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50% The Strongest Migrant / Chapter 6: The Wonder of Modern Technology

Kapitel 6: The Wonder of Modern Technology

Sitting inside the restaurant, Adam and Krisna enjoyed their food while looking at people walking outside the restaurant. Even though the food that Adam eating right now is not comparable to that from Earth, it still tastes good, so Adam didn't complain too much.

While eating, he remembered the youth that attacked him from before. Though he really didn't take offense of the youth action. He still doesn't understand why the youth just attacked him right away after accusing him with some stuff. Is it because humans are not allowed in Nara Empire? Or is it because of something else?

Krisna watched Adam expression that keep changing from time to time. Krisna guessed that it probably from the little fight from earlier. So as Adam's most loyal subordinate, Krisna started to explaining.

"It's not that humans are forbidden in the Nara Empire, it's because Nara Empire is at war with Natesta Kingdom right now. Not only that, before the Demi-Humans gathered under the first ruler of Nara Empire, a lot of Demi-Humans are a subject to slavery. Those that are able bodied are used as a labor meanwhile the Demi-Humans that are considered beautiful like the rabbit Demi-Humans and fox Demi-Humans are used as a sex slave in many places. Nobles from the Natesta Kingdom are the one who mostly bought Demi-Humans slave as an enjoyment. That youth that attacked you from before are a member of the Wolfhart families, what bloodline the Wolfhart families are self-explanatory. In the past, a lot of Wolfhart families member are used as labor slave and sex slave."

Adam nodded slowly while listening. No wonder that youth seemed so angry when he saw him. So it's because of dark past with the human race. Even though Adam are still smiling outside, he's cursing the whole nine generation of the Natesta Kingdom nobles because of the trouble that they brought up. Even though it's already long past, but still, he can't enjoy his stay in Nara Empire if he's going to get pestered by people like the youth from before!

Adam sighed, he can't change anything that's already happening. He couldn't care less with the war that's happening between Nara Empire and Natesta Kingdom. Because why should he? Though it's true that Adam is the 'lover' of Liliana, The Empress of Nara. It doesn't mean that he has to help Liliana to win the war. Unless of course, the Natesta Kingdom did something that's going to harm Liliana.

"Anyway, Master, what are you doing before the fight start? I saw you doing something weird while holding an object that i never seen before. Is that some kind of artifact?"

"Artifact? No, it's just a common item from my homeland." Answered Adam, while he took out his phone from his dimensional storage.

"This thing is called a smartphone, phone for short, it can be used for many stuff. Like taking a picture, record a video, and play some games."

Of course Krisna doesn't understand a single thing that Adam said. Only after Adam explaining what a phone could do and let Krisna use it that Krisna can understand that this little thing called smartphone can do so many excellent stuff.

"I can't believe this little thing can do something like that! Especially the one where we can take a picture or record a video! With this, we can use it as a tool for spying the enemies or just simply to take picture of someone or something that we love!"

For people in this world, a simple thing like a smartphone are already a magical thing for them. Adam are amused after seeing Krisna reaction. But when Adam introduced games,comics, and movies from Earth. Krisna just sit there watching the screen intensely, his eyes are glued to the phone screen.

Without Adam and Krisna realizing it, a lot of people already gathered around them, some are curious with what are Krisna holding in his hand. seeing their reaction, Adam didn't think that it's a really bad idea to show some modern technology from Earth to people in this world. So he took out a mini projector and faced it to a blank wall. From there, he connected his phone to the mini projector and played out a film called The Ave*****.

While watching, a lot of people are amazed by the technology showed on the movies. People that are watching the movies are mostly middle-class nobles, but there's some high-class noble watching too. They're all watching with excitement in their eyes.

They gasped seeing the hordes of aliens attacked the city from a spatial hole in the sky. Some of them even angrily shouted because the aliens attacked even innocent civilians. But the arrival of the heroes made all the people watching cheers in delight. Especially watching the slow-motion action of the heroes fighting the aliens. They all amazed with what's happening in the screen--Krisna is no exception.

When the time one of the heroes decided to sacrificed himself to deliver a bomb to the enemy mothership, a lot of people amost cried, but they sighed in relief after the hero survived and came back from the spatial hole.

The movie ended, a lot of people talking about the movies with excitement written clearly on their faces. Soon, people started to leave one after another, after all people are gone. The restaurant manager approached Adam, where the restaurant manager said thank you as Adam's little show has given him a profit that is much bigger than a few weeks before.

Finishing his meal, Adam and Krisna walked away from the restaurant. The news about a new thing called movies started to be heard around the cities. Adam are surpries with how fast these people knew about movies.

