The next day Chu whistled and skipped through a light snow drizzle on his way to the Smithy. Mr. Thomas walked beside him holding in his hands some rolled up parchments in a small bag. The two bore a stark contrast to the dismal and near-deserted streets.
They had returned to the farm where the boy spent his time scribbling and scrawling for nearly half the night. He did not understand what drove the boy to such lengths under the dim candlelight.
Chu entered the Smithy like a typical boss. The few years of work in an office and his interactions with business people gave him a confident air. Like an experienced supervisor, he gave a nod to his new subordinate and made a quick inspection.
"Good day Mr Chu. I have already cleaned the workplace and had all our materials stocked in the small storage shed. Last night I started the forge, it should be ready soon for work."
"Good Morning. You can skip the formalities and call me Chu or boss."
Dareck placed the broom on the side and reported to Chu. He had dropped off his belongings at the house and spent the entire night here in the smithy. According to him, the forge needed time to restart until the temperature was suitable for 'striking iron'.
Chu had not the foggiest idea what he was talking about. He left him to do as he pleased. A good supervisor was one who worked on his subordinates strengths. Proper allocation of labor was a key to efficient job completion.
He called over Dareck to a small table and laid out the parchments containing some sketches and little worded scribbles.
"This is going to be our first project. Once completed all we have to do is iron out a few kinks and we can sell the idea. If you are worth my trust, then you will be one of the few chosen to follow me in the future."
He chuckled inwardly at his little joke.
The first invention Chu decided to go with was a simple well pump. The workings were not complex and he remembered actually using one when he lived out in the country. Using trial and error he hoped to bring it to reality in this world.
Once it was built he would test it out in the farm and work out any modifications needed. As long as he could get a working model, he was sure Griz would be able to sell it to the Empire. It was after all a high-tech invention for this age.
Currently, well water was drawn by the old-fashioned rope bucket. In those noble houses they moved it by using slave or servant labor. This invention was suitable for release in this time. He felt ashamed because it was also one of the few inventions he could sketch out a complete diagram.
"How long do you want this pipe? Is it for a stack like the one over the forge?"
Chu inspected the pipe Dareck pointed at before speaking.
"It should be about twelve feet. We can cut it after to suit the site. I preferred it to be one solid pipe and not like that chimney. It should definitely not be a flat plate rounded into a tube and held
together by rivets."
The smokestack was constructed out of a piece of iron sheeting that had then undergone some pounding into a cylinder. It was then crudely riveted together. The three to four feet cylinders were then fitted into each other at the ends to make the long stack.
After yesterday Dareck made sure to treat this young kid with respect. Whether he liked it or not the boy was actually his boss.
"Beg your pardon Mr Chu, I mean Chu, but I am afraid we cannot make such a thing. This forge is a simple one designed to handle a menial task like bending iron or hammering out kinks.
The work you are calling for requires a Master forge made for smelting and molding iron. Even then it takes weeks to prepare a mold and hammer out the final product."
Chu felt his world shudder on the brink of collapse.
"What the heck are you talking about?"
Chu returned to the village home in a dejected manner. He did not bring all the plans for the pump that day. Being on the cautious side, he was hoping to construct the parts and then try to piece them together by himself at the barn.
That way he could safeguard his intellectual property rights until he trusted Dareck. Who knew he would end up being stonewalled even before he actually started. Only after spending the entire morning with the junior smith did he actually learn his limit.
'Making horseshoes was not exactly what I had in mind.'
He did get a bout of inspiration at the end and made out another set of drawings for Dareck to work on. It surprised him that such trivial things were not in use in the Empire. He could only imagine the possibilities of what was going to happen when he released this crude invention.
"Elder, can you check with John and see if he has those tree saws for sale? I want another one for our use. When Dareck gets our materials he might need hand tools, let John purchase it through our Company."
Chu moved his finger to his lips as he was thinking.
"Aren't you afraid he would take things and run?"
The question only brought a laugh from the boy.
"Ahem, Elder look around you. First only a madman would decide to steal those heavy loads from a forge and brave the winter in no man's land. Second and more importantly, I just asked you to let John spend out Merchant money to buy things for the guy."
