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2.6% Trinity: Omniverse Travels (Hiatus) / Chapter 2: a new adventure

Kapitel 2: a new adventure

The instant he regains consciousness, his surroundings have changed from the darkness to a cold metallic plated room. The room was immense, and the walls were full of pieces of machinery and thick cables before he could even start to understand where he was, the white translucent window pop-up.

{Welcome to the world of One Piece. Following your choice, here await a challenging future where the strong prey on the weak. To bring change to this world, please choose your path. Understand that this choice would be interchangeable until you rejoin a faction, or the world decide for you.

-Marine: You can't change things without power, became at least fleet admiral!

-Pirate: the mighty rule the sea, attain a position at least on part with the Yonko!

-Revolutionnaire: the wind of the rebellions will carry you to the end of the world, bring an end to the tyrants that rule it!

-World government: every ruler has a shadow, integrate the council of the five elders!

Take in mind that those are path choice and thus will define the time of objective you will receive. The integration of your soul in the vessel will take a few days to merge and coordinates. During that time, it advised the user to gather as much information as possible to start your journey in the one-piece world.

Passed this point, the system will leave the user and only interact via objectives. Objectives themselves are divided into main and side ones. While it's a necessity to follow the core of the mainline, the user can acts how he sees fit but must understand that action has consequences. While living day to day life and following the different encounters, it possible to receive objectives that will influence the world to a more significant impact even than mainline ones, it up to the user to act as nonaction will have no influence that what would have to happen.}

The amount of information was too high for him to retain the meagre link that was just connected. During what seemed a week to him, he would awake for a few minutes before returning in an unconscious sleep. Among those times, he would sometimes awake when groups of scientists were also present in the room, looking at each container to see if any change has happened to them. More than once, he feels that he was caught awake, but each time, the scientist pass to the next pod or wasn't looking.

A further two weeks pass before the situation completely changed. He was now awake most of the time but stay still and try to no arouse suspicion. He is also able to tell that at the start of the process he must have been asleep for days and no hours because groups seem to enter the room every four or so hours, each time different for three rotation before returning to the same individual.

But that not what brusquely arose him this time but the sudden burst of his pods and his fall. Thankfully he was on the second rows of the towering installation and was no more than at most two-meter high in the air. Still dazed by the shock, he clutches his head as the sound of something impacting the wall rings, tearing it open, bringing forth a mix of powder, iron, and salt to his nostrils for the first time. As the ringing tone down and after gain a semblance of balance, his gaze was attracted by the invading ray that warm it's skin. Whatever place he was in have been breached, and with the size of the hole in the wall and the ongoing explosion around him, it seems that he had found himself in a conflict between two forces.

When his gaze land on the group of ships with large white sails and blue emblem, he understands who was attacking, and most importantly, who was holding him. The only force he knows able to have those large installations in the open sea or even this type of technology could only be the Germa 66.

Another explosion and a shower of dust clouds bring him back to the situation. The dizziness return has his soul hadn't finished integrating yet with his body, and the overload of sensory information didn't help to stabilise the situation. Half falling on the ground, with a hand put on the floor to keep his balance, his gaze falls on a sigh that gives the last blow to his fragile mind. Around him, countless shards of glasses and spilt liquids, but what made him faint was the bloody mess of splattered blood, torn limb and incomplete corpse that litters the ground all around him.

The cannons balls have torn the tower not only open but also destroy the pods inside it. The room was utterly wrecked, and if still conscious, he would found that similar rooms were all around. Thousands upon thousands, of what have been different species of aminals, corpses torn into amas of gorry matters. The few creatures still intact have been mostly grounded by the still falling rocks of the superior floors. The numbers of still alive personnel on the immense transponder snail was unknown. The beast seems to be already dead as its head was slowly sinking in the water, the two sides already discarding the fallen creature, were slowly distancing it, pursuing the battle on the sea.

Completely wrecked, the platform was already sinking in the bottom of the sea, leaving only the core of the building still somewhat standing relatively safe until the countless beasts in the water feast upon the carcass and bring the last vestige of the lab with the already drown part.

The harsh weather of the Grandline didn't help the integrity of the crumbling building but did wash away a significant part of the destroyed interior. While he was still unconscious, several messages pop up for him.

{[Objective: Main. "Freedom".]

You are the object of human experimentation done by the Germa 66, found a way to escape your pods and the claws of the evil organisation!

Condition: escape before found conscious


Reward: soul stabilisation and anchoring}

{Due to the completion of the mission before its edition, the reward has been automatically integrated.}

{[Objective: Main "the last of us."]

Your coming in this world had lead to unexpected consequences; it time for you to face your responsibility! Get rid of any proofs that could lead to the fabrication of an army of semi-sentient creatures by any power in this world.

Condition: destroy the remaining test subjects of the experimentation. (0/9.999 subjects left.)


Reward: Survival kit (X??? food ration, X??? water can).}

As the last message appears, the young child starts to wake up, still shaken by the event that happens a few days priors.

