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22.8% Out of Space / Chapter 153: Rendezvous Point Yellow

Kapitel 153: Rendezvous Point Yellow

UNS Singapore, R&D Laboratory

Senior Spaceman Mason scratched his head as he looked at the wooden model made by the ship carpenter, Amar, whom they rescued months ago. He turned the model around and frowned, "Is this how the long boats were built?"

Amar nodded, "Yes, it is the simplest and fastest way to build them that I know of." The model has a wide shallow draft and double banked open deck for rowers to be seated side by side.

"No, for the speeds we are looking at, this design will rip the whole boat into pieces!" Mason shook his head, he had a fast boat handling license back on Earth and while most of the naval personnel had some basic training and time on a fast craft on the sea, he had the most experience out of them all.

He pointed to the monitor displaying an image he had of a speedboat he used to own, "See the bottom hull? Its a sharp 'V' at the bow softening to a flat bottom at the stern, it gives it the ability to plane the boat at high speeds."

"Plane?" Amar looked confused, "I am not very familiar with this hooman word."

"Alright, let me explain as best as I can," Mason said, "While the boat is at rest, the boat's weight is borne entirely by the buoyant force. At low speeds every hull acts as a displacement hull, meaning that the buoyant force is mainly responsible for supporting the craft. You understand so far?"

"Roughly," Amar nodded as his years of as a sailor gave him a rough idea of what Mason was trying to explain. "The 'buoyant force' is what keeping the boat afloat right?"

Mason nodded, "That is correct, now as speed increases, hydrodynamic lift increases as well. Eh... What hydrodynamic means is the motion of water and effects on the water and in movement." He gave the best simplest explanation he could think of.

Amar nodded, gesturing Mason to go on.

"Ok, as speed increases, the hydrodynamic lift will push the hull upwards," Mason demonstrates by placing the wooden model of the longboat on the table and moving it while tilting the bow of the model upwards. "This is called plane, you might want to ask Dr. Sharon to explain more on it, but as speed goes up, the bow also lifts up due to hydrodynamic lift. "

"How fast must the boat go to have this ... 'hi-row-die-namic' lift?" Amar asked, "4 cables? 6 cables?" He had never seen such an extraordinary thing happen before in his many years at sea.

"Eh 1 cable is roughly 1 Terran knot which is one nautical mile per hour which is roughly 1.85 km..." Mason mumbled as he calculated the speed the elves used for measuring sea travel which was by cables instead of knots.

"I say roughly 10 or 11 knots," Mason answered, "about 18 to 20 km per hour."

"10 cables of speed?" Amar's eyes went wide, "The fastest flying clipper is only at 16 cables! And it is more than 10 times the size of a longboat... and the number of sails needed for that speed!"

"Well, they are using the power of wind and magic," Mason grinned, "We are using motors to power the boats."

"Now, we gonna need to build a prototype out," He smiled and hooked his arm over Amar's shoulder, "Come on, trust me! This boat is gonna be the fastest ever you have ever seen! It will have at least a sustainable speed of 38 knots per hour and a max speed of 44 knots!"

"38 and 44 cables?" Amar felt like he was dreaming, or that Mason is pulling the wool over his eyes, "Are you sure such a thing is possible?"

"Oh come on! You have seen our airplanes," Mason tsked, "You think we can't make ships go that fast in the sea?"

Amar felt a sudden thrill going up his spine, "Re-really?" He had never felt so excited for a long time, maybe since the first time he built his own boat when he finished his apprenticeship at the shipyards in the Isles, "Let's do it! YES!"

"Hahahaha," Mason laughed at the joy and excitement shown on Amar's facial expressions, "Alright, I don't have any shipbuilding experience, and that I have to leave it to your knowledge, but I do know some of the modern concepts of boat craft, and that I will try my best to teach you and let's see what we can come out together!"

"Yes... yes... you were saying about the bow being a 'V' shape?"


Skies over the Uncharted Forest

Third Sergeant Stamford formerly Petty Officer of the UNS Singapore had transferred over to the newly formed Airforce and his naval ranked switched to an air force rank. Riding on the back of Blue Thunder, he was the only human and the Crew Chief of the other three members of his flight crew.

