The Machamp who held the Ambulance in place laughed and then tossed it into the air, as it landed upside down, one could hear the sound of crunching metal and screams.
Grey ran towards the Ambulance at a break neck speed. But before he could close the distance a cloud of dust rose up where the Machamp had once stood, and he recieved a heavy impact on the right side of his body.
The air broke apart as his body flew through the air. It stopped only just as he hit a large tree, the bark crackled and splintered as his body impacted the tree, which nearly toppled from the intense impact. Countless branches on the tree broke as it bent and knocked into those around it, and branches and leaves fell down, covering his body.
"Hahah, damn Hero, dying a bit too fast don't you think?"
Grey's machop immediately stepped forward and made an attack on Machamp's neck, using a knife hand.
Machamp relaxedly grabbed Machop's knife hand at the wrist, stopping him and pulling his arm off to the side, knocking him off balance as he was mid-air. Then grabbed Machop's neck as it fell forward due to it's initial momentum.
Machamp lifted another arm into the air, balling that hand into fist.
But at that instant, Grey emerged out from beneath the pile of green, rushing out towards him.
Machamp caught sight of him from the corner of its eye. A hint of confusion flashed through it's eyes, apparently he wasn't dead yet. But it thought little of it.
"Machamp, use Dynamic Punch! Knock him back into the trees, and then deal with that Machop first."
Grey ran at Machamp at top speed, the Machamp held a lofty attitude as he just kept Machop aloft by his neck with one hand and ran out to meet Grey with a smile.
As Machamp moved towards Grey his body appeared to resonate with his surroundings and his body which was already unnaturally swift began to defy reality and achieve even greater momentum, which increased by the moment as he launched his two right fists towards Grey.
But Grey was ready to meet his opponent, and the weakness of knowing your opponents move was readily apparent. His enemy needed to announce his attack, but he had no need to. Anticipating the shift in momentum Grey tried his best to guess the path the blows would follow.
At the moment the two fists approached in an arrogant fashion, Grey used his energy to quickly plant his feet and rotate his body, forming two knife-hands covered in blades of energy and shifting them into the direction of Machamps overwhelming dynamic fists.
The result was crippling on both sides.
Grey's arms more or less had every bone up to the shoulders annihilated, they hung uselessly down at his sides.
Machamp's hands on the otherhand blend profusely. A gaping wound could be seen extending laterally from just above his wrists to halfway down his forearm. Machamp dropped Machop and groaned in pain, gripping his forearms with each of his other arms while hoping to stop the bleeding.
"Bastard! How dare a weakling harm my Machamp! Machamp is level 32! Weaklings like you are no match for him! How is this possible?!? Gahhhh! Machamp, return!"
A red energy flew out and connected with the Machamp, the Machamp turned into more red energy and flowed back into his pokeball.
The Agent Jeriah shrunk Machamp's pokeball and took out another pokeball, casting it out.
"Since your fighting two on one, I should even the playing field."
Agent Andrea threw out a pokemon as well.
Two lights flashed and two new pokemon appeared before me.
'If only I had other Pokemon with me..'
But there was no time to go back to get Meditite and Drowzee now. The moment I went back to the other world, the people around me would likely be slaughtered.
Before me appeared two fighting pokemon, a Hitmonlee and a Hitmonchan.
"Machop, go and help those people stuck under the Ambulance, I will take care of this."
Machop nodded and ran over to the Ambulance, this time, the enemy did not try to stop him.
The two came at me at a brisk pace.
""Use Close Combat!!!""
Fists and kicks flew at me in a flurry, my arms were slowly repairing themselves, but not fast enough. My body began to shrink more as the energy which composed was consumed in repairs.
It took my all to dodge any significant blows coming my way under the barrage of the two formidable foes. Even then though, I was inevitably still taking a lot of damage.
A minute passed, two, three. I could hold on just barely against my two opponents, but now I had consumed enough energy to where the point it had become obvious.
After five minutes had passed, my arms had fully recovered and I began to fight back. However, by the time this had happened, I had already lost almost one fourth of my body mass.
For every three exchanges of blows, I managed to hit them back once. However, unlike them each of my blows was akin to stabbing with a knife. It would consume a bit of my energy to do so, but they were certainly taking a lot of damage as the fight went on as well.
