Laughing Chaos realizes he was tricked snorting he whispers to himself '' Boy you tricked me and messed with my brother for that I must do something myself as I hereby make the Technology, Creatures, Planets, etc. of Mass Effect.
Feeling a hum Chaos smirks and teleports away
Appearing in an alley I smirk as he remembers what Lucifer said '' I move to LA solve Crimes ''.
Using my power, I sense around the world and I feel the massive level of Corruption and evil in the world.
Thinking'' I think I know what I'm going to do I am going to spend eternity removing Evil and Corruption from earth... but according to what I know God made Hell so that Human souls can be punished and redeemed as such I won't destroy hell, I won't evil kill the demons instead I will do what Lucifer should of and rule them but what about heaven.... crap with all their problems and issues its obvious very few angels can be free without be destructive or listening to someone else so I will have to take Heaven too. All the while I must be ready to fight the nothing's minions while also protecting those who are innocent ''.
Across my senses I feel a scream of pain.
Freezing I close my eyes just for a moment instantly my eyes snap up as I sense Sam being tortured.
Frowning I realized it must have taken me time to merge with Lucifer and remake the universe.
Sighing in annoyance I tap my staff on the ground 3 times.
Across the world a shockwave of power hits from where the staff strikes the world and near where the feeling of pain came from a hole in space one burning red coming out of it was 1599 Demons of them 2000 were foot soldiers 100 were Knights trained by Cain 100 Knights made by myself 100 knights made from Hunters and Soldiers 100 Knights from the angels who died frowning him 100 knights from brought back from the dead 1 Dagon a Prince of Hell.
Every demon cracks their necks as Lucifer made it where Demons instead of being inside living bodies are given the bodies of the dead which they power which will undo the decay and death. For Crowley or any demon with a preference If they had a human soul inside the human was sent to heaven unless they were already evil with the knights gaining the bodies of dead monsters and Princes a blank body which they could form however they want same as the Lilim (Children born from Hell and Lillith) so their new bodies were new.
Pointing at the building Dagon roars '' Our King wants Sam alive and unharm if not possible bring him his body and all its pieces but we are not to harm him take out the wards ''.
The Building
Looking at the window Toni Bevell frowns as Ms. Watt '' My the Wards won't hold them back forever and since he wants him alive ''.
Toni Bevell sucks in a breath '' If we kill him he will be brought back, with them here we can't escape and we can't kill or even banish...''
''Boom... SMASH!!!''
The Wards flare once then crash suddenly demons run in turning Toni and Ms. Watt scream as the demons tear the two apart as that happens as slowly as possible Dagon and ten knights were ripping open the door to the basement.
Suddenly an order appears in their minds '' Dagon I hereby command you to lead your full demonic army and root out the corruption in the British men of letters ''.
Getting a bloodthirsty smile Dagon grin as she rips open the door smirking, she allows her smile to turn yellow causing Sam to freeze then Dagon says '' Hey Sammy boss wants to speak to you ''.
Paling Sam goes to speak when 3 demons grab him and they disappear making her smile turning back she hears the sounds of dying moans smirking she nods to her demons and vanishes, followed by her demons.
Meeting with Bank I grin as the Appraiser was looking at the Gold Brick on the table
'' Impossible 99,99% pure Gold ''.
Looking up he reaches out his hand '' I have no idea how but you've found a way to perfectly make Gold... is this your only one ''?
Shaking my head, I use a slight of my power to have a warehouse stacked with Bricks of Gold, Iron and Sliver Ingots taking from the spital world '' No I have a Warehouse with Iron, Silver and Gold Ingots I just wanted to know how I can get ''.
Laughing the man said '' If you have a warehouse, I can sell each brick for 30 million America Dollars by the end of today if you have a warehouse of Iron and Sliver too you could make at least 350 trillion American dollars ''.
Eyes wide I nod and hand over a Piece of Paper '' If you make certain this is all taken care of I will allow the Bank 10 Trillion Dollars and you personally 20 Billion Dollars plus I want a Whole team of Business Managers, Estate Managers, Financial managers, basically every type of Managers and tell them they can invest and Buy properties and Businesses if they wish or buy shares for a 10% Profit if my wealth grows by even a million dollars within a year also hire Lawyers to work to defend each of my properties, Businesses, Myself and My friends ''.
Eyes wide at the profit they were about to make the Teller nods multiple times '' Of course... ''.
Willing my face, I Turn it red slightly taking a breath I craft a new history of Jace Wayland Storm stark an Orphan from Houston who made a couple of good deals and had a few rich friends who sadly died but invested in him travelling the world. Jace was a Treasure hunter.
'' Jace Wayland Storm Stark Treasure Hunter by trade ''.
'' Of Course, sir ''.
Waving his hands again he removes the lost treasures from the world placing them inside my world so that I can be known for finding them and selling them.
The Gold, Iron and Sliver will have been found to be from Lost Pirate treasure.