With the strong bone-chilling wind whipping his thickly insulated body with a full face mask, he grinned at the endless seas of blue-green trees underneath him with the jagged peaks of the mountains to the left of his view. "Damn, this is a view to die for."

"What is it, chief?" Corporal Barkley the navigator yelled, as he looked up from his maps that were velcroed to his thigh. He was seated in a bucket chair that was part of Blue Thunder's harness. Most of the others were also seated in the twin rows of chairs and were either dozing off or admiring the view.

"Nothing! Just thinking how beautiful this view is!" Stamford yelled back. When the Airforce was just formed, he volunteered immediately, hoping that he could serve alongside a dragon, and his wish was granted. Having grown up in Sout West England, Cornwall and hearing stories of knights and dragons from his great-grandfather since young, seeing real dragons brought him back to the stories of chivalry in the old days of man.

"I always wanted to ride a dragon!" Stamford yelled again, "Damn, this is awesome!"

"10 minutes to Rendevous Point Yellow!" Barkley yelled back, "Blue? You got that?"

"Yes, I hear you, Barkley, I see the river!" Blue Thunder's voice came in crisply on their headsets.

"Alright, people, brace yourselves!" Stamford yelled into the radio, "LZ in sight, 10 minutes!"

The rest of the crew quickly checked their buckles and ensured that they are secured before gripping onto the holding bars at set at the side of their seats and braced as Blue Thunder made a gently dive towards the ground.

The snaking river came into sight, parts of it sparkling under the sun where the forest canopy exposed the river to the skies and Blue Thunder flared his wings, dropping his air speed as he glided in, to land at the only area that was not covered by the trees which were on the river itself.

He beat his wings rapidly as he came to a slow hover and his hind legs sank into the cool clear running water, reach up to his hind calves and mindful of his passengers he gently lowered his front body and forward limbs into the river, barely shaking his crew.

"Touch down!" Blue Thunder gave a loud tired puff, "Phew, I need some sleep... and meat!"

"Alright, you big lizard, get us off the river and let us unload the gear, then you can go sleep and eat!" Stamford yelled.

"Yes, Sarge..." Blue Thunder rumbled and climbed up the banks of the river and flopped on all fours, flat on the rocky river bank. "Done!" He folded his wing in and rested half his head onto the river, letting the water run over his chin and he stuck his tongue out, licking the water lazily.

"Alright! Let's unload the cargo and wait for the Marines to come!" Stamford ordered and the rest of the crew started to unclip the restraints holding the cargo and move them off Blue Thunder's back.

It took them an hour to fully unload everything off Blue Thunder's back, by then, the midday sun was blazing away at them. And all of them were hot and sweaty from the work.

"Dek, you're on watch! Setup the MG and radio in to HQ that we have landed, on schedule! And see if you can raise the Marines." Stamford said. "The rest cover up the cargo with the ground sheets, then get some rest and food. We rotate the watch every two hours."

The tired men nodded and went on their work, and everyone went for a quick wash up in the cooling river before settling down into the shade of the trees, nibbling at dried rations or having a shut eye.

Private Dek, climbed back up the back of the snoring Blue Thunder and attached the MG support into the harness at the right shoulder of the sleeping dragon. He locked the bolts of the support into place and hefted the MG-1 out from its storage container, carefully locking it into place, followed by attaching the roll magazine in and worked the action of the machine gun, before putting it on safe.

Next he sat down on the bucket seat behind the machine gun and unslung his radio out, "Dragon One calling Mother, do you copy over?"

'-ther, receiving you, over."

"Dragon One has landed, standing by to receive Marine force over."

"Mother, roger that."

It wasn't even an hour when a whistle was blown from the forest edge and two camouflaged Marines walked out waving, and Dek waved back, "Hey guys, the Marines are here!"

Soon the rest of the Marines and ragged looking slaves appeared, and the slaves were frightened by the large yawning mouth of Blue Thunder who was woken up by the sudden bustle around him, and he sleepy rumbled, "I am hungry..."

