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50.99% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1201: Quest

Kapitel 1201: Quest

Following a rather relaxing rest period with the three girls, Vahn decided to strike while the iron was hot. Now that he knew there was even more to the Quest function than he had previously realized, the first thing he did was organize a gathering with everyone to explain his 'revelations'. This also included Da Vinci, even though he had to go retrieve her from the Einzbern Castle. She had slowly been converting it into a factory after Merlin had morphed the surrounding Bounded Field into a pseud-projection, slightly different from the one around Avalon.

Since the Einzbern Castle existed on the Surface, rather than in a Sub-Texture of the World, it was a lot harder to create a projection as, even with an Artificial Leyline, there simply wasn't enough mana to power it. As a result, only the 'factory' and a few other sections of the castle existed within the Projection. Da Vinci used this a second Workshop of sorts, even though the primary purpose of her time there was to increase the production of Companions and test a few of her other experiments.

With a time-dilation of 4:1, she could produce as many as 48,000 Companions in a single day, assuming she had the requisite resources to do so. As there was no need to create so many, at least for the time being, the actual production was closer to 1,000 per day, giving her ample time to innovate and develop newer models. Still, after seeing several thousand Companions wandering the rather solemn halls, Vahn felt like he had wandered into a dreamscape of sorts. As if to emphasize this, he had a veritable flock of adorable little creatures following after him by the time he reached Da Vinci's Factory. Some had even clung to his body, riding him as they produced adorable mewling sounds and other squeak-like noises...

After retrieving Da Vinci and returning to the Ivory Castle, it wasn't long before Vahn had everyone together inside of the Dining Hall, Companions included. At this point, even Paracelsus and Tristana had several Companions living with them, serving as simple assistants as they awaited the birth of their new owners. Since there were now a few thousand Homunculi in the castle, Paracelsus had slowed the production of his own, taking special care to make sure they would be able to live easy lives when they were finally 'born'. Even then, there were only a few weeks until the fateful moment, something Paracelsus had been looking forward to quite a bit.

What Vahn found most curious was the fact that, while Paracelsus was enthused about the birth of his Homunculi, there was actually another bundle of life that they had yet to announce. Since they had been living together for months now, often spending their entire days together, it wasn't too much of a surprise when Vahn discovered that Tristana was pregnant. What did surprise him was the fact that neither of them seemed to have realized it, as Tristana was only around two weeks pregnant at the time of the gathering. Though he wanted to talk about the Quests and the future direction of the Empire, Vahn couldn't help but open the conversation by smiling in amusement as he stated, "Paracelsus, Tristana, congratulations."

As could be expected, the two were rather confused by the sudden congratulatory remark, causing Tristana to furrow her brows as she asked, "What is this about?" Being a moderately capable Magus, Tristana's intuition alerted her to the fact that Vahn's congratulations were mostly directed toward her. As she rarely even saw him, she couldn't help but wonder what he was up to, especially after gathering everyone together like this. What she never would have expected was Vahn showing a surprised expression, accented with a touch of confusion, as he asked, "Do you really not know...?"

Feeling annoyed at Vahn's question, Tristana's expression turned rather dour and, if not for the fact the former was an Emperor, she would have lashed out at him. Fortunately, Paracelsus was always very calm and, shortly after he heard Vahn's words, he surprised Tristana by grabbed her wrist and taking her pulse. This caused her to fluster a bit as, though she didn't consider herself shy, they were currently surrounded by some rather high-profile and intimidating individuals.

Before Tristana could extricate her hand from Paracelsus' rather delicate looking fingers, the golden-eyed man showed an expression of genuine surprise that quickly turned into a smile. Even without asking, Tristana had started to realize what Vahn's comment was related to and, remembering how she had been feeling sick since a few days ago, she began to feel very anxious. At the same time, the rest of the people sitting around the table seemed to realize what Vahn's words meant, causing Nobunaga to be the first to say, "Oh? I figured the next woman to get pregnant would be that drill-haired gorilla."

Nobunaga's remark caused Rin to nearly choke on her tea, performing a spit take of sorts as Luvia had often called her a gorilla in the past. Hearing someone refer to her 'former' rival in such a way was rather entertaining but, considering the situation, she tried to keep calm. She also understood the implication in Nobunaga's words and, as Vahn had never officially announced it, asked, "Are you also pregnant, Nobunaga...?" This time, it was Vahn's turn to smile, explaining in a rather chipper tone of voice, "Nobunaga is around three weeks pregnant at this point. As for Tristana, she seems to be around two weeks into her pregnancy. If they both stayed inside the Projection, there is a good chance their deliveries would be around the same time."