Mr Thomas nodded as he understood. He was worried that the young man had plenty of leeway since they lived some distance away. In the event of they being stranded by a snowstorm or other means at the barn, the young man could grab anything of value and run.
He never took into consideration the Master of the Trading Post.
Even though John was the Master, he still was a shareholder in the merchant company consisting of Chu as one of the partners if not the most important partner. A scrooge like John would never allow someone to take advantage or worse rob them.
Out here in this village, that guy moved like a miserly lord. One could only imagine his reaction if he was scammed.
The boy grinned as he witnessed the man having a glimpse of understanding.
"Remember Elder, we will not be confined to this place. It will be, however, our stronghold. Soon with a little push from us, Griz will stake a claim in Limerock. John naturally has to fill the void in Karst.
In such a future scenario, anyone wishing to deal or conversely harm us from the Empire has to trek through our turf. There is no way we can be caught by surprise."
Chu left Thomas with his mouth open as they trudged along the snow-filled road. The old man never expected the kid to plan so far ahead. The little brat was truly unfathomable.
Chu made a brief visit to the house before leaving.
"Mrs May, I need some quilts large and thick enough to seal out a wall this big. If I can get it in one piece it would be perfect. Also, Dareck will be a tenant here until his probation time is up. Please ensure his everyday needs are taken care of."
Mrs May nodded as she replied.
"No problem Boss Chu. We have enough food and firewood to more than cover the rest of the winter. Any more and these scoundrels would begin to get fat and lazy. Even if we have to work at night the quilts will be done long before you need us for the fields."
Chu smiled at her reply. Mrs. May was a dedicated worker and a hard taskmaster.
At the moment there were three girls and two older couples who were busy in the main room sorting and handling those rags. The village home now had a total of ten tenants working for food and board.
"Next week I am going to be bringing some wood blocks for Dareck to use in the Smithy. He is going to need some extra help there to do some fine work and smoothing. Get some helpers for him, that work will take priority."
Before she could answer, her husband Jim came into the kitchen to join them. Evidently, he had overheard them talking.
"Boss, let me and the other two old guys help the smith. I promise we will not disappoint you. Hopefully, I can do more than stringing needles with my shaking hands waiting for Spring. I prefer working in the forge."
Chu looked at the expectant faces of the other two men. He sighed and turned to the woman.
"Mrs. May is your immediate boss in the village. She will decide how to allocate the work. Some of the future work may need small and stable hands, so the girls may be necessary. Talk to Dareck to find out how much help he needs."
Chu left after giving some added instructions.
Mr Thomas looked at the boy sitting beside him on the wagon on their way home. Sometimes he would snicker and then calm himself only to cycle through that kind of disturbing scene.
"What the heck is wrong with you?"
He finally had to ask.
The boy was in the middle of a chuckle when Mr Thomas inquired turning the laugh into a coughing fit.
"Ahem, what is it?"
"What the hell are you so happy for. I was sure you were ready to cry when the smith busted your plans."
Chu grinned as he replied
"Elder, elder. No matter the setback, I will never give up in this world. Sure I was ready to slap Dareck back to Karst but in the end, he opened another door. In fact, I believe that come next winter our little merchant company is going to make it big. Really, really big!"
Chu rubbed his hands as he thought of all the possibilities opening up. He had seen too many fantasies and medieval times movies from all different cultures not to know the many uses of this simple piece of machinery.
What was perfect was that this civilization had not even thought of implementing it on a widespread scale. Maybe somewhere they had begun to use it without understanding its real value but to the senile inventor like him, it was a boon from heaven.
How stupid of him to rack his brains thinking about complex inventions when he should have focused on where exactly this world was in terms of technology.
In an Empire that resembled the middle ages of the past world, it was the simple inventions that paved the way for the more complex ones of the Renaissance age.
For Heaven's sake, the people here still told time using a sundial. According to Mr Thomas, the Military used banded candles at night to estimate time to the nearest hour. Maybe only the Tower Mages had access to an hourglass for their needs.
The Empire was on the brink of an age of enlightenment and he was going to capitalize on it before someone else did.
'Blatant Plagiarism!'
