Diane sat there at the counter with a stunned look on her face. She couldn't believe what she was being told, that like her mother before her... she was a witch! It just seemed so surreal. Even thought the old woman was not telepathic, she could easily tell what was going through the young girl's mind.
"A bit of a shock, I know." Mrs. Goldman said, "I can prove it if you need more convincing."
"How?" Diane asked, clearly curious.
"Do this," Mrs. Goldman said as she cupped her hands together, "Nature flows like a river to the sea, through Salem and me."
When the old woman said the words, and soft light started to emanated from within the small cup formed by her hands. After shining brightly for a few seconds, it faded out and was gone.
"Wow," Diane said, looking back up at her. "What was that?"
"It's a greeting," the old woman answered, "Like a special salute witches give one another to prove their authenticity."
"Oh, I see." Diane said, "And you're saying I can do that?"
"Only one way to find out, love." Mrs. Goldman said with a smile.
Diane cupped her hands together and repeated the same words she had heard only seconds ago. Not only did that glow started to emanate from her hands, but the glow was brighter and stayed lit up even longer before fading down. As the light was burning bright, the two cats in the room stood up from where they were laying and the other cats also returned to the living room as the could feel the magic in the room.
"Wow!" Diane said again, even more stunned than the time before.
"That was quite impressive," Mrs. Goldman noted, "I haven't seen an aura that strong in a very, very long time."
"I can't believe this," Diane said, sounding far more excited than scared. "I actually have magic!"
"Yes," Mrs. Goldman said, "And that means you're in danger."
"What?" Diane said, her excitement settling down. "Are you serious?"
"Power scares people," Mrs. Goldman said, "Especially to people who do not have it and don't understand it. Our powers when used can attract people who can detect magic or just feel it. I'm pretty sure the oldest ladies of Salem felt that glow you just projected. There's no telling who else did as well. This means you're going to require a guardian."
"A guardian?" Diane repeated.
"Yes," Mrs. Goldman confirmed, "What do you think they are?"
Diane turned around and looked at the several cats that had all returned to the living room, looking at her awkwardly. Her aura had gotten their attention and they had all quietly regathered and lined up again, except for Oscar and the grey cat, who were still lounging on the couch.
"The cats?" Diane asked, confused.
"They're not cats," Mrs. Goldman said, "They're Gargoyles. Creatures that a can manifest themselves into any form they want."
"So, all the stories about a witch with a cat," Diane said, thinking about it, "All those cats were actually Gargoyles?"
"Yes," Mrs. Goldman confirmed, "They are massive, grotesque creatures when in their true form. I prefer them to remain in the current, cuddly form. They are loyal only to us and do as we say, without hesitation or question."
Oscar growled a little bit after she said that.
"Yes, yes, I was getting to that." Mrs. Goldman said, "Oscar wanted me to remind you that Gargoyles are not slaves; they're volunteers. Gargoyles devote themselves to a witch until the day that witch dies, and then they return to Salem to sign up to protect another witch if they so choose to."
"Why would a Gargoyle volunteer to work for us?" Diane asked.
"Gargoyles like witches because our aura feeds them." Mrs. Goldman replied, "They actually live much longer lives by sticking around witches. They closer they are too us, the more our powers keep them alive. Serving and living with a witch can quadruple a Gargoyle's average lifespan. In return for that, they offer us their protection. It's a long-standing deal we've had with them for over a millennium. It's also said that the more powerful a witch's aura is, the more powerful the gargoyle guarding her is and the longer it lives. The Gargoyles that guard walls of Salem are virtually immortal and very powerful, because they are fueled by the combined powers of every witch in the city. No one dares enter the city or try to harm a witch in Salem, or the Gargoyles will sense it and then terminate the threat immediately."
"What happens when a witch passes away?" Diane asked.
"The Gargoyle has a choice," Mrs. Goldman explained, "They can return to Salem for a new assignment, while others sometimes mourn their loss for decades before either fading off themselves, or moving on for new work."
"Did my mom have a Gargoyle?" Diane asked.
"Of course she did," the old lady said, "Who do you think has been sitting on the couch with Oscar all this time?"
Diane turned to look at the gray cat that was still sitting with Oscar. She looked at the cat for a moment and then suddenly the answers all came back to her.
"Smokey?" she called out.
The cat sat up and meowed rather loudly.
