/ Video Games / Rise of The Undead Legion

Rise of The Undead Legion Original

Rise of The Undead Legion

Video Games 564 Kapitel 18.8M Ansichten
Autor: Biako

4.73 (1,435 Bewertungen)

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Three years ago Conquest was released, redefining virtual reality and gaming.
‘An entire world on a server. Dive in and play the RPG to end all others; explore, create, conquer. LIVE!’
It became an overnight phenomena worldwide.
Dave Ruster grew up without a family to speak of, he had few friends and fewer prospects. He lives in the same small town where he graduated from high school, and works long hours at a low-paying job that barely pays for rent and the food on his table. He can’t afford college, but at least he is not out on the streets.
His life is going nowhere, stuck on a treadmill.
Until chance, karma, or providence, call it whatever you believe in, intervenes. Suddenly, David’s circumstances change.
Injured and unable to work, he’s about to lose what little he has. His fate balances where crisis and opportunity go hand in hand.
He can risk it all, seizing the opportunity to make circumstances work for him, potentially going further and higher than he ever dreamed. Or he can accept his fate and watch life from the sidelines
Join Dave as he puts all his aspirations and hopes, all that he is, into the game he always wanted to play, Conquest!
It will be a journey of adventure and discovery, victory and loss, as he strives to create a new future for himself, in-the-game and In Real Life.

**** Story is currently being proofed by our Lord Sambraga! (chapters 54+) so please bear with the mediocre quality of writing in the first chaps, it gets much better later on!****

  1. Vengence2
    Vengence2 Beigetragen 22332
  2. Wraith99
    Wraith99 Beigetragen 22030
  3. mattw2791
    mattw2791 Beigetragen 21478


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    Alright. So a new review is needed. Especially since this is now developed into a pay and premium type story. However, of all the VRMMO stories on here, this is among the top worthy of SS. Some may say it’s just an ******* work, but it honestly stands above and apart many of the translated works. Here’s why: (yes it’s long cus it’s honest) 1. The writing quality is excellent in grammar and spelling with tons of modern literature, video game and movie references that fit so smoothly and make the story enjoyable. Instead of being cliche it fits just right in the moment and makes you smile and laugh. The dialogue is not too lengthy as to be boring and yet always adds life to the characters and shows insight into their characteristics, histories and relationships. It is also consistent, even as the characters develop and change/grow the dialogue continues to match. 2. The updates are steady. While there isn’t a bunch of mass releases due to it being written practically live by the author, you get your daily fix and if you are that addicted then go privileged for a good headstart. As a written piece rather than translated piece this is by far the most important quality of the author. It shows dedication and that the story will not be abandoned anytime soon. 3. The story development is unpredictable yet natural, with a good mix of cliffhangers and plot twists. Good luck and bad luck are there in spades without the need for OP MC. Which is a refreshing break from all the rest of the VRMMO novels that are like clones. It has all the great elements of a VRMMO such as NPC realism/comedy, realistic updates/character nerfing (lol. Oh so real for online games) and bug management (because honestly if you are OPing someone game then AI/moderators should be looking at you which is biggest bull**** of most VRMMO), real interaction/consequences between game and life, not too bogged down in stats /game details, struggles both in game and in real life (some of which are beyond the MC control and capability to fix), romance without too over dense characters or super maxed charm and beauty for every character, lots of comedy without having to be overly dependent on face slapping (yes library of heaven path which was written on repeat every chapter), and most of all simultaneous story developments that twist, flashback keep you in a rollercoaster with a mix of pace that is easy to be comfortable with and doesn’t force events/development. 4. The character development is the only one I marked as 4, but that’s only cus the damn author made so many interesting characters that I’m honestly deep in anticipation of their development and future influence. Especially in RL. But of course RL moves slower than game cus RL is always just like that. The game characters however are full paced and well developed with just enough details to make them lovable but with the hidden potential to surprise you and become a plot development. Underestimate nobody. There is no cliche characters so far, although at the beginning it seemed like it might go that way. Honestly, it feels like the author development grew at some point and so did the characters or something. But he avoided potential pitfalls. Character relations also change a lot but in realistic ways as we would with ppl who we consider old/new to our lives. And there is character conflict both large and small. Lol. The scenarios they also end up in with eachother are a smooth flow as well as their reactions. The NPCs are so damn lovable and their is a clear distinction in the feel of the story between the MC with players and NPCs that neither one feels useless and that could be left out. I’m just saying that if you are a big addict to RL development then you may be a little frustrated. Lol. But it’s VRMMO story so that’s what it’s all about and that aspect will develop at a higher pace naturally. 5. I’m out of space. But it’s damn awesome. So get to reading already.

    56 Antworten anzeigen

    I absolutely love this book. Bean reading it for almost a year now and I hope to continue reading it for years to come. The characters are well thought ot and developed with thither own personalities. No cookie- cutter character troupes send basic every guy is evil and every girl is beautiful/ in live with the MC. Plot armor is there of course but is not so thick as not ti be ever overcome. The MC is smart, tactful, honest, devious, lucky, but not all powerful. You can honestly feel the roots the MC head to dig himself out from to climb his way towards the top. The In- game aspect of the story is exciting to the point of addiction, and the RL-aspect of the game is a nice and welcome addition to the story that it's both well thought out and necessary. If I could recommend this story directly to a hundred peaple I would ragland it to a thousand. If I could give the story ten stars I would want to give it twenty. If you want a great story, with twist and turns, detailed but easy to follow plot, and manageable info- dumps that don't rant on and on. This is your kind if book.

    35 Antworten anzeigen
    LV 15 Badge

    've read this story up till the end. I've gotta say, it's good. it's a top tier webnovel story, and worth a read. it's about an mc trying reach the top of a virtual world with an undead legion. the mc starts from nothing, and manages to reach great heights, but it's all due to his efforts (and some luck, of course). he didn't gain some stupid generic system or hidden powers. he also does not act or feel like a soreborn loser, and there are not harems of course. not only this is a game that feels real, it being just a facet of a virtual reality doesn't mean it'll be less... it manages not to disconnect with the real world and keep it's edge at the same time. unlike some other novels with virtual reality themes that makes reality part seems like a different story, and an unpleasant wake up call from a pleasant dream and another competently written story. the reality part manages to complement everything without ruining it even remotely. the combat is exciting and well written. it being on a virtual world doesn't mean it's not exhilarating at all. since the character would lose almost all of his potential benefits on a single loss... the author somehow also manages to make almost every battle a 'stake it all' fight. which is amazingly competent. as for the characters, they are interesting at least. yes, it's good. yes, you should read it. Now

    3 Antworten anzeigen

    I am very excited for more of this. The novel is certainly not the best, but it’s different. There are many vrmmorpg novels out there, among them I’ve tried quite a few, and this one is different to all I know of, it’s new and fresh. Many aspects are reminiscent to other works, the mc against almost everyone else, even the ‘secret’ race & class have been done before, however in contrast to other I find this one much more developed (note that I’m not omniscient and haven’t read them all). I realize that I’m writing a bit to much, I’m not making a proper reviret and I’ll just round it off by mentioning my favoriter thing about the novel. The hierarchical system that mc is apart of, and how he moves through it it, the different ranks give a feeling of an actual organised force, and that is a big plus, I imagine the mc in the future overwhelming and crushing the weak mortals with a gigantic army of skeletons, it’s truly exhilarating.

