After a little over an hour had passed, the luminescent liquid began rapidly draining from Demeter's incubation chamber. She now had the appearance of a woman in her mid-to-late thirties, possessing somewhat pale, wheat-colored, hair that nearly reached her calves. She had a different kind of charm than the Demeter he had come to know and love, but, from an objective point of view, there were a lot of similarities between the two. Both had motherly figures, wheat-colored hair, gentle eyes, and a perpetual smile that could seemingly tolerate just about anything...
Though it didn't particularly seem to matter, Vahn averted his eyes when Demeter first raised her body and emerged from the incubation chamber. When she noticed his reaction, Demeter tilted her head to the side, a small amount of confusion visible in her gaze as she asked, "What use is there in turning away at this point...?"
Hearing Demeter's question, Vahn just waved in a dismissive manner, stating, "There is a difference between watching someone develop in a chamber and then conversing with them naked. Now, wear your raiment properly, we have much to discuss."
Rather than immediately follow Vahn's command, Demeter silently observed him for several seconds before turning her attention to her daughter, Persephone. It broke her heart to see the girl bound in chains, so, much to Vahn's surprise, she stated, "I will cover myself when you release my daughter..."
Realizing she had misunderstood something, Vahn turned to face Demeter, his brows raised slightly as he said, "I'm not particularly shy, you know? I was trying to give you a bit of face, allowing you to preserve your dignity. If you insist on standing there in the buff, I'm not going to force you."
To further emphasize his point, Vahn brought out another chair from his Inventory before leaning back in his own and waiting for Demeter's response. He hadn't particularly cared about things like nakedness until others made a big deal about it, so, rather than allow Demeter to convince herself she had some kind of leverage over him, Vahn didn't mind enjoying the view.
Seeing Vahn staring back at her with a small amount of appreciation visible in his gaze, it didn't take long for Demeter to realize he wasn't putting on a front. She also knew his forces had either killed or sealed away the other Olympians, so, rather than endanger herself and the lives of her children, she came to the conclusion that it was better to simply acquiesce to his demands.
After releasing an inaudible sigh, a flash of golden light enveloped Demeter's body. When the light faded away, she was wearing a rather revealing raiment that left very little to the imagination. Even her chest was barely covered by two triangular sections of cloth that were fastened by a latticework of deceptively flexible gold wire. The most curious aspect of these metallic components was the fact that, rather than cutting into her skin, they followed the contours of her breasts and body perfectly.
Though Demeter was an exceptionally beautiful woman, Vahn couldn't help but feel that her raiment further enhanced her beauty. He even found himself wanting to sneak a peek behind the thin green cloth that barely covered her pantiless lower body. This was in spite of the fact he had already seen her completely naked just moments prior...
With an approving nod, Vahn snapped his fingers, allowing [Enkidu] to disperse in an instant as he said, "Tell your daughter to behave herself; I did not come here to fight."
Understanding her daughter's nature, Demeter bowed politely in response to Vahn's order before turning her attention to Persephone and saying, "My beloved Persephone...thank you for worrying about me. Now, however, your concerns threaten everything we hold dear. Worry not. Even if I must lower myself, my heart would never break so long as I am able to keep all of you safe. Please, do not make this more difficult than it has to be."
Vahn couldn't help but feel a little awkward hearing Demeter's words, even if they were successful in convincing Persephone to stand down. After all, he was actually seeking to compromise with her, not force her to 'lower' herself...
Shaking his head, Vahn decided to simply ignore the matter, gesturing for Demeter to take a seat so they could things more comfortably. There was no sense in trying to convince her he had no ulterior motives, especially after killing the other Olympians, so it was better to just explain his intentions and allow his actions to speak for themselves.
Due to the differences in the flow of time, several hours had passed since the completion of the Raid. By the time his discussion with Demeter had begun, they had already finished celebrating their victory. Now, with most of the children curled up at his sides, Vahn was enjoying a brief moment of supreme bliss, courtesy of Fenrir. She was still in her overgrown state, and, after waking, didn't mind letting her body be used as a bed. Rather, so long as they weren't jumping around or horseplaying, she liked to cuddle with others while in her 'Heaven Devouring Wolf' transformation...