Hearing Vahn comment on her pregnancy so casually, Nobunaga's face became a little red as she complained, "Hey, you lug-head. Don't discuss such things so openly." Then, as the cat was already out of the bag, Nobunaga turned to look at Rin, answering, "Yeah, I'm carrying this idiot's child. In the future, I might bother you a bit. Sorry in advance." Though she knew Sakura wasn't Rin's actual daughter, Nobunaga had a good impression of their mother-daughter relationship. She felt that Rin would be able to help teach her the things she needed to know as, while Iris was also a good choice, the latter was somewhat airheaded compared to the serious Rin.

Though it was somewhat awkward, Rin managed a smile in response to Nobunaga's words before politely stating, "Of course. I believe Sakura-chan and Mordred will be good big sisters as well..." As could be expected, Mordred immediately took advantage of the fact her name was mentioned, jumping to her feet excitedly as she announced, "Yosh! Leave it to me! I'll be everyone's big sister! Just leave it to me, Aniue~!" With Nobunaga having become something like an idol to her, at least as far as temperament and disposition were concerned, Mordred was more than willing to help look after her future children.

Shortly after Mordred's outburst, which had caused Nobunaga to produce a sly smile, Sakura also added, albeit in a more subdued tone, "I will also do my best...I always wanted to be a big sister..." While saying this, Sakura looked between her Okaa-chan and Otou-sama, her eyes communicating what her mouth couldn't say. They both understood the hidden meaning in that momentary gaze, causing Rin to flush slightly as she looked at Vahn as if asking for help. Unfortunately, his response was to smile in an affectionate manner, leaving the matter to Rin to decide. He was always happy to have more children but, knowing his part was only secondary to the role their mothers would play, Vahn always left the decision to his partners.

Understanding the meaning behind Vahn's smile, Rin's face paled slightly, even though her cheeks were flushed. Previously, she had already given up on having her own children as, after 'adopting' Sakura, she was worried that her treatment toward her biological children would alert the latter to the truth. Though she would do her best to always care for Sakura as if she was her actual daughter, Rin still had a lingering fear that her resolve might not translate well into reality. However, when she saw the expectant glimmer in Sakura's eyes, Rin looked towards Vahn with 'blame' in her eyes. This was her way of saying, 'take responsibility', causing Vahn to lightly chuckle at her expense before musing, "It looks like things are going to become lively in the future..."


After things settled down a bit, Vahn apologized to Tristana and Paracelsus for taking the wind out of their sails. To once again congratulate them, and to emphasize his apology, Vahn provided Tristana with a few [Maternity Band]s, which would greatly aid her during the pregnancy. She still seemed to be coming to terms with the fact she was pregnant but, with Paracelsus there to take care of her, it shouldn't be long before she accepted the reality and assumed the role of an expectant mother. As for Nobunaga, she shared a few words of 'triumph' with the girls around her before giving them a bit of 'advice' on what to expect if they sought children of their own.

Fortunately, before things could get too out of hand, Vahn guided the conversation back towards the original subject, explaining the Quest system that he intended to implement. When questioned about how such a system worked, Vahn explained that it was the result of his Familia Crest being able to bestow his 'blessing' upon others, combined with his Creation and Fate Laws. They were already aware of his Modify function and his ability to manifest physical objects the represented his bonds with other people so it wasn't too much of a surprise.

Though people like Da Vinci were obviously very skeptical, she knew there was undoubtedly some truth behind Vahn's words and, as was often the case, he probably just couldn't explain it properly. She knew his mind often made things overly complex, to the point that he was sometimes capable of doing things he didn't even comprehend properly. In fact, there had been several instances where she was the one to help him understand the proper uses of his skills and abilities. Because he was always very receptive to what she had to say, Da Vinci considered this rather severe flaw as one of Vahn's 'quirks', finding it more endearing than annoying.