"Mr Thomas, do you know what a Gear is?"
Even an idiot like Chu could think of uses for this simple machine.
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They were now well into the last month of winter.
"Brat you better have a good reason for having me waste time in this backwater village."
The burly man scowled as he spoke roughly to the little boy. It was ironic that not even a year ago he himself also lived in this 'backwater village'.
Instead of squirming or exhibiting fear from a man who could more than break him in half with a slap, the boy slowly sipped some hot tea from a mug. He was sitting very comfortably on the wide couch.
Because he monopolized the largest seating spot, the rest of the occupants had no choice but to stand. A large flat table was centered in the middle of the room with a thinly patched quilt covering something underneath.
This limited space and further having to stand only served to fuel Griz ire.
"And what the hell happened with your shoulder?"
Chu grimaced as he unconsciously touched his shoulder. He had gotten bitten during one of their cave training exercises. Not only him even Lucy had not come out of that place unscathed.
'An estimated ten or twenty bats my ass! The damn cave network seemed to spawn those bloodsuckers.'
Chu placed down his mug on the edge of the table. Now that Griz raised his blood pressure, he surely had to vent it out.
"What about you Mr Kim. Do you feel the same way as Mr Griz. Having to come all the way out here because of a little summons from me?"
"No, no. Heavens not at all."
Chu cleared his throat and finally stood up. He knew very well that both of them only came here because of money. Merchant Kim made the trip because it was now nearing the end of winter AND because John had informed him of a ready load of pelt and lumber.
Griz was here because John pleaded in his letter that the boy had shown him something that could make an endless stream of money.
'A veritable river of gold to be had.'
"Cut the talk kid. Let me see what can have John begging me to travel here in Winter."
Chu placed his hands behind his back and faced them. Two older men and one younger one were staring back at him. In the corner Ming, Simon and Thomas were carrying out their own little conversation.
"What I am about to show you will shake up the entire Empire as we know it. However, it will be up to us to capitalize on it. As Merchants, it will be up to you to seize the opportunity while it last. We must also be very careful not to be swallowed up by others as we begin."
Chu held out his hands. On his palms lay two small gears made of wood.
Griz was the first to break the awkward silence.
"What the heck is that?"
Merchant Kim was confused as well. Only John remained still but his face was bursting with excitement. He had helped the boy in setting up that covered table and also preparing the demonstration.
"Let's go outside. I believe that actions speak louder than words."
Chu cloaked up and headed outside. Flabbergasted Griz and the others could only follow. The group made their way to the well near the lodge entrance. Normally the well was covered to prevent the risk of water freezing during winter.
Today the well was surrounded by a wooden fence and draped around with a heavy quilt to prevent anyone from peeking inside.
John rushed to open the small gate for his seniors. They all walked into the little area surrounding the well. Sometime during the trip, a little girl followed them and stood at the side with Ming.
"Everyone knows that to draw water from a well requires a rope and bucket. It is also a known fact that the work is very strenuous and not suited for weaker individuals. The weaker the person the smaller the bucket.
Today all that will change. In any place that requires water to be drawn this invention will be a gift from the heavens. No matter how deep the well, the average person can draw water very easily. Sally if you may, please start."
The little girl shyly stepped out and made her way to the well. She held the large rope bucket in her hands and pushed it off the ledge into the well. With a splash, it landed at the bottom.
She then moved to the side where a handle was sticking out not too high from her reach. A small stool allowed her to stand comfortably.
It was then that Griz noticed the contraption. Three gears each one larger than the last, interlocked with each other from the handle to the horizontal log the rope was tied onto.
As Sally spun the handle the smaller gear moved the larger ones much slowly. Most importantly was the bucket that was slowly being lifted. When the bucket came up Sally stopped and released the handle. With a 'tock' sound, a small lever latched on the larger cog stopping it from reversing with the weight.
The young girl grabbed the bucket and brought it to the side before releasing the lever. Another thud and the water filled bucket landed on the side of the well.
The two experienced merchants looked on at the demonstration as surprise gradually led to shock. Both of them personally tried out the new contraption, but their minds had already foreseen countless uses.
"Holy Shit! Do you know what we can do with that thing?"
