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49.15% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 29: Returning Home

Chapter 29: Returning Home

     Tigra walked over to the trio before speaking.

     "I'm back! I brought a gift."

     "Tigra!" Scorpia and Catra exclaimed as they made their way over quickly.

     "Welcome back. Did you say gift?"

     "Yeah." Tigra hefted the Spirit Ember up a bit to draw their eyes.

     "You got it?!" Entrapta scrambled to her feet before shooting at her.

     Tigra jumped backwards slightly, making distance between her and the other three making their way towards her.

     "Woah there." She held the Ember against her chest as she held her other hand up. "I would highly recommend you don't get too close to me. This thing may be stable, but it is still pretty hot."

     Scorpia whistled as she stopped.

     "No kidding. I'm what, 20 feet away? I can feel that heat. How hot do you think it is?"

     Entrapta pulled up her tablet and typed away at a quick speed.

     "Based on a distance of 20 feet, a temperature of…39 Celscius, the Spirit Ember should be…"

     Entrapta looked at Tigra with a puzzled look.

     "Nearly 67 Celscius."

     "Over halfway to boiling?!" Catra exclaimed.

     "Really?" Tigra raised an eyebrow and looked down at it. "Feels no different than laying in the Moonlight for about an hour."

     "Hey, uh Tigra," Scorpia looked at her strangely. "What is that look called?" 

     Tigra gestured with her free arm at herself.

     "This? It was originally my fire armor, but the Spirit Ember seems to have empowered it way past what it should have been capable of. Thinking of changing it to Magma Armor."

     "Wait, this lava-looking outfit is your fire armor? The thing that looked like flames sticking to you?" Entrapta asked.

     "Hold up!" Catra cut in. She pointed at her. "I saw a pillar of magma-"

     "Lava." Entrapta corrected.

     "Whatever. I saw a pillar of "lava" shoot into the air where that thing was at. Now you are wearing that . Can you explain just why?"

     Tigra looked away at that moment and, even without seeing Catra's face, she knew that she would be in slight trouble.

     "I knew that I would be fine?"


     "Well…remember our talk when we were sitting outside the Garnet Chamber a while back?"

     Catra stayed silent.

     "Well…I did something you asked me not to do."

     "Tigra. Look at me."

     Tigra looked at her and saw her holding the bridge of her nose.

     "For the two with us, would you kindly say, word for word, what I had asked you then that you're saying you ignored?"

     "Well, I'm not sure-"

     "Either you do it, or I won't spare a single word." Catra growled.

     "You said: "Can't believe I have to say this, but don't burn yourself alive!" After I had mentioned that I could burn part of me in place of using magic if I had to."

     "Buddy…" Scorpia sounded horrified at that.

     "But!" Tigra cut in before Scorpia could say anything else. "I want the record to know that I did not burn myself getting the Spirit Ember."

     Tigra saw the instant she should have stopped.

     Seeing as Catra's eyes narrowed more and her growl grew for a second.

     "And I see I was likely right about you still doing it but doing it hidden away and healing yourself before someone noticed."

     Tigra did wince. "I haven't always been able to keep track of my magic all the time during fights. But my statement still stands."

     Catra opened her mouth.

     "But how did you handle melted material and lava?" Entrapta asked. "Because, through my tests with your blood you gave me a few months ago, that should have hurt you."

     "What?" Catra asked, looking at her now.

     Entrapta ignored Tigra shaking her head, her wide eyes, and her quickly crossed arms.

     "Through my tests, Tigra is immune to high temperatures, such as fire, and electricity, such as lightning. However, she was not immune to the rising temperatures. Tigra could run through fire for a few minutes, but if she stayed in fire, regardless of her strange immunity, she would start to overheat on the inside and could, in the worst case scenario, cook herself."

     Catra swung her head to her once more, Tigra moving her hands behind her back.

     "Do I have to promise not to cook myself from now on?"

     "Tigra, why did you say 'from now on?'" Scorpia asked.