    36 Antworten anzeigen

    A very exiting and intriguing start! This novel has already gotten me hooked and looking forward to how the story progresses and new characters get introduced!!! Love your work

    16 Antworten anzeigen

    - - - - 200 chapter review - - - - Take into account: - The novel is written by a guy like you or me, not a Japanese manga team. - The Author gets paid by people’s donations and stones, and with that has written hundreds of chapters. Negatives; - The first part of the novel (up to 56-80ish) is riddled with errors and inconsistencies, often dramatically breaking the feeling of immersion. It gives the impression that the Author was personally just scrapping by with his novel, and not thinking everything through. - The first portion also is pretty cliché in its story, (but would yours be better? 🤷‍♂️). - Lots of the later chapters are premium, but that’s typical with novels now, the chapters also vastly vary in size at that point. Positives: - For being a video game plot, the story elements come across as fresh, even with the cliché under-developed presentations. - Even though typical ‘emotional bait’ was used, I couldn’t help but get really angry and involved in the negative events happening to the MC. Mostly I felt more invested in the MC’s real life than in his game life, which is fine! 👍 - The writing quality of the later chapters really improves and you can’t help but realize that the Author actually has great talent. ((Good job Author)) - I didn’t think this would be another ‘daily addiction’ novel by the time I finished, but I was wrong. —- ((AUTHOR: Don’t take what people say here so seriously, the positive or the negative. You just write the story for yourself and find some irl buds to get your positive feedback from. Humans with the internet’s anonymity will say some awful, hateful things, without thinking twice. Plus, the internet has some mentally messed up people who get angry for no reason. Personally I have some cool friends through board games, there are usually local clubs most places. The goal being finding people who you can relate to without a screen between you.))

    7 Antworten anzeigen
    LV 10 Badge

    Fabulous. One of the best novels I've read, it's got details, a world, unique characters, and a good story, it's overall just a great and unique read. The only "not great" parts are firstly the information bombs that were dropped in the first few chapters, explaining how everything in the game worked and so on, which at first seems annoying to read, but you don't have to get stuck on it, as it'll all make sense soon enough, don't drop the novel because of it(as some have). The other "bad" thing about this novel, and the reason why it's score dropped a bit for me is it's inconsistent updates, and rather slow updates.. which is really understandable as he's writing the story, and not translating it I believe, and it's much more work than just reading something and writing it down in a different language. Even so, the author's not to blame, it's just that this novel is so good that it leaves me wanting for more, checking daily until finally a new chapter is out, and so I'm trying to get some recognition for the novel by writing this review. Try it out(you may skip the information bombs about the game workings, you'll not enjoy it any less if you find those troublesome, endure it)

    13 Antworten anzeigen

    First of all this review would point out the negative aspects of this novel since there's plenty of positives one already. For the most part Rise of the Undead Legion has a solid foundation with characters and world design. But sadly the quality and story development isn't that great. 1. Writing Quality + Story Development The story development at first 100 ch is pretty enjoyable although it's not a masterpiece it's still a nice morning read that would leave you wanting more. But, after that the story took a massive hit to its quality so much that if i reviewed the later chapter i would rate it as 1/5. The story in the first arc of rebuilding the undead legion is very good. I'm really immersed in how the MC slowly builds up his army and power. His story of roaming around the world collecting strong capable undead are enjoyable. But after it's just meh. For the 100 ++ ch, the story keeps giving more and more obstacle for our MC to solve. The obstacle itself is not a problem since it presents a real trouble that even makes me wonder if our MC could solve it or not. But, the way he solved it are always anticlimatic, every single boss fight at later chapter always leave me saying "That's it?". For example there are 2 major bosses in 200++ ch that is killed with a lucky coincidence and a lucky instant hit kill. There's always a huge build up for each of those bosses but somehow it always ends with our MC getting a 1% instant kill chance or a lucky coincidence negating all of the ******* that the author builds up towards it. Totally unrewarding for the readers. It really boggles my mind when the author decided to kill a boss in a single chapter in a totally anti-climatic way. The boss has been build up as a stalking predator that could assassinate the MC at any time. But, since our MC received a major power up the boss just got used as a punching bag. I mean c'mon you already build up the fight with this boss for 100 chapters! And he got killed in a single chapter. And also it seems like the author is in a rush to finish the story(?).There are a few major arc that just happens. Like for example the story needs our MC to do this 5 task so he just did the 5 task with no actual problem in doing it. And sometime during the fights that are sprinkled in during the quest that absolutely have no ******* at all the author suddenly said "Oh yeah he's at 1% health" to create artificial sense of urgency. Plus some of the power up during later chapter are totally undeserved. For example, there's a problem about the lack of boats. So suddenly our MC has the capability of building boats in the next chapter. And suddenly in the next chapter he's building the best legendary boat since the boatyard coincidentally has the guy that build the legendary boat during his life as a human. Yeah.... that's kinda pushing it That problem above has occurred lots of times during the story. The MC has a problem of reach when he is mounted. So the blacksmith in the next chapter has a legendary glaive that he could buy. Then MC has a problem of obtaining the blood of a lvl 999 monster. Yeah the monster is selling it in exchange for something that the MC is already producing. Wait he doesn't have enough? Worry not the monster accept loans without any interest. 2. Stability of Updates In my experience it's quite stable. 1 ch/day is enough for this kind of novel. Nothing interesting to review in this part 3. Character Design The novel has tons of unique characters that I think are very interesting to read. Each of them has an unique characteristic and design that I think other novel could take this novel as an example on how to create an interesting character. But during fights the story really struggles in making them look useful, especially the parts that includes the undead army. 4. World Background For the undead world the author did a really great job in creating a believable environment for our skeleton guy to wander around and have an adventure. But sadly some of the times in the living world some places feels like they are just plopped there since they are not that well developed except for the Wild region. ---- End of the review ---- Also the during equipment upgrade part the author really loves copy and pasting the same exact paragraph 5 times. Although it's how an equipment is presented in MMO it's still pretty strange looking at the same exact paragraph 5 times in a row. This problem still exists in the later chapter, quite weird since I think the readers would complain about it already Also the during equipment upgrade part the author really loves copy and pasting the same exact paragraph 5 times. Although it's how an equipment is presented in VRMMO it's still pretty strange looking at the same exact paragraph 5 times in a row. This problem still exists in the later chapter, quite weird since I think the readers would complain about it already Also the during equipment upgrade part the author really loves copy and pasting the same exact paragraph 5 times. Although it's how an equipment is presented in VRMMO it's still pretty strange looking at the same exact paragraph 5 times in a row. This problem still exists in the later chapter, quite weird since I think the readers would complain about it already Also the during equipment upgrade part the author really loves copy and pasting the same exact paragraph 5 times. Although it's how an equipment is presented in VRMMO it's still pretty strange looking at the same exact paragraph 5 times in a row. This problem still exists in the later chapter, quite weird since I think the readers would complain about it already Also the during equipment upgrade part the author really loves copy and pasting the same exact paragraph 5 times. Although it's how an equipment is presented in VRMMO it's still pretty strange looking at the same exact paragraph 5 times in a row. This problem still exists in the later chapter, quite weird since I think the readers would complain about it already

