After hearing about the large-scale battle in the Einzbern Forest, it was obvious that the Holy Grail War was beginning to enter its final phase. Though it wasn't impossible for other Masters to have been involved, it was more than likely that the conflict had been between the Einzbern and Matou family. Any solo Masters remaining in the War were far more likely to target the Tohsaka or Matou family residences than they were to seek trouble with the Einzbers, especially at this stage. Since Paracelsus and his Master were still in hiding, the likely culprits were either Sakura or the unnamed Master-Servant pairings of the final Caster and Archer-Class Servants. Setting fire to the forest would indicate that a Caster had been involved but it was impossible to be sure with what they knew thus far...
With the discussion quickly reaching a dead end, the only thing that could reasonably be discussed were potential countermeasures against the shadow that had attacked Gray. Since he had been the one to break down the function of the malignancy, Vahn took the lead in the conversation by explaining, "Though I cannot say for absolutely certain that my conjecture is correct, it shouldn't be that far removed from the truth. The shadows that Gray described seem to be a type of curse that has the properties of 'reversing' the inherent properties of mana. This simple change is enough to interfere with the structure of constituent particles at the subatomic level. When these bonds break down, the majority of the energy contained within the atoms bleeds back into the void while a small fraction of the converted mana is used to propagate the cycle anew."
Though others might have some difficulty comprehending what Vahn was talking about, Lord El-Melloi II had one of the strongest foundations in conceptual and theoretical Magecraft amongst the Clock Tower's Lecturers. Immediately following Vahn's explanation, he asked, "Were you able to infer that it was a curse do to its 'self-preservation' component? Also, if it truly affects matter at the sub-atomic level, why does it only target organic material...?" To this, Vahn shook his head before adding, "It doesn't just target inorganic materials. If that were the case, Gray's Mystic Codex wouldn't have been damaged so severely. I would argue that there is a lingering intent contained within the curse that makes it specifically target anything that the 'shadow' had wanted to destroy. As for why it affects others by proximity, this is most likely a means to discourage outside interference to ensure that the target is ultimately devoured by the curse..."
Hearing Vahn mention Add, Gray's mood immediately reached rock bottom, drawing a lot of attention to herself as she forlornly asked, "Is there anything that can be done for Add? He has been a Mystic Code passed through my family for tens of generations...he is also my first and oldest friend..." Remembering the state that Add had been in after trying to protect her, Gray's face formed a deep frown as a thin mist quickly spread across her stark blue eyes. Unfortunately, as the method to produce each Mystic Code was usually a closely guarded, if not outright forgotten, secret, the only response Gray received from most people present were apologetic looks.
Just as Gray seemed on the verge of tears, Vahn raised his hand before casually remarking, "I can fix him. Even if my method doesn't work, I'm certain that Scáthach would know the method used to produce Add. I may not look like it, but my skill as a Blacksmith would be able to humble most purported Masters." As someone who had been a [Master Smith] within the Record of Danmachi, combined with the fact that he had the guidance of Hephaestus herself, Vahn was confident that he could repair Add. This was assuming that a simple [Whetstone] wasn't able to repair him in an instant...
As if she hadn't quite heard him correctly, Gray's expression turned into one of confusion as a small glimmer of hope reflected in the depths of her eyes. Lord El-Melloi II also seemed more than a little skeptical but, after Vahn made good on his promise to heal Gray, he knew better than to discount the increasingly mysterious man's capabilities. He was quickly beginning to regret having failed to get Rin to reveal the information pertaining to Vahn and his true identity. Though he knew that Vahn compared himself to a Pseudo-Divine Spirit, apparently hailing from another world, that was near the limit of what Lord El-Melloi II knew about him...
Knowing he was being doubted, Vahn rolled his eyes before looking directly at Gray and repeating, "I can repair Add for you. All I need is Add himself and a room where I can enjoy some privacy." Since he stated it very clearly this time, Gray's eyes began to water even more than before as she used the sleeves of her jacket to hide her face. Though he hadn't even helped yet, she stammered in a sobbing voice, "Uuuee...thank you...", punctuating her words with a sniffle. This made Vahn feel a little awkward as it suddenly felt like there were far more expectations on him based on the looks everyone was giving him...
Without much of a delay, it wasn't long before Vahn found himself in one of the hotel's rooms with Rin, Gray, and Fenrir present. The others were also in the room but, to avoid any trouble, they remained as Spirits and simply observed the process from somewhere in the room. Since there weren't really any preparations to be made, Gray handed over the malformed Add with a pleading look in her eyes as she said, "Please, Vahn...if you can help Add, I will owe you-" Before she could finish her words, Vahn released a sigh before 'flicking' Gray's head. At the same time, he snatched Add out of her hands and said, "I've seen this trend before...your gratitude is enough for me, Gray. We're friends, after all..."