With Penelo and Petra curled up in his arms, looking more like twins than siblings born more than a year apart, Vahn couldn't help but feel as though his life was blessed. He felt somewhat melancholic knowing the struggles that would be faced by the Demigods of Olympus, but, with enough time and effort, they would eventually rebuild. The key was just ensuring they didn't grow and develop into a civilization that was solely focused on revenge against the Surface world...
Withholding a sigh, Vahn stared at the sleeping faces of his lovely daughters, comforted by the fact they were both smiling happily. If not for his children, and children the world over, he wouldn't even bother with all these troublesome matters. Fortunately, if everything went as planned, this would be the last time he had to build an Empire. In the future, he would live life more freely, traveling around like a Vagrant Hero that punished the vile and wicked with impunity.
At this point, Vahn had already grown weary of things like politics, so, in future Records, he decided to live like the wind, moving about freely without ever settling down. He already had a home back in Danmachi, and, now that he had built an Empire and was on the verge of creating his own Realm, it seemed like a waste of time to rebuild in other Records. Instead, he would continue to develop the growing Realm within his own Soul, using it as a safe haven to protect the things he cared about as he moved between the Records.
Though it might be somewhat childish, Vahn still had aspirations of living like an actual Hero, rather than an overbearing Emperor. He still liked to imagine what it would be like to live as the characters of various novels, anime, and even video games, experiencing their stories and shaping their worlds according to his decisions.
Unfortunately, though he didn't regret it in the slightest, his character made this very difficult. It was nigh-impossible for him to simply overlook injustices, so, whenever he came across a broken system, Vahn's instinct was to try and 'fix' things. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but, when there was an infinite number of Records, some of which contained an infinite number of Universes, his efforts had very little effect on the nature of reality. Even in the Nasuverse, his primary concern was just a single world among countless iterations of that same world, not the Record in its entirety.
Understanding there was no way for the current him to 'fix' everything, Vahn decided it was better to just strengthen the foundation he had already built. His main goal was still to return home, so rather than establish an Empire in every Record he visits, he would strengthen what he had already built. He could move people into his personal Realm until it became a literal Universe, all while living the free and unfettered life he had originally sought at the beginning of his journey.
Just imagining what it would be like to freely roam the Records without having to worry about his loved ones being endangered brought a smile to Vahn's face. He had already reached a point where 'death' had virtually no meaning to him, so, as long as he kept everyone safely inside his Realm, the machinations of his enemies meant absolutely nothing. He would become an absolute nightmare for his enemies, freely traversing their territory, destroying their prized possessions, and eliminating any who thought themselves above the law...
After listening to Vahn's proposition, Demeter wasn't quite sure what to think. She could agree with him when he mentioned why Gods such as Zeus had to die, but, when he started explaining his plan of wiping out all 'errant' Gods, she began to feel uncomfortable.
Even without understanding Vahn's true power, Demeter got the impression he was an exceptionally dangerous individual. His ideals threatened the very essence of Gods, reducing them from existences meant to rule to nothing more than the foundation by which everything else was built upon. He was a zealous man who seemed to genuinely believe that the main purpose of power and authority was to elevate and protect others.
Demeter couldn't see eye-to-eye with Vahn's principles, but, knowing he might very well eliminate her if she became an obstacle, she continued to smile throughout the entire conversation. She held the belief that humanity, and other sapient creatures, 'needed' the Gods to rule over them. Without the guidance of higher forms of existence, they would tear themselves apart and lead themselves to ruin.
Fortunately, in spite of his dangerous ideal, Demeter felt a small amount of gratitude in regards to Vahn's 'mercy'. Had he been more resolute and extreme, there would have been no hope for the continuance of her people. With her death, it was only a matter of time before her children began to fight amongst themselves, setting themselves back thousands of years just to determine who among them was the most suited to lead. Even then, due to the inherent pride possessed by the majority of Demigods, the fighting would never truly stop. They would continue to undermine their progress for millennia, potentially even sabotaging their very existence once someone got their hands on one of the forbidden weapons that had been researched in the ancient past...
Realizing just how close they had been to complete extinction, Demeter stared back at Vahn with a thoughtful glimmer in her eyes, asking, "I understand your ambitions...tell me, what must I do to earn the favor of the Empire? My power, alone, will not be enough to prevent my children from being led astray. They need an authority figure to govern over them...I am too tolerant to be harsh when they misbehave..."