"Damn brat, this is going to be hard to swallow!"
They were now back in the warm room of the lodge.
"I want to say that I am the person with the most shares in this company."
"Hey, hey old man. Get your story straight. Your shares are the same as John and Kim split three ways. 'I' am the main shareholder here in writing."
Chu smacked his hands on the table as he stopped Griz in his tracks.
"Amm, how come I have to split shares with Griz. John should be more than happy to give his superior half of his own."
"YOU DAMN boldface old man! You were also blubbering about our business with Master Griz. Don't try to worm your way out now!"
Chu knocked on the table as John berated Kim on the side.
"Now, now. No matter what, I am the chief shareholder and the chairman of this company. Merchant Kim will handle transportation issues, Griz will handle our marketing and ownership issues while John will take care of any logistics and research needs."
"Wait a minute, you left out something important. Who will handle our finances?"
Griz questioned.
"All transactions will be recorded on paper and sent to me. I have a competent team that will keep an account of our business. As for the physical gold it can be held with Griz until the end of the year. The profits can be shared out at that time."
Unless all three of them decided to team up and 'cook their books' Chu was confident he was able to find any discrepancies that might indicate they were robbing him.
He was not part of the accounting department but as a salesman, he had witnessed countless schemes designed to rip off profits from a company. As for these guys, he was sure they would not bother to take advantage of their golden goose.
Griz and Kim were silent for some time before they both glanced at each other before Griz spoke.
"Kid, this thing will be hard for us to swallow alone. Just one of the 'models' on the table can keep our smiths busy for years. The problem lays in the fact that they can all be copied freely."
Griz glanced at the now uncovered table. On it lay several basic models highlighting the use of using the mechanical gears. The use in a drawbridge was very eye-catching.
The basic design was already in use, with the modification of the gear design it would become even more efficient. The main concern was how to get their product out before someone else came up with this invention.
If a small kid like this brat in a backwater village could dream up this kind of thing, no telling when those scholars in the guilds would have the same idea.
Merchant Kim suddenly spoke up.
"We have no choice as I see it. First, we are going to need the Artisan Guild involved. That's the only way to hold back others from copying our invention.
Next, we have to get the Merchant Guild to help us make contact with the biggest customer, the Empire itself. With those three we have our production, delivery, and buyer linked together. Only with that, we end up with a major problem."
"The inventors end up with nothing."
Chu replied making a stiff smile.
With no protection of intellectual property, they would eventually lose out to the biggest and quickest supplier. It all came down to whoever could strike the iron the fastest.
Being given recognition and praise for an invention was a far cry from the merchants and blacksmiths who made the gold off his head. The majority of profits should undoubtedly fall in his hands.
Chu suddenly received a revelation. He smacked his head for his stupidity.
'Why the hell did he keep thinking about making money today?'
"Damn, I have it."
He stood up and faced the others.
"The main problem is setting up a meeting with the representative from the Empire. All we have to do in the meantime is gather enough stock to release in bulk. By the time others decide to copy us, we will have long sold out and moved onto another design.
After that, we will sell our supplies to the Trading Post at a reduced price to keep the money flowing. All we have to do is package our products along with the related instructions. The water 'well handle' model is generic, so by using hammer and nails, it can be installed on any well.
Besides we forgot one important thing, my fellow merchants."
Griz tilted his head slightly as he pondered the new idea. He was in agreement with the kid but something still kept him back. The next few words continuing out of the kid's mouth broke that indecision completely.
"You old misers are forgetting that manufacturing these cogs are virtually free!"
Chu followed up casually.
It was John who nearly screamed out in excitement after Chu made that statement.
"Crap the kid is right! Except for the thin piece of iron bands and rivets holding the cogs, they are all made of wood. The kid has virtually free labor and also endless material to work with. We're RICH!"
What was the key to any manufacturing company?
Location, location, location.
Chu had free labor and furthermore an endless source of free materials to work with. Wooden cogs were good for most of his future planned inventions since he was literally living inside the Great Forest. As for the iron bands and rivets needed, he was also not too far from the source in the north.
Only when the sounds of John fainting from euphoria did Chu finally awaken out of his thoughts.
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