Since it seemed like Gray was going down a foreseeable 'route', a concept Vahn had come to comprehend after some anime-style games caught his eye, Vahn wanted to nip it in the bud from the start. He was getting a little tired of women thinking they 'owed' him something or needed to 'repay' some kind of arbitrary debt. This almost always led to romantic tensions developing as, even without using the View Affection function of The Path, Vahn still had a habit of empathizing with girls. If it got to the point that Gray started talking about her past, Vahn knew it was only a matter of time before things developed even further between them. It almost felt that, if they weren't already taken, a lot of women were predisposed to fall in love with him...
Ignoring the slightly pouting expression on Gray's face, Vahn pulled out a plain-looking [Whetstone] before scraping it across Add's surface three times. Even with the first stroke, it was easy to see that a lot of the damage done to Add's body had simply vanished. Since [Whetstone]s even worked on S-Ranked equipment and artifacts in the Record of Danmachi, Vahn wasn't that surprised that it was just as effective on Add. Though it seemed to possess a spirit, Add's personality was just an artificial construct and, no matter how complex its structure, it was still just a piece of equipment. As a result, by the time Vahn had performed the third stroke, Add flashed a mystical white light before it had been restored completely.
With everyone looking at him as if he had done the most ridiculous thing in the entire world, Vahn just cracked a smile before unceremoniously tossing Add over to Gray. Though he had repaired it, the artificial personality was still in 'self-preservation' mode and would need to be awakened by Gray herself. She seemed to understand this as well so, even while feeling rather incredulous at the moment, Gray held add between her palms before muttering in a surprisingly cold monotone, "Gray. Rave. Crave. Deprave. Grave me. Grave for you. Awaken. Mystic Codex. Add." With each word she spoke, Add began to glow with an increasingly intense golden light before the dark holes where its eyes were located suddenly 'opened' as it answered, "Pseudo-Personality Awakened. Performing structural analysis. Confirmed restoration of damaged internals. Reboot Confirmed. Good morning, Gray."
Hearing the familiar voice of Add, Gray looked like she was on the verge of tears once again, at least until Vahn commented, "You're more of a crybaby than I would have taken you for..." This caused her face to turn beet red before she turned around completely to avoid eye contact with anyone in the room. At the same time, apparently unwilling to overlook the fact that Vahn had just restored a Mystic Code with a rock, Rin asked, "What on earth was that stone? How did you repair something as complex as a Mystic Code with something that looks like it could be found in a riverbed..." To this, Vahn shrugged his shoulders and answered, "It is an item simply referred to as a [Whetstone]. I don't completely understand its properties just works that way."
Rin's expression only became even more incredulous when she heard Vahn's words, a feeling he actually shared since there were actually a number of items he had obtained through the system that didn't make much sense. The most obvious examples were the [Whetstone]s and the [Effigy of the Hero], both things that were relatively inexpensive regardless of how they seemed to operate on Laws that even Gods in the Record of Danmachi couldn't understand. Vahn sometimes felt like The Path had included them in his early drops so that he would have a crutch to rely on during the most difficult periods of his life. After all, being able to heal most wounds with a [Senzu Bean], using [Whetstone]s to repair practically any weapon, and having a life-saving item like the [Effigy of the Hero] gave him a huge edge in pretty much every Record...
After promising to let Rin research the [Whetstone] at a later date, the atmosphere had started to shift to a point where it was becoming awkward just staying around. It wasn't as if Lord El-Melloi II and Flat didn't welcome them, but it was obvious that the former's suspicions of Vahn were steadily increasing while the latter kept pestering him about all kinds of questions, even after Vahn had refused to comment several times. As for Gray, she had become unnecessarily bashful and, though she didn't say much, just the fact she was 'lingering' was causing Vahn some discomfort. This wasn't due to Gray herself, however, but more so due to the fact that Rin's mood had been on the decline since early in the morning.
Ultimately, Vahn promised to meet up with Gray latter, even though she stated she would stop by the Tohsaka Manor of her own accord when there was new information. After that, the group finally began their return to the Manor with Rin burying half her face in her scarf, remaining silent almost the entire return trip. Since she had shrugged off his attempt to hold her hand, Vahn was left trailing slightly behind her while Fenrir happily walked alongside him. She was already accustomed to how her Master seemed to draw people towards him and, even if it was more than a little frustrating at times, she wasn't going to beat herself up over it when the opportunity to have his affection for herself appeared.