"Urggg my head!" Grunting under the head-splitting headache, he was submitted and needs a few minutes before being able to think clearly. The moment he gathers enough wit to centre himself and open his eyes, he freezes at the messages that add pop up even before understanding their meaning.

After blankly looking at the white screen before dismissing with a back-hand swipe motion, the sudden breeze made him realise that he was still naked. During the entire time in the capsule, he was completely naked, a fact that he could understand as he seemingly never left it since he was created.

Looking around and more precisely to the open sea via the large holes in the walls, nothing but water extent at the horizon.

Sighing deeply, he starts to walk toward the blasted metallic doors in a still closed corridor leading further in the installation. On his way, raws of demolished rooms that once contain similar features that the one he exits, lines before founding stairs leading deeper.

After three more floors, the large rooms leave places to smaller ones, each provided with the same furniture, a single bed, a desk and a closet with a small bookshelf joint, each on one of the three walls with a door across the one leading in the corridor.

"Seems like its the personal quarters' space." While rummaging in each room and bringing everything that catches his eyes, he searches a total of four floors before stopping for a while in the large kitchen. There he seems to found the reward of the last completed mission. Cans of water and sealed pack of dry biscuits fill a few cabinets.

Taking an amazingly tasteless bite in the first meal he had in this world, he rapidly chucks it down with the help of a water' can. After three others pack, he starts to move the entire stack to the superiors floors as water had already begun to infiltrate the lowers ones. Going to the higher floor available in an incessant go-and-forth, he empties the kitchen survival stock before plundering any room of any available and useful items.

Taking a break after a few hours of effort, he looks at his loot.


Looking at the bedsheets, I have taken from a few beds downstairs; I couldn't help but sigh at the meagre loot. All I have was few choices of too large cloth taken for a sort of laundry, a few set of knives from the kitchen and a few hundreds of waters can and packs of dry biscuits. Seeing that I had need nearly five of them for a single meal, I wouldn't pass a month with them.

Before I could even start to think about what to do with them, I barely catch the sound of feet striking against the stone floor. I was barely able to turn my head and catch a glimpse of white before everything turns dark.


Looking at the child in his arm, the agent turns to heel, rejoining the rest of the group.

"Report, n°6." Asked one of the white-clothed agents when he returns to the group at groundfloor not flooded.

"Nothing salvageable, everything was smashed to bit, other than a seemingly successful experiment."

Hearing this, the three other agents looked at the naked child in his arms.

"Roger, the experiment takes priority, bomb the rest of the infrastructure, Dr Vegapunk need to receive it the earliest possible."

At this, all four other nods before making their way outside. There a ship was waiting for them, on it sails the emblem of the world government sporting "CP-0" surrounding the highest point of the five-pointed cross.

The body of the child was lead under the deck, cuffed with seastone in a cell with metal-coated walls.


Waking up with a throbbing headache, he was prevented from soothing the pain by the restrain, his arms keeps above his head.

'Some experiment of the Germa leaves behind great, not only me, and now I'm detained.' Looking around for any clue other than the fact that they didn't bother to give him something to cover himself, it didn't take long for him to know what he needs.

'So, from the movement, were still in a ship, it can be that long since I lost conscious. The cell is also a dead give away. It either a boat of the government or worse a Tenryubito one. Since I can't hear any other prisoner, must be the previous one. If it the government, the only group that could do this it the CP-0. I should have known they would send someone to look after the remains of the battle between the marine and the Germa.'

While he was thinking about his situation, the steel thick door od the cell was open, letting the CP-0 agent enter.

Keeping a blank as possible expression, he let the man uncuff him before being dressed in a white pant a t-shirt. Following the man when he takes his hand and leading him outside the cell, they made their way out to the deck. There he was able to make his situation, and couldn't help but lost hope.

On the side of the CP-0 ship was another, a larger ship of the government surrounded by three of the largest available battleship class vessel of the marine, the same he could remember from the buster call.

Such ship would generally be the vessel of vice-admiral of the headquarter, seeing the amount of force guarding the government ship, he had zero chance of escaping.

Following the cp-0 agent mechanically, led inside the ship. When he regained some spirit, they were utterly crushed by the sight of the inside. Room after room of what was experiment chamber. It was when the men leading him to stop to address at the other that exit the place that he knows just of bad thing were.

"Ceasar clown, were is Dr Vegapunk?"

"Shurororo still inside, is that the kid." Asked him with a glint in the eyes that would have sent him directly in jail, was he not part of the government.

"Yes." Nodded him, before turning around.


Without any further enquiry, he leaves the young boy to the clutch of Ceasar. Not losing time, he retrieves a bottle from one of his pockets, heavily soaking a cloth and directly clamping it on the boy's face, covering its nose and mouth. In less than a few seconds, the boy limply falls on the ground, once again knocked out.

Lifting him from the ground by the scruff of the shirt, he unceremoniously takes the kid inside the room. There, in another part of the lab, a figure was tinkering with devils fruits inside glass bottles.

"What did they want?" Shout him without turning.

"Deliver the kid found in the ruin of the Germa complex."

