/ Romance / Gemini Boyfriend

Gemini Boyfriend Comic Gemini Boyfriend Comic

Gemini Boyfriend

85 Chapters 278.6K Views
Publisher: IQY
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With her father's mysterious disappearance and her mother's suicide, various clues led to the discovery of hidden truths. Inheriting the decryption skills of the enigmatic Sunfish Ukey, Chai Nana, transformed into a socialite and decides to use seduction to engage in an under-the-table transaction with the most powerful figure in S City, Mr. Mo. Unexpectedly, a kiss summons a warm-hearted man! One as cold as ice, the other as warm as a stove - I want this Gemini boyfriend! An eccentric, playful, dog-like girlfriend versus the two-faced, cat-like boss. Under the starlight, at the end of time, I only love you.

  1. Potato_Dino
    Potato_Dino Contributed 6919
  2. w1ndyp3r
    w1ndyp3r Contributed 2727
  3. Ploy_Boonchuay
    Ploy_Boonchuay Contributed 1949


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