Listening to Krisna talking about the movie he just watched while smiling, Adam felt a wisp of energy coming out from the token that Liliana give before. Taking out the token from his storage, he can see the token faintly glowing, Krisna also felt that his token also faintly glowing like the one that Adam have.

"This token is similar to your phone, Master. Except it can only accept messages from the owner of this token. That means the Empress already solved the problem on her side, but to be sure, just input a little bit of Master's energy inside the token. Master should've see what message the Empress has sent to Master."

After doing what Krisna told how to use the token. Adam can finally see what message Liliana has sent to him. Liliana said that she already done explaining about Adam to her families. Now Adam only need to show himself to Liliana families so he can introduces himself to them. Liliana also said that Adam should wear some formal clothes.

Taking about clothes, Adam only wear something casual. A black long-sleeved shirt, a khaki pants, and a pair of black and white Con***** shoes. It's definitely not a formal clothes.

While Krisna already wear something that Adam gives to him, an ancient Chinese nobles clothing, Adam decided to wear something more modern. Adam told Krisna to wait for him near the castle gate while Adam get something to change. Krisna just nodded and walked to the castle, while Adam walked to an alley near the castle.

There, he changed to a black shirt and black suit with a black pants and shoes, Adam also wear a black cape. Overall, all of his clothing choices are black in color, saves for the cape that has golden engravings of his empire insignia on Earth. It resembles a certain character from a game he played on Earth[1].

Walking out from the alley, Adam exuded an aura that make people unconsciously stared at Adam for a long time. His charm also increased with his outfit that he's wearing right now. Some women from the noble families that happen to pass by and saw Adam winked at him while smiling. Adam can only smile wryly at this sight. All of the ladies from the noble families are pretty, but compared to Liliana, she's not even on the same level as them.

Thinking how he can see Liliana in her outfits as an Empress, Adam somehow grew excited. He's curious how will Liliana looked like later. Of course he would not show it so clearly because it's embarassing. But with Liliana sharp perception, she probably would realise Adam's excitement just from seeing his eyes.

Krisna that just standing near the gate entrance to the castle saw Adam walking closer to him. He could not help to not rub his own eyes. How the hell did Adam get more handsome!? Well, even though Adam is using a disguise right now, but his disguise can still be counted as handsome man! Though not on the same level as Krisna, but still, the clothes that Adam's wearing is making him more charming than before.

"Did I make you wait long?"

"No, Master. Three minutes hasn't even passed yet, so I didn't wait for a long time. But Master, where did you get that kind of clothing? I want one too!"

"Why do you want this one? It's limited, the one I already give to you is enough, it fits you. The one you're wearing is supposed to be for nobles, you know."

Hearing this, Krisna can't say anything to Adam again. Sure enough, even though what Krisna wears is not the same as what Adam is wearing, it's still something that came from Earth, and the quality are excellent too. So Krisna can't underestimate the values of the clothing that he's wearing right now.

Just as Adam and Krisna are preparing themselves to get inside the castle. Liliana came walking from the castle accompanied with two of her guards. They wore black armor and wielded two spear. Both of these guards are women, even though they're women, the aura that they emitted are enough to make normal people cower in fear.

Sadly, Adam and Krisna are unaffected by the aura that the guards emitted.

"Finally both of you arrived, my parents are waiting inside, you can come in now."

The gate to the castle opened. Liliana walked first and leaving Adam and Krisna behind. Adam and Krisna looked at each other before following Liliana to the castle.

Adam compared Liliana attitude in the journey before to the attitude she's showing right now. Her attitude now are somewhat cold, Adam guessed that she's just acting because there's a lot of people that are watching, these people still don't know about Adam and Liliana relationship. It would be bad for her if people know that Liliana has found a man that are not a noble, and that man are not even a Demi-Humans.

The castle in front of Adam are massive. While walking inside the castle, Adam can see the throne room where Liliana usually sit, he only see it briefly, so he can't really remember how it looked like. They keep walking until they arrived at a separate land behind the castle. There, Adam saw a mansion with multiple magic array protecting it. This is probably where the loyal families lived. Because he can see a lot of guards patrolling back and forth in the courtyard.

"When we are inside, please be polite to my parents and be careful with what you're saying, they're not someone that you can provoke."

Liliana knew that Adam is strong, but she doesn't know if Adam are strong enough when compared to her parents. So she told Adam to be polite because she worries about him. But seeing Adam smiled to her, she sighed in relief while blushed slightly.

The guards that accompanied Liliana opened the door to the mansion, they then stood guard ouside the door, Liliana nodded to Adam and Krisna before walking in first. Followed by Adam and Krisna a while later.