"What did he say?" Diane asked.
"He's happy to see you again," Mrs. Goldman translated for him. "But you don't have to take my word for it. Cup your hands together like you did last time, and this time recite these words: 'Listen to the earth, and all her blessed creatures'."
Diane closed her eyes, and cupped her hands while reciting the words. The glow started to emanate from her hands like it had before but this time the glow had a tinge of blue that shined for a moment and then faded out again.
"Did it work?" Diane asked.
"Wow!" A voice called out from the back of the room.
"Look at the aura on that girl!"
"That is one powerful witch."
Diane turned around, and the voices she was hearing were coming from the small furry creatures, the disguised Gargoyles.
Smokey jumped off from the couch and slowly approached her.
"Very good Diane," he said to her. "Your mother would have been very proud."
"How long did you know her?" Diane asked the gray cat.
"I had been her guardian for a very long time." Smokey answered, "Ever since she was your age, little one. I miss her very much."
"As do I," Diane said.
"Alright, break it up." Mrs. Goldman said, snapping her fingers at them again. "It's supper time. You can talk to her after we eat."
Diane and Mrs. Goldman sat at the table and enjoyed a nice meal and they didn't say very much, until Diane decided to ask more questions.
"Do you know what Gabriel is?" Diane asked.
"I do," Mrs. Goldman said, suddenly surprised herself. "I'm shocked that you do."
"I found out the night of the fire," Diane said, "I saw him fly off and they had to let me in on their secret."
"Vampires are a tricky bunch," Mrs. Goldman said, "Thankfully there are so few on this side of the world. The majority of them are in Europe."
"He seems very nice," Diane added.
"He's not feeding off you, is he?" Mrs. Goldman then asked.
"No, he's not." Diane answered, "Just from my sister and Pablo, but not directly. She puts it into a bag, and stores it in the fridge."
"I see," Mrs. Goldman said, "Just to let you know, you cannot let him drink your blood, ever. The magic in our systems makes our blood too potent for a vampire to handle. Vampires can go into a rage if they consume too much blood at one time, something that's called a bloodlust. Just drinking a tiny bit of our blood causes them to go into that lust almost immediately, and for a lot longer. I've seen it happen before, and it's not a pretty sight."
"I guess that means Alyssa isn't a witch," Diane concluded.
"Quite right," Mrs. Goldman confirmed. "Her mother wasn't a witch, so that just makes her a normal human being."
"That likes to hang out with a Vampire." Diane added.
"That does sounds like a very corny young adult novel," Mrs. Goldman said, laughing to herself. "But who are we to judge?"
"Does this mean you'll teach me?" Diane asked.
"Teach you what?" Mrs. Goldman inquired.
"How to be a witch." Diane said.
"Well, you are a witch," Mrs. Goldman corrected her, "But if you want to learn spells and how to hone your powers, that I might be willing to do. I have my own conditions."
"Name them," Diane said, eager to seal the deal.
"You have to volunteer to work at the garden," She started, "This will not only give me time and privacy to teach you, but I also want you to learn potion making as well. That way if I eventually pass on, you'll be able to take my place here as the town herbalist."
"I actually like that idea," Diane said, "I also was curious about potions."
"Sounds like we have an understanding," Mrs. Goldman said, "I do not think Alyssa or Max will have an issue with you working at the garden. We could always use the extra help, and Max knew how close I was to your mother when she was still around. I think that's why he asked me to watch you today. Well, at least that what he thinks is the reason. Men are easier to control if you know the right spells."
"Oh," Diane said, hanging on her every word.
"Just eat for now, dear." Mrs. Goldman said, "I will speak with Max later this week and tell him how helpful you were today, and that you want to volunteer. Max likes putting people to work, and with me watching you after school, Pablo has more time to help Max on the wall, doesn't he?"
"I supposed so," Diane said, still very interested in the idea.
"If only your mother were here," Mrs. Goldman said, so proud.
"Me too," Diane said, "I miss her a lot."
"We all do," Smokey said, calling out from the couch.
The rest of the meal was rather quiet, and after supper Mrs. Goldman walked Diane back to her own apartment, and Pablo was just getting home as well when they arrived. He stopped as he saw the two of them approach him.
"How did you know he was just finishing up?" Diane asked.
