The top 5 Saiyans and Daz went together to register for the tournament. Daz was being assigned as their coach. Obviously almost all Saiyans went to the tournament waiting for the fights to begin. The crowd was already massive, since it was a never seen event for the inhabitants and the Saiyans after all. To test their capable younglings with the other races and gain strength and status.
There were 10 races, with everyone sending 5 candidates, so in total 50 participants glaring for the top 10.
The tournament started out with all the candidates splitting in 10 groups of 5. Everyone would battle against each other and the first 2 with the highest number of wins, got to move to the next round. To decide in which group one got, everyone had to draw their group-number from a box.
Taro got the number for group 2, Broly for 3, Cana and Alea got into group 6 and Aize was in 8.
"Good luck. Don't you dare lose. It would be embarrassing if the companions of the Legendary Super Saiyan would be eliminated!" Taro and Alea just ignored him. Aize was being dumbfounded for a moment but seeing the other two, he just smiled and shook his head.
Cana had the most exaggerated expression. She grabbed the shoulders of Broly looked him in the eyes. "Can you teach me?? I want to be a Super Saiyan!". She firmly looked in his eyes as she waited expectantly. "Cough. Sure, but only if you become a disciple of the city lord. Make sure you win!"
"Thank you!! I do my best!!" 'What's up with her?'
After shaking Cana off, Broly looked around to see how his future opponents looked like. Most prominent were the Myrmidons, not shying away to show their power, wanting to intimidate the others. Broly however just got more excited as he saw them. He was also surprised as all of them were standing tall with at least 170cm in height, they were all children after all. They had four arms and smooth reddish skin like it was made from metal.
Harpies who looked like normal human women if it weren't for the wings on their back.
The Succubi could not be overseen. Tanned females with gold stripes on their bodies and horns on their head. They attracted the gazes of the surroundings with their innate allure, which was a bit weird for Broly. 'Other countries other manners. I guess'
Wolf-like people, similar to the wolfking, Broly killed in the forest.
2-meter-tall trolls with brown fur, protruding jaw and large fangs, rather menacing to look at.
Even dracos, dragon-like people, took part in this tournament, even though they looked like ruthless beasts, their eyes gave an intellectual impression. There were other races with different skin color or particular body structure, but they didn't leave Broly with any impression.
After an hour of wait, the participants were already gathered at their chosen group, the announcer started shouting through a microphone.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the long wait. We now convene the first world-wide Recruitment Tournament! And so, to begin with, we will hear a word of welcome from the city lord."
After he said that a humanoid figure appeared on the seat isolated from the crowd. He had bluish skin and eyes, short orange hair and pointy ears. Although his body looked strong and in great shape, he seemed to be very sickly.
"All of you here, today, we hold a tournament to receive my legacy and to create a brighter future! To those of you who are fighting, as well as those supporting you from the audience, good luck and have fun!"
"Thank you very much. Now then, allow me to explain the rules…"
"There are 10 stages. Every group go to the arena with your group on it!" As the announcer said that the arena divided itself, with a 20 meter of distance to each other.
'No wonder the stadium is this massive. They can divide this stage into 10 portions, probably only those who can get out of the group stage are qualified to fight on the whole arena. Hehe. Can't wait to see how strong my opponents are.' Thought Broly as he looked towards the other 4 fighters. Although thy didn't give off any strong aura but ki suppressing is nothing uncommon on this planet.
As he was observing him, they also checked Broly out. "Hey! Tell me from what race you are? I saw you with the Saiyans, did they adopt you or something?" A Myrmidon from Broly's group approached him. "Hmm? I'm obviously a Saiyan. Don't you have eyes? Look my tail." Answered as he unwrapped his tail from his waist. "A tail? Hmph. That's why I'm asking, you dumb*ss! Since when do Saiyans have tails?" He was rather hostile to Broly, but that was not what Broly focused on from this conversation.
"Ehh?" Broly looked at Alea, Taro, Daz and all the other Saiyans. 'T-they…Why don't they have tails?? Alea, Taro and Aize, I may be able to blame the new planet or the rift for messing with the gene pool or something, but Gine and the other survivors must have tails, don't they? Maybe they removed it? A weakness is still a weakness after all. Although you can train the tail, it will never be as strong as your legs. Hmm. Maybe they didn't want to turn into a great ape? It would be havoc, since most where low-class warrior? Got to ask Daz or Gine later.'
A draco chimed in, trying to calm the Myrmidon down. It was known to all that those the Saiyans and the Myrmidons had some conflict in the past. "Either way it is still a tournament for all races, so there is no reason to create any enmities." Broly and the Myrmidon ignored him as they looked at each other.
"Well I'm a Saiyan with a tail."
"Yeah right, if you want to be like them, I, Zyrd, am gonna crush you like I would a real Saiyan."
Brolys eyes narrowed.
"A real Saiyan, huh? I Will show you what a real Saiyan is!"
"Group 2. First fight. Broly from the Saiyans versus Zyrd from the Myrmidon!"
"Hahaha. Seems we don't have to wait long, for our battle. I will make you beg me for mercy!"
Broly gave him a smile.
"You took the words right out of my mouth."
I've changed my schedule. I'm going to upload 1 chapter per day.