Only to see a few men carrying bows and arrows carrying a bloodied man back who was motionless and his breath was extremely weak. Next to him was a woman with three children kneeling and crying, their voices helpless and desolate. They cried so sorrowfully that people who heard it couldn't help but feel their hearts twinge with compassion and can't help but shed tears.
The village was not big and the villagers usually helped each other. When they saw this man who was on the verge of death, covered in blood and carried back, it was an extremely busy scene. There were people who were busy trying their best to comfort the despondent woman, while there was an old man who had quickly gone to the corner of the house to pick some herbs and quickly shouted: "This herb can stop bleeding, hurry and press this on the wound, let someone quickly go to the neighbouring villages to seek a doctor to save him!"
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