"Go hunt something!" Stamford shooed him away angrily when he poked his massive snort and blew hot rancid air at Stamford. "Bring home dinner!"

Dek quickly secured the MG away and scrambled down the back of Blue Thunder who quickly bounced off into the sky, looking for prey.

"Sir!" Stamford greeted Lt Joesph and the Claymore One team leader, as they gathered for a quick talk. "Supplies here will be enough to last you guys to the next rendezvous point. Which is Point Blue."

Lt Joesph nodded, "Can you medivac some of the more seriously wounded?"

"I can take roughly six to eight stretchers on the back of Blue, but his landings and takeoffs are not exactly gentle," Stamford advised, "It might not be safe for those that can't be moved."

"How about the Valkyries?" Tyrier asked, "Can't they come in to take the wounded off?"

"There are too many trees in the vicinity," Stamford replied, "We can't land those birds. We are using the river to drop in, but it is still too risky to get a Valkyrie over the such a small opening in the canopy."

"And HQ doesn't want to risk such a valuable asset," Lt Joesph sighed. "Alright, let's see how we can rig up a medivac on the dragon. I got a couple of serious cases and a high profile target that the Hero wants."

"CHIEF!" Stamford comms suddenly crackled alive, "ENEMY DRAGONS! I GOT THREE ON MY TAIL! ALL MEDIUM WEIGHT!" Blue Thunder's voice roared over the comms.

"What?" Everyone froze and quickly headed out to the break in the canopy over the river and stared out at the sky.

"STAND TO! STAND TO!" Lt Joesph roared out, startling the nearby Marines and slaves, "Incoming aerial dragons! Move it!"

The men, quickly sprung into action, scrambling away from the open areas and directing the frightened slave to take shelter among the trees keeping out of sight, while they manned their weapons and kept watch of the surrounding area and skies.

Suddenly a shadow darted over the river, followed by a few more, and Blue Thunder was seen flapping his wings as he led three other smaller but faster dragons with blue rigging and trappings of the Empire away from the rendezvous point.

"Oh shit! The Empire found us!"

Neobear Neobear

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Kapitel 154: Dog Fight

Blue Thunder dipped his wing and did a sharp swerve in mid-air, dodging the raking claws of the smaller Empire dragon that dove down from above. He retaliated with a sweep of his tail as he turned away, his barbed end scored a small gash along the back of the squeaking dragon.

A couple of crossbow bolts slammed against his flanks from his blind spot, his hard scales managed to deflect the bolts away, the pinpricks irritating Blue Thunder more than damaging him.

"Evade! Evade! Coming from under you!" The loudspeakers crackled to life and Blue Thunder came to a sudden hover, and a shadowy shape darted up before him, missing him by meters. "Get to safety!"

Blue Thunder growled as the attack that nearly gutted him and glared at the insolent dragon that circled back for another attack. He stayed hovering on the spot and sucked in the air into his lungs, filling it up and his chest glowed slightly.

The Empire Dragons and their riders seeing him starting to glow, yelled out in warning, and they started to split, making themselves as small as a target as possible.

Blue Thunder spat out a ball of fire at the nearest Empire dragon and dove downwards, aiming for the small clearing over the river where the rest of the Marines had gathered. His fireball barely touched any of the dodging dragons but it distracted them long enough for him to disappear into the canopy of the forest.


Lt Joesph peered out from the cover of the trees, seeing the Empire dragons circling in the sky and cursed. "How did they find us?"

Crew Chief Stamford frowned, "They must have spotted Blue Thunder while he was hunting and coming within sight, his harness must have given him away since there is no one else here that uses gear like that."

A crash came from the undergrowth and the men all spun around, aiming their weapons at the source of the noises and a draconic snort soon poked out from the trees and rumbled, "It's is me..."

"Blue!" Stamford ran out, gesturing at the Marines to hold their fire. "Are you okay?" He came up next to the panting dragon.

"Am okay..." Blue Thunder replied, "Just slightly tired and... hungry!"

Stamford looked worriedly at the condition of Blue Thunder. He had burnt up a lot of calories just flying over and also in the short combat in the skies. They have some food for Blue Thunder, but the plan was supposed for Blue Dragon to forage his own food, while the rations for Blue Thunder were to be used in an emergency, like now.