Though she could be strict when necessary, Demeter's 'Divine Authority of the Mother' made it difficult for her to properly mete out punishment. The more prideful among her children were bound to stray from the flock, gradually pulling others to their side. Eventually, she might even find herself the victim of her own children's schemes, and, much like Gaia, she would be unable to muster the resolve to fight against them seriously.
Without waiting for Vahn's response, Demeter caused Persephone to grit her teeth hard enough that her gums began to bleed, stating, "As the one to slay Zeus, it is only right that you become the new King of the Gods. I may be unworthy, but I will do my best to support you as your Queen..."
Hearing Demeter's words, Vahn's expression became marginally more serious as he explained, "That should not be necessary. I intend to bring Athena, Hecate, and Hestia to support you. Though I have a few disagreements with her, Athena should be more than capable of meting out punishment when necessary. Hecate is also extremely wise, and, though her personality is somewhat abrasive, I believe she is more than capable of restraining Athena's more troublesome aspects..."
Without any hesitation at all, Demeter shook her head in response, stating, "Without an absolute ruler, it would be impossible to prevent infighting amongst the Gods. Athena and Hestia have also lost their Aletheia, so, if anything happened to their Terminals, they would die. Lastly, all three of the Goddesses you mentioned are Virgin Goddesses. Athena and Hecate, in particular, have an extreme prejudice towards men, and, due to her nature, Hestia would not be able to oppose them. More than seventy percent of the city's population is male so it would not be wise to install Athena as a ruler..."
While Demeter was making her case, Vahn was peering into the Flow of Fate to see whether or not her words rang true. Unfortunately, as he only saw things from 'his' perspective, every vision related to the Olympus Texture involved him trying to settle some kind of dispute. It was impossible to know what those disputes entailed, however, requiring him to make assumptions based on contextual evidence. All he knew for certain was that, shortly after bringing Athena, Hestia, and Hecate to the Olympus Texture, he would have to step in just to prevent them from fighting.
With a frown on his face, Vahn tried to imagine elevating someone like Heracles to the status of a God, but, unless he forced the matter, convincing Heracles to rule over Olympus was impossible. He was perfectly content with living the life of a very powerful fisherman, and, despite being given the option of seeking revenge, he had refused. Heracles would do everything in his power to ensure the safety of Avalon, but, when it came to external affairs, he had absolutely no interest in things like Quests and Adventures.
After thinking about it, Vahn realized that Demeter's words held a considerable amount of truth. Just like on the Surface, the world seemed to 'need' an absolute ruler. Without something like the Empire to enforce the Common Law, society would still be spiraling towards self-destruction. The strongest beings in the world would continue to hide in the shadows, fighting for power and authority among their closed circles while humanity, as a whole, was blissfully ignorant. The popularity of the Virtual World, combined with his own desire to freely explore the Records, allowed Vahn to understand that most people simply didn't want to think about such complicated matters. They craved structure, and, even if they were suppressed, they would still find a way to establish a baseline that allowed them to build the most convenient lives available to them...
Shaking his head, Vahn reaffirmed his decision to never get involved directly with politics when he visits future Records. In the Nasuverse, however, he was already 'all in', so, after thinking about it for a few minutes, courtesy of the Projection's time dilation, he answered, "I do not form relationships based on convenience. Unless your emotions were sincere, I would never be able to open my heart to you. While you may consider such things inconsequential, they are very important to me...I would never force anyone against their will. There is always an alternative solution."
Hearing Vahn's response, Demeter's expression softened almost imperceptively as she stated, "There is no greater love than the love of a mother. For my children, there is nothing of myself that I would not sacrifice willingly. You might question the sincerity of my love, but, if it is to ensure their safety, I would willingly give my heart, my mind, my not look down on a Mother's love."
It was fortunate that Vahn had multiple bodies, as, after hearing Demeter's words, he couldn't help but release a frustrated groan. Demeter's words were like a cleaver cutting into his very soul, as, no matter how powerful he became, Vahn's 'absolute weakness' was the love of a Mother. In his mind, there truly was nothing more powerful, so, after hearing the conviction in Demeter's words, he felt a considerable amount of guilt, questioning what kind of monster he had become to put such a caring mother in this kind of situation...