     "I deal with fire, Scorp. Do you think I've never burnt myself before?"

     "Tigra Py'ra Blureclaw."

     "Ah fuck."

     "Answer Entrapta's question. How did you handle the lava spewing from that thing?"

     "Because…I'm not affected by the increase of temperature from anything similar to fire anymore?"

     "And how did you figure that out?"

     'Oh you know, I have some kind of power that has been granting me different kinds of abilities based on what I have done throughout my life. I recently upgraded it so I could survive the molten metal from the door and would have been cooked alive by the lava spewing from the Spirit Ember without it.'

     Yeah, that sounded like a good answer.

     "Because lava was at my ankles and I didn't feel a thing?"

     'That is not what I should have said.' Was the immediate thought after.

     Silence from the trio.

     "I also didn't get hurt when melted stone/metal fell on my arms when I made my way into the room?"

     More silence.

     "I feel like I'm only digging my own grave."

     "When I told you not to burn yourself alive, I did not think I had to include LAVA!" She exclaimed.

     "Hey, I did all I could to keep that promise."

     Now she couldn't break that promise without something somehow passing through her immunity that has evolved.

     "Fascinating. I need your DNA more now than ever when we get back."

     "What she needs is to see a doctor or nurse to ensure that there isn't any damage. Maybe see if she has some kind of brain damage on top of it." Catra grumbled.

     "So wait, why are you still using that form then? We're far enough to not enter anymore fights." Scorpia asked.

     Tigra snapped her fingers before a clone appeared. She handed the Ember to it.

     She snapped her fingers again.

     "GAH!" Scorpia quickly covered her eyes with her pincers.

     Entrapta simply typed something down quickly.

     Catra…she stared. 

     Her tail had frozen in place and poofed slightly before it started to swing side to side slowly.

     "I told you that I was fire/heat proof. My clothes were not."

     Sure enough, every piece of clothing - besides the scabbards for the Jian and daggers - were gone.

     Revealing her fur to be orange all the way through with a few black stripes around her waist, two stripes on her thighs, and one curving through the middle of her chest.

     "Which kind of sucks. The lava melted my falchion." She frowned.

     She arched her back to stretch out a knot, letting out a groan.

     "Tiger, could you…put on another outfit?" Scorpia pleaded.

     "Hm? Sure."

     Scorpia waited a moment before looking and making another choking noise.

     "What?" Tigra placed an icy hand on her frozen hip. "I can't use Magma Armor or I'll cook anyone sitting near me. Lightning Armor makes me want to run and I'm mentally tired from all of the crap in the last hour. Shadow Armor still takes my concentration to keep up."

     Tigra tilted her neck and placed a hand against it before a pop could be heard.

     "Thus, Ice Armor. Takes no concentration and doesn't affect people around me besides lowering the temperature around me a few degrees, which I can easily fix with another spell."

     "I'm pretty sure that Scorpia meant something to obstruct her view of your nude figure." Entrapta clarified.

     "Really?" Tigra watched Scorpia nod. "Why didn't you just say that?"

     "Why are you so comfortable about being nude in front of people?!"

     "Scorpia, you must have had a different way of living when you were young. If you were like us, you would know that we have a shared shower. I've practically seen my entire squad going and leaving the showers."

     'Granted, that was around 12 or 13, at which point the squad quickly made up a schedule to prevent that from continuing, seeing as Kyle wasn't comfortable with it.'

     "Alright, fine." Tigra shrugged before switching to Shadow Armor.

     Scorpia didn't lower her pinchers.

     "Scorp. I'm wearing black clothing now."

     She brought her arms down before sighing.

     "Anyways," Tigra continued. "I also connected with this." She shifted the Spirit Ember.

     Entrapta paused her work before looking back at her alongside Scorpia.

     Catra still seemed to need to be rebooted.

     "What do you mean by that?" Scorpia asked.

     "Simple. I'm connected with the Spirit Ember. But maybe we should continue this talk while on the move?" Tigra gestured towards the skiff.