    3 Antworten anzeigen

    I enjoy this story so much. For all those who read this review read this novel. Have some pineapples 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍

    7 Antworten anzeigen

    Best book. I've been reading this book from its initial release and kept following it until today with different accounts. Keep up the good work. And would you earn from gifts that came from free SS. I'm kind of poor and cant buy SS with real money. This is the best i can do for you. Thank you

    8 Antworten anzeigen

    Gonna say, this is one of the best VRMMO stories I've had the pleasure if reading, character is relatable and down to earth, but not to the point of being stepped on by others. Not prideful to the degree of tearing down what others build out of spite, and has a strong sense of loyalty to those who've done right by him. Might not sound like much in this context but the author does a great job following his characters adventures in an apathetic uncaring world with few Ray's of light to illuminate his path. Next is story for me. Vaguely as I can without spoiling is that this story is in a well constructed world, both for the characters reality and the virtual reality, there isnt any good or bad people that most writers do their best to polarize and apply, the relationships and people of this book are just as complex and understandable as the main character. Everyone has their own reasons and are bound by their own circumstances, certainly their are a few scattered arrogant thugs but that run around in the story, but it's not all that impactful to the world, main character, or flown of the story, So what I'm saying is that this story is well thought out and is very well constructed, its humorous, its tragic, its thrilling, its tense, it has a lot put into it and is an enjoyable read. If I were to say anything bad about it, story release is chaotic at certain times, sometimes will be one a day or go to one a week. Changes quite a bit xD but I'll give it to the author anyway because the story maintains its quality, atleast to my eye.

    2 Antworten anzeigen

    Great Story. I have read quiet a bit of stories about virtual reality and this one is quiet different. What I like about this one is that even thought the MC is working for the evil faction he does not play it like he some lunatic and is more incline of this is a game and having fun and making money. Keep up the good work.

    1 Antworten anzeigen

    First, I have read the novel...up to chapter 229 actually, I only created this account to write this review because I cannot remember my other one's password and do not have access to it at this time. First, I will say that you had a great story going for the first 200 chapters or so. Then, you decided that the mc needed a "bump" in the road. I'm all for that, but not when the "bump" destroys literally all 200 chapters before it. LIterally, undead legion...gone...endgame villain...gone...gods we have never heard of or been hinted at...here? I feel that was a poorly planned bump and I feel no motivation to read after he lost the king, the abyssal knights, his original goal, his boyz, everything. At first I thought he would get it back, but then in chapter 213-215 suddenly Zoe isn't even the main love interest anymore. Vanessa, who was only mentioned like twice, is suddenly who he seems to like because he is too stupid to realize Zoe likes him. Nobody is that dumb...come on. Then Mercy even becomes one too? Really? The interesting love interest built up masterfully for 200 chapters no longer seem so to matter. His work is all gone....I'm sorry but even if he gets everything back it will feel fake. A bump is good, but if it destroys everything before it then it was not well done. Sorry but I'm gonna have to quit reading, please enjoy your passion and continue your work.

    Spoiler enthüllen
    1 Antworten anzeigen

    I would like to start with a thank you, the novel is great it has a nice and exciting beginning which I found really interesting. There is something about the novel that keeps me always asking for more, I'm not sure if it the undead thing or the fact that a can imagine the MC getting at the driver and the "bodybuilder" but I really from the bottom of my heart think that this novel could go places . I'm intrigued to see were it'll take me . Keep up the great work .

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    I'm glad I decided to stick with the story, its enjoyable, gave me a few laughs at times but most importantly (for me) its captivating enough to keep me wanting to read more. However, I would strongly advise the author to return to his first chapters (50 or so) and correct the spelling and grammatical errors. The latest chapters are around 95% without errors and fun to read but a new reader won't start from chapter 50 and the vast majority of them won't try to power through like others. So please, even if you have to dedicate 1 or 2 days to do this, revisit your first chapters and clean them up, it will help greatly.

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Thank you for the novel. The story is good and I like the the army of undead. I think it can be the potential for this novel. I like it. Just keep updating... 😄

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Read up to 216, everything before that has been absolutely amazing so far. But the drunk thing with zoe and ralph being in the same room naked for a night. No, just no. Im not gonna read some NTR bullsh*t. If it was a joke, most people didnt like it. Clear this sh*t up, say what happened, not all that I dont remember bullsh*t.

    7 Antworten anzeigen

    I enjoyed the story so far more than almost anything I’ve read on this site before. The writing is really good, despite spelling errors I remember from the early chapters. The MC is more than 2-dimensional and the girl in the story is more than just a prop. I like it better than RotSSG from a character point of view. The world building is really good, if you can ignore the idea of actually making money from the game, which seems to be a common, and silly, trope. But given that one impossible, thing, the rest makes sense and is a lot of fun.