Though she didn't understand the reason behind Vahn's sudden change, Demeter felt as though his terrifying aura had shriveled up in an instant. He suddenly seemed more 'vulnerable' than before, a stark contrast to the man who had resolutely talked about killing countless Gods to further his goals. For a brief moment, she even felt as though he was one of her children, her maternal instincts giving her a strong urge to comfort him...
Unaware of the 'switch' he had flipped within Demeter's heart, Vahn appeared calm and composed as he said, "Very have convinced me. I suppose this will make the integration between the Surface and Reverse Side smoother..."
Understandably dissatisfied, Persephone wasted no time in shouting, "This is ridiculous! Even if you are more powerful than Zeus, I'm not going to give my mother to you! We finally have the chance to be free! I would rather die than accept this...!"
Hearing her daughter's words, Demeter's smiling expression turned into a reproachful look as she firmly stated, "That is enough, Persephone. You may be willing to face your death, but that does not mean I am willing. If you try anything, I will have to stop you. Are you willing to harm me just to seek your own death...?"
As if she had taken critical damage, Persephone became unsteady on her feet, never taking her eyes away from the hateful man who had invaded their lives. She resented Zeus for treating both her and her mother like playthings, so, having another tyrant take his place, Persephone couldn't help hating the man who had replaced him. In her mind, Vahn was no better than Zeus, a depraved and power-hungry individual who would make their lives a living hell for his own amusement.
Seeing her daughter continue to glare at Vahn, Demeter furrowed her brows ever so slightly as she stated, "Go to your room. You are forbidden to come out until I come to retrieve you. I want you to think about the consequences of your actions and the effects they would have on others. When you have calmed down, we will talk about this matter together."
Despite gripping her scythe with enough force to make her knuckles turn white, Persephone, with tears building in the corner of her eyes, obediently listened to her mother's words, storming off into the unseen depths of Demeter's True Body. This earned a sigh of relief from Demeter, her expression showing complicated emotions as she looked back to Vahn and said, "Please, do not blame her. She has lived a very difficult life under the rule of Zeus. We have all experienced difficulties as a result of his whims."
Even without Demeter trying to convince him, Vahn wouldn't have taken the matter to heart. In fact, he would have been more surprised if Persephone didn't hate him. After all, his actions had been the primary catalyst which led to the destruction of her mother's previous avatar. In a way, their current situation could be seen as him putting pressure on Demeter, forcing her obedience in exchange for guaranteeing the safety of her children.
Resisting the urge to rub his temples, Vahn lightly shook his head, stating, "It is a small matter. I will let my actions speak for me. Zeus was a monster who ruined the lives of countless people, both God and mortal. Though some would label me with the same sins, I have always acted in a way to ensure the prosperity of all sapient life. I have never once sought to suppress others for things like personal gain and amusement."
Despite feeling as though he was trying to justify his actions, Demeter didn't doubt that Vahn was far better than Zeus. Not only was he more powerful, but he also listened to the reasoning of others. If she had tried to convince Zeus of something, he would have either ignored her or punished her for suggesting something he hadn't thought of himself. Then, several months later, he would make the same suggestions, and, if anyone pointed out the origin of his 'wisdom', they would suffer a cruel punishment for daring to slight him.
A stark contrast to Zeus, Vahn gave her the impression of a warm and gentle soul who had been led astray by his convictions. His aura, once he calmed down, became purer than anything she had ever sensed before, and, though it didn't show on his face, she could tell Persephone's words had caused him a bit of heartache. Thus, despite fearing him quite a bit, Demeter couldn't help but view Vahn as yet another one of her children, someone that required her care and affection. She might not be able to free him from his convictions, but, at the very least, she could comfort him whenever his burdens became too great...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Earth Mother is upon us','I kind of feel bad for the villains in other Records xD...','The ultimate weakness of the Sage Dragon Emperor...') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
Though it hadn't been his original intention, none of the Inner Sanctum's residents were surprised when Vahn expressed his desire to restructure Olympus. Rather, they seemed to have anticipated it, Da Vinci even going so far as to prepare an administrative system to help govern in his stead. There had never been a doubt in her mind that his busy-body nature wouldn't come into play. Thus, with a vested interest in the technology of Olympus, she had prepared numerous measures to ensure order and stability returned to the devastated region.