     "How will…oh. You plan to have your clone carry it while running alongside us, right?" Entrapta figured it out.

     "Correct. As long as I use Haste on it, it should have no problem keeping up with us."

     "Couldn't it use haste on itself?"

     "Fire only." Catra spoke up, blinking her attention back onto the present. "When training with the clone, it mentioned that it could only use fire spells."

     Catra does look at the clone though with a raised eyebrow.

     "But why does your clone have clothes and you don't?"

     "The clone is made entirely of fire magic. As it is magical, every piece of it is just magic. So technically, it's not wearing clothes, but is part of the clothing…if that makes sense."

     "But why-"

     "Because it only has access to fire magic, correct?" Entrapta cut Scorpia off. "Which would explain why it can only use fire magic and you would have to use haste on it."

     Tigra nodded before making her way onto the skiff.

     "Well come on! It'll take nearly 10 hours to get back to the Fright Zone."

     The three others made their way onto the skiff, Catra standing right next to Tigra.

     The Super Pal Squad took off with a person running next to them.

     "Now, explain about your connection."

     "Well, I'm connected to it, sort of like a bond." She tried her best to put it into words. "I can feel the power of its fire while also feeling a surge of magic being flowed into me. I believe I have roughly double the amount of magic available to me than I had this morning. I can also feel that the amount of magic I used creating those clones are being refilled at a high rate."

     "So, like Shadow Weaver then?"

     Tigra frowned for a second before shaking her head.

     "No, Weaver needed that shard of the Black Garnet to channel the power through her. I just...can."

     "It sounds like you're describing the Princesses." Scorpia mentioned, making Entrapta's eyes widen.

     "Tigra, you're 18 correct?" A nod. "That gives a 7 year period after the Great Fire. That's enough time to survive the Fire and settle down somewhere. If so, then..."

     Entrapta lost the three of them in her rambling before Catra simply raised an eyebrow.

     Tigra slightly winced, understanding that Catra just essentially told her to spit it out.

     "I think I'm-"

     "Princess of Fire!" Entrapta yelled out, shocking the three of them. "It explains so much! Your affinity towards fire magic! Your strange growth in power after the Storm, which caused the Spirit Ember to start waking up! The reason why you can't be hurt by fire and, if being so close to the Ember, it could lead to the ability to withstand extremely high temperatures!"

     Entrapta was next to her.

     "Did I get that right?"

     Tigra nodded. "That's where my thoughts are."

     "You're a Princess." Catra muttered.

     "Natural born though." Tigra pointed out. "Have no control over that. Besides, Princess or not, we're still going to be ruling the Horde. Right?"

     Catra looked at her with an expression Tigra couldn't get an accurate read on before nodding with a small smile.


     They would simply hang out and talk for about an hour before she received notifications.

Shadow Resistance gained: 5160 [damage taken] * 60 [minutes] = 309,600 EXP!

Shadow Resistance leveled up! LV 46 → 59

[Shadow Resistance LV 59 (20670/26550) - Reduces damage taken from shadow/dark magic by 59%. Due to [Steel Body], this is increased to 75.4%]


Shadow Armor gained: 1032 [MP equivalent] * 2 [Genius] * 60 [minutes] = 123,840 EXP!

Shadow Armor leveled up! LV 44 → 56

[Shadow Armor LV 56 (7624/11200) - Increases [Sneak] effect by MP_Use/44%]


Fire Clone gained: 2540 [Half MP] * 60 [Minutes] * 4 [Genius and Pyromaniac] * 4 [Princess of Fire] = 2540*960= 2,438,400 EXP!

Fire Clone maxed out!

[Fire Clone LV MAX - Allows the user to create up to 11 fire clones of themselves. They will not have access to your weapons or armor, unless they are made entirely of fire magic. Each clone will have ½ your Max MP and 1/2 your HP. They will have access to all of your fire spells. ]


For mastering your first [Master] level spell, WIS is increased by 15.

For mastering Fire Clone, INT increased by 15 and Magic Control increased by 5%.