    0 Antworten anzeigen

    Can’t remember if I’ve left a review... honestly, the novel was a little bumpy in the start, but it has turned out to be one of the best books I’ve read on this app in my opinion. Biako does an excellent job at making you want more at the end of each chapter. Yeah, there are some grammar errors, but as he says English isn’t his first language. All together, the book has a great story line and amazing imagination. It keeps you guessing. It’s hard to tell what the MC’s next move will be or how he predicts things might turn out. I like how the MC actually runs into problems and it’s nice to see him struggle. PLUS, if you get privilege for this book, he charges ONLY 1 COIN no matter how long the chapter is. I mean come on. That’s awesome!! I haven’t found an author that does that yet. A good book for a small amount of your coins! The update rate is slow, but I think that just makes you want to read it even more! Keep up the awesome work Biako!!

    3 Antworten anzeigen

    Superbly written piece of work, with a unique point of view and a well thought out storyline. A little bit of internal inconsistencies but nothing that spoils the flow.

    4 Antworten anzeigen
    Neueste Veröffentlichung:
    Chapter 559: Happy Endings 3 years ago

    Volumen 1 : Conquest The Miracle Game.

    1. 1
      Hard Knocks 6 years ago
    2. 2
      Initiated 6 years ago
    3. 3
      Learning the ropes 6 years ago
    4. 4
      Recommendation Letter 6 years ago
    5. 5
      The benevolent duo 6 years ago
    6. 6
      Power leveled 6 years ago
    7. 7
      Mini-Boss 6 years ago
    8. 8
      My precious! 6 years ago
    9. 9
      A king and a Servant! 6 years ago
    10. 10
      THE EXILED KNIGHT! 6 years ago
    11. 11
      Death-Stroke! 6 years ago
    12. 12
      Unfair? 6 years ago
    13. 13
      Main Quest! 6 years ago
    14. 14
      Dead Realm! 6 years ago
    15. 15
      First Blood 6 years ago
    16. 16
      The Undead Shall Inherit the world! 6 years ago
    17. 17
      Urgent Assembly! 6 years ago
    18. 18
      Rank Up! 6 years ago
    19. 19
      Massacre! 6 years ago
    20. 20
      Mr. Skeletal 6 years ago
    21. 21
      Legacy Challenge! 6 years ago
    22. 22
      Wave after Wave 6 years ago
    23. 23
      Keep On Fighting! 6 years ago
    24. 24
      First Death 6 years ago
    25. 25
      Death God 6 years ago
    26. 26
      Golden Panther 6 years ago
    27. 27
      A grim situation! 6 years ago
    28. 28
      Mr.Valentine! 6 years ago
    29. 29
      Dungeon Core 6 years ago
    30. 30
      The TNT! 6 years ago
    31. 31
      Royal Bloodbat. 6 years ago
    32. 32
      Madam Clementine 6 years ago
    33. 33
      The Elven Huntress 6 years ago
    34. 34
      The Overpowered Draugr! 6 years ago
    35. 35
      Undead partying with the living? 6 years ago
    36. 36
      Ice Palace Dungeon 6 years ago
    37. 37
      Ferocious Yeti 6 years ago
    38. 38
      Loot! 6 years ago
    39. 39
      Frost Eating Snake 6 years ago
    40. 40
      Frost Eating Snake's Fang. 6 years ago
    41. 41
      Deal 6 years ago
    42. 42
      Treashery 6 years ago
    43. 43
      Scheming Draugr 6 years ago
    44. 44
      Swords of mercy 6 years ago
    45. 45
      Shopping Spree 6 years ago
    46. 46
      An adventure with Mr.Skeletal 6 years ago
    47. 47
      Discussion 6 years ago
    48. 48
      Work smart, not hard. 6 years ago
    49. 49
      Drahma the berserker! 6 years ago
    50. 50
      Who do you serve? 6 years ago
    51. 51
      Bringing them terror! 6 years ago
    52. 52
      Earrings of The Unbridled Zealot 6 years ago
    53. 53
      Rencounter with the TNT 6 years ago
    54. 54
      Service Pack! 6 years ago
    55. 55
      An old promise. 6 years ago
    56. 56
      Boring Days 6 years ago
    57. 57
      Dark Threading Dungeon 6 years ago
    58. 58
      Outplayed 6 years ago
    59. 59
      Werephobia 6 years ago
    60. 60
      THE UNDERWORLD! 6 years ago
    61. 61
      Kaboom! 6 years ago
    62. 62
      Drahma The Unfettered! 6 years ago
    63. 63
      The guilds are marching! 6 years ago
    64. 64
      Power Leveling 6 years ago
    65. 65
      Splitting the Loot 6 years ago
    66. 66
      An ex? 6 years ago
    67. 67
      Enemies everywhere 6 years ago
    68. 68
      Discord 6 years ago
    69. 69
      Dalmadoth 6 years ago
    70. 70
      Sweet Loot! 6 years ago
    71. 71
      Delvina The Warden 6 years ago
    72. 72
      A contract! 6 years ago
    73. 73
      Vs the world! 6 years ago
    74. 74
      Final Preparations 6 years ago
    75. 75
      Gearing up! 6 years ago
    76. 76
      Undead Captain! 6 years ago
    77. 77
      Killing a Guildmaster! 6 years ago
    78. 78
      The power of a God of War! 6 years ago
    79. 79
      The Draugr falls? 6 years ago
    80. 80
      Git Gud 6 years ago
    81. 81
      V1 Epilogue 6 years ago
    82. 82
      Wrath of Warlord! 6 years ago
    83. 83
      The origins of the Undead 6 years ago
    84. 84
      Surprise surprise! 6 years ago
    85. 85
      Back to our roots 6 years ago
    86. 86
      Fancy meeting you here! 5 years ago
    87. 87