In the end, Vahn became the new ruler of Mount Olympus, even if it was in name and title alone. The actual governance was left to the system designed by Da Vinci, leaving the Gods acting as little more than guarantors. This left Goddesses like Athena relatively bitter, but, after losing against every main combatant within the Empire, Vahn included, she stopped causing trouble. As for Hestia and Hecate, the former turned out to be more eccentric than expected while the latter, after a reunion with Circe and Medea, became surprisingly agreeable. She still pestered him like an In-Law, but it was nothing compared to the expectations he had built up after their first meeting...
With Olympus serving as the prime example, Vahn's intentions shifted from arbitrarily killing Gods to negotiating with them. He was already well aware of the fact that most Gods weren't actually evil, so, with the exception of Gods who were known to mistreat other races, Vahn wasn't unwilling to reach a compromise. Most Gods would give way to a higher authority, and, with Gaia, Alaya, Tiamat, and Amaterasu on his side, it didn't take much to 'convince' them to either obey or stay within their own Textures.
Regardless of whether or not they chose to obey the Common Law or remain in their own Textures, Vahn forced every God to sign a binding contract, not with him, but with Gaia. Their Divine Authority was 'borrowed' from her, so, if they ever went against the terms they had agreed upon, their powers would be stripped from them. As for the few Solar Deities that remained, they were either freed from their prison, subsumed by Amaterasu, or sealed away with the Textures they had become fond of...
When everything was said and done, more than three years had passed on the Surface, equating to more than twenty within the Projection. A lot had changed in this period of time, including most of Vahn's children growing into teens that spent most of their time outside the Projection. The only real exception to this was Sophia, as, after attending school for a single day, she completely lost interest in even trying to associate with her 'peers'. As a result, she had grown into a beautiful young woman who could give Da Vinci, Isanna, and Naavi a run for their money.
In this same time period, a number of changes in the interpersonal relationships between the Inner Sanctum's residents had occurred. The most noteworthy change was brought about by the maturity and subsequent 'graduation' of the Designer Babies. Vahn had even officially knighted Sakura, Mash, Astrid, and Zoe once they graduated from the Clock Tower and passed their Knight Selection Trial. As for Alex, he decided to follow in Siegfried's footsteps, becoming a wanderer who helped everyone he came across. This resulted in him gradually becoming the youngest member of the Designer Babies, allowing even Juliet, a proud Maid of the Inner Sanctum, to surpass him.
As could be expected, the Knighting of Sakura and Mash had some rather immediate consequences. This included accepting Mash's feelings, and, after several hours of tense silence, granting Galahad permission to marry Sakura. With this, the former happily became a permanent member of the Inner Sanctum whilst Sakura, as if to drive a stake into Vahn's bleeding heart, ended up getting pregnant less than two months after her honeymoon.
Though he was well over two-hundred years old at the time, Vahn felt more nervous about being a grandfather than being a father. There was something about seeing his daughter going through the stages of pregnancy that worried him to no end. As a result, he took his frustrations out on Galahad, forcing the reserved Knight to tolerate his grievances until Sakura intervened, lecturing him quite a bit in the process. After that, Vahn could only complain to Rin, who, unlike him, seemed to take the matter in stride...
Despite his misgivings, Vahn dutifully delivered his grandson once Sakura was ready to give birth. It was a relatively awkward affair, but, with Sakura herself asking that he perform the procedure, it was impossible for him to refuse. Afterward, though he never actually hated Galahad, Vahn suddenly felt like the man had become a part of his family. Seeing him on the verge of tears as he and Sakura held their firstborn son made it impossible to have any hard feelings toward him. Rather, if it came down to it, Vahn had no doubt in his mind that Galahad would sacrifice everything to protect his daughter, making him more than worthy as both a husband and father...
Following the birth of his grandson, Ren Aldrnari Mason, meaning 'lotus', only Artoria remained with child. This concerned many of the Inner Sanctum's residents, but, knowing it wasn't even considered 'long' from the perspective of a True Dragon, Vahn wasn't too worried. The only thing preventing the little hatchling from being born was the fact that Artoria enjoyed being pregnant. She felt no need to force the matter, either, so, whenever someone brought it up, she would simply laugh it off.
Using his ability to read the Flow of Fate, Vahn knew that Artoria's pregnancy, on average, would last around one-hundred years. He could, of course, speed up the process considerably, but, after seeing Artoria lying lazily on the sofa, affectionately stroking her belly, any desire he had to force the matter had evaporated. Instead, he would often join her, gently embracing her from behind as the lay lazily on the sofa for hours at a time...
