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36.84% Everchosen Journey Of Heroes / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Infestation and The Omega class

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Infestation and The Omega class

Genji was frozen at the question of Principal Chiyo. He didn't even knew what to say at all. Chiyo seemed embarrassed as hell. But she didn't knew that Genji was almost dead from that. Of course in sarcastic way but he almost fainted due to the sudden question. Chiyo quickly said:

- I..I am sorry..I don't have anyone to go out with's just you are the only one I know who can fit!

Genji started to brain storm trying to find a way from this situation but no matter how much he thought he couldn't find shit in his head. Seems he had to make a choice either say yes or no. And he after a moment said:

- Normally I would say ... You know what. I am gonna say Yes.

Chiyo froze in shock at the answer and Genji smiled in his mask. She started to cry in which Genji immediately rushed over and said:

- Woah woah! Calm down! I am sorry if I made you sad!

Chiyo just smiled while crying and said to him:

- Those are tears of joy Genji... I.. I am so happy.. thank you...thank you so much!

She jumped in instance and hugged him leaving Genji quiet embrrased but he hugged back and pat her back saying -

- Alright alright Chiyo senpai. No need to be such a cry baby over this. What matters is you are happy. That's what matters sensei.

Chiyo was crying tears of joy and hanged onto him for many minutes. Genji on the other hand comforted her the best way he could. Genji although he didn't like it had more experience in helping others emotionally then others may say. After at least 30 minutes Chiyo stopped crying and looked at Genji and said:

- I..I had to look hilarious...a teacher and a women of my age crying over such a small thing..

Genji smiled and said:

- Not at all. Personally I say you Didn't looked bad or anything. I say what matters is you are happy.

Chiyo smiled abit and said:

- Thanks. You really are something else Genji you know that?

Genji smiled and was about to say something as Suddenly Razor striker kicked the door open. Genji jolted up as Chiyo did the same. Chiyo noticed striker was out of breath and asked:

- Amelie What is happening? You seem to be in a hurry.

Amelie immediately said:

- A storm is coming towards us. A big one. We need to go to the building nearby. For safety hazards.

Chiyo nodded and said to Genji:

- Time to get going Genji. Let's go.

Genji nodded and immediately runned and changed up into his suit and walked out and saw how big the storm really was and commented:

- Such storm never happened at the Japanese coast or see.. this is weird.. very weird.. but no time to waste.

Genji quickly approached Chiyo and said:

-Do you think this storm is natural? Personally I think it's something new... Something more sinister..

Chiyo looked at him and said after a moment:

- Same here personally... There is a chance it is related to monsters...or something Haruto spoke about...

Genji looked at her quickly in confusion and asked:

- What did he spoke about exactly? If I may know of course.

Chiyo for a second thought and said:

- Possible infestation or invasion of the Bug type monsters into Japan or at least Tokyo.

Genji became serious and said:

- If those rumours are true blood will be spilled and corpses will pile.

Genji's eyes flashed with there colours as he looked back at Chiyo and said:

- Lets go to that building for now.

Chiyo nodded and her ,Genji,Amelie and other teachers went straight to the building nearby which was of Neptune security bunker department. As Genji went in he saw the amount of people seeking shelter and asked:

- Isn't this way too much for this building..?

Chiyo chuckled and said quickly:

- This building has 200 stories. Mostly builder bunkers under it. It's made in case of a world wide or Japanese scale downfall because of the monsters. Neptune industry is the biggest security industry in the case of monster security. There technology is the best thing we have againts the monsters on daily basis.

Genji understood what she said and looked over the panels looking through much information going in and out each second. He commented:

- The storm is only happening at Tokyo...this doesn't seem too good.. is there a chance it's related to that thing you said?

Chiyo next to him though and said:

- Yes. There is a chance but we shouldn't just judge it immediately. We need to be ready just in case.

Genji nodded as he sat down. Although keeping calm he was a bit stressed..mostly about the possibility of people getting hurt..

Chiyo was worried as well..both of them could be seen stressing out about the entire case.. Amelie was the one to break the silence and said:

- We got a call... It's about a possible infestation on a nearby construction site.

Genji stood up and said:

- Where it is exactly? I can help.

Amelie said quite quickly:

- I am sorry but you are just a student. We can't really get you with us it would only slowed us dow-

Chiyo suddenly put hand on Amelie's shoulder and said :

- Trust me Genji is someone who we can trust. He isn't just a normal student. He is someone far more then just a student.