As the distance to the Tohsaka Manor began to shorten, Rin finally released a sigh before turning back to face Vahn, asking, "Do you like Gray...?" In response to this, Vahn released a tired sigh of his own before answering, "Rin, you aren't a foolish woman. Even if you tried to pretend ignorance, I don't believe for a moment that you aren't aware of the type of person I am. My only intentions were to help she feels about things is something almost entirely centered around her perspective of events. At the same time, however, I can't deny that I have an inherent weakness when it comes to women who express their affections for me..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Rin's brows furrowed a bit before commenting to herself, "I guess I fall into that category as well..." Though she was fully aware of the fact that Vahn initially only reciprocated her feelings due to the circumstances, Rin still felt as if her pride had been wounded a bit. At times like this, she wished that she could simply follow the advice of Ishtar and Scáthach, knowing full-well that she would never be able to keep Vahn to herself. With that in mind, Rin somewhat hesitantly walked to Vahn's side before linking her hand with his, a pouting expression still visible on her face throughout the whole process. She honestly blamed herself for falling for yet another guy that seemed to draw the attention of almost every woman around him, even if he was an 'idiot'...
Though he didn't really know what to make of Rin's behavior, Vahn rubbed her hand with his thumb before leading both her and Fenrir the rest of the way to the Manor. What followed was another period of intensive training within the Sub-Space Orb as Rin kept herself distracted with her studies. Vahn made good on his promise to give her a [Whestone], something Rin would have to make sense of on her own since not even Scáthach could see through what made it function. As for Nobunaga, Astolfo, and Lakshmibai, the first two continued to lounge about lackadaisically while the latter, in much the same way as Gray, would periodically linger around Vahn when he wasn't training. Vahn used this as an opportunity to learn more about her past, even though he knew she had developed the expectation that, at any moment, he might broach the subject of bolstering her magical power...
After what had happened with Gray, combined with the large-scale battle that had occurred within the Einzbern Forest, it now seemed like a 'foolish' idea not to follow through on the act. The thing that bothered Vahn was the fact that he still disliked when people 'expected' him to act in such a way, even if their reasons for making such conclusions were founded according to contextual evidence. What made matters even worse was how Scáthach, at the end of each training session, had been pinning him to the ground as if she were trying to rile him up even further. Vahn knew he was nearing a breaking pont of sorts and, as even Sis counseled him against creating undue stress for himself, Vahn felt as if all of his inhibitions were slipping away...
For these reasons, during the period where Vahn was supposed to be resting in preparation for the resumption of the Holy Grail War, he eventually 'snapped'. Lakshmibai had shown up to talk once again and, though he humored her for around half an hour, Vahn was essentially in a 'hyperaware' state as she sat next to him. He could smell the fragrance wafting from her body, a curious mixture of honey, butter, and saffron. When she noticed his gaze, Lakshmibai fell silent before simply staring back at him with her pale-pink eyes. This impromptu staring contest caused the tensions in the room to steadily increase and, before Vahn even realized what had happened, he already had Lakshmibai on her back...
With her right arm pinned above her head, Lakshmibai had a slight frown on her face as she complained, "Please don't be so heart is already prepared, but I'm still apprehensive. I have only ever lain with one other man before..." Vahn didn't really need to ask who Lakshmibai was referring to as, even without them having discussed her past previously, he had an almost complete biography of her life memorized within his mind. He knew she had married a man named Raja Gangadhar Newalkar before giving birth to a son shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, due to the damage she had sustained during the delivery, Lakshmibai had been left unable to bear additional children. Then, as if to capitalize on her tragedy, her newborn son had died after only four months, the cause being a fever gained after a servant had left the window open during a particularly cold evening...
Having calmed down a considerable amount after hearing Lakshmibai's words, Vahn's expression turned gentle as he said, "You need not worry...this is one of the things I have supreme confidence in. I won't make things difficult for you..." Though he had every intention of giving Lakshmibai a similar experience as Nobunaga, meaning she might not even be the same person by the time he was done, that didn't mean he needed to treat her roughly. Him pushing her down was the result of the fact she almost seemed to be 'challenging' him to take action with how she stared back at him. Since she had been lingering around him with this very outcome in mind, Vahn had temporarily let his rationale slip under the focus of her pale-pink irises...