Pretending to shift I ask '' Do you have a room I can sit in ''?
Turning pale the Appraiser nods '' Of course, Sir following the teller''.
Waving her over the Appraiser whispers making the teller turn white then she nods motioning for me to follow him.
4 Hours later
That's how long it took to get his bank account set up as well as his background and gaining an ID.
Walking out of the bank I was carrying a briefcase full of documents, cards, Passports everything needed he had done.
Creating sun glasses I place some on my head then I walk into an alley and fly away.
Touching down on his balcony I sigh as I stop hiding my power instantly I sense 3 extra demons and a human in my castle.
Smirking at that I tap my staff on the ground again amplifying my voice '' All Demons I hereby place a Bounty of 1,000,000 Souls for the capture of Crowley and his followers or 100,000 if Crowley dies, each follower is 10,000 Souls if you have proof failure of said proof equals time in the torture chambers''.
Pausing I look at My staff which glows each time I use it grimacing I realize I was getting into the habit of using it.
Frowning I notice the staff lessens the amount of power I use understanding I knew the Staff would allow me to preserve my power.
Relief flowing into me I turn and holster my staff.
As I walk my Clothes shimmer into a Kingly Suit with a Sword on his back and in my hands was a trident.
On them were runes looking at them I realize these were runes that allows the wielder to draw power from grace, souls and now Ley Lines.
Smiling at my trident I walk down 8 stories to the fifth pausing I hum to myself '' 13 Stories fun ''.
Walking into the throne room I look in awe it was exactly like the throne room of Camelot in Merlin except darker with fire instead of Sky outside the window.
Seeing Sam being held with chains I frown shrugging I walk up to my throne while the demons gasp meanwhile Sam pales deeper at how organize hell is.
Turning I turn and sit in my throne and stare at Sam for a moment then I call out '' Leave us ''.
Bowing the demons go to leave when Lucifer taps his trident on the ground causing a wave of red light to burst from it into the demons who moan with pleasure making me smile as they walk off meanwhile Sam was staring at my trident with horror making me smile then I say '' I gave them a power boost by using my trident I'm able to draw power from souls without a drop of grace ''.
Pale Sam knew that meant as long as Lucifer had the trident, he didn't need to lose a drop of power.
Clearing his throat Sam asks '' Why am I here ''?
Smiling I look at the boy then I tap the ground again causing white light to come and hit him causing him to flinch but suddenly he felt better than he had in years frowning slightly I sigh '' I didn't hurt you Sam I healed the damage I did done to your soul and I healed any and all illness/ injuries from your Body finally I purge the Demon Blood from your body ''.
Eyes wide Sam seeing the chains melt gets to his feet then he asks '' Why''?
Sighing I look tired '' When Amara healed Dad and Dad saved Dean the Mark's remaining influence was purge from my Soul and Grace ''.
Eyebrow wide Sam thinks on what he just said then asks '' Why save me then bring me to hell ''?
Holding up my hand I ask '' Do you want to eat while we speak ''?
Pausing Sam was weighting pros and cons then he nods making me smile slightly then I tap the ground and call out '' Chief make Sam a Chicken Salad, Fries and Pork Sandwich With Coffee Black with Milk and Sugar plus a Goblet of Choice''.
Freezing Sam asks '' How did you know that's my favorite ''?
I raise my eyebrows '' Because Sam that's one of mine ''.
Pausing Sam doesn't wait as a table and a chair appears in front of him with his meal pausing, he looks at the cup then he remembers what Lucifer said'' Coke ''.
The Glass fills with coke humming he starts feeding.
Watching I say'' To answer you Sam, I save you because you're my sword of the Morning the very blade I wield to battle the darkness which I gave to dad to Make you while Dean is Michael's Sword of Heaven. And I wasn't lying to you Sam the only reason I tortured you or wanted all humans' dead is I wanted to keep the Mark from hurt me like it did to Dean and I didn't like how humans were destroying the Earth. For the record I talked to Dad and during it I agreed I won't try to destroy all of Humanity. What that means is I will go after those who deserve my wrath by that I mean the Murders, Rapists, Child Abusers, etc.''.
Eyes wide Sam looks at Lucifer he somehow could tell Lucifer was telling the truth then Lucifer says '' The reason I remove the demon blood is I don't need it to possess you now nor do I need to know...this is a custom-made true vessel one that has been upgraded so technically I don't need to take you also I felt bad for what I've done so I remove the blood and healed you now for my last three gifts ''.
Clearing his voice, I tap the trident on the ground twice '' By my authority I hereby command All Demons to never harm Sam and Dean Winchester in all but self-defense under penalty of death ''.
Clearing it again I say '' Finally Sam Winchester, I gift you with this ''.
Waving my hands, I summon two scrolls then I say '' Write two names on the scrolls and the grace in the Scroll will bring them back to life, Last I name you and your brother worthy of this ''.
Spreading my hands I summon 2 Vials full of new Grace equal to Mine and Michael's power.
