As Chronoa was preoccupied with analyzing insectoid golems, Seraphina was feeling frustrated as her literal army of minions failed to find anything of note.
"I don't get it. How can half a dozen people search a room filled with enemies without finding a single one?"
With Chronoa keeping her discovery to herself, Seraphina was wholly unaware of the existence of the insectoid golems. A few of the cat-like Thieves in her employ had taken notice of them, but, as insects weren't exactly uncommon, they simply ignored them.
Unfortunately for Seraphina, most of the minions she sent out, while specializing in scouting, had very little sense in regards to magic. Had she deployed a few Mages, they may have been able to detect the subtle traces of magical energy contained within the golems. Instead, she had a ton of scantily clad Kunoichi and a number of petite, cat-like Thieves running about in search of treasure and traps.
Just as Seraphina was thinking about contacting Chronoa or asking Vahn for help, a much larger red dot appeared on the display she was observing. Out of curiosity, she ended up leaning forward and pressing the larger dot without thinking. When it immediately zoomed in to show a feed of the area in question, Seraphina couldn't help grimacing as she grumbled, "Seriously? All I needed to do was press one of the dots to see who it belonged to? How annoying..."
While groaning about something that would have been obvious to most people, Seraphina stared at the peculiar duo that had appeared on the display. Her common sense was somewhat distorted due to her origins as a Netherworld Succubus but even she could tell there was something strange about the inordinately large woman and the man cradled in her arms.
"A Seraphim? I thought 'Heaven' was located in the West...?"
Seeing the six wings framing the inordinately large woman's body, Seraphina mistook her for one of the Seraphim she had battled against during Heaven's attempts to purge her Netheworld from existence. They weren't nearly as powerful as Archangels, but they were still unbelievably annoying to deal with due to their ridiculous durability, insane regeneration, and powerful light magic.
"Well, whatever. It's not as though I, the Great and Powerful Lady Seraphina, haven't killed hundreds of Seraphim. Oh-hohohohohoho~."
Despite her words, Seraphina leaned back and made herself comfortable atop her personal Prinny before directing her army to intercept the newly arrived duo. She wasn't going to go out of her way to confront an enemy if she didn't have to. Rather, as the General of an Army, Seraphina believed it was only natural she sit back and give orders. If the opponent wanted to battle her, they would first need to prove themselves against her minions...
"You can set me down now, Gaia. Thank you."
Complying with her Master's orders, Gaia answered with a deep yet feminine, "Understood." before kneeling down and allowing the bespectacled man to stand on his own two feet.
Planting his oversized wrench into the ground, the man took a moment to dust himself off before reaching into his blue, panel-like Inventory to produced a large, ruby-red crystal.
Tossing said crystal onto the ground, lines reminiscent of circuitry spread out to produce a strange yet very obvious magic circle. Once the circle had been completed, the ground below began to stir before promptly transmuting into the shape of an adorable creature resembling a fennec fox. The only notable differences were that it had a large, ruby-red horn growing from its head and a body entirely comprised of minerals found within the defensive satellite's surface.
Bending down, the bespectacled Magus took a moment to caress the metallic creature's surface as he softly mused, "Hey there, Carb. Long time no see..."
While taking care to avoid cutting its Master with its incredibly sharp horn, Carb nuzzled against the bespectacled man's palm like an obedient housecat.
Adopting an affectionate smile, the bespectacled man was about to pick up his beloved companion when Gaia disrupted his reverie, stating, "Master Leshaad, the enemy approaches..." in her deep yet velvety tone.
Exhaling a sigh, the bespectacled man, Sean Leshaad, gave Carb one last caress before rising to his feet, donning his headphones, and grasping the handle of his giant wrench. He was a little surprised to see that his opponents were a trio of near-identical girls with petite frames, exposed midriffs, and cat-like features. The only notable differences between them were the colors of their hair, eyes, and clothes.
As Leshaad was observing the trio of Thiefs, the one in the lead, possessing a near-black outfit with pure white hair and red eyes, suddenly reached into her skintight tube top. Then, despite having A-Cup breasts and virtually no cleavage, she managed to withdraw an oversized bomb that was even larger than her head.
