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4.16% [BL] My Master , Your Wolf / Chapter 1: I reincarnate.....and now what?!
[BL] My Master , Your Wolf [BL] My Master , Your Wolf original

[BL] My Master , Your Wolf

Autor: redlady

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: I reincarnate.....and now what?!

A long and sharp knife was at the neck of the guy that kneeled. On the chair a women dressed in a leather costume was pulling the mask of her face. It was a delicious look for the women when the man realized who was she. The room was small and the morning light made her face glow in red shade.

"Are you that surprised to see me, Ace?"

"Why are you here?"

The man frowned. Didn't he left the gangsters to create a family with her just few weeks ago? A lot of questions were unanswered.

"I am here to tell you that the revenge will be done. Kill him!"

"Wait! Who put you to do this?"

The women approached and pats his head.

"Do you remember Matt? You killed his brother."

That man was his enemy the moment he set the foot in the gang. Matt should have come to kill him on his own. Why uses a woman?

"So, you are Matt's bitch?"

"No, not a bitch. An assassin."

"You an assassin? I did not know an 'assassin' was suppose to pant under me. I must thank Matt for your services."

"I did have fun."

The woman was not fazed by his comments. He failed at making her angry.

"To think that I fell for you ... seems unreal."

"That's not my problem."

She leans on the chair.

That is what he got for trusting one person. He wanted to live his life peacefully but looks like she had different plans. His mother told him once "People turn like sunflowers. They will show their dark side if you are not the sun."

Ace wanted to escape. What to do? She had him rounded with gangsters and his weapons were already taken away.

"I think that your mother would be happy to meet you."


He snarled. His mother was the reason he did everything.

"Go in hell."

Her laugh was irritating.

She rose her hand as a sign and left the room calling Matt.


One last word left his mouth.

Ace's hot blood was flowing on the floor. His eyes closed.

Just darkness.

A dim light catches his attention. Wasn't he dead? Why is he seeing it? The light gets bigger and soon he finds himself in an elevator. He sees through the aura his house, his city and ,as he rises, the earth.

He touches the aura. His hand stoped without passing through. Then he wants to touch his body but there is no body.

The clouds gather around till the Earth is out of sight.

He sighs and squats down.

He remembers the point where all his problems started.

His father was a good man but as the debt grew, he started to hit his mother and him, who was just seven years old. He endured the beatings for his mom sometimes. But when he was twelve the rage and hatred towards his father exploded. When the father was raping his mom , the knife in Ace's hand pierced the back of the man, causing his instant death.

In the same day the gangsters coming to take the money found him stabbing the father continuously. They took him off the father and after immobilizing him they made a offer." We will take you in the gang and if you paying the dept you can leave the gang ", that is what they told him. They promised to also take care of the dead body while taking Ace with them.

His body was covered in blood and his eyes were dark.They liked his murderous instincts.

His life was full of fights. Many people he killed sure pressed over his shoulders at a young age.

"In my twenty-three years I did not have a day to rest. When will this fucking elevator stop? Can't I just die peacefully?"

He mumbles furious.

The fact that he was dump enough to believe that women, when she told him that she loved him, makes million ways of killing her cross his mind. He punches the aura wall. He is regretting that he trusted her. His mother is dead too because of him, probably.

"If I am still alive, she will pay."

He is glad that his fist does not hurt. As time passes Ace calms down and tries to understand what was happening.

"If I am not dead, it means I am alive .Am I going to heaven? Or maybe to hell?"

He studies the aura. Concludes that is having a yellowish color and is transparent to some extent .

Suddenly the clouds start to transform in aura and the elevator transforms into a big hall.He feels like he is flying.His hair is blown by the aura.

"What the fuck did just happen? Elevators and puffy clouds? Don't tell me I am in Disney land version 'In heaven with Aladdin'?"

Ace wonders around and finds a big door and pushes it suspicious. Nothing happens .

"I forgot spirits can't push doors!"

The door opens itself.

A young man in a white robe sits on a throne and pets a big black wolf.

Ace stops.

"What the fuck is this? "He whispers and walks towards the throne with small steps."Now we have Pluto and Micky Mouse ?"

"Come closer! He does not bite."

"Are you sure?"

Ace rises an eyebrow, wondering if he should trust the man or not. Ace takes few steps forward and stops.

"Shouldn't you kneel in front of the Great Ancestors?"

Ace kneels.

"To the Great Ancestors!"

The Great Ancestors were the gods ... in a historical book he read when he was a child.

The are the Gods of the Wolves and Masters. The only information he remembers from the big old book named "The beginning of a kingdom"that was in their dusty bookshelf. He liked to read about their powers. He wished to be able to transform like that.

"Now that you seem to know about us, I will cut the chase. You are not completely dead. We usually direct people to one of these two doors. One on the left sends to eternal death and the right one sends to a new life. You are a little special and can choose the door yourself."

Ace rises at the The Great Master' s sign.

"Why am I special? That is a bullshit, right? You give me the possibility to kill myself with my own hand, isn't it?"

Ace crosses his arms and glares at the Gods who smiles.

"You don't need to be so defensive with a body like that."

