"Your pretty late Sabino is the Emerald family snubbing the Sky Peak Academy?" Niklaus Prodst sneered at Sabino with burning furry in his eyes. Nicklaus a bony old man with saggy skin is an aggressive elder of the Prodst family always ready to fight.
Lituccia Dunne laughed her curvaceous body shaking. "Now Niklaus that's not true at all. No one would mind waiting for the great hero youth from the Emerald family." Her scandalous clothing barely containing her considerable bosom. She's a poisonous snake that has killed many with her beauty during her 35 years.
Sabino harrumphed giving a quick glare to Raul before confronting the two enemies. "We're on time we just had a bit of business before arriving." It was clear that he blamed Raul for the tardiness. The two families often liked to push the trouble in the Emerald family hoping for the internal strife to intensify.
"As amusing as your minor squabbles are we did not come here to watch another street battle." With an imperial aura Kang Lingxin diffused the situation. She has cold eyes and conservative robes.(Chinese names are being written with family name then first name)
No one wanted to give off a bad impression so they stifled the local rivalries and prepared to enter the battle platform a small colosseum near the cities center. As they entered the arena was already full of activities with many youths arriving long ago. Only Raul lacked excitement for this exhibition enough to arrive just on time. All the families split off to their own sections to prepare. Raul scanned the other youths with disinterest many had smiles that weren't smiles. While it's true he wasn't late it was clear that everyone expected the youths to be early.
A young lad ran over not noticing the faces of his fellows. "Brother! What took you so long. I thought you might not even come." The 5 year old boy is Raul's younger brother Adrian. A genius in his own right he'd only started his true cultivation 6 months ago yet he had passed up many of the 6 year old youths. Unlike Raul he was known for being both out going and heroic.
Raul Smiled while patting his brothers head "How could I not come? I wouldn't hear the end of it."
Adrian pushed the hand away "I'm not a kid any more! You better watch out or I'll beat you."
"I look forward to it." Raul shook his head and looked at the stands where their parents were sitting. With a pompous looking teacher clearly enjoying the pampering he was getting. They looked just like the heroes from legends. Their mother Anabele lightly waved to them while their father Richard focused gaze looked into the future.
Peng the patriarch of the Kang family banged his staff on the ground. "It is time for the friendly exhibition to begin! There will be no killing, maiming, or settling of grudges on this day." Pausing he made sure to look at all the families making sure they understood he was serious. "All the names of the participants have been randomly chosen by great Teacher Theodore's assistant. So there is no bias in the choices. Your opponent has been decided by fate." As he sat back down the names were revealed on a preset board.
The names were split by age and the winner would be added to the next age group going until defeated. "It's hard to jump one year and almost impossible to jump two. Do any of you believe such a candidate is among these youths?" Theodore asked to the house heads while sipping a bit of wine.
"I doubt it. Since there are geniuses in each year. If this was a normal competition where there wouldn't be many geniuses participating things would be different I fear there won't be many with energy to even fight in the next age group." Peng shook his head not believing that any family had such a monster.
Catoualos the round bellied head of the Dunne family laughed. "That may not be so! I hear Raul of the Emerald family is a beast who all the younger generation fear." He had told his youths to mark the young Raul so he was looking forward to the humiliation of the Emerald family. He nodded down at Lituccia who smiled back at him showing they were ready.
"I'm glad to hear you praise my son so highly. I also look forward to him overcoming this great obstacle." Richard smiled ignoring the sarcasm of the other.
"Our Yahui should do quite well though I would never be as bold as you Richard. I believe she's in the same age group as your second son." Lingxin the matriarch of the Akachis plainly stated. She looked just like a kindly grandmother praising her grandchild. Only the sharp glint in her eyes showed her decisive nature.
Giona looked as if he was resting with his eyes closed. The pragmatic leader of the Prodst family said "I don't believe any of us are seers. Only fate will tell. We've never had such a large competition before. I just hope there are no accidents that will hurt one of our families." No one could tell whether he was serious or not. But Anabele feared this competition wouldn't be as friendly as was hoped.
Down below the first matches started the 5 years old age group was the youngest. So the battles had few mystical techniques and even the martial arts were quite shaky. The five big families would perform best in these early matches since they had the best training regimes for the young. While talent would show it self more as the children grew older. Everyone was excited and nervous as this exhibition would likely show the power structure of the 5 great families in the future.
Thanks to all of you for giving this a chance! I've wanted to write this story for a long time.
I know so far the releases are a bit short. I hope to have them longer as I get use to the process of writing and getting a bit ahead of schedule. The release schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. The opposite of my I Died and Reincarnated as a Plant story.
In the five year old matches no one was allowed to use weapons since they would lack control and may hurt the other children. The two to watch in this age group was Adrian and Yahui who would meet for the finale. Adrian's fighting style was filled with strength and focused on over powering his opponent. While Yahui was taller then average for her age so she used speed and reach to best her opponents.