Nodding her head in understanding, Lakshmibai seemed to relax considerably as the white military-style garb dissolved from her body. When Vahn saw what she was wearing underneath, his mind genuinely blanked as, even though he already felt Lakshmibai was an incredibly beautiful woman, her appearance in lingerie dealt more damage than her Noble Phantasm. Not only did she have an almost perfect figure, at least as far as balance and appeal was concerned, but the lingerie she had chosen was a similar sandy-white color to her hair, accented with black-lace embroidery that had a flower-motif design. This created a truly perfect contrast with her healthy brown skin, causing Vahn to enter into a daze as he noticed her panties were anything but 'saintly'. The front barely concealed Lakshmibai's secret garden and, though he hadn't seen the back with his own eyes, Vahn was certain the panties she had decided upon were a thong...
Though it wasn't that obvious, Lakshmibai had started to blush under Vahn's 'intense' gaze, causing her to instinctually cover her shapely breasts with her hands. Then, though he had probably said the same words 'too' often, Vahn couldn't prevent himself from uttering, "Beautiful..." in a sincere tone of voice. This caused the blush on Lakshmibai's face to become more prominent as, for the first time, she seemed to show genuine reluctance by looking away and commenting, "You need not use such flowery words to ease my burdens...I have already prepared myself..." In response to this, Vahn lightly shook his head as he began to trace his palm across Lakshmibai's soft and supple skin. Then, in a voice that left no room for argumentation, Vahn affirmed, "Even if the feeling does not currently exist between us, I would never lay with a woman who I'm unwilling to cultivate genuine affections for..."
Hearing the serious undertones contained within Vahn's words, Lakshmibai showed an awkward smile before sheepishly claiming, "That would be troubling..." This caused Vahn to lightly chuckle as thin strands of energy began to flow from his fingers into Lakshmibai's body. He was only using his understanding of Petting Laws as he gently caressed her rapidly warming body. It didn't take long at all for Lakshmibai to close her eyes, seemingly refusing to stare back at him as her breathing rapidly accelerated. Then, at the same time as a contented sigh escaped her lips, Vahn internally remarked, ("If it is always going to be like this, I'm not going to keep holding myself the time I'm done, the reason you seek me out won't just be for mana...") As that thought formed in his mind, Vahn traced his fingers under the band of Lakshmibai's bra, freeing the two voluminous mountains, each peaked with pale pink protrusions, from their restraints...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'I can fix it...','Poor Rin xD...','RIP Lakshmibai. She ded.') <-(p.atreon link)
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In a surprisingly short period of time, without even thirty minutes having passed, Vahn had a rather awkward smile on his face as Lakshmibai clung to his body, whimpering in a voice that was barely a squeak, "Nooo more...I don't want no more..." Though she said this, Lakshmibai was squeezing his body tightly with her legs locked around his hips as Vahn gently rocked her in his lap. Her actions seemed to be an attempt to stop him from moving but, even if Vahn put no strength into his hands, Lakshmibai's hips moved in a small circle regardless. At the same time, her pale-pink eyes had lost focus as she stared towards nothing in particular behind him...
Though her appearance hadn't changed, as Nobunaga's transformation seemed to be derived from her [Demon King], Lakshmibai's eyes now glowed with a gentle radiance as her bronzed skin had a slightly golden luster to it. Most notably, however, was the fact that her sand-white hair had now gained a slightly translucent quality that allowed light to pass through it, creating the illusion of a halo around the silhouette of her head. At the same time, Vahn felt as if the natural aroma wafting from her body had more than tripled in intensity, giving him a strong urge to deeply inhale her fragrance as he peppered her neck with dozens of kisses...
With her lower jaw quivering slightly, Lakshmibai greatly increased the strength she was putting into her legs before whining, "Noooo...." once again. Accompanying this mewling sound, her body began to tremble a great deal as she did her best to hold onto Vahn's body, almost as if her life depended on it. The curious thing about this situation was the fact that, while Vahn certainly did his best to ease Lakshmibai into things, she had almost become 'drunk' off the energy in her body after he ejaculated a single time. Unlike Nobunaga, who had described the experience as something similar to having her womb struck by lightning, Lakshmibai had turned statuesque for nearly a full minute without even breathing. By the time Vahn helped restore her senses, she had already started clinging to his body, moving on her own despite her whimpering complaints...