     'Good Lord, I have a 16x multiplier for fire spells.' She acknowledged, leaning her back against the railing.

     She pulled out the Familial Spellbook before opening it to a random page and finding two spells.


"Fire Breath - A medium difficulty level spell. The user needs to channel fire magic safely through three points: the lungs, throat, and mouth. The user channels fire magic at the entrance to the lungs, where their breath will send the flames through their prepared throat and unleash the power through their mouth.

Depending on how it is prepared, the flames could come out in a long, wide area but not as hot, come out in short, burning temperatures, or narrow, short blazing temperatures. Recommend that the user should have a healer in case that you would burn your throat or mouth."


"Fire Clothing is exactly as the name entails. Through this spell, one can make simple clothing through fire in the case one finds themselves freezing or without clothes and needs some in a quick moment.


New Spells learned!

[Fire Breath LV 1 (0/200) - The user spews out a breath of fire from their mouth. Damage: INT * 2.7 * Magic_Bonus * Fire_Bonus * (1 + LV/100). 4207. MP: 30/s]


[Fire Clothing LV 1 (0/150) - The user surrounds themselves in fire that takes the shape of pants, t-shirts, a light jacket, anything that would be considered clothing. MP: 50/m]


     The book wouldn't let her turn to another page, forcing her to try and master these spells.

     'Well, at least it won't take more than a few days at max to finish fire breath, should Entrapta be finished with those training bots I need. Fire Clothing though should take me roughly an hour, maybe an hour and a half at most.'

     "I don't remember that book." Catra spoke, her hands flickering with flames.

     "Found it in the ruins. Apparently…it's connected to who I think my parents are."

     That caught Catra's attention.

     "Wait, you're saying that you have a lead on your parents? Ugh, I owe Lonnie money now."


     "We had a bet going between who would find something out about where we came from. I bet that Adora would find something first but Lonnie bet that you would."

     "What about you?"

     Catra shrugged. "Didn't know them for a second of my memory and I'm too old to be looking for something like that. I also don't really care that much."

     "Either way, something there took some of my blood and stated that I had a 57% match with someone named Rey Sol. I know that name."

     "Your mother was named Rey?"

     "I have a theory that I should have another mother as well, it's just that I'm confident about Rey being one of my parents. The other one had a 31% match with Vi'ra Shal. She's who I think my other parent is."

     "Well, I'll keep an ear out then for anyone named Rey and Vi'ra. But besides that, anything interesting in that?"

     "So far? Just the ability to breathe out fire and create clothes out of fire."

     "Can't you already do that?"

     "I can create armor through fire. Not what I would want if I'm just laying around."

     Tigra snapped her fingers before a hood made of fire appeared around her head, a strong contrast against her mostly black armor.

     "Any kind of pointers for me then?" She gestured with the book in her unlit hand.

     "If you get stuck on a spell, don't hesitate to go to an easier one. Unlike most spell books, my personal one won't be locked, for now at least." She shrugged at the end of that.

     "So, go to another spell?"

     "All I can tell you is that you are trying to work on a combat spell without using it in combat."

     Catra looked at her hand with furrowed eyebrows.

     "Keep at this one though. It's a good spell in case you need some extra power behind your claws."

     "Alright, but any help with it?"

     Tigra thought about it before snapping her fingers before a fire clone appeared, yet its shadow seemed to be darker than others.

     Tigra pocketed the spellbook before walking towards the middle of the skiff while the fire clone watched the clone carrying the Ember.

     "Alright. You are going to keep that spell going for as long as you can while we spar."

     "Spar? Any rules?" Catra asked, walking to stand a few feet away from her.

     "We are restrained to the top of the skiff. If either one of us leaves this, the spar stops. For the benefit of training, I will restrain from using any magic and keeping my speed to manageable levels."

     Catra nodded before she put up her book as well. After, she ignited both of her hands.

     'Power, do you know if she'll still gain experience while I'm immune to all fire damage?'