Eight minutes into the fight, I had lost nearly a third of my original body mass. However, both of my opponents were also covered in wounds. Unfortunately, my opponents were wary of me after the first fight. I hadn't managed to land any fatal or crippling blows, only glancing wounds, but by means of endurance I could manage to inflict so many glancing wounds that their movements had become almost as if they'd been crippled.
As this fight had gone on, Machop had managed to rescue those people stuck in the ambulance with Officer Jenny. Bringing them back into the hospital for safety.
Seeing their pokemon too battered to continue fighting they grimaced and brought back their pokemon again.
Agent Jeriah sneered,
"Hmph, fucking psychic, how many of your people can actually stand up in a fight against a pokemon? Your fighting abilities are actually this strong, yet your pokemon is actually that weak. If that isn't pathetic, I don't know what is, fuck, I don't even want to know where you picked up trash like that Machop."
'Considering people in this world keep most of their pride in their Pokemon, I think that would actually be a pretty solid burn in this world. Well, I can trash talk too.'
"Ah, but you really don't want to know? What a shame, because actually, I stole this Machop from one of the Team Rocket Grunts I killed on my way over here~ Machop, like many before him, managed to recognize that Team Rocket is only full of useless people, he by far prefers working for me instead."
Jeriah's face turned from red to green to purple to pale, his expressions and color changed like a circus act.
"You!! Your!! I'm gonna kill you!!!"
Jeriah threw out another pokeball,
"Go Cubone!"
From what I could see, he still had more pokemon on his belt, it seemed this fight could still go on for quite a while. At the very least, it seemed he was only a basic level Pokemon Trainer, only able to use one Pokemon in battle at a time, and the girl was the same.
But at this time, a Huge 'Dai' symbol made of flame flew up into the air from behind him.
Jeriah's face turned pale again as he turned around. "What do you think your doing Andrea!"
Agent Andrea wore a smug smile,
"What? This is taking too long. We have a bunch of people in the area, with a little help we can finish faster. There is no telling when a Master of the Pokemon League will arrive, if he comes sooner what do you think the Boss will do to us for our failures?"
"Gah, maybe your right. But we should still try our best to finish this before they get here, or we will look bad in front of the Grunts!"
At that moment many cars seemed to be coming down the road.
'That was too fast!!'
"Woohoo! Look at all those guys, they must have just finished burning down the nearby ranch, hahaha! What luck! I guess we'll have to share now."
The many cars flooded into the parking lot in an intimidating fashion. Slamming on their breaks as they skidded to a stop in front of their battle ground.
The lead car in particular skidded and drifted about in a circle before coming to a complete circle, tearing up the ground in the process, before coming to a stop.
A gasp escaped from many of the people behind him, watching from the Hospital.
A woman with blue-gray hair stepped out of the vehicle in a domineering fashion.
"Aunt Collie!!" A voice yelled from behind him.
'Aunt Collie?' He thought. 'Wait, doesn't this lady look just like a well-aged Officer Jenny?'
Aunt Collie looked over to see Kirsten Jenny, her serious injuries clearly visible to the light of day. Her eyes seemed to burn with an unextinguishable flame of pure anger, the eyes of a mama bear who has seen her cub injured.
"You Rocket Bastards DARE to hurt my fucking niece!"
As Aunt Collie yelled out, the other Officer Jennies got out of their cars as well, their looks all seemed peculiar.
Some wore casual wear, some wore uniforms with no caps, all of their markings were torn off. These Officer Jennies bore a savage aura, like a pack of lionesses preparing to pounce on their enemies. Instead of the gun and tasers a police officer should have, these Jennies all hefted bars, baseball bats, and even segments of piping, holding them over their shoulders with cute but domineering smiles as though they were the female Yakuza.
"Cheeaaahhh!!" One Jenny yelled out, "You dare to fuck with our people!?! The fucking police commissioner told us it was too dangerous to come, he said he would fire us if we did, so we quit! We can't even arrest you anymore, but we had to come anyway because we knew what you were doing!"
"Damn these bastards, because of you all, we lost our jobs! How can I afford my weekly Poke-manga now! Shit! Obediently get your ass over here, receive my ass-whooping."
"Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!! These bastards! these cunts!! These yellow-bellied cock-gobbling jizz-bunglers!!! They fucking dare to hurt my little cousin!!!!!"
"Cheeaaahhh!! We'll teach you not to fuck with the Jenny Clan!!"
"Fuck, it's so nice to swear! I could never say bad words as a Police Woman! Oh, yes. Cough, fuck you Team Rocket!"
