"I meant it for you to bring it back to slowly go through it." Gu Li Sheng explained.
"I've finished it."
"What?" Gu Li Sheng stared at Jun Wu Xie in incredulity.
Jun Wu Xie repeated herself: "I've finished it."
The book was thinner than the Zephyr Academy's rule book and memorizing it was a relatively easy task for her.
"….." Gu Li Sheng continued to keep his eyes on Jun Wu Xie and it only after a long moment that he asked: "Finished? Then recite to me the second paragraph on page eight if you would."
Jun Wu Xie cast a glance at Gu Li Sheng and finally spoke slowly and clearly. She recited the passage word for word, without a single error, every word pronounced crystalline clear…..
Gu Li Sheng's expression looked a little terrified at that moment.
He still harboured a sliver of doubt and he proceeded to put a few more books before Jun Xie and said: "Look through these."
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