Eric was stunned.
This was new something that no one would ever think of happening to him.
Did someone think of this as some sort of cruel joke?
After being blinded by the light from the circle, the first thing that came to him was some shrill demand for his knife.
What kind of bullshit was this?
Before he could even collect any of his thoughts, the same shrill voice interrupted him.
The only thing that he could do was nothing but a simple matter of "what the actual fuck." Eric had finally lost it.
He was being mugged by a crow that was talking in his head...
He had either gone crazy, having a hell of a dream, or finally hit the new low for all of mankind.
Before he could spiral further down the train of thought, he heard a new, deeper, less shrill voice in his head.
"Please ignore that entitle clump of feathers. He foolhardily believes he is entitled to every and any object he deems shiny enough and never had the chance to learn basic manners."
Taking a deep breath, Eric continued to question his remaining sanity as he tried to figure out what was going on.
The only thing that could explain any of this was that bright light that came from the contracted circle, and following that line of thinking, these voices could only be the two birds standing right in front of him.
Having finally collected his thoughts and finally mostly catch up to the situation so far, he glanced between the two birds and finally opened his mouth to speak.
"So first off, just to confirm the reason I can hear you guy speak in my mind, is because of the contract, correct?"
The second voice quickly replied with a simple "yes" with a brief nod of its head and let Eric continue.
"Second, why did you guys form a contract with me?"
The first voice quickly replied.
"I decided that you with both of your ability to make food and your ability to shine objects would be a worthy servant for me, you should be very grateful for my whim, NOW HAND IT OVER!" As the crow quickly hopped back onto his arm and attempting to grab the knife.
Quickly garbing the arrogant crow and moving him away from the knife as one wouldn't like to end a contract right after it was made even if this crow may be more trouble than he's worth, quickly putting the knife away before turning back to the raven.
The raven calmly replied, "you fed me and didn't drive me off so I might as well repay the favor and if your going to be stuck with him, I might as well lend a hand as odd as it is coming from a bird"
"And finally, do you know what that crazy light show was about?" he asked the raven, completely ignoring whatever the crow will say, as it wouldn't get them anything but a headache.
" I do not know," he said before the crow, somehow both louder and more shrill than he was before, exclaimed.
"WORRY NOT FOR IT WAS JUST MY BRILLIANT RADIANCE ANNOUNCING TO THE WORLD THAT I THE MIGHTY LORD CROW HAVE TAKEN MY FIRST SERVANT" and before Eric could even squeeze his new source of pain and misery only to find his hands empty and the crow five feet from him half crouching reading to take off.
Eric was stunned once again.
He didn't even notice the bird's disappearance; he was gone, but this was impossible.
He should have felt the crow move, but it was like he just pops out and then back into reality.
He had to admit the crow might have a massive ego but if it could do what he thought it did and he could have that power it would be worth it dealing with the crazy bird, if just the crow held this power then what of the raven quietly perched on his knee what crazy kind of power could it hold?
Before he could ponder the thought further, he suddenly remembered the cut on his wrist and panicked, asking himself how the hell does one forget about an open wound that is bleeding only to look down and see nothing but dried blood and no wound in sight
. After calming down and collecting his thoughts on all the insanity that had occurred in the last thirty minutes.
Suddenly, Eric felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him.
With everything that has happened today and all the craziness, he was more than ready to go to bed for the day. Grabbing his stuff, he walked over to his shack, opened the door, and turned.
"You two coming?" he asked, with both birds simply flying over and landing on one shoulder each as he closed the door.
You people(or what ever you call yourselves most likely noticed i don't have names for the two birds yet and i'm personaly not the best with names so I'll give you guys the stick cuz otherwise its back to the old friend again; the random name generator but feel free to point out any issues or things that look off here and once again thank you for reading my work see you tomorrow -why