"What the-"
Before Leshaad could even finish his utterance, Gaia's body split open like a suit of armor before promptly closely around him. At the same time, the fennec-like Carb jumped into the air, a large barrier appearing between it and the now 10m wide bomb that was crashing towards them like a meteor.
Accompanied by literal text spelling out the word boom, a massive explosion impacted the barrier generated by Carb. From the perspective of the people viewing from outside, it was like watching a nuclear warhead being set off from close range. Despite this, very little damage was done to Carb's barrier, the walls of metal Gaia had shaped, and the defensive satellite as a whole. Some even came to the conclusion that the explosion had done no damage whatsoever...
Seeing the Master Thief she had purchased do next to no damage, Seraphina, for the first time in quite a while, regretted being stingy. It was actually possible for her to spend additional resources to drastically increase the parameters of her summoned minions. She could even purchase levels to further increase their capabilities, but, as per usual, she only purchased discounted, Level 1 minions.
Adding insult to injury, Gaia managed to defeat all three Thiefs with a simple wave of her hand. The Artificial Earth Spirit was able to manipulate metal and earth with remarkable ease, so, the moment the trio tried to flee, she sent a series of spear-like spikes through their bodies.
If observed through a Scouter, Gaia's Base Power Level would average around 3.5 billion. Compared to the true powerhouses in the Divine Realm, she still had quite a long way to go. Unfortunately, at least for Seraphina and her trio of Thiefs, the strongest among them only had a BP of 888 at Level 1. With enough funds, this could have been increased to around 480 million, and, while that might not be a lot compared to Gaia, there was such a thing as quantity over quality.
Understanding that her current army of minions was pretty much useless against an opponent like Gaia, Seraphina nearly bit through the nail of her left thumb as she promptly resummoned her Dark Assembly. For a brief moment, she seriously considered purchasing one of the Gods of Chaos or a Supreme Overlord Class minion. Instead, she hovered over the most powerful of the generic units, a feminine robot known as a Mecha Girl.
With Vahn effectively forcing her to familiarize herself with each of the generic units, Seraphina knew that Mecha Girls had the highest parameters and the greatest overall firepower. They might not be the best suited for fighting individual opponents, but, with their 'Full Strike Artillery System, they could cover entire battlefields with their missile barrage and laser cannons.
Having already made up her mind, Seraphina reached into her cleavage to pull out a rainbow-hued credit card that was actually a sub-dimensional storage device containing a planet-sized version of Das Rheingold. It was capable of generating a veritable mountain of magically enriched gold every twenty-four hours, so, unless she purchased hundreds of C-B-Rank Gifts every single day, Seraphina would never go broke.
Despite her incomparable wealth, Seraphina still hesitated before swiping her rainbow-hued credit card and confirming her purchase. Immediately thereafter, ten black and gold Mecha Girls known as War Ladies appeared before her. There were perfectly identical to each other, and, due to Seraphina maxing out the sliders for their Level and parameters, their respective Power Levels were just over 2 billion.
Though she was wholly unaware of the strength of each War Lady, Seraphina knew it would be a pain in the butt for even her to fight ten at once. She would ultimately emerge victoriously, but, due to their ridiculously defensive capabilities, War Ladies would continue fighting even after sustaining blows that would level planets.
Confident that the decuplets would be more than enough to deal with any current and future foes, a confident smile developed across Seraphina's face as she stood before the unblinking Mecha Girls and issued their orders...
After extricating himself from the snug and warm interior of Gaia, Leshaad thanked her for worrying about him before a large blue panel a few meters overhead. From within, tens of thousands of ruby red crystals poured out before quickly spreading out like a deluge of exceptionally fine sand. Those in contact with the ground quickly formed into various types of insects while the larger crystals bore into the surface of the defensive satellite in search of better materials.