As much as he was enjoying the sensation of Lakshmibai writhing around atop his hips, Vahn was beginning to lose his earlier fervor since her behavior was more than a little awkward. Whenever he tried to lift her hips away from him, however, Lakshmibai would cling to him even tighter than when he let her move as she pleased. Not really understanding what he had done to cause her apparent mental regression, Vahn used the opportunity when Lakshmibai was enjoying the echo of her climax to try and separate from her. Though she seemed to come back to awareness towards the end, trying to lock her legs once again, Vahn managed to successfully liberate himself from her as she plopped onto the mattress like a ragdoll.
In her half-awake state, Lakshmibai stared back at him with her glowing eyes, her mouth slightly agape as she drew in deep and rhythmic breaths. Vahn couldn't deny that she drew quite the figure as she lay on her side, especially with the steep curve of her hips and her 'perfectly' sculpted butt. Though he didn't have any intentions of continuing any further, Vahn still extended out his hand before pressing it into the plump yet pliant cheek, sinking nearly half a centimeter into her tantalizing brown flesh before there was any real resistance. Then, using his understanding of Petting Laws, Vahn slowly began to move his hand in a small looping motion as he asked, "How are you feeling, Lakshmibai...?"
Hearing Vahn's words, Lakshmibai closed her mouth, swallowing a bit of saliva before answering in a dreamy tone, "I feel good...nnnfuuu..." Punctuating her words, Lakshmibai released a hot sigh while continuing to stare back at him with her same dazed expression. Vahn returned a smile before saying, "Well, I suppose that is all that really matters. We'll have to work on your endurance a bit in the future..." With that said, Vahn put a bit of strength into his palm, eliciting a quiet and startled moan from Lakshmibai before pulling his hand away. Though Vahn had the strange urge to have Lakshmibai lay across his body so he could play with her butt for a few minutes, he ultimately decided to bring an end to this rather 'unique' experience. There were other things he needed to tend to in order to prepare for the evening's battles...
As if she understood his intentions, Lakshmibai gave an admittedly adorable pouting sound before curling her legs inward and closing her eyes. It was almost as if she were protesting having to leave his bedroom, causing Vahn to release a light chuckle before pulling the covers over her body. Even if Servant's didn't require sleep, that didn't mean they weren't able to. Lakshmibai's body had more energy in this one moment than at any time prior. However, at the same time, it felt like she had used up the majority of her mental energy trying to 'process' what had happened to her body. Vahn felt like she could use a bit of rest and, apparently agreeing, Lakshmibai pulled the covers around herself like a cocooning caterpillar while taking up the very center of his bed...
Shortly after stepping out of his room, Vahn wasn't at all surprised to see Scáthach leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She still had an expressionless face and deep red eyes that seemed to both absorb light and see through all things. Even as he stood right in front of her, Scáthach just stared back at him with an unblinking expression as Vahn tilted her chin before stealing her lips for himself. Her response was to immediately entangle her tongue with his but, while she undoubtedly possessed an almost unbelievable amount of proficiency with her tongue, it almost felt 'fake'. Each of Scáthach's responses almost felt automated, as if she put no emotions at all into them...
After parting ways with her lips, Vahn lifted his right hand, grasping Scáthach's left breast with a bit more strength than he would normally use. At the same time, he sent a veritable wave of Source Energy into her body using his [Hands of Nirvana]. Vahn even went so far as to send a strand directly into her heart, an action that would cause most women to feel panicky and anxious. As for Scáthach, she just continued to stare back at him blankly, her expression not changing in the slightest. Though Vahn could tell her body was reacting, the signal seemed to disappear into Scáthach's mind, leaving the areas that would normally light up during sexual excitement almost completely inert.
Releasing a sigh that caused Scáthach's hair to sway slightly, Vahn then looked into her eyes as he asked, "If I wanted to take you right now, what would you say...?" In response to this, Scáthach didn't hesitate at all before answering, "If you desire this body, I will not allow you to have it. If you still showed fear, I would take you myself. So long as I do not break you, I know you will become much stronger in the future. If you want to claim my body for yourself, you must be able to defeat me in battle. Otherwise, I will take the lead without leaving you the chance to retaliate..."
Though Vahn was confident against almost all other women, be they mortal or god, he felt helpless against someone like Scáthach. Unless he tried to directly manipulate her brain, she seemed immune to stimulus, at least as far as her reactions to them were concerned. He even speculated that, instead of letting her body react on its own, Scáthach was 'controlling' her reactions. She had pursued the concept of self-mastery to such an extreme that she had far surpassed what most people, gods included, could even conceptualize. He imagined that, if he were to allow her to take the lead, there wasn't anything he could do to make her climax. Though she wouldn't be able to get him to climax either, just the thought of such a frustrating experience was enough to cow Vahn's desires a great deal...