"I had a cat watching him," Mrs. Goldman said, smiling. "I knew the moment Max had him relieved for the day."
"That is so cool," Diane noted.
"Very," The old lady agreed.
"Hey Pablo!" Diane said, waving as they got closer.
"Hey kiddo!" Pablo said, waiving back.
"Here you go," Mrs. Goldman said, handing him a plastic container. "Leftovers from our supper tonight. It will restore a lot of energy you lost on the wall today."
"Wow," Pablo said, taking the container from her. "Thank you."
"It was my pleasure," Mrs. Goldman said with a warm smile, "Good night, dear. I really enjoyed our time together today."
"As did I," Diane said as she gave the old lady a big huge. "See you soon!"
As Diane and Pablo were walking up the stairs, curiosity got the best of him.
"What did you mean by see you soon?" he asked her.
"I worked at the gardens today," Diane answered, "I really enjoyed it. She's going ask Max if I can start working there after school and on weekends."
"Oh," Pablo said, rather surprised. "That's pretty cool."
"It is," Diane agreed, "And I can also use my work to get awesome herbs for Alyssa to cook with."
"That's a good point," Pablo said, "So glad to hear you had a good day."
Once they were back home, Pablo crashed on the couch and ate his supper while Diane went to her room and stayed there for the rest of the night. She sat there in bed, looking at pictures of here mom in old photo albums. It didn't take her long to find them, pictures of both her mother and Mrs. Goldman, which pretty much confirmed the old lady's stories on what good friends they were. Mrs. Goldman even stood for her mom at her wedding, which told the young girl that she could trust the lady... even if was a witch.
Diane sat up in bed, checked to make sure the door was closed, then cupped her hands on her lap, and closed her eyes.
"Nature flows like a river to the sea," she started, concentrating hard, "through Salem and me."
This time the light that started to shine was brighter than it was before, glowing as if there was a sun rising in her bedroom. Her concentration was broken and the light faded as there was a sound that caught her attention; something was tapping on her window.
"Gabriel?" Diane asked, as she walked over to her window.
She hopped off her bed and ran over to the window, but when she opened the curtain there was no vampire floating outside this time. There was only a gray cat sitting on her windowsill, meowing to be let it.
"Smokey?" Diane said, opening the window for him. "How did you get up here?"
"You do realize Gargoyles have wings, right?" the cat said just before he jumped through the window and onto the bedroom floor.
"Oh, I forgot." Diane said, closing the window. "Sorry about that."
"It's alright," The cat said, shaking off the cold. "Nice room."
"Thanks," Diane said, "It isn't much but at least its mine."
"It will do," The cat said, not being too critical.
"What do you mean?" Diane asked, thinking about it for a second, "And what are you doing here?"
"What do you mean what am I doing here?" The gray cat asked, almost offended by her question. "I'm here to resume my duties as your guardian."
"My guardian?" Diane repeated.
"Well, I was technically your mother's guardian." The cat explained, "But after you were born, I was your guardian too."
"Oh," Diane said, remembering what the old lady had told her. "I guess that would be alright. I don't know what Alyssa would think of me having a cat."
"Do not fret," the cat replied, as he pranced around the room a little more. "I will return to Mrs. Goldman's in the morning before your sister wakes up, and return every night when you sleep."
"Okay," Diane said as she hopped back into bed. "And you'll remain in cat form?"
"I only change to my natural state when there is danger," The cat told her, "Such as if there are undead to be dispatched."
"You're good at doing that?" Diane asked.
"Very," Smokey answered, "Even better than vampires."
"You are?" Diane said, suddenly impressed. "Wow."
"It's time for bed, little one." The cat suddenly said, "You have school tomorrow."
"Really?" Diane asked, surprised by the cat's sudden mothering.
"Really," the cat answered, "Your mother would expect nothing less."
"Alright," Diane said, as she hopped into bed and turned out the light.
The cat jumped onto the bed, circled around before laying down at the bottom of the mattress, curling up into a little purring ball of fur. They both had no trouble getting to sleep that night, as it was the best rest both of them had had in a very long time.