Less than a minute after Leshaad had released the crystals from his inventory, an army of animalistic and humanoid golems had surrounded him. This included a bulky, tank-like Earth Dragon that was more than 40m in length. Leshaad wasn't much of a close-range fighter, so, shortly after the tank-like dragon had taken shape, he exchanged a brief kiss with Gaia before entering the interior of his mobile command center, the Earth Dragon, Adamantoise.
While Leshaad was preparing his command and workstation, Gaia flew into the air in order to take charge of the massive army that was gradually taking shape around them. She was Leshaad's most powerful creation, and, as a result, his General.
"Proud warriors of the Earth Sage, heed my call! This planet is filled with people who have treated our brethren as little more than insects to be crushed. Let us demonstrate for them the fate that awaits all those who oppose Mother Nature and its majesty...!"
Though very few of Leshaad's creations were gifted with the capacity for speech, that didn't stop the army of golems from issuing low, high-pitched, and rumbling cries. Even the smallest insects flitted their wings or rubbed their legs together to produce a high-frequency, vibrational sound.
Satisfied with her army's response, Gaia shaped her right hand and forearm into a twisting lance before manifesting an ornate, multi-tier shield in her left. From her lower back, a segmented tail formed from earthen debris while two branch-like horns emerged from the sides of her head.
Aiming her lance at one of the temple-like entrances that led further into the defensive satellite, Gaia shouted, "Chaaaarge...!" in a commanding tone. The army of golems immediately complied with her orders, a furious war shout reminiscent of a rockslide echoing across the entire surface of the defensive satellite as the earthen automatons prepared charged into its depths.
Just as the first wave was prepared to make its descent, ten skyscraper-sized missiles emerged from over the horizon. Gaia immediately took notice of these, but, before she could even think to charge forward and destroy them, said missiles promptly splinted into tens of thousands of smaller, pencil-sized projectiles. It was a terrifying sight similar to a torrential downpour. However, due to the failed attack of the trio of Thiefs, Gaia wasn't too concerned.
She would, very quickly, come to regret this carelessness...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Gag Laws OP?','Seraphina is the biggest whale...','Complacency kills o_o...') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
"Oh-hohohohohoho~! That's what you get for thinking you could stand against me, the beautiful, powerful, and brilliant Lady Seraphina!"
Seeing the destruction wrought by the mechanical War Ladies, Seraphina couldn't help believing she had already won. With the exception of the massive dragon and a few of the larger opponents, everything else had been utterly obliterated by the torrential volley of magically enhanced missiles. The few that remained showed signs of tremendous damage, cracks covering their bodies as their limbs crumbled away like brittle earthware.
Among the heavily damaged golems was Gaia, who, despite being much stronger than each of the individual Mecha Girls, couldn't hold up against their combined assault. Each of her leaf-like wings had been burned away. The shield she had previously wielded in her left hand, much like the arm it was attached to, was nowhere to be seen.
Had she not defended at the last moment, Gaia may have been destroyed completely. As for the Earth Dragon piloted by Leshaad, it was the least damaged among the army of golems. It had been given the name Adamantoise for a reason. Unless it received a focused strike from someone with an advanced mastery over one of the more destructive Laws, it could withstand virtually any attack.
Seeing that the original invaders were still standing, Seraphina paused to consider whether or not she should send the War Ladies forward. Instead, an ostensibly sadistic smile developed across her face as she suppressed a laugh and ordered yet another barrage. There was a reason she preferred guns over other forms of weaponry. If her opponents could be defeated from a distance, why waste time with other methods?
Following Seraphina's order, the group of ten War Ladies ended up unleashing several volleys of their splintering, extremely wide range missiles. For several minutes, it was like fire and death was raining from the sky over one specific area of the defensive satellite. By the time the onslaught had ceased, even the Adamantoise was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a pock-marked, ocean-sized crater had formed where the golem army previously stood...
After replenishing her Vahnobtainium reserves to their limit, Sarina, accompanied by Wu, returned to the planet occupied by Meng Zhang and the Guardians of the East. Shortly after that, they found themselves near the mountain range housing Meng Zhang's palace. It was there they encountered their first obstacle, a seemingly endless forest filled with dense fog and dead or dying trees.