Knowing that she would still 'demand' his semen, Vahn shook his head to clear his thoughts before asking, "So, what do you want to do?" In response to this, Scáthach's once again answered without any delay, saying, "I can tell that you do not desire me right now. However, if I try to take you myself, you will be unable to fight to your fullest capabilities due to your inability to let such matters lay. The only solution is to compromise, allowing me to either service your with my mouth or obtain your semen artificially. Since the efficacy will be reduced with the former method, the latter is preferred."
As he had already expected such a response, Vahn wasn't at all surprised by the somewhat cold nature of Scáthach's words. He knew she wasn't actually trying to be cold, as her base nature was actually that of a rather kind person, she just came off that way due to her almost complete lack of emotions. However, as he didn't want to commit to something so 'impersonal', Vahn moved his fingers so that they were in contact with Scáthach's abdomen before slowly moving them lower. This caused Scáthach to blink once before she tilted her head slightly to the side, a sign that Vahn interpreted as curiosity. She had already revealed to him that she was unable to see his future so Vahn felt he might be able to get at least a small response from her if he acted outside of her expectations...
Slipping his fingers through the band of her v-type panties, Vahn traced over the line of Scáthach's vagina while staring back into her unblinking eyes with an unwavering expression of his own. So long as he didn't try to have sex with her, Vahn correctly assumed that Scáthach wouldn't really care what he did. Unless she interpreted his actions as 'desire to possess', he could probably strip her down bare and pose her however he liked without her making any attempt to stop him. This was because, without knowing what or 'why' he was doing something, Scáthach seemed fundamentally incapable of reacting. Any new experience was something precious to her as, with the exception of Fenrir and himself, Scáthach was able to 'know' the reasons why others took action, knowing what they would do before the thought even crossed their minds...
After sinking three of his fingers into the elastic fabric of her bodysuit, Vahn spread his fingers wide enough that the fabric tore open. Then, rather unceremoniously, he stuck his middle finger directly into Scáthach's vagina. Though it was exceptionally hot, there was almost no moisture at all, even after he placed his finger deep inside her entrance. At best, there was an almost imperceptible slipperiness from the mucous membranes contained within. Since she didn't know what he was doing, Scáthach wasn't making her body react so, as Vahn had expected, she simply didn't react.
As his finger began to increase in length, Vahn smiled somewhat sadly before giving Scáthach another gentle kiss on the lips and saying, "You make me want to tear through the border between worlds so that I can rip your real self free from the Land of Shadow. I don't know if I've ever met someone that has frustrated me as much as you...I want to see real emotion on your face, even if it means potentially breaking you in the process..." Though Helen was a close second, Vahn felt that Scáthach's unresponsiveness, the result of a tragic past beyond comprehension, was endlessly more infuriating. He wasn't mad at her persay, but the fact that she had essentially been 'punished' for desiring nothing more than increasing her strength and reuniting with her only family member...
Though they both knew she didn't mean it, Scáthach returned a smile in response to Vahn's words before plainly stating, "I cannot see your future, Vahn. If that is the path you have decided for yourself, I will not complain if you're able to break me. So long as I am able to one day depart from this life, I would not mind spending my final days at your behest. Other than my father, there has never been a man able to make me do his bidding. I will do my best to make sure you are able to reach the level required...ah..." Towards the end of her words, Scáthach blinked several times as Vahn's finger had long extended directly into her womb before an intense heat began to spread through her body. Since she had seen him change shape, even to the point of being able to regenerate from a gemstone, Scáthach knew Vahn was able to freely alter his body. The revelation that he could send semen through his fingers, however, was completely outside her expectations...
Outside of her initial 'confusion', Vahn saw that Scáthach didn't really have a reaction, even as he continued to pump a truly phenomenal amount of semen directly into her womb. Her stomach had even started to inflate slightly during her momentary distraction but, even without him needing to help guide the energy directly, Scáthach began to bleed of small amounts of Source Energy while staring back at him with her same blank expression. This gave Vahn a somewhat 'dangerous' desire to keep inflating her womb until she looked like a pregnant woman. However, he quickly set that thought aside after he heard what sounded like a small sigh in the back of his mind. Instead, Vahn removed his finger from within Scáthach's body, returning it to normal in a single motion. After that, as Scáthach couldn't process the Source Energy efficiently on her own, Vahn helped guide it through her magic circuits until her purple hair gained a slightly metallic sheen. Much like how her eyes would glow after drinking his blood, Scáthach's red irises looked like luminescent bulbs while the bloody and cold aura that usually lingered around her body seemed far more prominent than before...