"Ho, ok." Say him without emotion in his voice, already losing interest in the child." You know what to do."

Caesar didn't respond other than a grunt, putting the child in an operation chair, starting with examen.


The following days pass in a continuous round after round of exams. It blood type, weight, seize, medical check-up and the like before invasive exams were performed.

During all that time, their experiment subject was keep knocked out. Skin, flesh, blood sample was extracted afterwards. After two weeks of barely above average results, Vegapunk hadn't other choices but contacted the Gorosei and report.


"So?" Asked a voice as the link connect with the leading group.

"Nothing, Other than the fact that he isn't more than a year old while showing to be around five, and show sign of adult stat, the experiment can be considered a failure."

"How so?"

"By the look of the result, the experiment shows rapid maturation, from the extrapolation, it won't stop any time soon. From what gathered, the body will continue to grow and whiter in less than fifteen years. With its average brainwave, it was deducted that it will not learn faster than others. By the time it will be fully operational, it would have barely five years of use if not less, it not viable." Said him, emotionlessly.

The report follows by a short silence from the other side.

"Any useful data?"


After another short silence, a different voice responds "Process with project 24", before the line' cut.


Following the directive of the Gorosei, he prepares the last experiment. Extracting the three Devil Fruits from their container, each put in a single beaker. Putting rubber gloves going up to the shoulder, he delicately retrieves a test tube containing a turpid clear blue liquid, with a plier. Pouring a third in each, he hastily takes another tube while the thick liquid was slowly reaching the bottom of the beakers.

Before the viscous reagent could touch any of the fruit, the second chemical was added. When the green fluid encounters the blue one, a teal-coloured liquid was rapidly filling the crystal equipment, dissolving the fruits contained inside, who turn the teal chemical into a deep purple slush.

He was slowly rotating the result, before filtering them through a thick gauze woven of treads of seastone.

What was left was two clear purple liquid and on deep blue, barely a third of the original fruits used.

Taking a deep breath and calming the excitement rising at his first attempts of merging Devil Fruits, he brings the three to a station. There he put one of the purple ones in the middle, before fixing the two other in the robotic arms. He empties the unique blue liquid labelled 'Shinka Shinka no Mi', and the 'Neko Neko no Mi (snow panther)' into the centre one by manipulating the arms.

As the two liquids pour in the 'Shugi Shugi no Mi', the content immediately turns deep black and start to bubble angrily.

Without losing any time, he poured the heavily shaking beaker content in a prepared perfusion pouch, before turning to the strapped, unconscious lad not too far. The content immediately emptied, and the valve switched.

Before the liquid could mix with the experiment blood, the body, the transfusion pouch and a canister of oxygen was immediately collapsed into a coffin of seastone containing seawater, before sealed.


As the mixed, unstable result was slowly making its way down the tub before entering the body of the boy, Vegapunk had long since exiting the lab room to his study aboard the ship.

Taking the open notebook, he rapidly scribing the first observation he had withness.

'Project 24, attempt n°1.

Subject: Germa' retrieved experiment.

Targeted Devil Fruits: sample 145, 268, 320.

The sample chosen had been deemed the most stable combination available made of a Zoan and two paramecia. The chosen Paramecia were selected from their potential value as a mutagen. From the study up to this day, it was theorised that the sample 268 know as 'Shinka Shinka no Mi' had the highest possibility to mutate DNA. Combined with a generic Zoan, the experiment aims to recreate a controlled Mink sub-race.

Any potential damage deal with the incompatibles of two DF have been subject to a third fruit know as sample 320, or 'Shugi Shugi no Mi'. Any potentially destructed DNA material had been subject to Project 296.

Before any destroyed material could be expelled, it should be subject to the effect of the sample, crafting it back to its original form. To prevent any contaminating bodies and suppress any possible backlash, the experiment has been sealed into a prepared seastone container filled with seawater.

From the gathered intel on the assimilation of two DF, minimal remain should be left of the experiment body. Any leftover is to be examined before being destroyed.

Dr Vegapunk 15 April 1504.'


The moment Vegapunk had sealed the capsule and exit the lab, the first drop of DF solution mix with its blood. The first reaction visible was the bugling veins around the injection point who rapidly turn black, drawing worrying patterns on the skin.

The instant the pattern attains the heart, it propagation accelerate. At the same time, the body was finally unable to support the strain and start to rupture, leaking an alarming amount of blood inside the water.

The explosive mix who should have completely obliterate the body was barely suppressed by the seastone and water of its prison. Unable to found an outlet under the repression capacity of the stone, the DF slowly start to act.

What no one would have dared to think was that he was far more than an experiment, that the sums of the three DF brought far more than their sums when they barely combinate with him.

Deep in the recess of his mind, a new conscious slowly awoken, born from the mix of the three fruit, feeding on any previous knowledge. Taking advantage of the menu link to the system, it highjacks it under its indirect influence on the world. It detonates the body, escaping with the undamaged soul.

When Vegapunk would return, he would found nothing more than an empty container, not knowing that three Devil Fruit had vanished from the One Piece world.

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