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33.69% My teenage high school romance comedy can't be this perverted! / Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Want to be my friend?

Kapitel 31: Chapter 31: Want to be my friend?

-Paris, Memorial site-

-Hachiman POV-

The cold, chilling air remained the same.

The once downtown neighborhood crowded with apartment complexes was now a giant field of grass, with trees closing off the area from the outside.

In the middle of the field was built a large monument that resembled an obelisk—each of its walls carved with the names of all who have died in this tragedy.

Surrounding the monument were thousands of gravestones. Coupled with the quiet atmosphere, it made for quite an eerie sight.

One wouldn't be wrong to assume this was a memorial for fallen soldiers or something, as the theme looked very similar to one. Though they would be in disbelief if they came to know about how all of these people died in a single day.

Many of my victims weren't humans—according to Azazel, a majority of those who died were supernatural beings who lived in pocket dimension rooms. To put it simply, with the help of magic and runes, a giant space could be built connected to a doorway.

A single door could lead to a small village-sized dimension and unfortunately, there were many such constructions in the destroyed area.

"This is… " Asia looked at the scenery in shock and sadness. Of course, she would know about it, this tragedy was broadcasted all around the world.

"Yes, these are all those who have died during the 'Black Night', they all disappeared without a single trace. Not a single one of these tombs has their remains." Aside from some family members who buried their loved ones' related objects.

"This is horrible." The young nun said quietly as she began offering a prayer to the deceased.

I sat slumped down against a nearby tree, not wanting to disturb her—I waited.

"Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine"

I tuned her voice out of my head as I closed my eyes and rested for the next few moments.

"et lux perpetua luceat eis."

Every year, I would come here just to sit at this exact spot. For the entire day, I would constantly rethink my actions at that time; how I could have handled the situation differently back then. I had come to know many answers, yet it was too late—the past wouldn't change.

"Requiescant in pace"

I wondered if she'll hate me or see me as a monster after I reveal to her the truth. It didn't help with her presence suppressing the madness inside me, I began feeling down once more–my emotions kept bubbling on the surface.


At least with her hating me, she'll no longer see herself as a witch or a sinner. Taking out her resentment on me would do her some good.

"You're done with your prayer?" I asked.

"Yes, I… I just wish they're in a better place right now. Even with the Lord no longer by my side, I wish them nothing but happiness in the afterlife."

They did deserve peace.

"But… Why did you bring me here?"

Here it comes. I don't know why I was so nervous, I could feel my palms sweating from anxiety. I felt like I was going to do something I would regret.

It must be because I was afraid to be judged once more.

To calm myself down, I resorted to doing something which I hadn't done for years…

One of my 108 skills, 'Stone face'.

I felt a bit embarrassed about resorting to such an old habit, but it did help me relax a bit.

"Remember when I told you I showed you my sacred gear?" She nodded her head, eyes filled with confusion.

I willed my wings back, again—making Asia gasp in awe once more. But I didn't stop there, with the rest of my gear, [Delete Field] formed into a chest plate, accompanied by the black fog which kept trying to form the rest of the armor but continuously broke down.

"This is [Delete Field] , and I am the one responsible for the death of everyone here."

And so I told her everything.

From the time Jeanne and I first met, to the part when I lost control or last gave control to Vritra. I detailed every step of the way, even including her betrayal and how she ran away.

I even added the part on how I felt during the entire time, my dark times to my wishes of dying.

Surprisingly, I felt more comfortable after revealing everything. I didn't feel as sad or frustrated as I thought I would be. This helped me realize why people always say to have someone to talk to.

Don't get me wrong, I did talk to Akeno about most of my problems, but I always kept some parts hidden for her sake. I never felt it to be appropriate to have someone else share my burdens, especially with someone I hold dear to my heart.

But here I wasn't sharing my pain with someone else. Instead, I was lessening theirs. This wasn't a measuring contest, where the person who suffered the most was right. Everyone experienced pain and traumatic events differently—in Asia's case, her pain of being labeled as a witch and abandoned by her own home was probably as painful as the time I was at my lowest.

I just wished for her to realize that she wasn't a witch. And that compared to the rest of the world, her actions were pure and innocent—devoid of any malicious intentions and selfishness.

After all, isn't that what a saint is supposed to be?

I didn't expect Asia to feel a sense of schadenfreude while hearing my story. It just wasn't in her nature.

The poor girl cried and began hugging me while constantly praying for me and apologizing.

"I-I'm so sor-sorry for the pain you had to go through, Hi-Hikigaya-san."

"Ple-Please don't hate yourself, for you a-are not to be blamed!"

I appreciated her words, but this wasn't about me, "Thanks. Just like you shared with me your story, I shared mine with you..." I made her stop crying by showing off the least creepy smile I could muster.