In Adrian's first match he was facing a big muscled child from the Prodst family. Both youths were ready to show off their strength. As the referee gave the go ahead the youth from the Prodst family charged at Adrian with his fists swinging. Adrian looked on as if he didn't give his peer didn't enter his eye. He smashed his own fist forward and they hit fist to fist. This caused both to grimace but neither is willing to give up the fight. They continue in this manner until the Prodst boy can't take it any more giving in. Both have bloody knuckles.
Looking proud of him self and with many youths praising his strength and bravery. Raul Just shook his head. "Are you happy with that fight?"
"What I won and beat him at his own game!" Adrian angrily yelled causing a scene. There were plenty of menacing smiles looking at the Emerald family.
"I thought you were going to come fight me. How many more battles can you fight now with your fists like that?" Raul grabbed his hands and pulled them to look at them causing Adrian to visibly wince. "Get him some medicinal bandages for him to use during the match at least." Raul spoke to the medicine master they brought a long who quickly came over to take a look.
Through gritted teeth Adrian stated "Even if I had both my hands broken I could still win against every one in my age group!"
Raul looked at his father who has a scowl and mother which has a worried frown and sighed. "Fine, just do your best not to permanently hurt your hands." After which he turned away from his incensed brother and returned to his seat.
Adrian who had a seat next to his brother chose to not return to his seat and get treated. Pouting he tried to pay attention to the matches. Every so often he would flinch from pain in his knuckles from the medicine.
Soon Yahui was up for her first match. She was fighting a young lad from the Kang family. The boy was happy to be fighting a girl off the bat he was sure he'd over power her. The boy from the Kang family wasn't a brute like the boy from the Prodst family. They begin by circling each other until Yahui took the initiative to move in which a quick punch to the boys face. He hadn't managed to block but he was surprised by how little he was hurt. Without any worries the Kang youth pushed forward ignoring the attacks from the Yahui. However she was just out of reach looking like a dancer avoiding all the attacks surprising many with her finesse. Soon the exhausted boy could no longer fight clenching her the victory.
Adrian grumbled that her way of fighting was unfair. While glancing at his brother who seemed uninterested. Through gritted teeth he complained. "He's so pompous thinking he's better then everyone else."
His next match soon arrived. Reluctantly he was forced to take a more conservative fighting style from now on due to his fists hurting. Still both Yahui and Adrian found no true opponent in their age group. So as expected these two would face off in the five year old finale. As they prepared the beginnings of the first of the six year old combatants faced off in nearby rings.
Yahui smiled happily as she entered the arena waving at her parents in the stands. On the other end Adrian who was enduing a great amount of pain from his swollen fist could only grimace. While laughing melodiously Yahui greets Adrian "Even though this is our fist meeting your gallantry indeed hasn't been exaggerated. But today I will be the victor!"
Adrian frowned he couldn't be beaten by a girl here. Yet looking at his hands that were slightly shaking from the pain he didn't have high hopes. He was enraged that his brother was right he had made a huge mistake. "Even though you are quite skilled I only need one punch to connect to win." He postured hoping no one would notice his predicament. Glancing quickly at his brother he saw a bit of his smug smile which made his heart sink.
Shaking his head he focused on the tall slim girl in front of him. Both had sweat glistening on their foreheads proofing that neither had much stamina left. Adrian gritted his teeth and charged forward only focusing on getting that one hit with out fear. To his surprise Yahui stood her ground throwing out a quick straight kick right at his undefended stomach. He didn't have time to shift his weight at this point and could only endure.
The kick sunk in to Adrian's stomach sending foundation energy into him. He was shocked feeling the energy flow into him. He had only felt this a few times when sparring with older kids in the family. Knees buckling out of his control he fell to the ground.
Those powerful individuals in the stands were shocked for a kid of only 5 years old to be able to use even a bit of foundation energy was a great genius. Lingxin just gave a slight nod oozing pride in the young girl. All the others could only grudgingly admit that the Akachi truly had a great new star in the family.
The referee was also surprised but quickly recomposed him self announcing "The Akachi's family Yahui is the victor of the five year old division. Would you like to face off in the six year old division?"
Yahui was drained and even a bit pail shaking her head "I fear that I used my last bit of strength here." No one would blame her she already did a spectacular job of showing her skill.
"I haven't lost yet!" Adrian hollers standing to his feet he begun to rush the weakened Yahui.
Before even the experienced referee could step in Raul was in front of Adrian. "You've done enough today." Raul Grabbed Adrians arm and tossed him out of the ring with ease. He'd expected this little outburst and was prepared for it.
"Brother don't get in my way." He screamed before slamming into the ground loosing consciousness.
While smiling at the young girl Raul said. "I apologize for the interruption. You did well out there Yahui, I hope you won't hold this against him." Giving a slight bow to the leaders in the stand he turned and left going back to his chair as if nothing happened.
I had a bit of a rough time writing this. As it's the first time I've written action like this. I hope you all enjoy this!
Also sorry the release is a bit late hopefully it won't happen again... It is still Saturday for another 22 minutes for me. :P
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