With nobody calling him out on his half-truth, Vahn explained the benefits of the Quest system in great detail, including the fact there were likely benefits he was entirely unaware of. To that end, he wanted Da Vinci to keep track of every Quest and the rewards, compiling them into a system that used the Quest Board as a basis for data collection. Though he would always know when someone completed a Quest, as it alerted him through the system, Vahn knew Da Vinci would be able to make the most of the data. As for everyone else, Vahn encouraged them to freely accept Quests, so long as the Penalty did not include things like 'Death'.

After hearing about the potentially serious consequences of accepting Quests, it wasn't unexpected that Rin would ask, "Death? Do you mean failing a Quest could actually lead to death? Why would you incorporate such a thing?" Considering this was a question he had expected, Vahn answered in a serious tone, "The items that are created as a result of completing a difficult Quest could literally be world-altering. This system itself goes against the World's balance, altering Fate considerably based on the Rank of the Quest completed. It isn't even an exaggeration to say that some of the rewards you could obtain would even make the Greater Grail seem like a paltry trophy in comparison. Do you think such a system could exist without any setbacks...?"

Hearing Vahn's explanation, Rin couldn't help but furrow her brows, even though she understood the severity of his words. After all, the most basic principle in the world, outside of Life and Death, was Equivalent Exchange. She had also accepted a number of missions during her time as a student of the Clock Tower, some of which had put her life in danger, so Rin knew progress was often at the expense of endangering oneself. Still, while she could accept this, Rin looked toward Sakura before stating in a stern tone, "You are not allowed to accept Quests unless I am present, understood?"

Though Sakura was a bit started by the serious tone of her Okaa-chan's voice, she had no intention of going against her words as, even without having it explained to her, she knew death was a very scary thing. Fortunately, her own position was made easier when Artoria also added, "Mordred. Even though I believe you are more than strong enough, you are not allowed to accept any Quests to the outside world unless your father and I are aware of it. You are also not allowed to accept any Quests with Death as a Penalty before your apprenticeship is completed. Despite your skills, you have a long way to go before being able to declare yourself an Imperial Knight."

Even though she was brash by nature, Mordred had always been very obedient towards figures of authority, even in her past life. Though she had certainly led the rebellion against King Arthur, most of her interactions with Artoria before that were accepting and following all orders. As she had come to respect Artoria as her Hahaue, while accepting Vahn as her Chichue, Mordred would not ignore their words. Thus, showing a rare serious expression, similar to a Knight that had just received orders from its King, Mordred stated, "I understand, Hahaue. I will not be careless with my own life."

Nodding approvingly in response to Mordred's words, an action repeated by Vahn, Artoria turned her eyes over everyone else at the table, adding, "It may not have been officiated yet, but I hope you will all respect my decision as Empress. Unless it is at the behest of myself or His Majesty, never do anything that would endanger the life of yourself or others. There are no shortcuts to power and, even if this system will allow you to grow at an accelerated rate, you must never lose sight of why you seek power. If you feel inclined to accept dangerous Quests, please inform me or His Majesty beforehand. I am confident in speaking on his behalf when I say that we will always be willing to do our best to help you."

Piggybacking off Artoria's words, Vahn gave a firm nod before stating, "Though some Quests are more individualized, many can be completed by working together. Never ignore preparation and research as, if regarded seriously, most dangers can be avoided outright. As Artoria stated, I am more than willing to help you complete your Quests so never assume you are alone." With the Rank of the Quest seemingly determined by the person accepting it, Vahn felt that an S-Rank Quest for others might only be a B or A-Rank Quest for him. He obviously couldn't help when it came to things like befriending snakes, bathing, and meditating, but these were generally the types of Quests slated to specific individuals...

As nobody at the table really had the intention of seeking their deaths arbitrarily, the only thing that could have caused anyone to accept such a dangerous Quest was if the rewards more than made up for the danger. However, in response to Vahn's and Artoria's words, everyone around the table gave understanding nods, the only exception being Circe. She had already accepted a Quest with the penalty of death but, as it was very important for her 'life', she was more than willing to risk it. All she had to do was commune with Hecate and, as her relationship with the latter was actually quite good, Circe didn't expect she would refuse. Though there would be a trial that required her to prove her love, the fact she had a Love parameter of 33,998 filled her with confidence...