The Jennies, cursing in their sweet voices, swarmed the two Agents like a swarm of locusts. The two Rocket Agents knees nearly collapsed in fear as the endless Jennies came towards them like a flood. The Jennies beat them black, blue, and every other color, and they even beat their Pokemon together with them.
They tied them up firmly and then set them aside.
"Come on everyone! We have more than enough vehicles! We can help to get everyone out of here!"
"There are some patients that are still in critical condition, but they are relatively stabilized. If Team Rocket is closing in on this place, and we have vehicles, we can try to bring them out of here."
"Get the patients into the vehicles, quickly! Quickly!!"
I felt like I was forgotten about in the midst of the confusion.
'Was I not just fighting for everyone's lives? Did I not just fight two on one against pokemon with my own body? How was I forgotten about so easily?'
But it was a dire situation, and we did need to resolve the situation quickly. I understood it wasn't a situation where there was a luxury to talk things over. So I put it in the back of my mind and helped out as best I could.
'How could I possibly compete for attention with a group of beautiful ladies anyways. It is simply impossible. And even trying would only invite hate anyways.'
Still, he maybe wanted a little attention for trying his hardest. Just a little.
But the moment waits for no-one.
Me and everyone able helped out in the attempt to put together a convoy to evacuate. However, before we could get the last person out, Rocket Grunts walked out from the forests en mass.
One Agent stood out from the small army from Team Rocket.
The Jennies guarding the perimeter mashed their teeth in anger, ready to throw down.
"Aiya~ why couldn't you ladies just do your jobs and stay home like good girls. My, my, we need to clean this mess up before Boss notices we let you all gather together. Or he~ won't~ be~ happy!"
Auntie Collie stood out from the group and laughed.
"Yeah? You won't be happy either when I shove this pole up your ass. Come on ladies... and gentleman. Let's show these fools what's what."
As more and more team rocket members emerged from the depths of the woods, the air began to tense and stifle.
Before, the Jennies did not even bother to bring out their pokemon. They had just directly beat up those Agents and Pokemon with brutal methods, using bats and pipes like common thugs.
After all, a number of them were strong Official Pokemon Trainers, their physical bodies and capabilities were no worse than many pokemon. With so many of them dealing with two agents there was no need to bring out their pokemon at all.
However, now, with Team Rocket members coming out in force, the situation became much more serious. Each Jenny brought out their full force to bear, and each enemy took the same time to bring out their own forces.
There were many Tengela, Paras and Pidgeys, as well as Squirtles, Bulbasaurs, and Charmanders, from those who had tried at being normal Trainers. Among them were a fair number of evolved pokemon forms as well.
More than anything though, there were a lot of growlithes, and many of them were evolved Arcanines as well. Well over half of the pokemon there were one of the two.
All of the officer Jennies amounted to around 160-180 people. Most of them might not be considered full fledged Pokemon Trainers, but most were rather close to that bar, whereas a few of the Older Jennies had long surpassed that bar.
On average, you could say each Jenny had about 5 Pokemon.
Considering this, this one crowd of Officer Jennies, who had haphazardly come here from the surrounding counties, could be considered an Army, 1000 strong.
Even if it were a group of rabble, 1000 strong was not a strength that one could sneeze at. Yet, most all of these women here were trained police officers, experienced in combat. Many of them, familiar with fights of life and death, veterans.
Given not all of them could bring out the all of their pokemon at once, the actual standing force was closer to half that number at 500, but considering that 500 more pokemon could serve as reserve forces, it was still appropriate to say it is 1000 strong.
As the obvious leader of this group, Auntie Connie was clearly the strongest. The epitome of an Officer Jenny.
She stood at the front of them all with all six of her Arcanines out simulataneously. Each of them were domineering and fierce, their growls rumbled like thunder through the air, putting fear into the hearts of Team Rocket.
However, those rumbling growls did not go unanswered. Among the uncountable Horde of Team Rocket Grunts, the Elite Agents loomed.
A Skamory, a Muk, and a Steelix stood amongst the crowd, giving off an aura of oppression no less than Connie's Arcanines. Among the crowd one could see a number of Golbat and Rhydons, with auras approaching the same level.
Two Elites stood from the crowd.
"I am Team Rocket's Attila!"
"And I, Hun!!"