"This wasn't here when I left..."
Shrugging her shoulders, Wu largely ignored Sarina's comment as her Ruyi Jingu Bang started to emit a fiery, reddish-orange glow. Her Fiery Eyes of Truth allowed her to ascertain the truth and see through illusions, so, having determined that the forest before her was real, she decided the safest course of action was to destroy it.
Noticing Wu's actions, Sarina was about to ask what the petite monkey girl was thinking when the latter suddenly leaned forward and dashed into the eerie-looking forest. Moments later, a scene that could best be described as an infernal tempest of destruction occurred. Wu ended up spinning her Ruyi Jingu Bang with such speed that it created a massive, fiery vortex. Each of the trees in her wake were uprooted or outright destroyed, consumed by the vortex and increasing the amount of destruction to her surroundings.
Teleporting several kilometers away, Sarina's expression formed into a deadpan as she watched the flaming pillar extend tens of kilometers into the sky. It was far from the most devastating attack she had seen, but, for reasons she couldn't quite understand, it still frightened her to her core. A part of her knew, even though she was durable enough to survive the destruction of a planet, she wouldn't emerge unscathed from the swirling vortex of flame.
"She kind of reminds me of Beerus and the Gods of Destruction..."
"Hey, watch your tongue. Don't go comparing me to some no-name losers."
Following the unexpected response, Wu promptly manifested from one of the tiny golden hairs that had snuck their way onto and even inside of Sarina's clothing. Her right hand had formed into a fist, but, instead of knocking Sarina on the head, she just tensed the muscles of her fingers a few times before dropping her hand and adding, "You're someone important to Vahn. As your name spreads throughout the Little Garden, the weight of your words will gradually increase. I'll ignore it this time but don't expect me to turn a blind eye if you make any slanderous remarks in the future..."
As someone that had endured quite a number of hardships as a result of the Little Garden's system, Wu didn't take kindly to people comparing her to others. It was marginally more acceptable if they were compared to her, but, even then, it was basically an insult that depreciated her character, and, depending on the circumstances, her very existence...
Recovering from the shock she experienced due to Wu's unexpected appearance, Sarina swallowed the knot in her throat before nodding her head and saying, "My apologies. Despite being born in the Little Garden, I'm still getting used to the way things work. I'll be sure to watch what I say in the future."
Understanding that Sarina hadn't been trying to insult her, Wu offered an approving nod before joining the comparably busty beauty in her observation of the ongoing destruction. It was a little strange, but it actually felt nice not to have to pummel someone every time they said something that could be even remotely misconstrued as an insult...
Mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausted, Hanzo was struggling to pull herself together after her seventh resurrection. As a result, Nobu, still in her Demon King of Sixth Heaven transformation, managed to locate her long before her body had fully formed and matured.
"Ara, ara~? What's this? You're a real cutiepie, aren't you~?"
Forcing a smile, Hanzo attempted to accelerate her recovery as she looked up at Nobu and asked, "Who knows? It's been a while since I've seen my actual appearance. Why? Are you going to spare me for being cute...?"
Surprising Hanzo quite a bit, Nobu shrugged her shoulders in a careless manner, answering, "Sure? By this time, Mochita and Tomoe should be nearing the core of the offensive satellite. I also get the impression you're no longer a threat. So long as you behave like an obedient little kitten, I don't see the harm in sparing you."
Unbeknownst to Hanzo, Nobu had developed a particular fondness for girls with cat and dog ears. She blamed this on Vahn, but, in reality, she simply enjoyed caressing beautiful girls with animalistic traits. Since Hanzo currently resembled a young Japanese girl with cat ears and a tail, Nobu's desire to torment her had promptly vanished. At the very least, the form of torment she had in mind had changed drastically.
Noticing the unconcealed lasciviousness in Nobu's gaze, realization washed over Hanzo like a bucket of icy cold water as she internally remarked, ("She is significantly more perverted than I thought...")
