ranked sacred gear.

My [Delete Field] could not compare to them, a one-on-one battle would be extremely unfavorable chances for winning. That is one of the reasons why I didn't battle Vali back then. And now I find out we have a second Longinus-class sacred gear in this school?

Wait a minute… Issei has slight traces of a draconian scent, which means…

"Don't tell me it's the freaking [Boosted Gear]?" Sona nodded at my question, while Rias immediately whipped her head towards me, giving me an incredulous look.




I was just joking back then with Rias!

Is this the universe playing tricks on me once again!? How is the guy, who possesses little to no magical reserves, wielding a mid-tier Longinus?

If I didn't know better, I would have been convinced that this guy is the main character. Actually, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

A weak protagonist born with little to no power gets almost killed by a Fallen, awakens his overpowered hidden weapon and escapes alive. Then he meets his fated rival, the White Dragon Emperor and they proceed to have a battle of epic proportions until one walks out victorious. It's the perfect plot of a cheesy generic shounen anime.

But wait, didn't I experience the same near-death experience? So am I a side boss or something?

"Hachi-kun, you're getting distracted once more." I felt Akeno poking my cheeks, "What should I do to get rid of that bad habit?"

"Certainly not what you might be thinking of right now." I held on to her hands so that they would stop touching my cheeks. "After what happened last time, I am scared of what you might do." I was serious about that, our night together was something that caught me completely off guard… next time I will be prepared.

"Fufufu, don't worry, I'll be gentle." We looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds. When I watched such a beautiful and sexy woman look at me with such love, again I began wondering how I ever caught her attention.

"Ehem!" We both turned around and saw the rest of the devils giving us the stink eye, especially Rias. Sona had a twitching eyebrow while Momo and the rest were all giggling. "Can we please get back on track!"

"How did you find out that he possessed a Longinus? Is it possible that you've made a mistake?" Rias questioned with good reason, as it was not rare for some to accidentally identify the wrong sacred gear. It happened before.

Sona once again denied that possibility. "I used my 3 remaining pawns on him, one of them was even a mutated piece… they weren't enough. Saji who temporarily possesses a Vritra gear only took 4 pieces, yet with Issei, a single mutated piece coupled with 2 regular pawn pieces is worth more than 4 pawns. So in my calculation, I would need about 7 or 8 pawn pieces to change him to a devil. If that doesn't tell you that he has the [Boosted Gear] then I don't know what will." Sona leaned back into her seat, both tired and stressed out. "Just take him Rias, he will be a major member of your peerage, with a force like that, nothing will be impossible for you."

She tried convincing her friend. The Longinus were rare enough as it is. Even the Maous didn't have a Longinus wielder among their peerage members!

But Rias didn't budge on her previous words. "I'm sorry Sona, but my decision is final." She said strictly. "You can ask your sister for another mutated pawn piece… it should be enough to turn Issei."

This time Sona's face immediately turned pale white, "Don't you ever bring her up again! She might be spying on us right now." Wow, talk about paranoia, she must really fear her sister… I wonder what she's like in person. I've only seen her magical girl show, which is definitely a persona she portrays for the audience and can't possibly be the real her.

"Sorry about that, but still I've made my choice, Sona."

With an audible sigh, Sona conceded defeat. "...Fine, we'll see what we can do with him later on… I'll try something else on my side. Alright, another matter we need to look into, the familiar forest will soon open and only one of us can go. Since I have 3 new members, then I believe it is my turn to take the lead." And so, they were back to their usual rivalry.

Rias, not wanting to give Sona the slightest advantage, took my hand and said, "But Hachiman was my contracted magician for years! So I get to go first!"

"That doesn't count!" Sona shouted out loud, "He worked for me as well!"

"Yes it does!"

"No, it doesn't!"

"Accept the truth Sona and stop being a petty loser!"

"Shut up, you exhibitionist!"

And just like that, we had completely lost those two in an argument.

Akeno just watched the heated back and forth with glee. "Guess there will be another match this year."





(The very next day)

"This is stupid… " I said to no one in particular, while I just stood in the middle of the sports hall, wearing my standard gym clothes. "Why dodgeball again?" This time I asked Akeno who was wearing a tight white shirt that accentuated her chest region and a criminally short bloomer.

In fact, it was not just her, but every single female out here.

"Ooooohhh!!! This is truly heaven!"

Oh yeah, Issei was here as well… on Sona's team of all people. Guess she took pity on him and decided to let him join their group while still being a human until she found a way to turn him.

"Shut it, Hyoudou! If you don't concentrate, then we will lose!" Shouted a surprisingly present Saji Genshirou. Now I remembered why bringing him close to me was a stupid decision. It was because my very presence may cause his [Absorption Line] to burst out of his body.

But there was an important factor stopping that from happening…

"Ah, Hachiman-san, what is this dodgeball sport? It looks fun!"


Case and point.

Though it was temporary, Asia had the effect of calming down the adverse effect between our similar sacred gears. Of course, I was holding back a lot as well… but I just knew it was only temporary.

Wait… I wanted to try something, "Hey, Asia, can you do me a favor and approach those two bickering guys and tell them to stop fighting?" I wanted to test out if her calming effect only worked on me or on other dragons as well.

"I'll have you know that I apparently possess a super broken sacred gear! And, I'm worth more than you, so take that!" Issei taunted Saji with his argument of owning a Longinus without having even awakened it.

"That does not count! You can't even use it, so you're still a good for nothing weakling!" Saji fought back, showing off his absorption line openly to the now jealous Issei.

"You wanna fight!?"