      Contract. 5 years ago
    88. 88
      A strange quest. 5 years ago
    89. 89
      Another unexpected encounter! 5 years ago
    90. 90
      Friendly Trolling... 5 years ago
    91. 91
      Never trust a Draugr. 5 years ago
    92. 92
      Super units! Dunlords! 5 years ago
    93. 93
      Demonic Shadow Tiger. 5 years ago
    94. 94
      Shadow-Set Blueprint 5 years ago
    95. 95
      Business Deal 5 years ago
    96. 96
      Abyssal Knight Samael 5 years ago
    97. 97
      The Mines 5 years ago
    98. 98
      Infernal Threat 5 years ago
    99. 99
      That was...Unexpected. 5 years ago
    100. 100
      What about the drops? (Chapter 100 milestone!!!) 5 years ago
    101. 101
      LOOTZ!! 5 years ago
    102. 102
      Earth Titan! 5 years ago
    103. 103
      Negotiations 5 years ago
    104. 104
      Strategist! 5 years ago
    105. 105
      A Daring plan! 5 years ago
    106. 106
      The Demons retaliate! 5 years ago
    107. 107
      SONG OF DEATH!!! 5 years ago
    108. 108
      Chaos Entity. 5 years ago
    109. 109
      Close Shave! 5 years ago
    110. 110
      UNDEAD GLORY! 5 years ago
    111. 111
      Commander! 5 years ago
    112. 112
      Behind enemy lines! 5 years ago
    113. 113
      It's her... 5 years ago
    114. 114
      Contract 5 years ago
    115. 115
      IRL 5 years ago
    116. 116
      The Silvana Devil lawyer. 5 years ago
    117. 117
      Seat belts are useful... 5 years ago
    118. 118
      Dance life away... 5 years ago
    119. 119
      While am at it! 5 years ago
    120. 120
      Teaser 5 years ago
    121. 121
      Blood Stone Mines! 5 years ago
    122. 122
      The might of numbers! 5 years ago
    123. 123
      Blood feast! 5 years ago
    124. 124
      Blood rain! 5 years ago
    125. 125
      Evolve! 5 years ago
    126. 126
      DULLAHAN! 5 years ago
    127. 127
      Crimson Box! 5 years ago
    128. 128
      Puzzles 5 years ago
    129. 129
      No pancakes for you Alfie 5 years ago
    130. 130
      Mirror Mirror on the wall... 5 years ago
    131. 131
      Alfie Strikes back! 5 years ago
    132. 132
      Skelly Skulls, Skelly Skulles everywhere! 5 years ago
    133. 133
      CONQUEST RIGHT 5 years ago
    134. 134
      Too much hassle... 5 years ago
    135. 135
      Bursting out. 5 years ago
    136. 136
      Big movements... 5 years ago
    137. 137
      Interview 5 years ago
    138. 138
      Break Them! 5 years ago
    139. 139
      Grim situation 5 years ago
    140. 140
      The Ultimate Predator! 5 years ago
    141. 141
      A Deal with a Devil! 5 years ago
    142. 142
      I am sorry Boyz... 5 years ago
    143. 143
      Raiding the Dragon's Lair! 5 years ago
    144. 144
      Anti-midas...but sometimes Midas himself! 5 years ago
    145. 145
      The War is coming. 5 years ago
    146. 146
      Azure Basilisk 5 years ago
    147. 147
      Taming the Beast 5 years ago
    148. 148
      Death Knight Ascension 5 years ago
    149. 149
      Ashes to Ashes. 5 years ago
    150. 150
      The Generous Undead King. 5 years ago
    151. 151
      SUIT UP! 5 years ago
    152. 152
      Chaos Runes. 5 years ago
    153. 153
      A thousand Strong! 5 years ago
    154. 154
      Demonic Painted Dogs. 5 years ago
    155. 155
      A grim situation 5 years ago
    156. 156
      Enemy of my enemy... 5 years ago
    157. 157
      Somethin's Up. 5 years ago
    158. 158
      Escort service... 5 years ago
    159. 159
      Rencounter 5 years ago
    160. 160
      Let's spend some cash 5 years ago
    161. 161
      Land Management 5 years ago
    162. 162
      To the grind! 5 years ago
    163. 163
      Storm labyrinth 5 years ago
    164. 164
      One eyed 5 years ago
    165. 165
      Undead swarm 5 years ago
    166. 166
      Dai-Tengu! 5 years ago
    167. 167
      This isn't even my final form! 5 years ago
    168. 168
      Numbers vs True Power. 5 years ago
    169. 169
      At that moment, he knew he... 5 years ago
    170. 170
      Tht's gonna bruise tomorrow... 5 years ago
    171. 171
      Aftermatch and a new adventure. 5 years ago
    172. 172
      Slippery Slopes 5 years ago
    173. 173
      Sneaky Sneaky... 5 years ago
    174. 174
      Beating up balls of floof! 5 years ago
    175. 175
      Grumpy old man 5 years ago
    176. 176
      Rescue 5 years ago
    177. 177
      Guess who's back! He is angry though... 5 years ago
    178. 178
      Cold cells. 5 years ago
    179. 179
      THIS IS TROLL TOWN!!! 5 years ago
    180. 180
      A tale of Ice-Trolls and...bridges. 5 years ago
    181. 181
      Plants vs Zomb----Draugr! 5 years ago
    182. 182
      Frost Letting Serpent. 5 years ago
    183. 183
      Lines in the snow... 5 years ago
    184. 184
      Deadly Checkers 5 years ago
    185. 185
      Drauger Knight to...Queen of Ice! 5 years ago
    186. 186
      Another one Bites the Dust...Queen. 5 years ago
    187. 187
      Troll Stank! 5 years ago
    188. 188
      The Black Skull Order Strikes Back! 5 years ago
    189. 189
      Dikenz gets sent to school 5 years ago
    190. 190
      When Do goes got to go. 5 years ago
    191. 191
      Dave gets a peice---of the action 5 years ago

