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100% I can copy any power in DC / Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Sinestro's unease did not go unnoticed as I observed the subtle signs of stress and discomfort in his demeanor. His attempts to dismiss his troubles were transparent, and I pressed him further, knowing that something significant weighed upon his mind.

"Sinestro, do not deceive me," I insisted, my voice carrying an air of authority. "There is clearly something troubling you. Speak the truth."

Reluctantly, Sinestro relented under the weight of my demand. He began to reveal the truth that had been burdening him. With a tinge of fear and concern in his voice, he spoke of a formidable figure known as Mongul, who already held dominion over the planet we intended to conquer—Daxam.

"Master," Sinestro began, his voice wavering slightly, "this planet, Daxam, is under the control of Mongul. He is a tyrant, known for his ruthless rule and insatiable thirst for power."

His words struck a chord within me, piquing both my curiosity and determination. Mongul's presence was a clear obstacle, an adversary we had not anticipated. But rather than deter me, this revelation fueled my hunger for conquest and solidified my resolve to overcome any opposition in our path.

A confident smile curled upon my lips as I contemplated the challenge before us. "Sinestro, fear not. Mongul's reign shall come to an end. With the might of the Yellow Lantern Corps at our disposal, we shall claim Daxam as our own and strip him of his power."

Sinestro's surprise at my familiarity with Mongul was palpable, evident in the widening of his eyes and the furrowed lines on his forehead. Sensing his confusion, I decided to clarify the situation swiftly.

"Sinestro, do not concern yourself with the origins of my knowledge," I said, my voice steady and unwavering. "Suffice it to say that my understanding surpasses what is known to you. I have access to information that spans across galaxies."

Sinestro's perplexity lingered, but he hesitated to press further. He understood the boundaries of our relationship, the power dynamics at play. There were realms of knowledge and understanding that were mine alone, and as his master, it was not for him to question.

"While it is true that Mongul has not ventured close to Earth, my awareness extends far beyond the confines of my planet," I explained, my tone conveying a hint of mystery. "I possess insights that transcend the boundaries of space and time. It is through this understanding that I have come to know of Mongul and his exploits."

Sinestro absorbed my words, his eyes darting with a mix of awe and trepidation. He had become an unwitting participant in a grand cosmic saga, his role entwined with my own as we sought to shape the universe according to our desires. My knowledge surpassed his own, and it was a reminder of the power I wielded as his master.

"Again, I tell you to not concern yourself with the intricacies of my knowledge, Sinestro," I reiterated, my voice carrying an air of authority. "What matters is that I possess the wisdom and foresight necessary to lead us to victory. Together, we will overcome any obstacle, including Mongul, and establish our dominion over Daxam."

Sinestro nodded, a mixture of respect and uncertainty playing across his features. He understood that the information I possessed was beyond his grasp, and it reinforced his dependence on my guidance. He had witnessed the extent of my power, my ability to bend others to my will, and that knowledge held him in awe.

"As your master, it is my duty to chart our course and secure our triumph," I continued, my voice commanding their attention. "I am the architect of our destiny, and you, Sinestro, are instrumental in our conquest. Trust in me, and together we shall overcome all opposition."

Sinestro's gaze locked with mine, a flicker of hesitation giving way to a renewed sense of determination.

As I pondered the nature of the DC universe I found myself in, a realization washed over me. In this particular iteration, Mongul had not attempted to invade Earth, and the Justice League remained unaware of his existence. Sinestro's suspicion, then, was not unwarranted. To him, I must still appear as nothing more than a mere human.

The knowledge of this discrepancy between the universe I once knew and the one I now inhabited intrigued me. It presented both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, it meant that I could exploit the lack of familiarity with Mongul to my advantage On the other hand, it meant that I would need to proceed with caution.

Sinestro's skepticism was a reminder that, despite my abilities and the grandeur of my plans, I was still seen as an ordinary human in the eyes of those around me. It underscored the importance of leveraging my acquired powers and the allegiance of the Yellow Lantern Corps to demonstrate my true potential.

As I delved deeper into the intricacies of this DC universe, I discovered numerous anomalies that set it apart from the reality I once knew. One such peculiarity was the absence of certain key characters or the altered trajectories of their stories. It fascinated me to uncover these subtle deviations and understand how they shaped the fabric of this alternate universe.

One particular revelation that piqued my curiosity was the existence of a team known as Young Justice. In the reality I remembered, they were a formidable group of young heroes who played a pivotal role in safeguarding the world. However, to my surprise, I discovered that in this universe, the young heroes of Young Justice seemed to have taken a different path.

As I combed through the Earth's internet, scouring articles and forums, I noticed the absence of one crucial member—Raven. In the reality I once inhabited, Raven was a prominent figure, possessing immense powers tied to her dark origins. Yet, in this altered DC universe, she appeared to be either unknown or yet to emerge as a recognized hero.