Alyssa and Gabriel were gone for only a few more days, but Alyssa was very happy to be back home after their long trip to the human cities on the east coast. She was relieved to be back home as the cities were far too crowded for her liking. It was nice to meet and interact with new people, but Alyssa was clearly happy to be back in her small little town. Since they had arrived in the middle of the night, Alyssa went to bed herself while Gabriel flew back to Nashville to take a break from humans in general. Alyssa packed away her new stuff, and left Max's new stuff on the floor before going to her own room and sleeping for at least ten hours. When she finally woke, up Alyssa was eager to see everyone and get an update on what had been happening since she and Gabriel had left. They had been away almost a week, so she was eager to hear how everyone was doing. As she walked into the living room, Pablo was in the kitchen, checking on some of the stuff she and Gabriel had brought back.
"You guys had a nice haul this week," He noted, "Max will be beside himself."
"It will keep him quiet for a while," Alyssa said, as she made herself a coffee. She quickly looked around. "Where's Diane?"
"She's at work," Pablo answered.
"Excuse me?" Alyssa asked, "Work?"
Pablo laughed as he remembered she didn't know. "Take a seat, and I'll explain."
Pablo told her everything that had gone on that day, and then explained that Mrs. Goldman had pretty much told Max that Diane was one of her people now and that she'd be working at the gardens. He knew better now to say no to her, and Diane had been at the garden every day after school.
"So that's where she is now?" Alyssa asked.
"Yes," Pablo answered, "She's taking a real liking to working in the garden. You said yourself that it was best she found something to do so she wouldn't be asked to do something more dangerous. Mrs. Goldman is watching her after school as well, which has allowed me to do more wall duties for Max."
"Wow," Alyssa said, thinking about it. "I had no idea she liked it so much. I'm happy she's found a place to work and be safe. I just wasn't ready for the change to come so suddenly."
"Change comes when we least expect it," Pablo reminded her, "Kids grow up whether we want them to or not."
Alyssa found it hard to believe, but after getting something to eat she decided to see it for herself. She left her apartment building and decided to take a walk to the garden and check up on her sister. When she arrived, Diane was in the middle of all the action, putting plants into fresh pots, and was earing gardening gloves and a hat to block the sun. Alyssa slowly approached, but as she got closer, there was a light growl. She looked around to see where the source was but she couldn't find where it came from. The noise has caught Diane's attention and she turned around to notice that her sister had arrived.
"Hey," She said, with a smile. "I know you came in last night, but decided to let you sleep in. I hope you don't mind."
"No, I appreciate it." Alyssa said, looking around at the work Diane had done already as there were over a dozen pots on the ground around her. "You seem to really like the work you're doing here."
"I do," Diane confirmed. "Did you know Mom used to work here sometimes whenever she wasn't busy with the kitchen?"
"I didn't," Alyssa said, pleasantly surprised.
"She did," Mrs. Goldman said, as she walked over to greet her guest. "Welcome back Alyssa. I take it your trip was bountiful?"
"It was," Alyssa said, "I even managed to get some new seeds for the garden."
"Wonderful!" Mrs. Goldman said, beaming with excitement. "Variety is often hard to come by so anything you can find will be put to good use."
"Mrs. Goldman," Alyssa said, "Gabriel and I are going to travel East for a few days next week, would you be up for watching Diane again while we're gone? She appears to really enjoy being here."
"It would be my pleasure," Mrs. Goldman said, "Having her here has been such a delight, but it would be easier if she stayed in my guest room while you are both out of town. Less walking and easier on my hips."
"Of course," Alyssa concurred, not wanting to bother her. "Are you okay with staying with Mrs. Goldman while I'm gone, Diane?"
"Sure," Diane said with a smile, "That would be cool."
"Just one more thing," Mrs. Goldman said, "Your friend Gabriel had a talk with my friend Oscar. He told me that Gabriel wanted to speak with me about something private about something important. Tell him I'd be okay with that but we can do it before or after you get back next week. There's no rush."
"Oh," Alyssa said, unaware of their talk. "I'll let him know."
"Thank you, dear." Mrs. Goldman replied, "And your day is done too, little one."
"It is?" Diane asked, almost looking disappointed.
"The garden will still be here when you return," the old lady reminded her, "Spend some time with your sister, and cherish it."
"Alright," Diane said as she stood up, "I'll see you Monday."
"Take care, dear." Mrs. Goldman said, watching them walk off.
Alyssa and Diane walked back to their apartment, and used some of the veggies and herb from the garden along with foods brought back from the city to make up a very nice meal for them and Pablo when he returned from the wall. It was dark when it was all ready so Gabriel came out to join them but he didn't eat anything. He just liked to hang out and talk with the others while they ate.
