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60.31% Sith Warrior [OLD] | Star Wars: The Old Republic / Chapter 38: TAUNTING THE JEDI


"You crushed Alderaan under your boot, apprentice. I am incredibly impressed. The planet will feel the sting for years to come." Baras began to praise his apprentice when she and her crew came back at the ship.

She bowed. "I am your humble servant, Master."

Vette stayed by the side with her arms crossed and leaning back on the metallic walls of the ship, carefully watching her friend in the process. Through all those years of experience, the Twi'lek knew that Leena had to smile in front of the face of her torturer – and must always be seen as Darth Baras's apprentice if she is to survive long enough to kill him.

"Nomen Karr's Padawan can no longer hide in anonymity. I am pleased. By rooting out this Jaesa Willsaam's parents, you have reached across the galaxy to strike a sharp blow to our enemies. Every lead followed perfectly. Every planet ravaged. Our adversary is growing antsy, I can feel it. Expect news soon, Baras out."

"My Lord," Quinn approached his Lord when the holo finally ended. Leena turned her attention to the Captain as the Twi'lek also began to approach both of them. "I thought it prudent not to interrupt Darth Baras. We received a recorded transmission. It is queued when you are ready."

"Proceed." Quinn nodded at his Lord's commands and began to display the recorded transmission on the holoterminal.

Leena was rather amused when she saw a young girl, probably just turned seventeen or eighteen. "Sith, I'm Jaesa Willsaam. My Master, Nomen Karr, has no idea I'm sending this message. Let's be real – we both know this isn't about us."

"Ah, the hunted seeks the hunter." Quinn was also amused by the turn of events.

"Our Masters pretend otherwise, but this is personal." The Padawan continued. "You and I are only pawns in their private war. And those I care about are getting caught in the middle. It has to stop."

"Wow," Vette commented. "Gotta give it to her – she sure has guts."

The apprentice slowly smiled. "She certainly does."

"I appreciate directness. And as merciful as your actions have been, it's time you stopped this passive-aggressive campaign. This message includes coordinates where I'll be waiting in my shop. Let's discuss this face-to-face. No more nonsense."

"What do you think of that, Captain?"

"It could be a trap, my Lord." The Quinn gave out his honest assessment on the matter. "Nomen Karr may have put her to it."

"Hey." Vette inserted herself into the conversation. "Don't listen to Captain Paranoid here. I don't think it's a trap. I trust her."

"Thanks for the input, Vette."

"The coordinates are set, my Lord. We can rendezvous with her ship whenever you give the word."

"Proceed." Said the Lord. "I will go alone this time."

Vette and even the Captain were shocked by her statement.

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" Vette began to wave her hands. She wasn't very comfortable with the idea of her friend going out there alone. Sure she's Sith and she's slowly becoming more powerful by the day, but – it scared her. "I said I trust her but that doesn't mean you can go out there alone!"

"And why not?"

"I mean sure, you're strong and all but – what if Noman Karr is with her?"

Leena smiled, making the Twi'lek even more worried. "I appreciate your concern towards me, Vette but the Padawan is right. This is between me and her, and this has to stop."

She kept her word and proceeded alone when she arrived at the ship. She closed her eyes and slowly began to feel the power of the Force, two beings, warriors of the light stand within the same ground as her. But she felt something wrong as she took her first few steps within the ship.

'Are you there Sith?' Cyrus's voice entered her mind. 'Can you hear me?'

'I can hear you loud and clear, Jedi. What do you want?' The connection was rather stronger than what she experienced back on Alderaan. She could only assume that he was in a quiet place, meditating in the process.

'I could feel that you're in a position of trouble. A different kind of conflict within you.'

'You sound concerned.' Said the apprentice as she proceeded deeper into the ship.

'I strangely am.' The Jedi admitted. 'I feel genuine concern for you, even though you are my enemy.'

'You are not my enemy.' The Sith claimed. I only have one goal, Jedi – revenge.