The absence of Raven intrigued me. It raised questions about the intricate web of cause and effect within this universe's timeline. Was Raven's absence a deliberate alteration or a mere consequence of different events unfolding? What role would she eventually play, and how would her presence or absence shape the trajectory of events to come?

As I continued my research, I found snippets of information that hinted at the possibility of Raven's existence, albeit in a different context or timeline. It was as if her story had yet to unfold, awaiting its moment to intertwine with the tapestry of this universe's narrative.

The enigma surrounding Raven presented both a challenge and an opportunity. It allowed me to contemplate the significance of her absence and how it might impact the balance of power in this universe. Could her eventual emergence disrupt the delicate equilibrium I sought to establish? Or would her absence provide me with an advantage, leaving the heroes of this universe unaware of her potential and unprepared for her arrival?

With every new revelation, I grew increasingly intrigued by the intricacies of this DC universe. It was a realm that defied my expectations, presenting a tapestry of altered storylines and unseen possibilities. It compelled me to adapt my strategies, to anticipate and navigate the unique dynamics of this world, and to exploit the absence of certain key players to further my own agenda.

As I ventured further into this universe, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. The altered timeline, the unknown variables, and the uncharted territories offered endless opportunities for exploration and conquest. I relished the prospect of rewriting the destiny of this DC universe, forging my own path amidst the mysteries and deviations that lay before me.

Raven's absence was but one of the many anomalies that intrigued me, reminding me of the boundless potential for change and transformation. In this universe, where the familiar intertwined with the unfamiliar, I would seize every opportunity to reshape the narrative and bend it to my will.

The enigmatic absence of Raven would serve as a constant reminder of the untapped potential within this DC universe. Whether she would eventually emerge as an ally, a foe, or a wildcard was yet to be revealed. Until then, I would tread carefully, aware that the unpredictable nature of this reality could hold both challenges and unexpected allies.

Also, as I delved deeper into the information available on Earth's internet, I discovered a startling revelation. In this altered DC universe, the Justice League had not yet encountered Darkseid, the formidable ruler of Apokolips. The absence of Darkseid's invasion suggested a significant deviation from the events I remembered.

In the reality I once knew, Darkseid was a formidable adversary, a god-like being whose thirst for power and dominance knew no bounds. His relentless pursuit of the Anti-Life Equation and his unyielding desire to conquer Earth brought him into direct conflict with the Justice League on numerous occasions.

However, in this alternate DC universe, Darkseid had not yet set his sights on Earth. This realization left me pondering the implications and the possibilities that lay before me. Without the looming threat of Darkseid's invasion, the Justice League might not be fully prepared for the impending dangers that awaited them.

It was an intriguing prospect, as it meant that the heroes of this universe might be unaware of the cataclysmic events that Darkseid's presence would unleash. The absence of his malevolent influence could potentially tip the balance of power in my favor, allowing me to exploit the vulnerability of this unprepared Earth and its heroes.

However, I also recognized the potential consequences of intervening too soon. Altering the timeline and introducing the threat of Darkseid prematurely could disrupt the delicate equilibrium of this universe and draw unwanted attention to my activities. It was a delicate balance that required careful consideration and strategic planning.

As I analyzed the available information, I realized that while the Justice League might not have faced Darkseid yet, they were no strangers to other formidable adversaries. Their ranks were filled with powerful heroes, each with their own unique abilities and unwavering dedication to protecting Earth.

The absence of Darkseid's presence did not imply that Earth was devoid of threats. Other villains, such as Lex Luthor, the Joker, and Cheetah, posed significant challenges to the heroes of this universe. It became evident that even without Darkseid, the Justice League remained a force to be reckoned with.

My task now was to carefully navigate this altered reality, exploiting the heroes' unfamiliarity with Darkseid's impending arrival while simultaneously addressing the existing threats they faced. By manipulating circumstances and events, I could strategically position myself as a powerful ally or a hidden puppeteer, gradually shaping the destiny of this universe to align with my ambitions.

The absence of Darkseid's presence also provided an opportunity for me to further consolidate my power and expand my influence without immediate interference. It allowed me to focus on conquering other worlds, establishing dominance, and acquiring additional resources and loyal followers.

However, I remained cautious. While Darkseid may not have arrived on Earth yet, his potential emergence loomed like a dark cloud on the horizon. It was only a matter of time before fate would bring our paths together, and when that moment arrived, I had to ensure that I was prepared to face him and seize the advantage.

With every revelation I uncovered about this DC universe, my excitement and anticipation grew. The absence of Darkseid's invasion presented an opportunity to rewrite the narrative, to shape the course of events according to my will. It was a chance to wield power, manipulate destinies, and ultimately reshape this universe in my image.

As I continued to explore the intricacies of this altered reality, I knew that the time for confrontation with Darkseid would come. When it did, I would be ready. Until then, I would bide my time, silently weaving my web of influence and power, carefully orchestrating events to further my grand design.