" is unfair; people will go through any length to keep their powers and authority intact. You received the gift of healing not just to heal the followers of the church, but to heal everyone. The Twilight spirit granted its blessings on all those who asked for help; may they be evil or just, the spirit never turned anyone down—for who else needs healing the most, if not for the damned."

I knew a bit of a story about her gear's spirit—it was a fae which was said to be born as a Riverside spirit. It healed all those it stumbled upon, its powers reminiscent of the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon.

I guess at one point it got sealed in a gear.

"Those in authority lied about your power for they wanted to keep it to themselves—to create an image of absolute devotion to God. Having you suddenly heal a devil was like you threatening their authority, so they abandoned you." At least that was the explanation that I found to be logical.

"Bu-but God wouldn't ever do such a thing!" She denied my statement fervently.

"Remember, I am talking about the people who manage the church, not God. While we may never know why he didn't intervene, we can still search for an answer. And who knows, you'll probably be forgiven as well."

"Do you seek forgiveness as well, Hikigaya-san?" She asked. "For the Lord is forgiving, it is clear that you regret this ever happening, it wasn't your fault…"

To be honest, I don't know to whom I should even apologize first. The people were dead. Their souls are long gone, leaving behind nothing. If I wanted forgiveness, where would I even search for it?

"I guess I do… but to whom exactly? This is a lost cause, an endless pursuit of something I don't deserve… I can't do this." I didn't have the will to do it, what would I say to the souls if I ever had the chance to apologize? 'Hey I killed you all by accident, it wasn't intentional so please forgive me?'

What a joke.

"Then let's try to find out!" Asia jumped in front of me with a fire burning in her eyes. "We'll find what we seek for—together!"

Heh, she was funny. But then again, I couldn't exactly say no to that face.

There was no harm in doing it. I would play the role if it motivated her to do the same.

A simple goal for the girl, I'll help her along the way until she finds her own path.

"Aside from forgiveness, what do you want in life, Asia?" I slipped with her name again.She went all silent, all of sudden. Her face grew increasingly red. She mumbled something under her breath but I couldn't hear it, so I asked her to repeat it louder.

"I-I al-also wa-want to b-be friends with you!" She said while bidding her face behind her hands.

Ahh~ she was embarrassed.

Well, at least there is a wish I could grant her without any issue.

"That's easy. Sister Asia Argento, did you wish to become friends with a barely stable idiot like me?" I asked her jokingly, but to my surprise, she gave her most serious face and answered with confidence.

"Yes! I want you to become my first friend and I wish to have more friends in the future as well!"

She'll get along well with my friends back in Kuoh, I'll just need to keep her away from Aika. Rias would probably try to get close to her first before trying to recruit her. When the time comes, I'll leave that decision to Asia.

Koneko would get along nicely with her, Asia will probably try to play the big sister role; Kiba, the ever polite guy will treat her like he treats everyone; Akeno on the other hand was a wild card—just like with Aika, I'll have to be careful with her.

For the first time, I left the memorial—not with a heavy heart filled with guilt—but with a smile on my face.



"Ano… "

We teleported back to Kuoh, and I promised to bring her to the church, so here we are. And I just remembered something that I forgot to mention to her a—tiny little detail about the abandoned church she was looking for.

"Hachiman-san" By becoming friends with me, I forced her to call me by my first name.

"Yes?" I said innocently, acting all clueless.

"Where is the church?"

Instead of finding a church, we found a big empty field filled with construction workers and a number of machines laying over a foundation on the ground.

I guess Rias did take my little advice seriously and decided to build something—what it was, I don't know.

"... A white dragon destroyed it." Which was true and that white dragon just so happened to be a psychotic battle maniac who was held down by a leash thanks to Azazel, or else he would have turned Kuoh into a desert.

Oh, and he also happens to dress like an edgy emo teen with some daddy issues.


…I feel a disturbance in the force.

I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me into something that I could only describe as heavenly. I felt their hands roaming my body. While blushing, I knew only one person that would greet me like this, and so I quickly pulled myself away—before I fell into her trap.

I turned around and was greeted by the evil temptress, Kalawarna. I was immediately pulled into the soft valleys as she spun us around in joy.

"Darling! I missed you so much! Did you miss me?! Of course you did!" Exclaimed Kala.

Poor Asia's face was bright red; I could feel her embarrassment from here.

I tried to break free and tell this woman what for, but she had a strong grip on me.

'She is a Fallen, after all.' Though inside I knew I could easily break free from her, my consciousness was scared of hurting her by accident. She was just being her regular teasing self, I didn't need to overreact.

Kala finally stopped spinning us around, I was so close from getting a headache and vomiting the burger I just ate. "Someone is happy."

Though she always acted like this, today her affection was a bit too strong.

"Just wanted to thank you for not killing Ray and the others," Kala said gratefully.