Adam and Krisna then led to the living room, where both of Liliana's parents are sitting in a sofa, there's also two youth, presumably in the age of seventeen and eighteen sitting not far from Liliana's parents. Liliana's parent stared at Adam before shifting their gazes to Krisna standing behind Adam. They tried to pressure Adam and Krisna with their power. But Adam and Krisna just stood there like nothing happened. They even smiled to Liliana's parents.

"So, which one is called Adam Hartfelt?"

The one who spoke are Nicholas Rosewine, father of Liliana Rosewine. Former emperor of the Nara Empire. He's a fearsome Knight in Moon level. That means he's Knights of the fourth-tier. It's no surprise he can be the Emperor. Meanwhile the woman that's sitting next to Nicholas is called Angelica Rosewine, the mother of Liliana Rosewine.

The two siblings are called Dean Rosewine and he's the second child in Rosewine family, meanwhile Amelia Rosewine are the youngest.

While Nicholas is a Knight, Angelica is a Mage in Monarch level, that means she's a fifth-tier Mage. She's stronger than Nicholas by a wide margin. Even though the difference is only one tier or level, it's the same as the distance between the Earth and the Heavens. Dean are a Knight in Sky tier or someone at the third-tier, Amelia are a Mage in the Sky tier, also someone at the third-tier.

"I'm Adam Hartfelt, sir." Answered Adam while bowing to Nicholas.

Nicholas and Angelica nodded when they saw Adam. They're happy that Liliana finally found a man even though it's unexpected that she found the man that she loves while on her way back to the Nara Empire. Not only that, that man is also a human, not a Demi-Humans like them. But they didn't say a single thing about Adam being a human, if their daughter likes the human then it's her daughter choices, not them, they can only guide her and give her advice on what she should do.

"Even though you're young, you're already very strong, no wonder Liliana fell in love with you." Said Angelica while smiling to Adam. Adam just smiled as a response to Angelica.

But Liliana that stood beside her parents blushed. If any other men saw the blush on Liliana face. They would surely die because of diabetes after seeing Liliana blushing.

"I've been thinking for a while, but what kind of clothes are you wearing, Adam?"

Now that they're asking about it, Adam of course can't hide it anymore. He doesn't even plan to hide it either. Sooner or later, Adam himself would start to eplain where did his clothing come from.

"It's called a suit. This are made by the tailor in my homeland."

"Ah, so it's called a suit. I can already tell that it's made with the highest quality, are you perhaps some kind of nobles?"

"Yes, ma'am, you could say so."

Angelica then tried to remember from which kingdom or empire that produced this kind of clothes. Because not only it looks good, it also are made with fine-craftmanship. If she can, she wants to buy a suit for her husband and her children.

"Ah! You guys have standing for so long, come sit here! I forgot to tell you to sit down, I'm sorry!"

Adam and Krisna didn't even mind if they need to stand for a week without moving. Their physique are strong enough that they can stand for a week without doing anything. They will probably only get bored because of just standing doing nothing.

"Hey, Master, while we're here why not show those movies Master played before?" Whispered Krisna.

"Good idea! Liliana and her siblings should also love this movies."

Liliana heard Adam and Krisna so she approached Adam and sit next to him to hear what they're saying.

"Movies? What is that?" Asked Liliana, while slowly trying to hold Adam's arms.

"Oh, you'll see. It's another thing from my homeland."

"Well, if it's something good, I guess you can show it to my parents."

Liliana then rested her head on Adam's shoulder. Nicholas and Angelica saw this and smiled. They didn't stop Liliana and just watched from the side. Liliana are oblivious to this because she's enjoying the warm from Adam's body.

Meanwhile, Adam took out his phone and projector under everyone gazes. After he connected his phone to the projector. Adam then pondered what movies should he play. He decided to not play the same movies like in the restaurant, he want something romantic, something that fits the scene right now.

So Adam chose Ti*****. A film that's popular even until now. When the movie started, everyone except Adam and Krisna gasped at the sudden appearences of the moving picture. Liliana looked at Adam and noticed he's staring at her while smiling. Blushing, Liliana buried her head on Adam's chest before she lifted her head and started watching the movies.

Everyone enjoyed the movies without exception. Especially the woman that almost cried seeing the death of one of the main character. Liliana even buried her head on Adam's chest, again, and sobbed while Adam rubbed her head. Liliana's tails swayed lightly in response.

Adam sighed and looked at the ceiling, he hoped that he can finally let go of the past and move forward. In the past, he can't never do that, but Liliana appeared and changed that. Adam can finally move on from the past and look forward to his new life. Adam smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment he's having right now, afraid this might be the last time he will experience it before it's taken away from him again.

BossCatto BossCatto

It's hard to describe clothing, damn.

What the clothes looks like[1]:

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