/ Action / The Mighty Warrior From A Mental Hospital

The Mighty Warrior From A Mental Hospital Comic The Mighty Warrior From A Mental Hospital Comic

The Mighty Warrior From A Mental Hospital

254 Chapters 1.3M Views
Publisher: Webnovel Comics
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In this world, monsters are getting more powerful, but no matter how strong they are, they disappear in this mental hospital. Some even lose their dignity and become food ingredients or pets. We're talking about the Green Peak Mental Hospital, which is full of talents and powerful warriors. Lin Fan, a patient with severe mental illness, acquired a system one day. He claims that he's not mentally ill. He's just a normal person who enjoys cultivation. He's only got simple hobbies like sticking wires into sockets, climbing onto electrical transformers, and standing on the roof to wave a metal stick when it thunders.

  1. FrostySkye
    FrostySkye Contributed 26011
  2. Chaos_Slime
    Chaos_Slime Contributed 21190
  3. eiirmac
    eiirmac Contributed 18320


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