Feeling the changes in her body, followed by a cursory examination of her appearance, Scáthach gave an approving nod before saying, "In this state, my combat abilities should be increased by around 23%. I should also be able to fight actively for around twelve hours without needing to recharge a second time. From now on, we'll use this method before and after our training." With that said, Scáthach's outfit changed slightly as the damage Vahn had caused was undone in an instant. Now, however, there was a thin 'zipper' running down the length of Scáthach's panties, an alteration she had obviously made to make the process more 'efficient'. Vahn, however, shook his head and said, "There has to be some meaning in the process from my end. If I can't at least rip open your bodysuit, I feel that my motivation would only decrease with the passage of time..."
Though Vahn wasn't sincere when he was speaking, he was seeing if he could 'trick' Scáthach's senses by placing the majority of his focus on one of his subprocesses. As a result, his expression wasn't all that dissimilar from Scáthach's as he stared back at her and spoke in a monotonous voice. In response to this, Scáthach stared directly at him for several seconds, obviously trying to see through his intentions. Instead of keeping up his 'facade', however, Vahn knew it would seem more natural if he didn't insist on staring her down. Instead, he released a genuinely tired sigh that caused Scáthach to eventually answer, "You are trying to fool me. It is a passable effort, however, so I will tolerate your antics this time. If you slack off during our training, I will not hesitate to rob you of this privilege."
Hearing Scáthach's words, Vahn nodded his head before casually reaching out with his left index finger and poking her right breast. This caused Scáthach to tilt her head to the side but, before she had too much time to analyze the 'intent' behind his actions, Vahn placed his hands in his pockets and began walking down the corridor towards the exit. Scáthach followed his retreat with her eyes before ultimately vanishing into thin air without a word. She had neither been able to determine if Vahn was happy for her leniency or if he was beginning to desire her body in a way she could use to increase the efficacy of his training. His last 'random' touch would imply the latter but, as Vahn didn't really seem to 'enjoy' the act, she could not come to a decisive conclusion on the matter.
By the time he had exited the lakeside residence, Vahn had finished wiping his hand clean as, even though Scáthach hadn't reacted to his touch, her aroma lingered on his fingers. After this action was completed, he set his eyes on his next 'target', though it would have been more accurate to say 'targets'. Astolfo and Fenrir had actually been getting along rather well, the result of the fact that Fenrir couldn't sense any kind of hostility or ill-intentions from Astolfo at all. Since he had an easy-going and 'fun' personality, it was hard not to get along with him, even if his behavior could be annoying at times. As a result, Fenrir had actually started to get a little closer with Nobunaga as well, even though this was primarily the result of the fact she had 'accepted' Nobunaga as one of her Master's lovers. Even if it was someone she didn't like, Fenrir always made an effort to at least be on 'neutral' terms with anyone that was part of the 'family'.
Seeing Vahn approach, Astolfo waved his hand exaggeratedly while Nobunaga, now closer in appearance to her 'normal' form, gave him a sideways glance. She hadn't been recharged since the night they had sex but, considering she hadn't really returned to Spirit form that often, it was impressive that she had lasted more than four days in her physical form. Previously, she would have struggled to even a single day with her B-Ranked [Independent Action]. This was another testament to the 'efficacy' of his semen, at least as far as Heroic Spirits were concerned.
Once Vahn had gotten within comfortable conversation distance, Nobunaga smiled mischeviously as she commented, "Good timing, Vahn. We were just talking about what kind of women you preferred. Come on, give us a decisive answer~!" Then, without waiting for a response, she quickly added, "Oh, we already know you like butts so you can leave that part out." These words were said as Nobunaga lightly tapped her backside, eliciting a laugh from Astolfo who unhesitantly claimed, "You don't have much of a rear-end to speak of at the moment, Nobu-chan~." Though he had been told several times to call her full name, Astolfo had eventually worn down Nobunaga's defenses by simply dismissing her every time she reproached him. Even threats and actual violence didn't seem to have any effect on Astolfo so Nobunaga eventually just gave up. Her only response was to glare at Astolfo before adjusting her position so that she was sitting straight instead of laying on her side.