With a stern expression on his face, Vahn stared back at the woman, who, at this point, had become a carbon-copy of his Shishou. The only difference was, instead of wearing a purple bodysuit, she was attired in the regulation armor of the Imperial Knights. This always created a sense of incongruity in Vahn's heart, but, in spite of this, he wielded the yet-unnamed Asauchi in his hand, adopting a loose stance as he muttered, "Your move..."
Without any visible hesitation, Scáthach's body became a blur of white, gold, and dark purple as she turned into a veritable tempest. Her spear, colored in a characteristic blood-red, created vibrant trails of light that cut off all paths of retreat. Some of the trails even altered causality, bending cause and effect to ensure the attack couldn't be dodged.
Seeing the torrent of blows targetting each of his vital points, Vahn's pupils transitioned from their usual aquamarine to a vibrant gold for a brief moment. Time seemed to stagnate in response to this change, allowing him to see the always-interesting sight of Scáthach, her body twisted in multiple forms that were all melded together into a singular whole. Though she only wielded a single spear, her movements split into seven unique trajectories, each as real as the others...
After admiring Scáthach's ever-impressive display of skill, Vahn's body began to move without him needing to direct it. In the time it took for his fist to make contact with her abdomen, he could have counted to more than a hundred, but, in actuality, not even a millisecond had passed. It was like the world had been frozen around him, allowing only his painfully slow movements to proceed without pause...
Immediately after his fist made contact, Vahn felt as if time had sped up thousands of times in an instant. Most of Scáthach's attacks spontaneously ceased to exist, leaving only a single trail to swipe harmlessly next to his face as the woman in question was sent flying like a cannonball. This wasn't even remotely enough to take her out of the fight, however, leaving the hair on Vahn's neck tingling as a spatial tear appeared right behind him.
With a quick twist of his head, Vahn managed to evade the sudden sneak attack, the edge of the spear nearly cresting the tip of his nose. At the exact same moment, Scáthach created a foothold in mid-air, using [Koku Shundo] to immediately close the distance as her previous spear erupted in an explosion of scarlet energy. She ignored the shockwave that impacted her body, attempting to plant her own palm against her Master's chest, but, like a mantis catching a cicada, Vahn's hand instantly moved to grasp her wrist.
Once the fiery plume of energy faded away, Vahn was revealed to have an amused smile on his face. His hair was forced to the side in a rather comical fashion, but, as if it remembered the shape it was supposed to be in, it quickly fixed itself as he said, "You never cease to amaze me. Tell me, how have your matches with Mordred been going...?"
After staring at where her Master was holding her wrist, a very light flush colored Scáthach's cheeks as she answered, "She has improved a lot, but I'm still leading with 2473 victories and zero losses..."
Hearing Scáthach's answer, Vahn felt like he could hear Mordred crying out for justice in the back of his mind. He knew they had a bit of a one-sided rivalry between them, but, with Scáthach improving at a monstrous rate, it was very difficult to surpass her. Even without the [Wisdom of the Haunted Ground], she subconsciously remembered all of her skills and abilities. The only thing that prevented her from winning against him was the vast, almost insurmountable, difference in Parameters.
Releasing Scáthach's wrist from his grasp, Vahn nearly chuckled when he saw her how disheartened her expression became. She had become rather fond of him over the years, and, though there was always a bit of distance between them, Vahn appreciated her quite a bit. At this point, the only thing preventing them from moving forward with their relationship was the inhibitions he had developed after the death of her 'original'. Even then, it would only take her expressing her intentions for him to finally relent...
Though she was unaware of her Master's thoughts, Scáthach seemed to be building up her courage as she absentmindedly stared at his lips. She had received a lot of advice lately, but, knowing of the trouble her original self had caused, she was afraid he would ultimately refuse her. After that, there would be no way to heal their relationship, so, despite the assurance of others, she was afraid to give voice to her feelings...
Due to the 'support' of others within the Inner Sanctum, Vahn and Scáthach often found themselves alone together during normal training hours. He had also been lectured quite a bit about pressuring the heart of a maiden, so, after seeing Scáthach gradually lower her eyes, Vahn released an internal sigh before asking, "How do you feel about me, Scáthach? And no, I don't mean as your Lord and Master...tell me truthfully how you feel..."