As I turned my attention to Mongul, the formidable ruler who already claimed dominion over Daxam, my mind began to strategize the best course of action. Mongul was renowned for his strength, cunning, and unyielding desire for power. His reign of tyranny over his conquered worlds was legendary, and his name struck fear into the hearts of many.

I knew that a direct confrontation with Mongul would be a risky endeavor. His raw power and the loyalty of his followers made him a formidable adversary. Therefore, a more subtle approach was necessary to ensure our success.

As I contemplated my approach to dealing with Mongol and conquering Daxam, a devious yet brilliant idea took shape in my mind. Instead of presenting myself as a conqueror, I would cast myself as a liberator—a savior to the people of Daxam. By exploiting their current subjugation under Mongol's rule, I could turn their allegiance against him and gain their support in my quest for dominance.

The notion of portraying myself as a liberator resonated deeply within me. It offered a unique opportunity to rally the oppressed Daxamites to my cause, instilling hope and inspiring them to rise against their tyrant ruler. The allure of freedom and the promise of a better future would be powerful motivators, making it easier for me to sway their allegiance.

As I formulated my plan to liberate Daxam from Mongol's clutches, an idea sparked within me—an idea that would require the assistance of the Yellow Lantern Corps and an unexpected alliance with the Red Lanterns. With a newfound sense of purpose, I relayed my plan to the assembled Yellow Lanterns, Sinestro, and Reverse Flash.

"Listen closely," I began, my voice filled with a commanding authority that demanded their attention. "We shall split into two halves, each with a crucial role to play in our mission to conquer Daxam and defeat Mongol."

I paused for a moment, allowing the weight of my words to settle upon them. Sinestro, ever the inquisitive one, raised an eyebrow, silently urging me to continue. I could sense his skepticism, his curiosity burning within him like a smoldering flame.

"The first half of the Yellow Lantern Corps will be tasked with gathering vital intelligence on Mongol's whereabouts," I declared. "Assemble your ranks and scour the galaxy for any leads or sightings. We must determine his location to ensure our success."

The Yellow Lanterns nodded, acknowledging the importance of this reconnaissance mission. Their yellow power rings glowed with anticipation, ready to embark on their assigned task.

"And what of the other half?" Sinestro interjected, his voice laced with intrigue. "What is their purpose?"

A wry smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I revealed my audacious plan. "The other half, along with Sinestro, Reverse Flash, and myself, will venture forth to forge an alliance with the Red Lantern Corps."

Sinestro's eyes widened in surprise, his disbelief evident in his expression. The notion of joining forces with the impulsive and volatile Red Lanterns was a concept he had likely never entertained before. The unpredictability of such an alliance both intrigued and unnerved him.

"Red Lanterns?" Sinestro repeated, his tone tinged with incredulity. "Why would we seek an alliance with them? Their rage and chaos are not to be underestimated."

I locked gazes with Sinestro, my eyes reflecting a newfound resolve. "Indeed, their rage and chaos are powerful forces, but they can be harnessed to serve our purpose. The Red Lanterns' relentless fury can be directed towards our enemy—Mongol."

Understanding dawned upon Sinestro's face, his skepticism giving way to a glimmer of realization. He recognized the strategic advantage an alliance with the Red Lanterns could provide, their unbridled rage capable of overwhelming Mongol's forces.

I continued, my voice steady and resolute. "Together, united in our purpose, we shall present a formidable front—a force that Mongol cannot ignore. With the combined might of the Yellow Lantern Corps and the Red Lanterns, we shall bring about the downfall of Mongol and liberate the people of Daxam."

As the weight of my words settled upon them, the Yellow Lanterns and my newfound allies contemplated the audacity of this plan. The prospect of a union between the two Lantern Corps—one rooted in fear and the other in rage—was an unprecedented and potentially game-changing alliance.

Sinestro's initial surprise transformed into a grudging admiration, his mind now envisioning the strategic potential of such a formidable alliance. Reverse Flash, ever the opportunist, grinned at the prospect of chaos and upheaval for the villains of this world.

With a nod of agreement from Sinestro and a sly smirk from Reverse Flash, I knew that they were onboard. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger and intrigue, but the potential rewards were too great to ignore.

As the plan to forge an alliance with the Red Lantern Corps took shape in my mind, a devious grin played across my face. While I presented this alliance as a means to an end, a strategic maneuver against Mongol, my true intentions ran much deeper. My ultimate goal was not simply to form an alliance but to extend my dominion over the Red Lanterns as well.

To the Yellow Lantern Corps, except Sinestro, I remained the charismatic leader, their beacon of hope and liberation. They saw me as their ally, their commander, unaware of the dark secret that lay hidden within the mark I had bestowed upon them.

Little did they know that the mark I gifted them was not a symbol of empowerment but a mark of enslavement. The power they believed they possessed was merely an illusion, a false sense of control that I had carefully crafted. Beneath their compliance and loyalty lay the unmistakable truth—they were my slaves, their wills subservient to mine.

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