Amelie looked at Genji and said:

- If the principal of Grandstern Academy say this about you I don't have a right to decline your help.

Genji smiled and said:

- Trust me I am not kidding when I am saying. I can kill monsters with ease. If you saw the practical. I am someone you need.

Amelie decided to answer:

- Alright then. Follow me it's not far away from here.

Chiyo nodded as Amelie lead them outside the building..her ,Chiyo and Genji were heading to the location of the supposed infestation.. Genji was kind of sceptical as he really never expected an army of bugs to be a threat to the city. But Amelie said:

- From what we know the bugs or the ants as we noticed are not dangerous that much.. the only problem with them Is actually pretty simple. Each one of them can be considered Monarch or even a dragon level threat of low difficulty.

Genji quickly answered:

- So the numbers are the problem let me guess?

Amelie nodded towards him and said:

- The amount has been growing from we have heard. We send many teams inside but none came out. Only one person did. A female Beta class hero. Stated to us that the monsters inside are truly terrific.

Chiyo looked at her and asked:

- Anything about the girl you know? How did she survived the onslaught?

Amelie looked away . It was seen she didn't wanted to say that at all. Genji noticed it and walked forward not asking questions anymore. Chiyo realised Amelie won't answer now so she just ignored it and said:

- For now forget it . Let's make sure they don't pose a threat to Tokyo and nearby cities.

Genji noticed both of them were worried... He decided to call Haruka but the phone wasn't answering he said to himself:

- Shit.. seems she must be busy... Or she is taking care of the girl.

Genji although worried trusted Haruka and followed Amelie and Chiyo to a giant construction side.. where many soldiers and heroes were located. Genji knew something was off.. he felt it immediately. He looked around seeing many Alpha class heroes there. Black Assassin came up and asked:

- Principal Chiyo. You sure this is the place?

Chiyo said:

- The chances of us being wrong are not low. But. The monsters have been from many holes. We can't really just wait for them to come. You get what I mean right?

Haruto suddenly appeared with Akihito and Hiroto. Everyone there was shocked to see five omega class heroes for the first time in months. Hiroto stated:

- The chances of the monsters attacking is rising. And you brought a kid to this place?

Chiyo got mad and said:

- He is not a kid! He is someone capable as much as you! Especially everyone in this place.

Suddenly explosions started to go off. Everyone looked at the cave entrance as giant explosions Happened inside. Haruto looked and noticed Genji gone and thought:

- "I didn't even saw him rush in there.. how fast is that guy?"

Chiyo immediately yelled:


The five heroes rushed in followed by entire alpha heroes of Japan. As soon as they entered they passed multiple dead bugs and monsters on there way. Hiroto commented:

- If this kid did this. I may have missjudge His strength and prowess a bit.

Amelie commented:

- Chiyo who the hell is this student of yours?! He is a monster!

Chiyo smiled and yelled with excitement:

- He is holding back much more then you can think!

A giant ant went flying into a wall nearby as everyone stopped. Akihito looked onward in pure shock.. Genji was punching the bugs left and right his punches sending them flying. His fist suddenly grew as he lifted up both arms into the air:


Genji smashed both hands into the ground causing a giant rift and shockwave to form . Hundreds or maybe even thousands of the bugs died or felt into the hole .... Everyone looked in awe as Genji looked onward seieng more of the monsters coming. Haruto and the other wife omega heroes walked up and froze a bit at the numbers..Amelie commented:

- Just like the old years now is it Haruto ?

Haruto smirked as he took out his two handed sword with the other heroes following soon after. Many of them arrived behind the heroes. Chiyo wielding a giant spear looked at Genji as she noticed his face formed a smirk. Chiyo commented:

- Seems there has been time you were in such battle am I right Genji?

Genji said looking at the upcoming beasts and monsters:

- This is a battle for survival. Either we win and crush them. Or they destroy us. So it's obvious everyone should be ready to threw there life away in the name of the greater good . Right omega class?

The five looked at him. Haruto and Hiroto were blunt to him before but now noticed his potential. Amelie and Akihito were the ones who saw in him someone bigger then them all. Other heroes found inspiration in Genji and screamed victorious. Chiyo smiled saying:

- Lead the way. Genji Yamamoto. The first year student of the Grandstern Academy.