"By the way," Alyssa said, almost forgetting. "Mrs. Goldman said you spoke to a friend of hers, someone named Oscar."
"I don't know anyone named Oscar," Gabriel said, confused.
At that moment, Diane softly giggled at the table, which caused everyone to turn around and look at her.
"What was that for?" Pablo asked.
"It's just nice," Diane said, "I know something you guys don't for a change."
"And what is that?" Gabriel asked.
"You talked to Oscar last week on the roof," Diane reminded him. "He's the black cat that has been following you guys around since he spoke to you at the wall after the incident with the undead herd."
"You know about the cat?" Gabriel said.
"Yes, I do." Diane said, "It's Mrs. Goldman's cat."
There was a long pause at the table as Diane clearly knew a lot more than everyone at the table did.
"Do you know what that means Diane?" Alyssa asked.
"Yes," Diane said, "She's the witch you guys suspected was living here."
"How did you confirm that?" Gabriel asked.
"She told me," Diane said, "Oscar passed along your message about wanting to speak with her. She told Alyssa today that she's willing to speak with you. Oscar said you wanted to discuss something with her that was rather important about the undead."
"That's right," Gabriel confirmed, "I did."
"Okay," Pablo said, raising his hands. "Before anyone freaks out, it's clear to see that even though she's a witch... Mrs. Goldman appears to be a pretty stand up lady. She's been a pillar to this community and helpful to us as well, especially the last few days with Diane. Let's not panic."
"And why not?" Alyssa asked, a tad unnerved that a witch had been watching her sister while she and Gabriel were gone.
"Because everyone here, especially him." Pablo said as he gestured to Gabriel, "Should know that not everyone lives up to their species' horrid reputations."
"He's right," Gabriel confessed, "Mrs. Goldman deserves the benefit of the doubt, especially considering all the work she's put into this town. She's worked hard to help the people here."
"She even saved my life." Diane added.
"Excuse me?" Alyssa said.
Diane went on to explain how Mrs. Goldman created a potion that saved her when she was very young, and quite ill.
"One question, Diane." Pablo started, "Do you happen to know how many witches are in this town?"
"Yes," Diane replied, "Just two."
"Well, that's a relief," Pablo said, sighing.
"What about the Guardians?" Gabriel asked. "How many?"
"I'm not sure." Diane answered, "They're rather good at hiding. Oscar is one of only a few that are brave enough to show themselves so openly. The rest prefer to hide and lurk in the shadows."
"What the hell is a guardian?" Pablo then asked.
"The cats," Diane asked. "He's asking me about the cats."
"How are they Guardians?" Alyssa asked.
"Should you tell them," Diane asked Gabriel, "Or should I?"
"Tell us what?" Alyssa asked.
"They're not cats," Gabriel said, "It's a form they take to hide in plain sight."
"That doesn't sound good," Pablo said, "Even creepy."
"They're Gargoyles," Diane added.
"Gargoyles?" Pablo repeated, looked at Gabriel. "Is she serious?"
"Gargoyles protect witches," Gabriel explained, "In exchange for longer life and more power. They feed off a witch's aura. It makes them very close."
"Okay," Alyssa said, trying to process what they've been told. "Maybe Diane needs to stay away from Mrs. Goldman until we find out who the other witch is."
"Why don't you just ask?" Diane offered, "I already know."
"Who is it?" Alyssa asked.
"It was Mom," Diane replied, "She and Mrs. Goldman came to the town together."
"Your mother was a witch?" Gabriel said, jumping up from the table.
"Hold on," Alyssa said, also standing up. "Are you alright?"
"She's a witch," Gabriel said, suddenly.
"What?" Alyssa said, "Diane?"
"Witches inherit their powers from their mother." Pablo explained, "It's passed down from mother to daughter."
"Kind of," Diane said, "You can learn to become one, but it's far easier if you just inherit the power from a parent."
"Diane?" Alyssa turning back to her sister. "Is this true?"
Before Alyssa could respond, three cats emerged from Diane's bedroom and slowly walked closer to the kitchen table. The one leading the way was gray, while the other two were brown and a black and white mix. One of them could be heard growling softly as they walked closer.
"Okay," Pablo said, as he now stood up. "Are those what I think they are?"
