In the evening, A Min escorted four kids aged from 3 years old to 8 years old. A girl ages 12 years old carried a one year old boy and a old lady. They were not in their best appearance and look in shock. Apparently, Ashan's mother passed away from the riot. His aunty only managed to save the children and his grand mother. Ashan didn't know about it yet. He was in the living room with Bella. They were watching television while waiting his family member to arrive. Ashan aunty stayed back on Nepal with Max to take control of situation in the village.
Ashan run to the front door when he could hear a baby crying sound. He hugged them and hugged to his grandmother when they broke the bad news about their mother. He cried his heart out after learnt about his mother death. They were felt confused to see a huge and beautiful mansion, especially they felt suprised to see Ashan in expensive clothes.
hi all,
sorry... i have been down for cold last two days due on the weather and too tired from work. so I was banned from laptop and need to rest.
i managed to write from my phone and thank you for webnovel that I could post it throught the app.
I hope you enjoy the short chapter... please support Bella and Jun...
ps: i am sorry if i didn't manage to edit it as my scarry guard kept checking on me if I am resting or not..
thank you