    Volumen 2 : Change

    1. 192
      From the frying pan... 5 years ago
    2. 193
      Sabotage 5 years ago
    3. 194
      Oops! Sorry Not Sorry! 5 years ago
    4. 195
      Royal Beat Down! (Rewritten) 5 years ago
    5. 196
      We don't need no stinkin' plot armor! 5 years ago
    6. 197
      Corporate kerfluffle 5 years ago
    7. 198
      The great white is with you! 5 years ago
    8. 199
      The difference between a Demon and a lawyer... 5 years ago
    9. 200
      Corporate Curb-Stomping! 5 years ago
    10. 201
      Back to life...Back to reality. 5 years ago
    11. 202
      I AM NOT A HUGGER!! 5 years ago
    12. 203
      Definitely not a hugger. Catharsis 2.0 5 years ago
    13. 204
      DOUBLE DEATH STROKE! 5 years ago
    14. 205
      The Great Red Dragon on the Field of Honor! 5 years ago
    15. 206
      let's go shopping! 5 years ago
    16. 207
      Suiting UP 2.0 5 years ago
    17. 208
      Olga sweet sweet Olga... 5 years ago
    18. 209
      LUXURY! BAD! VERY BAD! 5 years ago
    19. 210
      Hello There. 5 years ago
    20. 211
      Gun, Whales, and Wine 5 years ago
    21. 212
      You can tell by the way I use my walk 5 years ago
    22. 213
      Mean Girls Come Back! 5 years ago
    23. 214
      Never without my permission! 5 years ago
    24. 215
      The End of Loose Ends 5 years ago
    25. 216
      Hangover 5 years ago
    26. 217
      Into the Wilds...again 5 years ago
    27. 218
      Wild Grindings 5 years ago
    28. 219
      Fundamentally pronged 5 years ago
    29. 220
      Who's a Good Boy? You Are! 5 years ago
    30. 221
      In Too Deep! 5 years ago
    31. 222
      Don't Fear The Spider 5 years ago
    32. 223
      Oh Mighty Black Dragon, How Many Ways Can I Count Thee. 5 years ago
    33. 224
      Ruins of Expectation 5 years ago
    34. 225
      Emos and tree huggers. 5 years ago
    35. 226
      I Didn't Get Any Nookie!" 5 years ago
    36. 227
      Partying Up 5 years ago
    37. 228
      Different currencies 5 years ago
    38. 229
      Way of the Sekiro 5 years ago
    39. 230
      He who fights and runs today... 5 years ago
    40. 231
      Lives to fight another day... 5 years ago
    41. 232
      Cleanup on Aisle Orc! 5 years ago
    42. 233
      Non-Human Resources. 5 years ago
    43. 234
      Burning Bright 5 years ago
    44. 235
      The red Sorceress 5 years ago
    45. 236
      Isolate and Devour 5 years ago
    46. 237
      Evolve and adapt 5 years ago
    47. 238
      Oh My, What's next? bears? 5 years ago
    48. 239
      Choices, Hard or Furry 5 years ago
    49. 240
      Despicable Ingredient 5 years ago
    50. 241
      Miles to go and promises to keep 5 years ago
    51. 242
      The Necromancer King's Dark Past 5 years ago
    52. 243
      Never Hunger! 5 years ago
    53. 244
      Never Tire! 5 years ago
    54. 245
      Never Fear Part 1 5 years ago
    55. 246
      Never Fear Part 2 5 years ago
    56. 247
      Never Fear Part 3 5 years ago
    57. 248
      Undead Supermacy 5 years ago
    58. 249
      Back into the mines 5 years ago
    59. 250
      Hot pot 5 years ago
    60. 251
      Skittering problems 5 years ago
    61. 252
      Chaos in the Chaos dungeon 5 years ago
    62. 253
      Clubs and Fumbles 5 years ago
    63. 254
      Seers and Ladders 5 years ago
    64. 255
      To Mt. Glory 5 years ago
    65. 256
      Oracular peaks 5 years ago
    66. 257
      Knock Knock Knocking on... 5 years ago
    67. 258
      Deity Digressions 5 years ago
    68. 259
      Counter strick! 5 years ago
    69. 260
      One more rejoins the ranks! 5 years ago
    70. 261
      Rise Rise, and Rise, Again... 5 years ago
    71. 262
      The Revanant! 5 years ago
    72. 263
      Rise of The Undead Legion! 5 years ago
    73. 264
      Service Pack 2.0 5 years ago
    74. 265
      A New Wolf in Wall Street 5 years ago
    75. 266
      Legacy Quest Begins 5 years ago
    76. 267
      Siege of Arotsa 5 years ago
    77. 268
      Like Fish in a Barrel 5 years ago
    78. 269
      Evil Within 5 years ago
    79. 270
      Brawl 5 years ago
    80. 271
      A slaughter at the gates 5 years ago
    81. 272
      Mr.Skeletal's endeavor 5 years ago
    82. 273
      There is no Such Thing as Overplanning. 5 years ago
    83. 274
      IF it Bleeds, IT DIES! 5 years ago
    84. 275
      The last Stand 5 years ago
    85. 276
      A king's Valor 5 years ago
    86. 277
      Battle Lich 5 years ago