"Yes," Diane said, "They're my guardians."
"What did he say?" Pablo asked, assuming Gabriel heard him.
"He told Gabriel to keep his distance," Diane answered for him.
"She's right," Gabriel said, "That's exactly what he said."
"Gabriel," Diane said, using a very soft tone. "You asked me to trust you despite the fact that you were a vampire, and I have. Now I'm asking you to show to give me the same consideration even though I'm a witch. To be honest, I had no idea of this until this week. I'm still dealing with this reality myself, so a little understanding and support would be rather helpful during this transition."
Just then the gray cat meowed again, sounding rather annoyed.
"What was that?" Pablo asked.
"He said he's disappointed," Gabriel said, "In her."
Gabriel had motioned to Alyssa, who look rather surprised to hear that the cat wasn't happy with her.
"Why me?" Alyssa asked. "What did I do?"
"He's sad that you don't remember him," Diane answered, "This was Mom's cat."
Alyssa looked back at Diane with a surprised face. "This is smokey?"
"Yes," Diane confirmed, "He's been staying with Mrs. Goldman since Mom passed away because he needed to stay close to an active Aura."
"I'm sorry, this is crazy." Alyssa said, as she just couldn't believe it. "You're really a witch and Mom was too?"
Rather that try to convince her, she cupped her hands together and closed her eyes and whispered. "Nature flows like a river to the sea, through Salem and me."
As the light started to emanate from Diane's hands, Gabriel started to cover his eyes, and Pablo jumped in front of him to shield Gabe's body with his own. Seconds later the light was out.
"OWW!" Gabriel screamed as he could be seen holding his hand, as the fingers and the top of hand were scorched as if they were hit with a blowtorch.
"Damn!" Pablo said, impressed with what he saw. "Okay, I'm convinced. She's a witch!"
"What the hell was that?" Alyssa asked, "Gabe, are you okay?"
"I'll be fine," Gabe called back, "It will take a few hours, but I'll heal. Thankfully she wasn't concentrating that hard."
"That was artificial sunlight," Pablo said, looking back at Diane. "That is incredibly harmful to vampires."
"I'm sorry!" Diane called out, covering her mouth. "I didn't know that."
Diane ran off for her room, and Gabriel tried to follow her. While his intent was to assure the young girl that he was alright and that everything would okay, that was not the impression that the three cats were given. The gray cat suddenly transformed into a much larger, more menacing gray form. A tall muscular beast, with wings, and a long tail. The Gargoyle grabbed Gabriel by the neck, and dragged him to the other side of the room in less than a second, and slammed him up against the wall, snarling at him with fangs that were even bigger than his own.
"Let me make something perfectly clear," the Gargoyle said, in plain English that Alyssa and Pablo could hear and understand. "Witches do not kill vampires, we do."
"I wasn't going to harm her," Gabriel said.
"No, you weren't." the gargoyle agreed, "And to answer your question, blood sucker, there are over twenty guardians in this little town. That is actually the highest concentration outside of Salem. That number doubled in the last few days because many of them sensed a new aura. That number might double again in the next week or two. This Aura is the most powerful we have ever sensed in centuries, and we will all do anything to protect it. Is that understood?"
"Yes, I understand." Gabriel said, "I've also been protecting her and the town for a while now. No harm will come to her while I stand as well."
The Gargoyle looked Gabriel in the eyes and could sense that what he was being told was the truth. Seconds later, the Gargoyle released Gabe from its grip and lowered him back to the floor.
"I believe you," The gargoyle said, "But we still have a job to do. The best way for you to protect her is to stay out of our way."
Before anyone else could say anything else, the Gargoyle vanished and seconds later the same gray cat they had seen earlier ran across the floor, scampered back into Diane's bedroom, and slammed the door behind him.
Pablo looked at Alyssa. "Did that just happen?"
Alyssa walked over to where Gabriel was standing, "Are you alright?"
"I'll heal," Gabriel replied, "But grab me a bag from the fridge, and that will speed things up."
Pablo tossed her a bag of blood from the fridge and she handed it to him. He also grabbed a bottle from the fridge and waved it at Alyssa. "Now that all the cards are on the table, I'm going to have a drink. Please tell me I'm not drinking alone."
"Oh, hell yes." Alyssa said, "I need a few shots after that."
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