After the discussion regarding Quests, everyone enjoyed a rather lively meal before moving towards the Knight Training Field. While the discussion had been ongoing, Vahn transformed his Quest Board into a physical body before moving himself over and changing back. By the time the group arrived, there was a glossy black stone that was three meters tall and eight meters wide waiting for them. Da Vinci had almost immediately wanted to take a sample but Vahn was able to stop her by promising to explain its structure in greater detail later. He didn't really want everyone to know that the Quest Board was actually him, giving him full control over the Quests they were allowed to accept...

Though they could have all gone at once, everyone approached the Quest Board one at a time to see what their own Quests entailed. In response, the black stone dutifully translated their Quests into their native tongue, something that didn't even require effort on Vahn's part. As he would always use the language his partner was most comfortable with, to the point he still talked to Medusa in Koine, the text on the Quest Board did the same.

Being one of the first people to step forward, Da Vinci accepted a total of five Quests simultaneously, each graded at A-Rank. She was actually inspired just by reading the listed Quests, causing her mind to race with possibilities as, rather than completing the five she accepted, Da Vinci fully intended to complete ALL of her potential Quests. At the very least, she would prepare the necessary goods to finish them later so, by the time she turned in her current five, she would be able to mass accept and turn in several others. There was no way she could miss out on unique and mysterious rewards and, even though she only had a few Skills worth investing in, knowing she could freely enhance them was quite exciting.

Fortunately, Da Vinci's example wasn't repeated as Artoria was the next to step forward, placing her palm against the rather warm stone and viewing her available Quests. Surprisingly, she accepted an SS-Rank Quest that required her to defeat a total of 10 Heroic Spirits in serious combat. Though this was certainly possible to complete in the future, Artoria would be hard-pressed to convince people like Circe and Da Vinci to duel against her. This left only people like Scáthach, Heracles, Nobunaga, Lakshmibai, and Kenshin. Though she could also fight against people like Iris, Rin, and Illya, Vahn doubted that Artoria would trouble them in such a manner. Thus, until he summoned other Heroic Spirits in the future, Artoria would be stuck with her current Quest for a while.

Following Artoria's example, Mordred also accepted an SS-Rank Quest, hers being just as impossible to complete, at least for now. It required her to fight against an S-Rank Phantasmal Species, meaning something on the level of a True Dragon, Titan, or Pegasus. Since these types of creatures were very rare on the Surface World, she would have to venture into one of the Spiritual Lands or, depending on how things developed in the future, delve deep into the Spiritual Tomb: Albion. Still, with rewards like 500,000,000 Variable Experience and her very own Excalibur, named [Excalibur Λ], Mordred was more than up for the challenge.

With the Mother-Daughter duo of Knights accepting impossible tasks, Vahn breathed a sigh of relief when Rin picked a few relatively simple Quests. She also helped Sakura choose her Quests, with D-Rank being the highest. These included simple tasks such as performing exercises and completing chores, meaning they could incentivize themselves to grow stronger without any real danger. As a result, the highest amount of Variable Experience she could receive was only 1,500 but, considering Sakura was only seven years old, doing more difficult Quests could actually be detrimental to her natural growth.

As could be expected, even Paracelsus and Tristana accepted a few Quests as, if they were able to get rewarded for doing things they already would have done, why wouldn't they? Though Tristana picked a rather simple C-Rank Quest, as she was already starting to worry about her 'condition', Paracelsus accepted an A-Rank Quest. His Primary Objective was to create a thousand [Philosopher's Stone]s while his Optional Objective included making a new and improved variant. As the stones he made were already different from the 'original', Paracelsus already had some experience in this process and, with the information exchanges he had made with Da Vinci, Illya, and Iris, he was more than confident in finishing before the deadline...

When almost everyone had completed accepting Quests for themselves, making the atmosphere rather lively, Illya finally stepped up to the Quest Board. Curiously, in Vahn's vision, he noticed that the border of his current Quest became yellow while, at the very bottom of the list, a new Quest had formed. This was also displayed on the Quest Board, causing Vahn to inhale as he wondered what decision Illya would make. Previously, he had been on the fence regarding the completion of his own so, if Illya herself sought that route, Vahn could help her complete her objectives while also finishing his own Quest. This was the first time he had ever seen a Link Quest so he couldn't deny he was a little interested in the secondary rewards if they turned them in together...