"Alright, we are gonna feed you," Stamford said, "Any injuries?"

"Not sure," Blue Thunder replied, as he craned his neck over his own body trying to see if he was wounded, "But there is a bad itch at my back..."

Stamford nodded, waving for the rest of the crew over. "Get his rations, and give him a once over, check if there are any injuries on him."

The men nodded and went off to work, Stamford climbed onto Blue Thunder's harness and started to inspect the harness's condition and also for signs of injury. As he stood on his back, he could felt waves of heat emitting out from Blue Thunder's body.

"You wanna go lay down at the river there?" Stamford asked, "The trees should provide some cover for you."

"Sure!" Blue Thunder nodded and started to make his way over to the river where it was covered by the trees. He half sank himself into the water and moaned in bliss, "Much better!"

"Chief!" Dek yelled, gesturing him over to the rear of Blue Thunder's back.

"What is it?" Stamford came over and saw what Dek was pointing at. A stubby crossbow bolt had stuck deep between two overlapping scales. "Damn. Get the first aid kit over!"

"Blue! You got a crossbow bolt in your ass!" Stamford yelled, and Blue snaked his head back to try to see. "You just hang tight there, we will get it out!"

"Oooo, no wonder it itches!" Blue grumbled. "Get it out quick!"

"Hold on buddy," Dek said, as he came back with a first aid kit that looked more like a toolbox. He removed a large pair of pliers and clamped the jaws onto the bolt. "On three... two... one... and... Ahhh!"

He pulled the bloody bolt out in a long pull, the wound sucking at the glittering arm length long bolt. "Annnd... It's out!" Making Blue Thunder gave a grunt of pain.

Thick glistering dark red blood started to flow out from the wound. Stamford took the bucket of water from Barkley and poured over the wound, washing the blood away and with a flashlight, he peered into the wound. "Looks clean, not poisoned."

He took the package of clotting powder and dumped all into the wound, before stuffing a wad of gauze on top of the wound, underneath the scales. He took the offered roll of duct tape and started taping the gauze against Blue Thunder's scales, making sure it was tight.

"How are you feeling?" Stamford asked, as he hopped down to the riverside, and started to wash his arms thick with dragon blood.

"Hungry..." Blue Thunder grumbled. "Butt is not so itchy now."

"Good," Stamford climbed up the river banks, "Here eat some rations first."

Blue Thunder looked at the small pile of blocky cardboard colored ration bars and made a face, "I want meat!"

"Eat this, for now, you big baby!" Stamford shook his head and smiled, "Its high in calories, chock full of whole grains, honey, fats, and all the vitamins a growing boy like you needs!"

Blue Thunder sighed and started munching away at the blocks of ration bars sadly.

Leaving Blue Thunder to his meal, Stamford went back to find Lt Joesph with Sergeant Tyrier in a discussion. They both waved him over, and said, "We need to move soon and fast. One of the dragons have gone back to report, I am not sure if they spotted us in the forest."

"Dragons have great eyesight for hunting," Stamford said, "They can spot a goblin hiding in the bushes at 100 meters away, so I am certain they must have spotted us already."

"Than all the more reason for us to move out now," Tyrier said. "Delaying longer will only allow the enemy to come closer."

Lt Joesph nodded, "Yes, but we need to do something about them." He pointed to the sky, "If they keep following us, the enemy will still know where we are."

"HQ says, at least two hours or more for any aerial support," The Marine radio operator said. "The wind is against the planes, that is why it takes longer to come here."

"Damn, two hours?" Tyrier cursed, "A lot can happen in two hours!"

"Well, we can rig up Blue for aerial combat," Stamford suddenly spoke out. "He does have mounting points for machine guns. We can take down those medium weights before the Empire returns here."

Both Joesph and Tyrier looked at Stamford, "You are confident to take down those medium weights? Not to mention if the enemy reinforcements come, you guys got to take the risk of fighting more than two dragons!"

"Well, Sir, isn't this why we signed on?" Stamford grinned, "The risk and the fight!"

"Well said," Lt Joesph nodded, "What do you need?"