'And you think by killing the enemies of your Master will grant you the vengeance you crave so much?' The Jedi continued to give out his concern towards the Sith. This was something unheard of. Being connected by the Force as if there was a bond formed years ago, a kind of bond that was long forgotten. 'Revenge will not cure your pain, nor will it resolve anything.'

'You know nothing about me, Jedi.'

'I know you are in pain. I wish to help.'

'No one can help me.' Leena resorted as the doors began to open for her to find two Jedi knights, the Padawan was nowhere to be found.

As the connection was slowly lost when she began to approach the Jedi, one of them spoke in rather complete arrogance. "Well, well, we're going to have to take Nomen Karr after all. The Sith showed."

"Stand down, Sith." The other Jedi spoke calmly. "The Padawan you seek is not here. Master Karr discovered her plan and talked her out of it."

"It's not your day. You were expecting one lowly little Padawan to crush, and instead, you got us."

"I should have known." The Sith couldn't help but sigh upon the realization that her time and efforts have been wasted by these Jedi. "This wasn't going to be easy after all. But you'll do just fine."

"Just like a Sith." The arrogant one spoke. "Always looking for a shortcut."

"I am Ulldin, this is Zylixx. We are fully trained Jedi Knights and more than your match. You should submit."

"Of course, we have yet to encounter a Sith who had the sense to surrender. You all seem bent on having us destroy you."

"Admit it, you'd be disappointed if I gave up."

"Not at all," Uldin spoke his peace. "We don't go around picking fights."

"I wouldn't trust it if the Sith surrendered. I prefer the sureness of death." Zylixx didn't act much on how the Jedi should be.

"Keep thinking like that and you'll fall to the dark side before you know it."

"Shut. Your. Mouth." But he did fall for it.

"Zylixx, remain calm. The Sith is just trying to unbalance you. Don't let this get under your skin." Ulldin spoke. The apprentice did wonder if Jedi are so easily turned to the dark side as some Sith claimed.

But Cyrus was right at some point. She had no companions and she was alone – she didn't wish to have any violent confrontation with the Jedi. It was going to waste her energy and efforts even more. "I have no quarrel with you. Let's just go our separate ways."

"Now, why would we agree to just let you go?" Zylixx asked as he crossed his arms.

"Zylixx, we assumed this Sith would engage, as all others we've faced have. If that's not the case…"

"No, Ulldin, this Sith will continue to hunt Nomen Karr and his Padawan. We must end the threat for good!"

Leena couldn't help but cross her arms, unable to listen to what this arrogant Jedi had to say. "True Jedi don't attack to kill. The light side demands temperance. Of the two of us, it's clear that I am the more serene, the more grounded. The better the Jedi."

"Who are you to lecture about the light side?!" Zylixx already has into his temper. "The Sith force us to take measures like this! No…" he took a deep breath. "You won't goad me like this, Sith. I… I can control my emotions."

"You, Sith, pose as an exception. Your vile attempts to hurt Nomen Karr and Jaesa Willsaam are provocation enough."

"You don't know my motivation." She turned her attention to Ulldin who was calm throughout the whole exchange.

But Zylixx continued to explode. "Come on, it doesn't take a genius to know you came here to destroy. Your presence is all the confirmation we need. Right, Ulldin?"

"No. Zylixx I… I'm unsure. Master Karr claims this Sith means Jaesa harm, but we do not have proof."

"Master Karr's word is proof enough! I have no crisis of conscience assuming his assessment is sound."

"That's an assumption I cannot make, my friend. I will not engage. I must walk away, and urge you to do the same." With that, Ulldin proceeded to the bridge, leaving his companion as well as the Sith alone in the same area.

He wouldn't take no for an answer. "You may have derailed Ulldin's resolve, Sith but I am calm… I will not give in to your taunts!"

"Yes, stuff your feelings, deny your true nature, Zylixx. It's a ticking time bomb." She continued to taunt.

"I will be calm when you're dead! No more talk! You die Sith!" He shouted as he ignited his lightsaber.

Leena sighed, perhaps she should have listened to that Jedi in her head. "You're going to regret that." The apprentice spoke as she only took out one lightsaber, never mind the other. All she needed was one.