As there were close to twenty available Quests, it took a little while before Illya's eyes passed over the 'unique' Quest that had come into existence just for her. When she saw the Objectives, her face became a little red and, though others had already read the details, she attempted to hide it with her body as she quickly accepted it. This caused a few of the closest people to giggle, including Iris as she had been standing next to Illya from the start. Still, willfully choosing to believe they were none the wiser, Illya stared at the screen that had appeared in her vision, her eyes becoming a subtle shade of violet...


[Quest: Emergence of the Beast Queen]

Rank: SS

Objective(s): Convince entity [Cath Palug] to fuse with the host:(0/1), Integrate Magic Circuits with entity [Cath Palug]:(0/1)

Optional Objective(s): Obtain 100 Love with entity [Vahn Mason]:(99/100), Obtain an oath of love from entity [Vahn Mason]:(0/1)

Reward(s): 300,000,000 Variable Experience, 1x[Beast Queen's Divine Raiment]

Failure Conditions: Death, [Cath Palug]'s refusal

Penalty: Affection between host and [Cath Palug] reset to 0. Current:(3,411/100)


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Surprise~!','Power, at a price','Quests Ahoy~!') <-(p.atreon link)

Discord Invite:

Kapitel 1202: Determination

With everyone else benefitting from his Quest function, Vahn felt a lot less self-conscious about taking advantage of it himself. During the period where everyone was discussing how to help each other complete their Quests, he went through his own list to accept a few he had been on the fence about. Most of these fell into the category of 'daily' Quests, meaning they required him to do a specific action over a certain number of days. He also had the kind that required completing specific tasks, such as meditating, performing an exercise, or forging a piece of equipment.

Unfortunately, while Vahn had many ways to exploit the system, his memory fragments were unable to work towards the completion of his Quests. This still left him with the option of teaming up with the other castle residents but, as his Quests were either directly related to his own actions, there were only a few situations where such opportunities were available, at least for the time being.

Though there weren't any Main Quests listed, as these seemed to only appear during the moments when his convictions had reached a certain peak, there were a number of Quests that 'felt' like Main Quests. These pertained to major events in the world while, much like his Alliance Quest back in the Record of Danmachi, there were numerous Quests directly tied to various powers. Among the Quests he had chosen to accept, Vahn picked one that required him to either enter an Alliance or subjugate the three different branches of the Mage's Association. As Da Vinci seemed to be preparing for an 'altercation' against the Atlas Temple, combined with the fact he was somewhat at odds with the Clock Tower, Vahn felt it was a good idea to pick up a Quest directly related to them.

Towards the goal of 'cooperation', however, Vahn had several Quests that required him to either recruit people from within the Mage's Association, either by contributing knowledge or through less 'proper' channels. There was even one that tasked him with serving as an Interim Professor, with an Optional Objective of becoming an actual Lord. However, while this would undoubtedly make him popular amongst certain groups, this route undoubtedly led to significant conflict. At the same time, it was a rather heinous reduction in his status as, even though his Empire hadn't spread its influence, Vahn was still an Emperor. Becoming a 'Lord' under a different system, where others would have a higher ranking than him, was out of the question.

Still, even without becoming a Professor, Vahn had a few other Quests related to the Clock Tower, many of which only required him to exchange specific items and resources for various favors. Since one of Vahn's short term goals was to gain access to the Spirit Tomb: Albion, he figured these would be positive measures towards that goal. Though Luvia was already making arrangements of her own, Vahn felt his methods could have more immediate effects, especially if he made Luvia herself aware of them. She had a business sense that reminded him a lot of Fortuna and, by revealing his hand to her, Vahn believed that Luvia would be able to deal in his favor.

Of the Quests Vahn selected for himself, the most difficult was one adequately titled [World Power]. As it was already his goal to become one of the major factions in the world, accepting a Quest that literally related to that goal was a small motivator. It also gave him a generic roadmap towards the route he could take while also tying into several of his lesser ranked Quests. Curiously, he already had the power to complete this Quest but, deciding against more 'forceful' methods, due to the promise he had made with Artoria, Vahn would at least try the more diplomatic approach before passing his judgment onto others.


