Once Zhou Zhengtang left, the others walked away too, and Zhou Zhenghong went into the store.
The staff inside the store witnessed everything, and everyone was mad at Zhou Zhengtang. They had seen many shameless relatives before, but Zhou Zhengtang's behavior was still beyond their imagination.
They worked for Jade Beauty Jewelry, so they were aware that Zhou Zhenghong was an important shareholder of it, but they wouldn't say it aloud.
When Zhou Zhengtang went back home in anger, his wife understood that they failed again, but she still asked, "How is it?"
"He refused to buy a house and a car for us! He even embarrassed me in public by saying that he has already paid a lot for us before. Why does he have to be so mean? He's rich enough to afford it after all," Zhou Zhengtang said. He still believed that he had done nothing wrong, and it was all Zhou Zhenghong's fault.
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