Clearing my throat I say '' I process a couple of Hands using them I made a Butt load of Archangel grace and I finally decided to stop playing around and use my true power this grace is new grace equal to the Lucifer you met power along with Dean's which is equal to the Michael you know ''.
Handing over the grace I see Sam look at them in shock then remembering what Lucifer said he pales looking up he goes to speak when I tap on the ground sending Sam to a Random American city. With a Gun with 3 clips his FBI Badge that would check out thanks to his demon FBI Agents, his phone and a wallet with 3,000 dollars inside plus the card, and a Note about a new bank account he had set up for the Men of Letters with 20 billion inside that way they can actually pay for anything they need. With a list of Empty Warehouses, they now own with a list of Companies they can use to turn them into safehouses for hunters in America. On his phone was a note single piece of Advice recreating the America Men of Letters with Hunters working with the men of letters.
Feeling his siblings arrive in hell I tap my Trident once turning it into a staff and summoning them to him at the same time.
Appearing in a white flash was ten angels the instant they see me they went to their knees '' My Lord ''.
They each say in total rapture leaning back I ask '' Are all of our siblings willing to kneel to me ''.
Shaking their head '' The return Raphael is causing trouble ''.
Sighing I get to my feet then I say '' I was afraid of that tell him I will meet him in an hour in an open field tell him I will not allow this to descend to civil war and if he fights me, I will remove his grace and turn him human for a total of a human lifetime oh, then tell him Gabriel's alive and that I can open the cage should I wish ''.
Mouth open in awe the angels bow and fly back to heaven with their message relive at not having to fight their siblings again.
Sighing at the news my brother was back I close my eyes and summon armor to me made from Empyrean Metal.
Focusing I summon Grim Armor but White and Red with the sigil of a Trident and the sun on the center with a cloak on his back his Bastard Sword on his side and his trident in his hand.
Getting to my feet I change switch my Trident with my staff and spread my wings leaving a message '' Demons of hell I hereby order you to ready yourself soon you will hunt the evils of Man the Murderers, Child Abusers, Rapists, etc. and if need be the monsters of the world''.
Hearing shouts from his demons he knew the demons couldn't wait to hunt and kill.
Smirking I took off for heaven.
As I leave 300 Demons left hell searching for Crowley to bring to Lucifer while the known supporters of Crowley were being hunted down.
While some souls were being move from cages to get to work working the fields and mines of hell. The Souls of those who committed Suicide to end their pain as a child or knew nothing but abuse was remove from being tortured and placed in chambers where they can torment their tormenters and achieve happiness with AI Humans and Places.
As the soul powers them and the place gains power through suffering he had it set up where the suffering of the tormenters to power their cells.
Appearing in the fields outside of the sliver city I look around rolling my eyes I see my brother hiding in the city flying into the city I flew into the throne room where Raphael was shaking with fear rolling my eyes I summoned an energy Ball and through it at Raphael who was standing near the throne.
Screaming he flies through the air hitting the wall dinting it for a moment then it repairs itself.
Then I appear in the throne claiming it causing a pulse to fly from it outward into all of heaven (Picture a Wardstone in Harry Potter where you can control everything in that wardstone while this allows him command over the souls, angels and heaven itself.).
Moaning in pain Raphael trembles in pain as the energy tore through his grace ( Picture the source of Charmed season 4 after Cole threw his energy Balls).
Rolling my eyes I slam the staff on the ground sending a wave of healing energy at Raphael who groans as he was healed then I yell '' Get a Grip brother you are a Archangel act like it ''.
Slowly stopping Raphael looks at Lucifer for a moment grimacing he gets up to his knees '' My Lord ''.
Sighing I look at my brother then I say '' Brother I bring grave news well multiple when I was fixing things I felt an evil greater then our aunt gain power and it created another heaven and hell as well as copies of us and things creatures good news is not all of them our evil but we need our full power which is why I must bring you the grave news Gabriel is alive but has been in captive of Asmodeus a Prince of Hell for over 3000 years hell time ''.
Eyes snapping up Raphael eyes burn with his power and rage slowly he asks '' What is your command ''.
Smiling I tap the ground six times causing every angel to glow for a moment then I speak '' No longer do angel need to search for vessels I just gifted each angel a slightly weaker vessel then your true vessels go rescue and punish Asmodeus and his demons take 10,000 Angels let none escape also take everything that Asmodeus owns or wants then I want you to heal Gabriel and then study angels I want you to create a true bio on each''.
Outrage Raphael grins '' With pleasure ''.
Going to fly away I say'' Oh, and the Winchesters and Castiel are off Limits they have God's Blessing as well as our aunt's''.
Pale Raphael nods not wanting their wrath on him and flies to his garrison getting 10,000 angels and heading to earth using the Map room which every angel now knows as he had it place in their brains when he took over along with knowledge on the new heaven.
Frowning I sigh '' I need helpers''.
— New chapter is coming soon — Write a review