"We can accept the surrender of the people of your Jenny clan, we want no quarrel with your people. As for the others, they all must stay. They have started this blood feud with the death of our grunts, only their extermination can end this."
Aunt Connie spoke out, "Our Jenny Clan has stood for Maintaining Peace and Justice in the many regions for countless years! Your upstart Team Rocket cannot face up to us!
Maybe our Kanto Region branch cannot win in an all out battle, but even if we can't, how would the people rest at ease if we did not stand up for them! We will fight you wherever you appear, and whatever wrongdoings you try to make, we will always be there to stop you!
Even if we cannot win here today, our clan will still track you down, and they and the common people of the land will wash you from the face of this world!"
Attila just laughed and smiled, "Well, I was only Joking anyways. After all, your people are always like this. But then, this will be the first time I had the pleasure to kill so many of your clan at once."
"Hmph, brat, let's see first if your people have the ability. No one can lay hands on my daughters and nieces without paying a price. Watch as I kill you and all your elites here myself, I'd love to see Giovanni cry when he finally arrives to see his forces in pieces."
As she spoke, her Arcanines swept out, they ignored the strong individuals and directly jumped into the crowds of weaklings. Sweeping them away with tooth, claw, and fire. The Team Rocket Members, caught off guard from the sudden and vicious attack, took a lot of damage.
The other evolved pokemon of the Jenny Clan simultaneously launched attacks against the elite pokemon, trying to inflict status effects and push them towards a wall made of pokemon using defensive moves. The pokemon of the defensive wall stood stalwart in front of them and used defensive moves like Cotton Guard, protect, iron curl, and iron defense.
The result was Team Rocket's frontlines instantly collapsing under their combined and organized response, and the death of many of their weaker members in the back-lines.
However, such an advantage was granted only due to the trained and practiced measures of the Jennies. The difference between the combat force of veterans and the cannon fodder grunts of Team Rocket. This had only resulted in damage to the population of the grunts however, at first contact the elites of Team Rocket were held up for but a minute before quickly pressing back their weaker opponents, coming forward for a counter attack.
By the time those elites arrived to the front lines, most of those evolved pokemon had already fallen back without any significant loss. They formed together into neat and orderly lines together with the weaker pokemon, defending as one and attacking as one as the enemy came forward in waves.
Occasionally, a Jenny would set fire to the surrounding forest Team Rocket lurked in. The fires would each time be quickly suppressed but one could hear the anguished screams of those unlucky grunts who could not escape the flames. The rockets certainly attempted to set flame to the hospital on occasion to put pressure on their side, but each time they were intercepted.
Team Rocket did not have as many pokemon of the fire or water type in comparison to the Jenny Army. They simply could not compete in terms of indirect attacks.
Grey fought together with Machop on the frontline, dashing between the different skirmishes.
As my index finger softly poked into a particular Team Rocket girl's neck, she shrieked in surprise from my appearance from nowhere. As my hand touched her throat I was for a moment distracted by her beauty, I thought 'how smooth, how delicate, how soft, what a shame' and my finger gouged out a small hole, she bled to death in an instant, and I moved on to the next one.
It's kind of crazy how fast a situation can shift from 'we need to get the fuck out of here while we can' -to- 'well, fuck it, we can't get out of here, so let's kill fuckers' but well, now instead of trying to save people, we are just trying to kill them and keep them out of the hospital now.
With the chaos on these frontlines, it was not difficult to launch sneak attacks.
Well, to call them sneak attacks may not be accurate. Because the battlefield was chaotic, generally everyone had their hands full. Of course, they will try to keep an eye out to spot any threats, but generally that threat will come from the pokemon and not from people.
I took the opportune moments when a Trainer's pokemon were caught up in battle further away from them, and got at them like a fox stealing into a chicken coop. A quick kill and a quick escape, it is extremely efficient to simply stab into their head or neck. Even if they aren't instantly dead they are crippled bad enough to where they can't do anything.
I had Machop collaborate with me, pulling the pokemon further away when necessary. Machop also got some easy victories since the pokemon would suffer a crippling energy backlash when their trainer died.
Machop would play defensively and evasively as it baited the enemy, then, while the pokemon suffered from the backlash, it wouldn't be able to resist the beatdown from Machop.
If one could clearly see the Mental Energy in the air, they would see Machop had gathered large amounts from each of those he had defeated and even more from those he had killed in this short time. Machop grew faster and stronger as time went on.