Ace looks down and agrees at the remark of the God. His body is shredded. It is good that his private part is covered by a cloudlet.

The Great Master stands up and approaches Ace.

"What is special about you is that you can fight to protect. Look!"

He snaps his finger and a book appears. 'The Beginning of a New Kingdom'. He flips through the pages with the help of his aura and turns the book towards Ace. A painting .

The painting depicts a human-wolf having a bow and its arrow aims at a wolf on a throne.The wolf seems to have a mask on.

A bizarre painting, Ace decides.

"You are the one in this legend. You will be reincarnated to protect Artara's future."

"Why would I want to protect them? I am done with protecting humans and all more reason not some beasts."

Ace continues glaring at the god who is admiring his physique.

"It is your choice to make." He smiles and pats Ace's shoulder.

"I will choose the right door but do not expect me to help nobody. I am just curious how is the kingdom , Artara."

He lets his guard down not feeling pressure from the Great Master .

"A beautiful kingdom I would say."

The god knows that changing Ace's opinion now is impossible. He was watching over his live till now. He knows all he went through.

Ace seems to have taken a liking to The Great Master. Few people could make him feel understood.

"I expect you give me my body back when I reincarnate."


"Why are you not responding?"

The Great Master blinks not knowing what to tell. Ace will be mad if he knew.

"Ya, how dare you talk to my Master like that? Enough with your egoistic way of thinking! I am done!"

The wolf transforms into a tall boy with short black hair that had sharp features and his clothing was similar to the one Great Master has. He growls at Ace as he gets closer and closer.

"Who are you too? Weren't you a wolf few minutes ago?"

Ace was staring at the angry wolf.

"Darling do not yell at the kid! He just relaxed a little." The Master sighs.

"Why am I suppose to do when this little human talks like a big shot with my love?"

"Are you together?"

Ace is intrigue seeing the difference between the two Gods when it comes to their personalities.

"Yes. We are mates. When you will be in Artara you will need a mate too."

"Like hell! I will have fun. No need for a mate."

"YOU NUTJOB! Can't you listen once? "The Wolf is moving his hands exasperated.

"Why would I listen to a wolf?" He glares.

Ace starts to argue more with The Great Wolf and The Great Master is watching them amused.

One more thing to say and Ace is ready to go.

"If you ever find yourself in a difficult situation, call my name. I will come."

"You can come without the wolf."

"I will come too! Just to keep your mouth in check."

"You afraid I will still The Great Master? With a body like mine ..."

Ace makes a pose. The Wolf turns The Great Master's head in an opposite direction.

"You will see what I have prepared for you."

The Wolf smiles diabolic and pats Ace.

"Sorry to end your quarrel but Ace need to go now."

The gods head with Ace to the door in the right of the throne.

"You will reincarnate when you will open the door."

"I will go but don't expect nothing from me."

He turns his head to the door and opens the door.

The aura swallows him.

"Do you really thing he will do the right thing?

The Master hugs the Wolf and sighs.

"We will see. If he does not, I will chew him."


The future of Artara, a whole kingdom, is in Ace's hands.

Currently his body feels stiff.

Someone is crying and others are sniveling along.

Is this his new body? He moves his legs a bit and places his hand on his abdomen. After inspecting his body with his hands, he musters courage to open his eyes. His body is slim. Very slim. He is convincing it was the Wolf's hand.

As he rises one of his hands up the shirt catches his attention. A white and soft material is loose around his arm. He reaches to sit up. The coffin, he is in, sits on a support. Around him people are crying with black leather clothes on them. So, he was reincarnated in someone's body. By the age displayed on the mound the boy is around his age.

The ceremony seems to be at the end because no one is paying respects to the one in the coffin. Ace imagines that if the reincarnation was a little late was too late for him to be alive. He would have been in the grave eaten by insects he sure despises.

The people that were responsible to put the coffin in the grave are miraculously missing. There is no priest either. What kind of ceremony for death is this? Different from the one he saw in his village.

No one seems to see him. The people are having their heads in the ground. A specific person gets his attention. A red-haired woman on her knees and tears are falling from her tired eyes. Is she, his mother? A muscular man, next to her also on his knees, is trying to stop his tears while he hugs her shoulders.

The boy must have been loved. The thought crosses his mind and remembers his mother. He also felt angry but to cry like this, he sure did not.

A blonde girl with tangled hair is keeping the reins of a horse and is sniffling while patting the animal.

"Arvak, you miss Sigurd too, right? You were his best friend after all ", she sobs," Easy boy!"

The horse starts to stomp and the girl is stepping back confused. Arvak gets more aggressive and pulls the rein out of the girl's hand.

"Arvak! No!"

The people present rise their heads at the commotion the horse is doing. He traps getting close to the boy in the coffin that looks a little scared of the big horse that pushes his head in Ace's arm.

The tears stop and a shock is on everyone's face as they see the boy sitting and the horse trying to win a pat from him.

"Sigurd! My boy! You are alive!"

The red-haired woman is already hugging him living him breathless as she checks his body to make sure that he really is alive.

"Are you really alive?" A tear is escaping as she smiles in disbelief.

"Who are you?" Ace asks to make sure his prediction was right.