Realizing she could have saved herself a lot of time, effort, and pain if she had just altered her approach, a pained groan emanated from Hanzo's throat as she cradled her aching head. Nobu, amused by Hanzo's reaction, promptly squat before the petite cat girl, fearlessly caressing the latter's head as she asked, "What's your name, kemono brat...?"
Pulling a tanto blade from the shadowy substance covering her body, Hanzo attempted to stab Nobu in the heart. To her surprise, the latter actually let this happen, a sadistic smile spreading across her face as she mused, "Bad kitty..."
Punctuating her words, Nobu jammed the index and middle fingers of her right hand into Hanzo's mouth. Even without biting, a bloody taste spread through Hanzo's mouth before quickly invading her throat. She attempted to jerk her head away and sink into her shadow, but she was incapable of escaping the vice-like grip Nobu had on her skull.
"There, need to be afraid. I'm just making sure you behave for the rest of the time we're together..."
With Hanzo promptly biting through her fingers, the sadistic smile on Nobu's face became even more prominent as she instantaneously regenerated the two digits. Before she could follow through with her plan, however, the familiar voice of Vahn entered her mind, whispering, ("Nobu...I didn't say anything previously but you're clearly getting carried away. You know I hate when people are forced to act against their will...")
Clicking her tongue, Nobu removed her fingers from the confused Hanzo's mouth before rising to her feet and giving the petite cat girl a firm kick in the rump, saying, "Scat! Get out of here...!"
Without hesitation, Hanzo gave up trying to fully form her body as she sank into her shadow and disappeared. She didn't know what had changed Nobu's mind, but, understanding that she had just escaped something terrible, Hanzo didn't hesitate to flee far, far away.
Tracking her quarry's departure with the spirit imprint, Nobu had to take several deep breaths to suppress her almost instinctual urge to give chase. Fortunately for Hanzo, she really didn't want to make Vahn angry or upset. He wouldn't lash out or try to harm her, but, in many ways, that actually made things worse.
It might sound kind of childish, but Nobu couldn't stand whenever Vahn forced a smile through his disappointment...
Exhaling a sigh of relief, Vahn contemplated pulling Nobu to his side and helping her calm down. Instead, he transmitted calming energy through the Unit Management Function. He would never classify Nobu as one of his subordinates but she was still listed alongside the tens of billions that had placed their trust in him over the years. In other words, he could link his senses with her, see through her eyes, and even experience her emotions whenever he wanted.
Sensing Nobu's inner turmoil and guilt, Vahn gradually absorbed it into himself before replacing it with pure, positive emotions. At the same time, he recalled some of the more precious memories he and Nobu had shared since the moment he first summoned her in the Nasuverse.
Though Nobu quickly realized what he was up to, Vahn sensed no desire for him to stop. Instead, a sense of relief washed over her as she mentally teased, ("If you wanted to get inside of me, you just had to ask...")
Returning a smile, Vahn decided to follow through on his previous urge to call Nobu to his side. She immediately appeared atop his lap, and, though she was slightly surprised by the sudden change in scenery, that didn't stop her from grinning like a demon, grabbing the sides of his face, and kissing him with the passion and fervor of a Succubus...
After fleeing to a completely random planet, Hanzo took a moment to forcefully expel the contents of her stomach. She wasn't entirely sure what Nobu had in mind but her instincts were screaming at her to get the woman's blood out of her system.
Unfortunately, even after Hanzo had completely purged her stomach, she still had the impression that something was seriously amiss. A sudden and intensifying warmth was spreading through her body.
As someone who was intimately familiar with poisons, Hanzo's first instinct was that Nobu had forced her to imbibe a powerful aphrodesiac. Beads of sweat began to develop across her forehead, and, though she did her best to resist the excruciating heat, it wasn't long before she had collapsed in a heap, her ears and tail twitching violently as she found herself lying in a bed that had ostesnbily appeared out of thin air...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Oh-hohohohoho~!','Wu is like a maiden in love (O w O)...','RIP Hanzo...') <-(p.atreon link)
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