As [Catra] is a student of yours, she will gain experience through you regardless of the method. But in this circumstance, she will still gain experience through using the spell. You will simply not take damage from being hit with fire.


     'Good to know.' She thought before turning her full attention to Catra.

     "Don't pull your punches or be afraid of hurting me with your fire. As I mentioned earlier in our talk, I cannot be hurt by fire through any means now."

     "Still can't believe that the two people I grew up with happened to be Princesses." Catra grumbled.

     "Who knows, maybe you're one as well."

     "Oh Lord, please no. I'll leave the Princess crap to you and Adora."

     Tigra chuckled before falling into her stance, still in Shadow Armor and Fire Clothing for her hood.

     "Just like old times."

Due to own restrictions, several abilities are locked: All spells except for Shadow Armor and Fire Clothing, Speed is locked at 47 mph, all attacks are considered non-lethal.

These conditions will only be unlocked at the end of the spar or if a third party intervenes.


Quest Created!

First Practical Lesson

You have decided to help Catra learn Fire Fists through combat as her opponent due to having free time and being unable to be hurt from her fire.

Objective: Help Catra learn more about Fire Fists

Reward: Relationship with Catra increased, 2,000 EXP


     Catra smirked before the two of them charged at each other.

     Tigra threw a jab that Catra ducked to the side before throwing her own jab into Tigra's side.

     Tigra grunted as she felt the impact and bit back a curse at herself, forgetting that she does not have an advantage of speed in this spar. She knew she wouldn't, but she had gotten too used to being much faster than anyone else.

      'Going to need to work on using lower speeds to get used to fighting someone close to my speed in the case something like Bolt happens again.'

400*0.228=91 damage taken

Tigra HP: 5069/5160

     She put up her guard - ignoring the 400 EXP for Physical Res. - to block the next one before pushing her away with her other hand and taking a hop backwards.

     Catra wouldn't ease up though and continued her assault. She jumped in the air before her foot caught aflame, momentarily taking Tigra back. She spun herself out of the way as the foot hit the ground, a metallic twang going around them.

     Tigra kept her momentum before smacking the back of her head, taking Catra off balance enough for her to kick her foot into her back and create distance once more.

350*0.8=280 damage dealt!

Catra HP: 3185/3465

     'Keep control of the fight.' Tigra reminded herself. 'Without an advantage of speed or strength, it comes down to skill, experience, and intelligence.'

     "Nice technique. I assume it is something called Flame Dive? It looked very similar to Fire Fists but instead, you focused it into one foot that has its power increased through gravity, muscles, and propelled slightly faster with the flames."

     "Pretty much." Catra grouched, rubbing the back of her head lightly.

New Spell Created*


[Flame Dive LV 1 (0/250) - You channel fire to the tips of your feet as you fall from the sky. Doing so will increase your damage by (50+ 1 %) * Fire_Bonus through fire damage. MP: 20 MP]


*As you were not actually taught it through physical - teachers - or written means, it is declared 'Created.'*


     Tigra smirked before charging forward.

     If it had been anyone else from their squad, Tigra could have easily taken them by surprise at suddenly reengaging the fight.

     Anyone else.

     Catra's hands reignited before charging in as well.

     Tigra deflected a few slashes while also sliding side to side, just avoiding the attacks. A few hours ago, she would have to be conscious of Catra's feet, arms, eye movement, tenseness of certain muscles, and her fire.

     Now? Now she could completely ignore the fire.

     Tigra didn't stay idle though.

     For every two attacks from Catra, she would throw her own.

     This created a short amount of time where both of them were throwing punches, kicks, jabs, and dodging each other at 40 mph at the minimum.

     Their arms were near blurs.

     Tigra grasped Catra's wrist before pulling her towards herself, throwing off her balance. She raised their arms upwards, leaving Catra off of her heels before finding herself slightly disoriented before Tigra let go.

     She stumbled before shaking her head and refocusing.

     "Ready to continue?" Tigra asked, wearing her smirk.

     "Are we ignoring that you just twirled me?"

     "Not much difference between a fight and a dance." She shrugged.