"I am your mother, Yrsa! Don't you recognize me? What about your father?"

The women point at the muscular blonde man that is next to her.

"You do not recognize me either? I am your sister, Nissa!"

The blonde girl that is on the other side of the coffin shakes his hand in distress.

"So, you are my mother."

He speaks looking at the women and sighs relieved that he maybe will be able to deal with his new live. The women seem to care a lot, as well the father and the sister, for this Sigurd.

"Who am I?"

"Your name is Sigurd Dalgaard. You are part of our family. I am sure that you will remember soon. I am thankful that you are alive again. That is all that matter now."

Yrsa hugs her son and surprisingly feels that he also hugs her back. Arvak comes from behind and touches the back of his neck and that makes the new Sigurd flinch hugging Yrsa with more power.

"Are you scared of Arvak?"

Nissa strokes the horse and looks at Sigurd with a surprised look.

Ace thinks that maybe he should forget that he was Ace and conform his new name and life. Starting from this moment he will be Sigurd.

"Of course not. You said he is my horse?"

"He is yours. But I think he feels that you are different from before. Make sure to get along with him. He is one of your important things."

Sigurd gets out of the coffin and the people around him seem to be happy about his resurrection.

"Now listen everyone! We are going to have a party!"

The man shouting happily, supposed to be his father, named Kai, instructs the people to come at his house the next day for the party in honor of the Great Ancestors for giving his son back.

A carriage is waiting for the family. After taking care of what was left of the funeral Yrsa whispers something to Kai. Sigurd is sitting on a bench with Nissa next to him .A big leather coat is pushing his shoulders down cause Yrsa said that he need to be warm and to stay still till she finishes .

Nissa was appointed to press the coat more in case Sigurd wants to take it off .Who would not be hot if he was wearing underneath a pair of heavy pants , a shirt and also a leather vest and all his extremities are also covered pretty well .The boots and the fur scarf did their job cause Sigurd is feeling like he is boiling from inside .

"Why do I need to were all these winter clothes on me when I already told you I am not a single bit cold? It is summer for goodness' sake!"

Sigurd yanks the coat that Nissa was keeping it with a grip. He is stopped by her grip. Her strength provokes him and another yank follows ,hoping to escape.

"Stay there. Why do you need to give me a hard time? You were not like that before. Did your personality also change?" She smiles.

A pause. That is right. He is not Sigurd. He will not change his personality for the sake of no one.

"Well, your actual personality is giving me a shiver. You want to fight with me? This body is too weak. Somehow this is exacting."

Nissa's face is close to his and a smirk is spread on her playful face. Sigurd flinches. Why is his body this weak?

"Do not come closer! Did you play like this with me before too?"

Sigurd is serious and curious of the the relationship between the siblings. Was she bullying him? She seems to be a playful girl but she is strong enough to bully.

"Well not really. You were calm, understanding, and weak. But you were also very brave when it came to saving people. You really loved people."

Nissa's expression saddens as she fixes his coat. She is looking in the distance.

"Sorry to disappoint. You should get use to the new me."

Sigurd opens triumphal the coat and smirks at Nissa. She starts to laugh and, in a blink, closes the coat back , griping it with more force .

"It is good enough that you are alive. You are very lively!"

He is overpowered. How can he fight this gorilla that was not that muscular, surprisingly. She is thin and her bones are visible from an angle.

"Nissa, Sigurd! Let us go "

Yrsa and Kai wave at them. Nissa is dragging Sigurd by the coat and soon they are at the carriage where the parents were waiting.

"Nissa, you go with Arvak. Sigurd you come with us."

Nissa loosens the grip and whispers in Sigurd's ear.

"You are too scared to ride Arvak, older brother?"

"Wait! Who 's scared? And, how can you talk to your older brother like that? Do not ignore me !!I will beat your ass!Hear me!" Sigur is thinking that the girl is definitely bullying him.

Nissa is already next to Arvak and pretending to not hear him ,she snuggles the horse. The tree Arvak is tied to is few meters away from the carriage.

"Arvak, isn't he energetic? I feel like he is another person."

The horse approves moving his head up and down.

"I will have to help him regain his memories."

In the same time Yrsa and Kai were looking at Sigurd who is gesticulating furious. Nothing like their son.

"They become close in such a short time."

"You are right, darling."

Sigurd stops his rumbling and catches his breath. He throws the coat in Kai's arms and gets in the carriage visible irritated by his younger sister and somewhat pleased that he escaped from the coat. The scarf is also toss on the bench in the carriage.

"He is a little rude."

Kai mumbles. Yrsa laughs and steps in the carriage.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"I am just angry at that fox."He is looking through the window at Nissa.

"I would say that she suffered the most. You had a strong relationship with her. That is how she is. Be good to her." Yrsa is smiling at Sigurd's cranky face.


The silence is interrupted by the noises signaling that the carriage will start to move.

Sigurd is watching on the window. Forest and more forest. He is too exhausted to ask more questions. After all he will live here from now on. He will learn step by step.

One thought kept him awake.

What will he do if he needed to protect them?


He will live his life alone ...having fun.

next chapter
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