Since it was a 'relatively' harmless question, Vahn didn't put too much thought into it before saying, "I would say I prefer women with mature, strong, or caring personalities. From personal experience, I would also say that women with exotic features and tanned skin are able to excite me a lot more than normal. However, the most important thing I look for in a woman is that we are both able to be comfortable around each other. Though it can be very fun to spend time fooling around with others, I always feel the most content when I'm with someone that can allow me to just 'let go'..." As Vahn said these things, he looked towards Fenrir with a gentle and affectionate expression clearly visible on his face.
As she hadn't expected Vahn to give such a detailed response, Nobunaga was looking at him like he was an idiot while Astolfo, seemingly impressed, whistled in appreciation before saying, "It looks like you just can't compete with Fen-Fen, Nobu-chan..." This time, Nobunaga seemed to suffer a critical blow from Astolfo's words, causing her to instantly pull out one of her matchlocks and pointing it towards his face. Surprising them both, however, Vahn placed his hand over the end of Nobunaga's barrel nigh-instantaneously before saying, "You're an amazing woman, Nobu...but that temper of your's could really use some work." While speaking, Vahn diverted the barrel away from Astolfo before sitting down next to Nobunaga before she could complain. At the same time, he gestured to Fenrir so she could sit in his lap. Her eyes were practically filled with stars after his earlier words so Vahn knew she was just waiting for permission...
While playing with Fenrir's ears, Vahn explained, "Though we still have around twelve hours before nightfall, I'm trying to finish all our war preparations so that I can relax a bit before we leave. I've already dealt with Lakshmibai and Scáthach, so my question is, what do you intend to do, Astolfo?" This was one of the more awkward topics that Vahn honestly didn't want to broach if he could avoid it. It was already more than a little awkward for him to help Astolfo replenish his mana but, as it was infinitely better than losing an ally due to his apprehensions, Vahn decided to leave the final decision to the person in question. Though Nobunaga looked like she was about to have an aneurism trying to hold in her laughter, Astolfo was surprisingly serious as he answered, "I don't think I would be of much help, even if my magical power was increased. Since I can tell it bothers you, please don't push yourself on my behalf, Vahn."
Hearing the sincerity in Astolfo's words, Vahn couldn't help but sigh, both in exasperation and relief as he said, "For the rest of the Holy Grail War, it may be best for you to sit out. If you want, I will even allow you to go spend time with Catherine, so long as you keep your presence concealed. Since I have a feeling that the Fuyuki City Hyatt Hotel might be attacked in the near future, I'll have you watch over it for me." As this was a genuine concern of his, Vahn wasn't simply trying to get rid of Astolfo. Whatever had attacked Gray obviously didn't care about the fact she was part of the team assigned to oversee the Grail War. There was a chance they would want to finish what they started, something Vahn had few doubts they would be able to accomplish after dealing with Gray so easily the first time...
Though he felt a little ashamed, Astolfo managed a radiant smile before 'happily' saluting as he exclaimed, "You can leave it to me, Vahn~! If an enemy does attack, I can at least buy time for you to arrive, ahahahaha~." Knowing his own strength better than anyone, Astolfo didn't try to insist that he should be part of the main combat force. Since he always wanted to talk more with Catherine, he suppressed his apprehensions and accepted the task Vahn had assigned. In response, Vahn gave him an appreciative nod before handing over a second [Effigy of the Hero], explaining, "Make sure Catherine carries that with her at all times. If things do get dangerous, make sure to get her to safety before doing anything rash..."
Astolfo accepted the small effigy with both hands before completely shattering the tension by stuffing it down his breastplate with a bit of effort. This caused Vahn to feel like he was tilting while Nobunaga, no longer able to contain her laughter, fell back on the pool lounge, cackling madly all the while. Since she was the next things on his to-do list, Vahn gave Astolfo a wry smile before passing him a small crystalline vial containing eight ounces of his blood. Before Astolfo could ask any questions, Vahn said, "Go ahead and head over now. I'm worried our enemies could try to attack the hotel while they think Gray is weakened..."
Vahn's words had the unintentional side-effect of making Astolfo smile in an 'understanding' manner while giving him a thumbs up. After that, he vanished into thin air without another word, causing Nobunaga to sit back up and asked, "Are you going fuck that little monochrome brat too?" This caused Vahn's brow to twitch, followed by him taking a deep breath. At the same time, Fenrir hopped out of his lap, causing Nobunaga to blink in confusion before she found herself suddenly lifted from the lounge. Before she could fully comprehend what was going on, Vahn looked into her blood-red eyes, his own blazing with a subtle blue light as he said, "I have something else in mind right now..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Lakshmibai is a clinger xD...','Scáthach's Unshakeable Demeanor','RIP Nobu-chan...') <-(p.atreon link)
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