[Quest: World Power]

Rank: SSS

Objective(s): Defeat a total of ten Dead Apostle Ancestors designated by the Holy Church:(0/10), Slay or subordinate Solon Yggdrasil, Director of the Mage's Association(0/1), Slay or subordinate Mavis Maxwell, Pontiff of the Holy Church(0/1), Slay or subordinate any weilder of True Magic:(0/1)

Optional Objective(s): Purify the Crimson Moon Curse from Arcueid Brunestud:(0/1), Destroy the Enforcement Division of the Mage's Association:(0/8), Destroy the Burial Agency of the Holy Church:(0/8), Slay or subordinate one of the three Monarchal Lords associated with the Mage's Association:(0/1)

Reward(s): 5,000,000,000OP, 1x[Heaven's Mandate], 1x[Seal of Heaven], 1x[Imperial Regalia]

Failure Conditions: Expulsion from the Record, Destruction of Avalon, Deaths of more than ten allies. Current: (0/10)

Penalty: 1,000,000 Karma


Fortunately, even though the objectives of the Quest seemed rather extreme, none of the terms actually required him to kill anyone. Vahn suspected this was due to the Quest function taking into consideration his circumstances as, unless his hand was forced, he didn't exactly plan to go around killing people. Though his actions would undoubtedly result in the deaths of several people, some of which would be innocent, Vahn would do his best to be just and fair.

To that end, he would rather increase his strength to the point that he could outright capture and seal away his enemies, putting them on trial for their crimes. He wasn't fond of imprisonment and, knowing what he knew about the cycle of reincarnation, it was for the best that they simply moved on to their next lives. There was no such thing as an 'evil' Soul so, with the death of the Ego, it was free to return to the cycle, hopefully, to live a better life in the future...


After accepting a few Quests related to the birth of his future children, as he wanted them to have just as many benefits as his children back in Danmachi, Vahn found himself inside his Training Orb for what felt like the first time in months. Though Da Vinci, and several others, wanted to discuss the Quests in greater detail, there were a few matters Vahn wanted to attend before he got too caught up in other things. Thus, even though he couldn't sense her, Vahn confidently stated, "Come out, Scáthatch." Immediately after this, Scáthach appeared out of thin air, her face a perfect mask that hid the few emotions she seemed capable of experiencing.

Before Vahn said anything further, Scáthach pulled a pair of spears out of thin air, asking in the same cold and icy tone he had heard thousands of times, "Do you wish to resume your training? I want to see how much you have been slacking off while I was away."

Fortunately, as Vahn showed no signs of attacking, Scáthach remained attentive as she awaited his response. This allowed him to state in an appreciative tone, "Thank you for everything you did back in Germany. I promise that I will train hard in the future to make up for lost time..." Even before he had finished saying this, Scáthach put away her spears, understanding he had no intention of doing battle. Instead, Vahn relaxed a little after seeing the fierce red spears put away, adding, "There are some things I would like your help with. Since you are the most capable person I know, I believe you are the best suited to the task..."

In response to Vahn's words, Scáthach tilted her head to the side slightly, surprising him by stating, "You are trying to deceive me...?" Though she couldn't understand which part of his words were a lie, Scáthach felt that Vahn had spoken a falsehood. She didn't have to wait for an answer though as, the moment the inquiry entered her mind, images of Da Vinci and Artoria flashed across her mind. This caused Scáthach's brows to perk up slightly as, before she left for Germany, neither woman could be compared to her. However, when considering what Da Vinci had done for the Empire, and the fact that Artoria was now even beyond her means to defeat, it made sense that her value in Vahn's eyes had been reduced.

Instead of inquiring further, Scáthach shook her head slightly, stating, "Go on. Tell me what you need help with." Deducing that the 'falsehood' in Vahn's words was related to her being the most capable, the rest could be construed as the truth. This meant he did consider her the best suited to the task and, though it brought her little pride to be considered in such high regard, she considered helping Vahn the same as 'teaching him everything'.

Understanding the Scáthach didn't want to discuss her prior remark further, Vahn gave a small nod before explaining, "We have discussed the existence of Innates in the past. As they are the core part of a person's strength, I want you to help me draw the most out of them. I know combat may be the fastest method to increase adaptability and improve the mastery of oneself, but I feel Innates are an exception, better understood through meditation and comprehension. At the very least, I would like you to help me better understand the Laws of Creation, Destruction, Life, Death, Space, and Time..."