    Volumen 3 : Volume 3 - Lich Kis’Shtiengbrah

    1. 278
      Danger Kitty Appears 5 years ago
    2. 279
      A wilde monster appears! 5 years ago
    3. 280
      Sorry, Too busy... 5 years ago
    4. 281
      Tusks Everywhere. 5 years ago
    5. 282
      To Be a King 5 years ago
    6. 283
      Tomb of Ashkar, again? 5 years ago
    7. 284
      Great General's Glaive 5 years ago
    8. 285
      The Boyz Are Back In Town! 5 years ago
    9. 286
      Tiny Problems 5 years ago
    10. 287
      Size dosen't Matter...in Most Cases 5 years ago
    11. 288
      Rise Undead 5 years ago
    12. 289
      A daring plan 5 years ago
    13. 290
      in custody? 5 years ago
    14. 291
      Hope at the end of the tunnel 5 years ago
    15. 292
      The Blessed Lakhbar 5 years ago
    16. 293
      Lakhbar the Immortal 5 years ago
    17. 294
      Die Bitch! 5 years ago
    18. 295
      Aftermatch 5 years ago
    19. 296
      Challenged 5 years ago
    20. 297
      Hard Fought Battle 5 years ago
    21. 298
      Introductions Are Due 5 years ago
    22. 299
      True Display of Skill 5 years ago
    23. 300
      Douche-Guy get's sent to school. (Chap 300 WOOOOT !!!!!!!) 5 years ago
    24. 301
      When it rains... 5 years ago
    25. 302
      The Hungry Undead. 5 years ago
    26. 303
      Deals Everywhere 5 years ago
    27. 304
      Setting a foot in the big world 5 years ago
    28. 305
      Shares 5 years ago
    29. 306
      Here we go again. 5 years ago
    30. 307
      Unexpected 5 years ago
    31. 308
      Dog Stepps Up 5 years ago
    32. 309
      What lies beneath the water 5 years ago
    33. 310
      The Last Serpent. 5 years ago
    34. 311
      Gold-D-Skelly! 5 years ago
    35. 312
      The Leviathan 5 years ago
    36. 313
      Cause and Effect 5 years ago
    37. 314
      Doom Knight Ascension! 5 years ago
    38. 315
      A battle of Ice and Fire 5 years ago
    39. 316
      Small but Deadly 5 years ago
    40. 317
      The Might of a Doom Knight 5 years ago
    41. 318
      Renovation 5 years ago
    42. 319
      Dog vs Heavenly Dog! 5 years ago
    43. 320
      Roller Derby of Death! 5 years ago
    44. 321
      Tech-Input 5 years ago
    45. 322
      Confrontation 5 years ago
    46. 323
      Final Phantasm. 5 years ago
    47. 324
      Skelly Joins The War 5 years ago
    48. 325
      Routing The Enemy 5 years ago
    49. 326
      Helping the Devis. 5 years ago
    50. 327
      Turning the Tides 5 years ago
    51. 328
      Elite Troops. 5 years ago
    52. 329
      Takover 5 years ago
    53. 330
      Douch-Guy's Future Prospects 5 years ago
    54. 331
      The Demon Bares His Fangs 5 years ago
    55. 332
      Unexpected 5 years ago
    56. 333
      Tech-BeatDown 5 years ago
    57. 334
      Embarking to Treasure Island 5 years ago
    58. 335
      The Great White King 5 years ago
    59. 336
      Housewarming Party 5 years ago
    60. 337
      Guild-Wars 5 years ago
    61. 338
      Unexpected Guest 5 years ago
    62. 339
      Haunting Past 5 years ago
    63. 340
      Dead Sea 5 years ago
    64. 341
      The Sea God 5 years ago
    65. 342
      Facing the Sea God with a Dragur Smile. 5 years ago
    66. 343
      Don't Forget Something That Important... 5 years ago
    67. 344
      Setting Foot on Treasure Island 5 years ago
    68. 345
      Mysteries of Isla De Muerta 5 years ago
    69. 346
      Isn't He Supposed To Be Dead? 5 years ago
    70. 347
      World's Edge 5 years ago
    71. 348
      Into The Deep 5 years ago
    72. 349
      Clash of Gods 4 years ago
    73. 350
      Treasure Room 4 years ago
    74. 351
      The Price of Fame 4 years ago
    75. 352
      First Round 4 years ago
    76. 353
      Safe 4 years ago
    77. 354
      Rune Golem 4 years ago
    78. 355
      Claws and Fangs 4 years ago
    79. 356
      Drow 4 years ago
    80. 357
      A Random Monk 4 years ago
    81. 358
      A Sword and a Shield 4 years ago
    82. 359
      The World Stirrs 4 years ago
    83. 360
      Demon Hunter 4 years ago
    84. 361
      Another Chosen One 4 years ago
    85. 362
      Godly Training 4 years ago
    86. 363
      A Date 4 years ago
    87. 364
      Baba Yaga 4 years ago
    88. 365
      Takeover 2 4 years ago
    89. 366
      Learning From The Devil 4 years ago
    90. 367
      Pro-Fighter 4 years ago
    91. 368
      A True Legacy 4 years ago
    92. 369
      Demon Hunting 4 years ago
    93. 370
      First Hunt 4 years ago
    94. 371
      Cold Massacre 4 years ago
    95. 372
      Secret of The Lost Race 4 years ago
    96. 373
      The Hidden Temple 4 years ago
    97. 374
      Dungeon Designing 4 years ago
    98. 375
      I Spy With My Littel Eye... 4 years ago
    99. 376
      No Rest For The Wicked 4 years ago
    100. 377
      Retaliation 4 years ago
    101. 378
      Assemble 4 years ago
    102. 379
      Gathering of The Beasts 4 years ago
    103. 380
      Claws and Fangs 4 years ago
    104. 381
      Kings will be Kings 4 years ago
    105. 382
      At The Borders 4 years ago
    106. 383
      Stage One 4 years ago
    107. 384
      Stage Two 4 years ago
    108. 385
      The Mind of a Draugr 4 years ago
    109. 386
      Unexpected Surprise 4 years ago
    110. 387
      Trouble 4 years ago
    111. 388
      Mach Speed 4 years ago
    112. 389
      Desperate Situation 4 years ago
    113. 390
      Urburg in Danger 4 years ago
    114. 391
      A grin, Against the Odds 4 years ago
    115. 392
      Weight of the Universe 4 years ago
    116. 393
      Royal Labors 4 years ago
    117. 394
      With Interest 4 years ago
    118. 395
      Now, We Wait 4 years ago
    119. 396
      Trouble in Paradise 4 years ago
    120. 397
      Round Two 4 years ago
    121. 398
      Struggles 4 years ago
    122. 399
      Didn't See That Coming 4 years ago
    123. 400
      Face Off 4 years ago
    124. 401
      From the Frying Pan to the Fire 4 years ago
    125. 402
      One Down, Three To Go 4 years ago
    126. 403
      Barter 4 years ago
    127. 404
      Don't Mess With The Storm 4 years ago
    128. 405
      Assault 4 years ago
    129. 406
      Battle! 4 years ago
    130. 407
      One Down, Five To Go! 4 years ago
    131. 408
      Undead At The Gate. 4 years ago
    132. 409
      Surrounded 4 years ago
    133. 410
      Change of Plan 4 years ago
    134. 411
      Shameless Draugr 4 years ago
    135. 412
      Fishing in Murky Waters 4 years ago
    136. 413
      Unwanted Company 4 years ago
    137. 414
      Enemies Within 4 years ago
    138. 415
      Waiting for the Perfect Opportunity 4 years ago
    139. 416
      Annoying Skeletal 4 years ago
    140. 417
      Battle Royal 4 years ago
    141. 418
      Another Abyssal Knight 4 years ago
    142. 419
      And Another One 4 years ago