     Catra charged forward, meeting with her own smirk.




     Very little about today had gone as she had thought it would when she woke up.

     "You okay there, Adora?" Bow asked, walking next to her.

     "Just…thinking about today."

     "In general or about something specific?"

     "A mix of both. When I woke up today, I didn't expect to head out to find a lost Runestone. Even more knowing that we would have destroyed it, if not for Tigra. And that's a whole different problem."

     "Why is it a problem? Besides making her more dangerous in fights?"

     "It's just…becoming She-Ra, a princess, was sudden and I can blame the sword for that. It's not like I was born a princess - to my knowledge - and theoretically anyone with the right mindset could have become She-Ra if they found the sword.

     But Tigra? She connected with the Spirit Ember Runestone. Something that the Horde's Intelligence believed can only truly be done through being a princess and creating a bond with the Runestones. How regular people can't do it due to missing something.

     When I found her, I thought she had simply lost her parents or been abandoned in that box. Little did I know that I had found the lost princess of a destroyed kingdom."

     "Well…" Bow seemed out of his depth with this one.

     "Just…I think I understand how everyone else from the Horde must have felt at finding out one of their own was a princess."

     "Does this change anything for you?"

     "It means that she likely got a lot stronger. Since she can now use blue fire, her fire spells will pack more of a kick. The fact that Morgan's water attack evaporated a few feet away from her simply from the heat she was giving off. Just, she'll be incredibly difficult to fight now."

     "Yeah, she looked pretty intimidating with that new outfit of hers." Bow shivered lightly. "I can still feel how the air grew hotter and can still see how the air shimmers around her."

     "Hey," Glimmer walked behind them. "While today could have definitely gone better for us, at least we're back home."

     True to her word, Brightmoon was just ahead of them.

     When they reached the point that they could actually make out some people's features, they noticed someone waiting for them.

     "Bolt? What are you doing here?" Adora asked.

     "Well, I heard that you guys were visiting my old kingdom to potentially retrieve our old Runestone. I figured I may as well wait here to see if you would bring it back."

     His eyes traced over the group before a light frown adorned his face.

     "But judging from the missing Runestone, you didn't bring it back with you."

     "The Spirit Ember has a new connection." Morgan cut to the chase.

     Bolt froze before blinking a few times.

     "A new connection? With who?"

     "Tigra." Glae cut in. "She also was gifted with Azure's Flame."

     Bolt swore, taking a few of them back.

     "Alright, alright." Bolt muttered, holding his chin. "This explains a few things but raises many questions."

     "Like what?" Adora stepped in.

     Bolt glanced at her before sighing.

     "Before the Great Fire, there were two people who could connect with the Runestones but only one supposedly gained Azure's Flame. Azure's Flame is the ability to connect with one's fire so closely that it could burn its way through other fire. It was how we often chose our next Princess in the case there were twins."

     "Why not just have both of them connect with it?"

     "Then you get what Queen Angella and Princess Glimmer are experiencing." Bolt waved at them. "While nothing negative besides not being able to connect to the Runestone's full power, the Spirit Ember is more volatile. For every connection with the Ember, it would generate more power itself. Trying to make up for the power going into the Princess."

     "It would lead to an overload." Bow realized. "The ability to increase its power would eventually spiral, wouldn't it?"

     "Exactly. No one knows who did it due to it happening on Coronation Day, but both of the Princesses connected to it. The surge of power at nearly the same time overloaded it. We only had enough time to evacuate the closest people and warn Queen Angella that she needed to leave."

     "Who were the princesses?" Glimmer asked.

     "Rey Sol and Luna Sol. We have few records from that day and very few ever see either of the princesses as punishment for the destruction of Halfmoon."

     "But if no one saw them, how is Tigra connected to them?" Mermista wanted to know.

     "That's one of the problems. Officially, there was only one child and that child belongs to Luna, who has a daughter about a year younger than She-Ra. She connected with the Spirit Ember in a pilgrimage about 3-4 years ago. We didn't return with it then because we didn't have the measures to bring it back since it could reach temperatures over 400 C."