As Scáthach was literally capable of using all non-unique skills at B~A-Rank, she had a foundation in virtually all Laws. She was even able to use his Petting Laws after just witnessing them a few times, making her the best choice when it came to understanding both primary and abstract Laws. Even Da Vinci, having almost absolute mastery over all forms of Thaumaturgy, wasn't able to compete against Scáthach when it came to Laws. After all, her knowledge was mostly predicated on existing schools of Magecraft and, though she was able to innovate infinitely, Da Vinci needed to observe, analyze, and test her theories before making any significant progress. Scáthach, however, could simply use them instantly, despite how abstract some of the concepts behind their usage were.

Hearing Vahn's request, Scáthach gave an affirmative nod as, having already agreed to teach him 'everything', she wasn't going to refuse such a request. However, as she taught according to her own methods, not the way her students thought she should teach them, Scáthach explained, "I will split our training into two parts, much like our current system. Instead of helping you familiarize yourself with your [Laplace's Key], I will guide you through the process of some of my personal skills. Though I am able to use what you call 'Laws', I do not have full comprehension of how they work. I can only teach you skills associated with the Laws you have mentioned. I cannot teach you about the Laws themselves."

Though her [Wisdome of the Haunted Ground] included a vast amount of information pertaining to the subject of Mystery, which Vahn had directly associated with the Laws, Scáthach herself wasn't certain of his claim. She only knew what she knew, which was virtually everything, and very rarely tried to intuit and comprehend new things. Though Vahn was very interesting to her, and she found it rather refreshing how his existence itself made everything 'uncertain', this didn't translate to her spending time thinking on the new concepts he introduced. As far as she was concerned, the only things that mattered were fulfilling her duty and, once that was completed, finally earning herself a worthy death.

As this wasn't actually their first time discussing Laws, Vahn already expected Scáthach to answer as such. He was just happy that, rather than get beaten for several hours at a time, he would now have a 'techniques' portion to his training, even if this would undoubtedly translate to him getting beaten even harder in the future. Still, knowing his comprehension would benefit greatly from her guidance, Vahn gave a respectful bow towards Scáthach as, despite her rather brutal treatment, she was still one of his few Masters, someone worthy of his respect.

After giving an approving nod, Scáthach was prepared to leave the Training Orb but, before that, she asked, "Is there anything else, Your Majesty?" In response to this, Vahn surprised her slightly when he nodded his head and answered, "There is something..." Then, with Scáthach's attention focused on him, Vahn asked, "Since you seek death after knowing 'everything', can you tell me what I would need to do in order to preserve your life? I understand we will likely be together for hundreds of years, but there are so many things 'beyond' what you have come to learn, Scáthach...if possible, I would like to have you as a true ally in the future..."

This time, it was Vahn's turn to be surprised as, instead of showing an adverse reaction, Scáthach plainly stated, "I seek an honorable death at the hands of someone strong enough to defeat me in single combat. If you would go against your word and deny me such an end, then I was wrong about the type of man you were. However, if you can survive my wrath after the fact, I do not mind staying at your side. Throughout history, strong men have always needed strong women to prop them up. I do no believe you would force me to live out an eternity...if it is only for a few thousand years, I will tolerate your selfishness..."

Though her words were rather harsh, Scáthach produced a rare smile towards the end before her figure disappeared from within the endless white space. In truth, Vahn would not force Scáthach, or anyone for that matter, to keep living beyond the life they had decided for themselves. She wasn't actually suicidal, as she wanted to die an honorable death, so Vahn didn't have to worry about her going on the deep end. This meant, if he could help her grow stronger, and put her on the path of learning new things, Scáthach would never reach the point where she had taught him 'everything'. It might be bullying her a bit but, with how tragic her existence had become, Vahn wasn't content with just letting her die. This was because, unlike others, Scáthach probably wouldn't be happy in her next incarnation either...

Since Innates were tied to the Soul, this meant that it was pretty much Scáthach's fate to be reborn as herself and, though it might be sealed for a time, she would undoubtedly reawaken it. Then, in an almost infinitely repeating cycle of eternities, she would continue to live out her immortal existence, the only thing driving her forward the pride she had as a warrior and her desire for death. Since he was even planning to break Alaya free from the control of the Root System, Vahn felt it was a simple matter to end the cycle of suffering Scáthach had been fated to undergo. He just needed to help her reach Tier 5 and, with what he knew of Innates, there was a good chance she would develop one that allowed her to regulate the [Wisdom of the Haunted Ground].