Oh right, I forgot she used to be part of Raynare's patrol group before. It felt uncomfortable, knowing that if Azazel hadn't changed her position, she could have easily been the one in Raynare's place… or severely mutilated due to Vali's rampage.

Guess you must always appreciate the smaller things in life. She may be annoying from time to time with her teasing and all, but I did enjoy the small moments we had between us.

"They still mean a lot to you, don't they."Just when I was about to break free once more, she let me go and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Of course they do, Raynare may have her quirks, but she does indeed care for her subordinates—not the humans, mind you." She added that last part quickly. And yes, I did notice her dislike for humans. "I was a low ranked Fallen back, a recently tainted naïve angel who had nowhere to go, Raynare brought me to the Grigori. Back then, many newly Fallen angels were hunted down by both devils and exorcists. If she hadn't been there… I would have most likely been hunted and killed." Even after literal centuries after the event, Kalawarna still shudders at her past memories and how close she came to die back then.

"Guess she is not a complete bitch after all, that Raynare." She cared about Kala at least, and that prevented her from earning my ire, despite her comment about my infamous moniker.

"Fufufu~ No, she still is a bitch. Did you know, back then I was a very innocent lady? A bit like this little kitten over here." Kala gave a side hug to the frozen Asia, somehow making the poor girl nearly faint once again.

"We got along quite well, me and Raynare, to the point that we even formed a romantic relationship back in the days."

Oho, that was news to me, "So you and Raynare were—"

"—Girlfriends? A couple? Sort of. It would be more accurate to call us friends with benefits. Even back then, Raynare held feelings for Azazel-sama; she just hung around with me to relieve some stress." Kala explained to me more of her past, which I never knew before. It made me wonder if she still held on to some feelings for Raynare. "To be honest, I'm glad she came on to me, or else I wouldn't have discovered the real me." She said as I felt her bite my ear in a similar way to Akeno.

'Oh no…' Her true nature was that of a sadist.


An Asia version of Kala? That's an amazing sight to think about.

I had to stop myself from imagining her in a tight nun outfit, otherwise I might get a nosebleed—and she might see an embarrassing sight.

I could see Asia covering her flushed face, the girl kept praying while secretly sneaking glances at us by peeking through her fingers.

'This girl…'

Deciding to ignore her for the moment, I turn to look at Kala.

If I were to describe her new appearance, it would be an S class swimsuit model. She was wearing a red top that was straining from the weight, and a red string thong with a long light red see-through skirt. She had a pair of stylish light brown sandals. I noticed that she had a dark tan as I looked her over.

She looks pretty well tanned.

'Guess she enjoyed that trip to Hawaii, it wasn't cheap for me.'

Kala noticed me staring at her, and pulled close to her once again. She leaned down to the side of my face, feeling her breath caress my ear, and whispered "If you want, I can let you get a good look at how tan I've gotten in my private chambers~"

This woman won't ever stop with her teasing.

"Did you just honestly teleport in the middle of Kuoh, in your freaking swimsuit!?"

"Of course!" Kala said cheerfully.

"A-Ano?" Asia gathered up enough courage to speak up, "Wh-who might this be?"

Much to my happiness, Kala finally let me go. She reached up inside her cleavage and retrieved a small card and handed it to the flustered nun. "Kalawarna, secretary of this guy here and your new roommate! Also, I'm a Fallen!" She followed up her claim by showing off her black wings.

"A Fallen!?" Asia exclaimed in surprise.

Did she just not hear my conversation with Kala about her past as a Fallen?

"Yes, it has come to our attention that the group you were supposed to join, had in fact, gone rogue. But don't worry, they have been apprehended and your case was personally looked into by Azazel-sama himself. For now, you are granted a permanent stay in Kuoh, and a sweet apartment complex where we can both have fun together!"

It was fun seeing Asia so lost and confused.

I wished her good luck, and dear God she would need it, living with Kala can be… frustrating.



In a large castle within the Lucifaad city, a single loud roar of anger emanated from behind its walls.

"Those useless birds!" Another loud sound of glass shattering resounded in the dining hall as a single dark green-haired man screamed in frustration. "They couldn't even complete a simple task!"

"She was supposed to be mine!" A raging Diodora Astaroth screamed as he threw pieces of silverware and furniture everywhere in the room. His peerage members remained at the side, immobile with a broken and hollow look. Their eyes no longer held any form of life within them.

"This must be a lie! There is no way I will be denied from her!" The boy flared his demonic power even more, not caring whether he would hurt his peerage members or not.

"Hikigaya Hachiman…"

In his hand was a crumpled up picture of Hachiman sharing a meal with Asia. Just seeing this picture alone sent Diodora Astaroth into a hysterical fit of rage.

"I will have what is mine!"


Chapter 32, 33, 34 and 35 are available on my p@treon and early access to this story and my Dragon Ball Broly x Fairy tail one.

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