    143. 420
      The Devastators Advance on the East 4 years ago
    144. 421
      Broke Through 4 years ago
    145. 422
      Four Generals 4 years ago
    146. 423
      Party Crasher 4 years ago
    147. 424
      Undead Against the wrold 4 years ago
    148. 425
      A bit Unexpected... 4 years ago
    149. 426
      Challenge 4 years ago
    150. 427
      Confrontation 4 years ago
    151. 428
      Undead Rim 4 years ago
    152. 429
      Deal 4 years ago
    153. 430
      Let's Play a Game 4 years ago
    154. 431
      Future In Sight 4 years ago
    155. 432
      The Kin Eaters 4 years ago
    156. 433
      Turning The Tides 4 years ago
    157. 434
      From Bad To Worse 4 years ago
    158. 435
      Family 4 years ago
    159. 436
      Upside Down 4 years ago
    160. 437
      Kingdom Building 4 years ago
    161. 438
      The Gym 4 years ago
    162. 439
      Preparing for Phase Two 4 years ago
    163. 440
      Temple Run 4 years ago
    164. 441
      Craft Me Guds 4 years ago
    165. 442
      More Stuff on My Plate. 4 years ago
    166. 443
      Going Dark 4 years ago
    167. 444
      Standoff 4 years ago
    168. 445
      All The Big Boys Are Here 4 years ago
    169. 446
      Terms of Agreement 4 years ago
    170. 447
      Something is Rotten in Denmark 4 years ago
    171. 448
      At the Gate 4 years ago
    172. 449
      Demon Temple 4 years ago
    173. 450
      The Chalice 4 years ago
    174. 451
      Thinking Outside the Box 4 years ago
    175. 452
      Troubles Under Paradise 4 years ago
    176. 453
      Sworn Battle 4 years ago
    177. 454
      Unexpected Collaboration 4 years ago
    178. 455
      Fit For A King 4 years ago
    179. 456
      Debriefing 4 years ago
    180. 457
      The Grand Archives 4 years ago
    181. 458
      Ash King's Keep 4 years ago
    182. 459
      Catch Me If You Can 4 years ago
    183. 460
      Another Step 4 years ago
    184. 461
      Temple Run 2.0 4 years ago
    185. 462
      This One is a little Bit Special 4 years ago
    186. 463
      Favor for a Favor 4 years ago
    187. 464
      Friendly Spar 4 years ago
    188. 465
      Du'Rhaza's Skill 4 years ago
    189. 466
      A Kingly Reward 4 years ago
    190. 467
      A Brewing Storm 4 years ago
    191. 468
      Power Thief 4 years ago
    192. 469
      Clash of the Titans 4 years ago
    193. 470
      We're just getting warmed up! 4 years ago
    194. 471
      World Shaking Battle 4 years ago
    195. 472
      Breaking The Limits 4 years ago
    196. 473
      On to another adventure. 4 years ago
    197. 474
      Raiding the Blood Stone Mines 4 years ago
    198. 475
      Chaos Dungeon 2.0 4 years ago
    199. 476
      Blue Scale 4 years ago
    200. 477
      Is It Me Or Is It Getting Hotter In Here? 4 years ago
    201. 478
      Tough Skinned 4 years ago
    202. 479
      Forbidden Techniques 4 years ago
    203. 480
      What Lies in The Depths 4 years ago
    204. 481
      Eyes Locked, Swords Drawn 4 years ago
    205. 482
      On This Day! 4 years ago
    206. 483
      Unstoppable Force 4 years ago
    207. 484
      Give Flesh, Break Bone! 4 years ago
    208. 485
      The Battle Rages 4 years ago
    209. 486
      Skelly Joins the Battle 4 years ago
    210. 487
      Well Timed Help 4 years ago
    211. 488
      The Big Boys Table 4 years ago
    212. 489
      A Day to Remember 4 years ago
    213. 490
      A Lost Friend 4 years ago
    214. 491
      On His Last leg 4 years ago
    215. 492
      End of an Era 4 years ago
    216. 493
      Rise of an Old Monster 4 years ago
    217. 494
      War of Words 4 years ago
    218. 495
      A Promise of MR Skeletal 4 years ago
    219. 496
      Patch Notes 4.0 (No Math) 4 years ago
    220. 497
      Birthday Party 4 years ago
    221. 498
      Birthday Party 4 years ago
    222. 499
      Baby Steps 4 years ago
    223. 500
      CHAPTER 500!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 years ago
    224. 501
      Back to Mt Glory 4 years ago
    225. 502
      The Calamities 3 years ago
    226. 503
      Back to the Wilds 3 years ago
    227. 504
      What Must Not Be Named, What Must Not Be Feared. 3 years ago
    228. 505
      When the Draugr Smiles 3 years ago
    229. 506
      An Old Acquaintance 3 years ago
    230. 507
      Fu Temple 3 years ago
    231. 508
      Seven Virtues 3 years ago
    232. 509
      The One In Charge 3 years ago
    233. 510
      Long Night 3 years ago
    234. 511
      Two Men Army. 3 years ago
    235. 512
      Solo Path Forward. 3 years ago
    236. 513
      An Undead Walked Into a Bar... 3 years ago
    237. 514
      Heavenly 3 years ago
    238. 515
      Arena! 3 years ago
    239. 516
      Battling the Heavens 3 years ago
    240. 517
      The Imperial Art 3 years ago
    241. 518
      Forbidden Kingdom's Army. 3 years ago
    242. 519
      Another One Shows Its Fangs 3 years ago
    243. 520
      Going Against Tradition 3 years ago
    244. 521
      Heavenly Devil 3 years ago
    245. 522
      Useless Ability 3 years ago
    246. 523
      Hellish Rituals 3 years ago
    247. 524
      In Control 3 years ago
    248. 525
      In Tartarus 3 years ago
    249. 526
      Devil's Ways 3 years ago
    250. 527
      The Real Devil 3 years ago
    251. 528
      Fly Draugr Fly! 3 years ago
    252. 529
      Treasure like No Other 3 years ago
    253. 530
      The Herald 3 years ago
    254. 531
      Spar Invitation 3 years ago
    255. 532
      Training Montage With A God 3 years ago
    256. 533
      Forged Anew 3 years ago
    257. 534
      Settling Old Debts 3 years ago
    258. 535
      Settling Some Old Debts 3 years ago
    259. 536
      Wrath 3 years ago
    260. 537
      Nothin to Fear 3 years ago
    261. 538
      Going With A Bang 3 years ago
    262. 539
      The Plot Thickens 3 years ago
    263. 540
      Semi Finalist 3 years ago
    264. 541
      Battle In Limbo 3 years ago
    265. 542
      Attitude Problem 3 years ago
    266. 543
      Magic Lesson 3 years ago
    267. 544
      Balance 3 years ago
    268. 545
      Preparation 3 years ago
    269. 546
      Puppets 3 years ago
    270. 547
      Skittering Death 3 years ago
    271. 548
      Flanker Flanking 3 years ago
    272. 549
      Helping Out 3 years ago
    273. 550
      The Mist 3 years ago
    274. 551
      Even Devils Have Principles 3 years ago
    275. 552
      Penguin Strikes 3 years ago
    276. 553
      Pushed Back 3 years ago
    277. 554
      Alfi At the Gates 3 years ago
    278. 555
      Players One, Alfi Zero 3 years ago
    279. 556
      Alfred One, Skelly One. 3 years ago
    280. 557
      Final Boss Battle 3 years ago
    281. 558
      Never Fear 3 years ago
    282. 559
      Happy Endings 3 years ago

    Autor Biako