With Scáthach already being around mid~peak Tier 4, it wouldn't be all that difficult to help her grow beyond her current capabilities. As she continued to pull out his potential, Vahn knew that she herself would continue to grow stronger. She might be holding back now but, if he could increase his strength faster than she could adapt, Vahn knew their positions would reverse in the future. Then, as she would still have more to teach him, regardless of the fact he was stronger than her, Vahn felt he could drag Scáthach over the threshold of Tier 5. If necessary, he was even planning to use his [Innate Awakening Pill] on her as, while it was certainly one of his most valuable items, Vahn knew it was only a matter of time until he awakened his other Innates. He also didn't want to seal any of his current ones for a year so, rather than 'waste' it on himself, Vahn had considered using it only people like Fenrir and Medusa to help them increase their own Soul Tier further...

One of the things Vahn had started to understand towards the end of his time in Danmachi, which had now become one of his biggest regrets, was the fact that he didn't do enough to help those around him reach their full potential. Though he certainly helped them quite a bit, the concept of using his own body to create bodies for their use was something he could have easily realized if he had thought about it seriously. After all, he had seen how quickly Lefiya had grown after having her Magic Circuits nourished by his Source Energy. If people like Ais and Tiona had been given bodies comprised of Source Energy, Vahn had little doubt they would have been able to achieve great things in a very short period of time.

Though it would have complicated matters quite a bit, there was a very real chance he could have brought some of the others with him. This would have potentially restricted his growth considerably, while also making it harder to adapt his plans to the current Record, but Vahn knew he would have been much happier at the start of his new adventure. At the same time, their presence likely would have prevented him from having too many interactions with other people of this world, at least until he had reached the point of contending against them for power. With just the inclusion of a few of his closest allies, Vahn knew his time in the Nasuverse would have played out very differently...

Now that he had already repeated some of his past mistakes, 'somehow' ending up with decently sized harem, Vahn was determined to 'fix' a few for the future. During the instant he had first made a body for Iris, he already had the thought of potentially taking others with him to future Records. If he had people like Da Vinci to accompany him, Vahn felt that, even if he ended up on a lifeless planet in a completely incomprehensible Record, it would only take a few years before they turned the entire wasteland into an expansive metropolis. At the same time, any combat personnel he brought with him, especially those like Artoria and Scáthach, would greatly increase his odds against foes like the Mage of the Beginning...

While thinking of the Record Eva had originated from, Vahn's mind briefly wandered to the [Pactio] spell. Thus far, he had avoided using it due to the fact that his reserves were simply too low. Having others draw from his pool during their training would drain him in a very short period of time. Since he also needed to have a considerable amount of Od compared to the recipient, the only people who would really benefit at the present were those like Rin and Luvia. Everyone else, including Medusa, actually had higher reserves than he did, despite his efforts to improve. Curiously, Vahn knew he could increase his reserves by accumulating more Karma as, with Od being tied directly to fate, those with high Od also had greater yields when acquiring Karma...

Karma felt like the bane of his existence but, knowing he was going to shape the fate of the entire World, Vahn knew it was only a matter of time before his value shot through the proverbial roof. Just giving Heroic Spirits a body comprised of his Source Energy had increased his value considerably while, after his battle with Solon, Vahn now had a disheartening 143,226 Karma. Most of this was positive but, as this meant 'evil' forces in the world were bound to butt heads against him, Vahn was not too optimistic about the number.

Still, it was considerably less than the billions he had back in the Record of Danmachi so, as long as he kept his guard up, there was a good chance he could stay ahead of the curve. Fortunately, Artoria's aura of Fate had actually grown stronger after she became his Empress and, once they finally got married, Vahn expected it would grow even larger. Her presence served as a barrier of sorts as, even though she also invited misfortune toward them, the only thing that could kill Artoria was someone like him. With [Avalon] in her possession once again, she was virtually unbeatable in combat as, even using True Magic, there were no enemies that could damage her. This, combined with a functionally infinite amount of mana, and an attack power that could even sink entire islands, made Artoria a living natural disaster...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn is like the guy that donates a dollar to charity and then treats himself by buying a Porsche xD...','Scáthach be like, "Come and get me...if you think you will survive..."','Artoria is the true MC!!!') <-(p.atreon link)

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