When Ulldin sensed the presence of the Sith leaving the ship, Zylixx returned injured and tired – but luckily in one peace.

Ulldin stood in front of the holoterminal as the image slowly began to make sense for the Jedi. The image was clear at the same time, he wasn't so pleased with what events he managed to feel, hear and even see through the eyes of the Sith. He couldn't help but sigh, to express his own disappointment.

"I could tell that you went against the Sith that Master Karr claims to be a threat to him and his Padawan?"

"Master Cyrus." Ulldin greeted. "We proceeded with what's instructed to us but the Sith meant no harm—"

"And yet Zylixx continued to engage, unable to control his emotions. Luckily the Sith showed mercy and the same time restraint. She has the power within the Force that Master Karr has clearly underestimated." The Jedi Master continued. He seemed young, in his late 20's to even be in the Jedi Council and yet he had earned the title and respect for it. "Return to Tython and I will give you instructions as you return."

"Yes, Master Cyrus." The Jedi Knights nodded in agreement. When the transmission ended, he couldn't help but sigh. Troubled as he was, even with the doubt he managed to stay calm. Cyrus didn't know how to feel – the more he made connections to the Sith, the more familiar he was becoming to her power.

She walks within the path of the dark side and at the same time embraces the temperance of the light.

For years he felt her pain, her sorrows, her anger, and her happiness. She claimed vengeance can cure her pain but, even he knew that wouldn't bring those she lost back to the living.

The Force has the plan and they must follow it.

Cyrus closed his eyes as he felt the generosity of the dark. The silence of the room gave him serenity and clarity, trying to reconnect to the Sith named Leena. What he saw was something else. A holoterminal with the face of a Dark Lord he could only assume was her Master, the Darth Baras Master Karr wanted to root out when he presented Jaessa Willsaam to them.

"Apprentice, the timing of this calling is fortuitous. I was just about to contact you with the news."

"I'm eager to hear it." Said the apprentice. But the Jedi Master could sense it – the deception and the lies that she hides behind the dutiful face of an apprentice.

"I'm pleased to report that your exploits have been successful. I have received a transmission from Nomen Karr – calling me out if you will. Challenging me to face him to death. Our enemy has become desperate."

"He must have lost his mind." Claimed the apprentice.

But Cyrus spoke his peace. 'You have plans of your own Sith, show Master Karr mercy.'

'You witness this conversation because I allow it. Your connection to the Force is powerful, Jedi.'

'As is yours, Sith.' He answered as he continued to listen to what the Darth had to say to his apprentice. "Your efforts to disrupt his precious Padawan has unnerved him. He seeks to turn the tides. Karr fails to understand – I have outgrown our personal dispute. He expects me to jump at the chance of strangling him. He will not be prepared for you."

'He seems to be a coward.' "Just tell me where to go," Cyrus spoke as Leena gave out her word to her Master. The apprentice replied. 'He has turned me into a lapdog to do his every bidding.'

'I can sense why you hate him so.'

'I am glad.' The apprentice acknowledged. "The Duel is to happen to Hutta, at the site of Nomen Karr's betrayal so long ago. A fitting place for his end. Defeat him, but do not kill him. His torment will reach out to his Padawan. He will be the bait that brings her to you."

'Jaesa Willsaam is a sweet and kind girl, Leena. She will only be hurt within your Order.'

'Anywhere in the galaxy, they hurt little girls, Cyrus.' Leena spoke of personal experience. 'I can only assume that she might be safe with me if I welcome her to my crew.'

'I cannot allow that. She's a Padawan, one of a kind – she must walk through the light.'

'I know.' "Sounds like a plan."

Her Master continued to speak. "I can feel Jaesa Willsaam on the verge of breaking. And Karr's desperate actions confirm it. Subdue the Master, and the pupil will come to save him. I have foreseen it."

As the transmission ended, the Sith proceeded to her chambers. Vette wondered the silence even though Leena wasn't as talkative as she is. Quinn, on the other hand, proceeded to place the coordinates to Hutta and preparing for lightspeed.