As time moved on though they began to be more cautious. The battles grew closer together and they formed solid lines to hold us back. In the end, I could no longer continue launching the sneak attack strategy.
In the end, I could at best throw out psychic blades at the opposing lines or punch a enemy pokemon trying to break the line back into the ground, meanwhile I just had Machop fight with the other pokemon. Overall, it became a bit boring and repetitive, although the feeling of punching those pokemon full force was fun there were hardly any openings to make a kill.
However as the battle dragged on, one could hear and feel enormous shockwaves and pressure, emanating from the high level skirmishes nearby.
"Max, Flamethrower! Tituss, Bite! Rina, Dodge that! Hodge, Gina, Cassie! They are all weakling! Why are you taking so long! Kill them already! You don't need me to tell you what to do!"
Connie's six Arcanine dominated the battlefield, lording over all the other pokemon present.
The Arcanine fights with the enemy Muk, Steelix, and Skamory let off intense shockwaves. People and pokemon scattered wherever they passed, and some of the weakest trainers directly passed out as the excessive energy passed through them, foaming at the mouth.
Their comrades could only sigh at the sight of this, these weak trainers would only become liabilities on this level of battlefield. They could only choose to leave them there to their inevitable fate or to grab them, exposing themselves in the process, in attempt to bring them to the back-lines.
The battle between the latter three Arcanine, who fought against multiple weaker foes, did not emanate nearly as much energy. Though, that did not mean in any way that it was any less intense.
Each Arcanine was simultaneously fighting 10 or more foes. Occasionally, one would be sent flying out like a cannonball. Although those pokemon might be weak compared to Connie's Arcanine, they were still near the level of Elite Four pokemon. Any people or pokemon in the path of those who were sent flying out were instantly turned into blood mist on impact.
For those knocked out by the pressure, many of the Team Rocket members did not mind leaving their fellow members to their death. The average Jenny also did not bother to attack an incapacitated enemy, as they were trained as officers who upheld justice.
However, no Jenny left behind! Every one of the younger Jennies who fell from the pressure was swiftly brought back to the hospital to safety. These actions helped keep morale up on their side, but also resulted in a lot of extra injuries in thanks for their efforts.
A few counties away, in the Kanto Region.
"I could have sworn the Ranch was somewhere around here... could I have been mistaken? It must be nearby, but where??"
A young man in black clothing stands atop a mountain, his hand acting like the visor, he squints his eyes as if he is trying to find something and looks about. His messy spiky black hair and the long dark scar on his face would leave a deep impression on any who saw it.
"Char~ Char! Char~ Char! Char~ Char!"
'Ah, that new chamander ringtone for the poke-gear was really worth getting.'
He answered it promptly, "Satoshi!! Where are you!?! Don't tell me you got lost again!! The nurses from that hospital are still on the other line! They are in a really bad spot, it's basically a war zone down there!!" The voice roared out.
Satoshi took a moment to recover from getting screamed at in the ear, rubbing his ear lightly.
"Ah~ Jessie, you know I'm bad with directions. C'mon~ you should be able to tell me which way to go easy, right?"
"Tcht, I know your habits. That's why I sent Meowth out ahead of you. Just hurry up and head over there, you know he won't be able to defeat Giovanni alone."
Satoshi's face lost it's smile and became serious, "I know, I will hurry over there as fast as I can. Too many lives have been lost thus far on account of Team Rocket, they have gone too far too many times. At the least, this time, we must force them into complete remission once again."
"Right~ well, I'm sure it will really be Pikachu doing all the work as usual. Just like I'm the one always doing the work at HQ nowadays, sigh~ Good luck out there! Make Team Rocket Blast Off at least one more time!"
He smiled again, "Right, you take care too Jessie. I'm off!"
He shut the poke-gear and cut the connection.
He smiled again brightly, "Come on Pikachu, let's go!!" He shouted.
He took a step forward and a form of blue energy swirled through his eyes and then appeared to radiate from his entire body. With a minute movement, he flew off the nearby mountain cliff-face into the sky.
A sound akin to a thousand strikes of thunder rang out, and Pikachu appeared in the sky besides him. Rainbow colored lightning crackled and sparked around it as it ran on the wind as though it were solid ground. The wind beneath its feet seemed to distort from intense electromagnetic force, it seemed to be using a technique similar to the legendary pokemon Raikou.
"Hopefully we can still make it in time."
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