"It's all good, I will get my crew to load up and secured for combat," Stamford replied, "Head towards Point Blue while we are distracting the dragons, so even if we fail, at least you guys can get away, just that we can't medivac any wounded now."

Joesph and Tyrier nodded, "Godspeed!"


Dek attached the machine gun support into place at the back of Blue Dragon's harness near the tail of his spine, snapping the MG-1 into place and loading the drum magazine in. He ensured that the spare ammunition secured against the harness was properly stored and settled down into the bucket seat, with the machine gun aiming at the aft, or the tail of Blue Thunder.

Stamford double checked the rest of his crew making sure everyone is secured and ready. Three machine guns all manned, one on each side of the shoulder of Blue Thunder and the remaining gun at the tail. He checked his shotgun, making sure it was fully loaded and properly strapped against his body and yelled, "All green! Clear for launch!"

Blue Thunder gave a grunt and made a run towards the open canopy, the Marines yelling their support as Blue Thunder bounced off into the open air, and with several flaps of his massive wings disappeared from the view of the Marines.


"Contact left!" Barkley manning the left shoulder gun yelled into the comms, and Blue Thunder banked left, and head towards the two dark specks in the skies, going for the kill.

'Here they come!" Stamford yelled, "Watch your arcs of fire! I want no one to shoot up Blue! Especially his wings! Make sure your guns are arc locked!"


"Yes, Chief!"

"Got it!"

Blue Thunder sucked in air and spat out a ball of fire directly at one of the Empire Dragon which weaved right, dodging the fire ball and Private Luth manning the right gun opened up with the MG-1, spewing 8.5 mm tracers directly in the path of the surprised Empire dragon.

The new 8.5 mm rounds traveling at 807 meters per second missed the flying dragon, but Luth using the bright tracers as a guide managed to correct his aim, firing in the path of the dragon. The 19 grams bullet hammered into the body of the dragon, ignoring the tough scales and torn through muscles, bones, and flesh like paper.

The whole engagement lasted four seconds before the Empire dragon flew past and out from the arc of fire of Luth's gun. But that four seconds had sent 34 rounds fired from the machine gun into the Empire dragon, which over 20 had stricken the dragon.

A stream of dark liquid could be seen trailing the dragon, as it flopped over to the side and spiraled down to smash into the canopy with a mighty crash, sending wyverns flapping away in flight from the trees.

"SCRATCH ONE DRAGON!" Luth yelled excitedly as he leaned his body over, watching the downed dragon doing a cartwheel among the thick canopy before disappearing into the forest. "Woooo hoooo!"

"Good kill!" Stamford yelled back, as he kept his eye on the other Empire dragon who seemed to hesitate after seeing the death of its brood. "Go for the last one while it is still confused!"

Blue Thunder growled happily and flapped his wings harder before keeping his wings in and stooped down towards the startled Empire dragon, with his claws out. The men onboard yelled and whooped as gravity seemed to disappear and they went diving down like a roller coaster ride.

The Empire dragon tried to get out of the way back was just a second too slow. Blue Thunder's full body weight of 33 tons slammed onto the left wing of the panicking Empire dragon, snapping the shoulder off, while the T-Rex sized talons of Blue Thunder gouged against the flank of the screaming dragon, its rider, and small crew staring in wide-eyed horror visible even in their dopey looking crystal goggles.

The screaming Empire dragon tried desperately to flapped its wings, but only its right wing function, its left dangled uselessly and with its life-blood pouring out like a tap, it folded inwards and fell from the sky, together with the screams of its crew.

Blue Thunder did a slow circle over the area, as the Empire dragon slammed into the Uncharted Forest, the canopy barely able to soften its death fall, and a small hole appeared in the sea of trees and small flying wyverns burst out angrily from their nests.

"Good kill!" Stamford yelled again, to which Blue Thunder gave a pleased grunt. "Wait, what is that?" He pointed to the horizon in the distance as he narrowed his eyes, and quickly pulled out his field glasses, and saw several specks approaching them in the air.

"Oh, noes!" Blue Thunder mumbled, "More Empire!"

Neobear Neobear

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