The apprentice cut off her connection with the Jedi do receive at least the peace and quiet she needed. Removing her armor, the girl lay down on the bed – her gaze locked on the metallic ceiling. There are Jedi that could turn and fall to the dark side as there are Sith who seek redemption for their actions and turn to the light.

She was none of those.

Leena stands in the middle of light and dark. She closed her eyes, wondering what the Force can bring her at times like this. She distrusts the Jedi because of what happened to her mother, she loathes the Sith because of all of her sufferings – a woman without a home.

The noise in her head came from a Jedi. The guilt in her soul came from the Sith.

When she arrived on Hutta, the Sith brought in her two companions as they were closing in on Noman Karr's location. She closed her mind to make sure that the Jedi didn't need to hear what she hears. She didn't need the additional weight of guilt in her heart. Her mother and brothers are gone, she already accepted the fact that she might never see her father and sister again.

Maybe serving her Master was all she was good at. The darkness that has been kind to her have been whispering to her soul, the power that she could have embraced.

"Your presence tells me that my fellows Ulldin and Zylixx must have failed. Pity." Master Karr spoke as he stood up from his meditation position. "I should have known Baras couldn't be trusted. As a man of my word – I'm here, alone, as agreed." He turned to find the apprentice with a mask. Much like her Master, she had secrets of her own.

He found the apprentice young and could sense great power in her. "Your Master shows himself a coward, sending you in his stead."

"You sound upset, Master Karr. Angry, even but I haven't come to kill you." The apprentice spoke rather calmly. She could feel it inside of him, the core of his anger and hatred.

Master Karr had acknowledged that she looked familiar, or similar to someone he knew. "No, I'm sure you're here to play pazaak. Your crusade has me affected, Sith. I'm not blind to that. But I've wandered the line between the dark and the light before. I walked among your Master and the Sith. My connection to the light survived them, and it shall survive you. You are Baras's pawn – an especially resourceful and powerful one, but still only that. I must put an end to you."

Igniting his lightsaber, both Vette and the Captain had the instinct to draw out their blasters and pointed it to the direction of the Jedi. But the Sith raised her hand, gesturing them to lower their weapons. The two grew confused but obeyed anyway. "You can't fool me. Your connection to the light is sputtering."

"I find your disruptions… unnerving, but don't flatter yourself." Master Karr warned. "I will be calm once I put an end to you. Once you're out of the way, Jaesa will provide the proof I need to open the Jedi Council's eyes and expose Baras's network of spies."

Leena didn't have much of a choice as she drew both of her lightsabers, facing Karr in battle alone was the most honorable thing she could think of – even if that wasn't the Sith way. "Come, Karr, let us embrace death and settle this once and for all."

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

To stand on the defensive wasn't an option when Nomen Karr decided to jump and attack. The apprentice held her position and stood with both her lightsabers, holding one of her lightsabers up to block the Jedi as well as she could. While the other hand turned to the direction of her companions, pushing them away from her for safety.

Vette and Quinn were both caught off guard when they were pushed away by their Lord. The Twi'lek looked up to find the Sith holding herself well in the duel against a fully trained Jedi Master, with both lightsabers out defending and assaulting – she knew that her friend was serious in taking this Jedi down.

Master Karr didn't expect the Sith to be fully skilled in lightsaber combat, especially with form seven when she became aggressive towards him. The strength and power doubled her efforts, she was channeling all of her frustrations and anger towards the battle – giving her the upper hand. She grew close to the idea of having Jaesa Willsaam on her side, a mere child who brought fear into her own Master's mind

Leena turned off one lightsaber before she could manage to push Nomen Karr with the Force.

"Ahh!" Screamed Master Karr as he hit the ground hard. Stubbornly standing up, Leena could feel something within him. Something rather dark as her Master before her. "The Force… is very strong with you. I… must dig deeper!"

Through passion, strength.