"A-Ano…" Asia's shyness immediately caught their attention, and they immediately stopped fighting. "Can you two be nice to each other… it's not healthy to be angry at each other… please?" She used what I called Asia's version of the 108 skills 'The puppy-eyed plea!'.

""Hahaha, of course, we were just joking as friends!!""

And it was super effective!

Both dragons immediately followed her word and started acting friendly while secretly trying to crush the other's hand.

"Fufufufu~ I-I can't hahaha! This is too much!" Akeno fell into a fit of laughter while clutching her stomach. Not only had Asia gotten the dragons under control, but she also broke through Akeno's 'Onee-sama' character.

The match was about to begin, both Rias and Sona walked out of the changing room with a fierce aura surrounding them both. 'Someone is going to get hurt.'

"Ready, Sona?" Rias said with a smile but her eyes told another story.

"Bring it on."

Reya who played the role of referee called for everyone to get in position. "Alright Hachiman, you take the center position and only concentrate on dodging!"

Don't worry Rias, I know my way around avoiding troublesome things.


On Sona's team, she and her Queen took their position, followed by Saji, Issei, and Tsubasa on the rear.


While on our side, we had Rias, Akeno, Koneko, myself and Kiba. Asia was kind of like our unofficial cheerleader.


Kiba burst forward with incredible speed, using his Knight class advantage to its fullest, he reached the middle before everyone else. "Buchou!" He passed on two of the three balls at Rias and kept one to himself.

"Ha!" Rias didn't waste her opportunity and coated the ball in a crimson red aura and launched forward, nearly hitting Saji if it weren't for Tsubasa intercepting her shot. "Damn!"

"Saji, move faster!" The knight of Sona scolded her fellow peerage member.

"It was too fast!"

"This is payback!" With a large swing, she threw the ball and aimed for Rias's head. But the heiress was fast enough to dodge it.

"Buchou, watch out!" Kiba screamed when he saw Tsubaki also throw a ball in Rias's direction. She wouldn't be able to dodge it in time, so she resorted to using another trick.

"Pull me away, Hachiman!"

I sprang into action, using my sacred gear's tentacles and wrapping them around her waist before moving her out of the way of the ball just in time.

"That's cheating!" Screamed Issei.

While Sona's team was in shock, Issei was busy calling me a bloody cheater. We were now in possession of all three balls, and Koneko came in by using her immense strength and successfully hit Saji to the ceiling.

"Saji out!"

"My friend!" Wow, Issei was still under Asia's influence. "Why is the loli so strong!?"

This comment garnered an eye twitch from Koneko, who now looked at Issei with pure malice and disgust. "Die, pervert-senpai."

Kiba was next, using his speed and momentum to launch the ball in a curve, its trajectory heading towards Tsubasa, who stood prepared for it. "Bring it!"

She caught the ball with both of her hands as she slid backwards from the sheer power of the ball. "Hahaha, too wea-Hurgh!" She was unable to complete her taunt when a third ball came beneath her and hit her legs with such force that it swept her over in the air.

"You talk too much," I said with my hands coated in a light film of blue light.

[Vajra Diamond Body]

"Tsubasa Yura, out!"

And so this cruel battle between our two groups continued. Both Rias and Sona were cruel and didn't hesitate to use every dirty tactic in the book. From cheating with magic to insulting each other at every turn, they just didn't stop.

Kiba had succeeded in taking Tsubaki out of the game but got hit in return by a vengeful Sona. What surprised me the most was the still-standing Issei—all he did was dodge and roll. Not to mention everyone subconsciously avoided hitting him for obvious reasons, they didn't think it was fair to use their magic on a yet-to awaken human.

But not me.

"Yo Koneko, want to deliver a true anti-pervert missile?" I asked her with a shit-eating grin plastered on my face. Of course she knew who the target was.

"With pleasure." Even though she talked with her monotone voice, I could still see that slight smile on her face.

"Catch!" I threw the ball in the air, and Koneko jumped upwards. A slight fluctuation of Senjutsu energy gathered around her fist. The moment she hit the ball, it nearly exploded from the initial impact, but thankfully didn't. The ball rocketed towards Issei and he was ready to dodge once more, but this time… I wouldn't let him.


Two black tentacles burst from the ground and wrapped around his ankles, rendering him incapable of moving. The incoming projectile was coming straight for his family jewels!

"Shit! Hachiman you fucker! This is treason to all men!!" His face turned pale as he saw the ball of death near his most sensitive spot. "Shit, shit, shitshitshit!!!!"

In his moment of desperation, he did the one thing he could think of, "Haaaaaa! Awaken inner super powerful dragon mega punch!" Unbelievably, he met the ball head-on with a punch, a bright crimson light suddenly fluctuated on his left arm.



The impact was so strong that he was pushed so far back that he passed the limit line. His fists were smoking from all the power he just exerted. Being so unused to the sheer magnitude of a Longinus, he fell unconscious, with his newly awakened sacred gear disappearing in motes of light as well.

"...Huuu, Hyoudou Issei...out?"

"Sona out as well," I said while holding a ball in my hands and gently tapping it on Sona's head while she was in the middle of her shock. She was close enough for me to reach her, so might as well.


Everyone was silent over the two events that just occurred. Sona slowly turned her head towards me, and looked at me with the most haunting of eyes. She couldn't accept her defeat to be so humiliating.

"Sorry Sona, I'll make it up to you with a game of chess?"




"You better."

Poor Reya was confused as well, but in the end she counted my tap. "Sona Sitri, out! The Gremory team wins!"


The next 5 chapters of Snafu are already available on my Patreon. With 3 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter.

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