     "Unofficially?" Adora pushed.

     "Unofficially, there were two royal children. Rey also had a child roughly 18-19 years ago. But she was stolen during the night from her old partner. My teacher had been the one charged with capturing her. She managed to capture the thief, but couldn't find the child."

     "Does Rey-"

     "Know?" Bolt raised an eyebrow at Frosta. "I just found this out, Princess Frosta. I only knew that there was a slight chance that Tigra could have been her daughter but I could not bring hope to a mother and turn out to not be true."

     The group saw where he was coming from.

     "So what happens now that you found the lost Princess of Fire?" Perfuma asked.

     Bolt opened his mouth to talk, before someone shouted.


     They turned to see several… magicats walking towards them.

     "I thought most of them were wiped out." Adora whispered to Bow with wide eyes.

     "So does most of Etheria." He confirmed, his own eyes wide.

     One with short brown hair and gray fur walked up, her face bearing 3 black markings underneath her green eyes. Her black, sleeveless shirt curving and overlapping with her black pants. Her gray tail swished behind her as she stood across from him.

     "I'm told that you need my help." She looked down at his missing leg. "And it seems correct. How did you end up losing a leg again? Some kind of rogue magicat working for the Horde?"

     "It's a bit more complicated than that now." Bolt rubbed the back of his head.

     "How so?"

     That question came from the magicat that had gray fur as well, but had golden eyes, and short white hair. She wore a purple jacket that was unzipped largely with sleeves rolled up to her elbows. They tucked under a white bandage wrapped around her waist with black combat pants. She had a sword attached to her hip in a sheathe.

     "It wasn't a random magicat that did this." Morgan started. "That magicat has just connected with the Spirit Ember and taken it back to the Horde."

     All of the three new magicats froze and turned towards her, even the one who had been looking Bolt over.

     "Can you repeat that?" The third magicat asked.

     Her short brown hair stayed to the side of her dark brown furred face beside her blue eyes. She wore a black uniform that did little to hide her toned body with only a white belt around her waist and shoulders being anything else.

     "Because I swear you just said that someone connected with the Spirit Ember Runestone."

     "They did." Aero confirmed. "Felt the blue flames across my body when she shot a condensed fireball against me. Glae can back it up."

     Glae nodded, a slight frown on her face.

     The one with white hair stepped forward.

     "What is their name?"

     "Tigra. Force General Tigra of the Horde." Bolt confirmed.

     "Her real name." She stressed.

     "That is her name." Adora bit out. "I have known her since I was 4. I gave her that name. Speaking of names, what are yours?"

     "Viridia." The green eyed magicat introduced herself. "This is Rani." Pointing to the blue eyed magicat. "And this is-"


     Her golden eyes narrowed on Adora.

     "I was part of the group that failed to retrieve the missing Princess of our people. It falls on me to retrieve her."

     "And do what?" Glimmer asked.

     "Return her to her family."

     "Her family?" Adora whispered.

     "Yes. Our leader wants to offer a sanctuary for any magicat lost during the time of the war and the events of the Great Fire."

     "Wait, you mean?" Bolt asked with wide eyes.

     "Yes. In two months, a representative will be sent to speak with Queen Angella II regarding our stance."

     "We're going public?"

     "You let us worry about that." She dismissed the question. "Now? You will let Viridia look at your limb and do her magic."

     "Are you going to heal him?" Bow asked, a slight sparkle in his eyes.

     "Heal? He lost a leg at the knee. While not impossible, we don't have any healers at that level just yet. Another 4 years, maybe. But Viridia?"

     Viridia had already put him on a bench and pulled out a measuring tool as several floated around her, already taking measurements of his arms, neck, ears, and even his fingers.

     "She's going to do what she does best."

     She looked at Bow.

     "She's going to fix what's broken."

     As she turned to make her way further into Brightmoon, she stopped and looked at Adora.

     "My name is Nari."

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