She appreciated the challenge. Leena of all people knew that this was something she should have been prepared for. The mere feeling of excitement flooded her soul, the man who has been her Master's rival feeding into his connection deep within his heart.

She knew human nature at its core – and there is no light. Master Karr was one of many examples. The Force is conflict, the Empire is conflict and the Empire is war made manifest. That is why it is perfect. The Jedi and Sith fight because that is what they were made to do. They chose to ignore the fundamental nature of the Force – that the Force is conflict.

That kind of ignorance can result in Jedi falling into the dark side, much like Master Karr. The Sith are destructive, and the Jedi are no different. "Release your anger! It's the only way to defeat me!"

When Baras saw her, he did saw what all Masters live to see – a kind of raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something truly special. She had pledged herself to the dark side's teachings at the same time, she cherished and carefully learned about the light within the depths of the jungles of Dromand Kaas by a Jedi Master.

There will always be two: A Master and an apprentice. Master Karr turned to the idea of the destruction of the Sith apprentice in front of him. He was giving in to his emotions, the unbalance within him – Leena could feel the light slipping away from him as they both exchanged a rather hostile and aggressive battle.

Now that he could feel his anger through his very connection to the Force – he has now unknowingly embraced the dark side.

There's hate and there's a passion inside of him.

"Misdirected passion… such a waste." Said the Sith as she pushed Master Karr with the Force. She stood tall, having him look up to the Sith with his lightsaber in hand – he couldn't accept it.

He could never forgive it. "No! This is not right! You must fall to me!"

As the Jedi stood up, Leena immediately put her lightsabers up for the defensive. Master Karr turned to the blindness of the dark side, forcing himself to slice the Sith down with his green lightsaber. That was now the remainder of the Jedi he was.

"I fall to no one." The apprentice spoke in confidence.

Baras may have tortured her, humiliated her, and broke her – yet, she refused to give in completely to become nothing more than a weapon for him. She watched Master Karr carefully as they were still fully engaged in combat.

It is such a quiet thing to fall, but far more terrible is to admit it.

Karr is similar to Baras. The apprentice could see that well – and yet, he continued to deny it, claiming that everything he did was for the greater good.

Through straight, power. That power is her right and her weapon.

She could feel it, the boiling anger within him as they continued to exchange blows with their lightsabers as they danced into death's doors. Power such as these weighs heavily on those who wielded it. The dark side is no trick, she knew that even when she sometimes turns to the light.

When you feel anger in your every connection to the Force. When you accept that a woman must use any means necessary to prove her strength – then you have discovered the dark side. That is true power.

When Nomen Karr finally fell with his damaged body, even the Sith knew he wouldn't last for long. "My… wound is mortal, Sith. At least I die knowing you'll never find Jaesa…"

She could see it in his eyes, the pure corruption. Even when Master Karr had nothing to do with her hatred for her own Master, she didn't even feel a single string of pity towards him. All of this for a Padawan Baras wanted dead and Karr wanted to protect – but she didn't know why. She didn't have the answer to that simple question. Why couldn't grant him mercy?

Vette slowly walked towards her companion as she turned off her lightsabers. The Twi'lek placed her hand gently on Leena's shoulder. When the Sith sighed, Quinn turned to find a couple of armed Imperial soldiers heading towards them. "My Lord, Darth Baras sent us in case you… needed… help. Clearly, that's not the case. He said Nomen Karr should be kept alive. May we stabilize him?"

"No!" Master Karr denied their help. "Baras be damned! I want… to die. Then Jaesa will be safe…"

"Despite what you think, I'm not trying to kill your Padawan." Leena tried to explain herself to the Jedi. She needed her alive and she didn't plan on mistreating her the same way her Master did. But even with the words, the apprentice heard from Karr – she couldn't feel the love coming from him to his Padawan.

He didn't care for her. Even when he denies it, he only used his own Padawan for his own gain. "Lies… tricks…" Were the only words he mustered before fainting.

The Imperial immediately turned to the apprentice. "We'll save him, my Lord. And then be out of your way in an adjacent chamber. Hurry men, the Jedi's fading!"

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