To give her a little courage, Vahn gingerly traced his finger along Scáthach's chin, compelling her to look up at him as their faces became marginally closer together. This caused her eyes to gradually widen, and, after swallowing audibly, she answered, "I don't...know...all I know is that my heart hurts when we are apart...I want to be at your side...I want to be wanted..."
While not exactly the words he was looking for, Vahn internally remarked ("Close enough...") as he slowly closed the remaining distance between their lips. It probably wasn't fair to think she actually knew what love was, as, even after thousands of years, her original wasn't able to figure it out. All she really knew was an instinctual desire to break free from the loneliness locked away deep within her subconscious. This was something he could grant her, so, without further ado, he decided to teach her what love was using his own methods...
After a long, passionate, and surprisingly tame kiss, Vahn separated his lips from Scáthach, who, from the very beginning, had practically frozen in place as she instinctually reciprocated his kiss. He could tell she was forcibly restraining her own desires, allowing him to do everything in spite of the fact her body 'wanted' to respond more fervently.
Understanding his responsibility, Vahn eyed the Asauchi in his right hand before splitting his body in two. This caused Scáthach's eyes to open even wider than before, her face turning completely scarlet as wayward thoughts began racing through her mind.
Seeing his former Master-turned-Apprentice's reaction, Vahn struggled to restrain his laughter as he lightly pat himself on the shoulder and exited the training orb. He still had numerous uncertainties regarding the Asauchi, especially with nearly thirty-seven years passing, so Vahn was unwilling to let it separate from his 'main' body. As a result, he could only leave himself to deal with Scáthach, taking the Asauchi to play elsewhere...
After finding a place atop one of the Ivory Castle's Wizard Towers, Vahn gazed out over Avalon with a contented smile on his face. It was still the same peaceful and pristine land as before, but, with the passage of time, the overall population had eclipsed ten million. If you looked towards the direction of the port, it was now possible to find tens-of-thousands of aesthetically pleasing buildings, many combining the sensibilities of Japanese architecture with more futuristic designs.
With his domain now stretching more than eighteen kilometers, Vahn could 'see' the myriad peoples of Avalon going about their daily lives with smiles on their faces. Humans weren't even the dominant population so it was possible to see Companions, Fae, and even Yokai walking around. They all lived in relative harmony with each other, rarely requiring direct intervention. Even then, it was usually just to settle a drunken dispute after a few colleagues had too much to drink.
At this point, the first three phases of Vahn's plan were nearing, or at, completion. The only thing he was waiting for was the construction of the Supercolonies, but, with steadily rising support and rapid technological advancements, it wouldn't be long before they were completed. He had even used the Holy Grail created by Illya to deal with some growing issues, primarily things like disease and famine, so things were going exceptionally well, all things considered...
With his smile gradually increasing, Vahn turned to the Asauchi laying across his lap, musing, "Now, if only I could get you to wake up...seriously, how long are you going to keep sleeping? Am I doing something wrong...?"
Originally, six years was supposed to be the average for awakening a Zanpakutou Spirit, but, due to his usage of Marble Phantasms and Spirit Time Orbs, Vahn's age was nearing 250 years old. Now, it felt like a literal lifetime had passed since he forged the Asauchi, but, other than the occasional hum, it showed no signs of awakening. It was a truly troublesome matter, especially with a certain sakura-haired sword otaku constantly pestering him about forging another...
In response to Vahn's musings, the Asauchi released a pleasant hum, which, in his ears, sounded like it was saying, "Don't rush me. I'll wake up when I'm good and ready!".
Shaking his head, Vahn issued a dry laugh before pulling out an oil rag and meticulously polishing the Asauchi's blade. This caused it to release a steady and persistent hum, seemingly satisfied by the fact he was spoiling it.
Though he would never vocalize it, Vahn was pretty sure his Zanpakutou had already awoken, but, as it was very spoiled, it pretended to remain asleep. He had no way to confirm this, however, so, rather than make a big deal out of it, he patiently awaited the day when its voice resonated in his ears. This process could probably be sped up if he faced a powerful opponent, but, with few enemies posing a legitimate threat to him, this was largely just speculation...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Poor Galahad xD...','I feel a great disturbance...almost as if thousands of voices cried out, demanding justice...','TFW you spoil your Zanpakutou to the point it refuses to wake up...') <-(p.atreon link)
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