Genji's eyes flashed as he blitzed towards the monster going through an entire horde in Instance. Hiroto and Haruto joined in using there swords to slash the monsters left and right. Akihito armed in heavy armor and a hammer made way for everyone through the bigger monsters. While chiyo charged with the other heroes and was fighting at the front line. All the heroes were fighting ferociously as the monsters rallied Charging at them . Genji was the one who was stopping giant insects by himself. Haruto yelled:


In quick succession slicing through a thousand monsters with ease as Amelie dashed next to him and unleashed her attack:


A giant blast of ice and lighting caused many of the bugs to get stunned from pure paralysis as the heroes rushed killing them all. Genji for the first time was fighting near such group of heroes... All of them were fighting like brothers and sisters. Principal Chiyo was fighting next to Genji as she said:

- To believe you would made your debiut in this place Genji!

Genji got a weird feeling in his stomach. He felt soemthing was wrong. Especially the fact the monsters Although being monarch and dragon level threat were acting so irrational... Every hero didn't notice it. But only Haruto and Genji noticed. Haruto said to Genji:

- This is way too easy. I have a bad feeling about this already. They aren't putting any defense... This is not normal.

Genji said after noticing something:

- Those aren't too Alpha heroes. Am I right?

Haruto responded:

- They are just the lowest Rankings. The highest have been assigned to make sure the city is safe. You suggest something?

Genji moved forward punching a bug away noticing a symbol. But mostly he was concerned about the monsters numbers.. as he stated:

- They weren't unprepared... They knew we would come here... They are so dumb..

Haruto asked in confusion:

- What do you mean by that Genji? Do you suggest we have been....

Genji quickly said:

- We got right into there trap... Possibly... But we can't be sure. We need to push onward if we want to make sure it's true.

Haruto suddenly sensed something and said worried:

- You felt that as well did you?!

Genji nodded and commented:

- That's something bigger then I faced before. But we gotta focus on the target now. Let's go. Haruto nodded and both him and Genji pushed onward cleaning a giant path to the center of the giant tunnel system. Chiyo ,Hiroto,Amelie and Alpha class heroes were close behind... Cleaning the ones who survived.

Chiyo run up to them and asked:

- You both seems to got pretty damn close did you?

Genji said as he punched another monster:

- Sometimes you get to know eachother in a glimpse of a fight. So it's pretty normal for me at this point principal Chiyo.

Chiyo smiled and said:

-Us omega heroes although being the strongest Sometimes become blunt. But seems they opened lightly after seeing your work.

Genji looked at her stating:

- That's pretty interesting. And besides. I do have a reason to be here in the first place.

The group made it to the main cave entrance... The heroes were about to go in but Haruto stopped them and said:

- This is too dangerous for you all. And... I can't let you go forward. The heroes were confused and were afraid the omega heroes wouldn't win by themselves. Chiyo quickly casted a magic circle and said:

- -I am sorry everyone but this is for the better. Ilarium Nosferatu.

As soon as she said that every of the heroes besides Omega class forgot what happened since the time of the explosion and Chiyo used another spell to teleport them out. Genji looked confused and said:

-Why did you do that? I thought omega heroes weren't blunt.

Amelie said with serious expression:

- Although it seems like it. But sometimes we gotta do this for the sake to keep secrets. Especially you Genji.

Amelie was wearing a black leather armor and looked like an assassin mixed with a samurai that had a cape and no helmet . But also a pirate hat. Hiroto said to Genji:

- Your power and strength is too dangerous to be seen by others for now. We will keep this a secret between us.

Genji was kind of irritated but said:

- I know you people have your own benefits if you know this. So I am ready for anything just saying.

Genji looked at them with his blue eye ignited with flames as he walked into the central cave. The five omega heroes looked at eachother. Chiyo finally said:

- What do you guys want to do with this information.... I know it's something I won't approve off...

Haruto said with serious voice:

- You know that he is a danger. We don't know how he is able to kill monsters so easily. If he does anything in the school of yours we will leak it to the omega Legion understood?

Chiyo gritted teeth and said:

- Fine..let's just.

The five head right in behind ... Genji himself was focused on reflecting his past. But mostly... About the monster that killer his mother. And the moment he saw that black entity.. he thought to himself:

- "I don't understand... This is so weird.. that monster spoke to me.. and that black figure... Who was that."

Genji thought about many things while he went deeper in. As he saw the main chamber her thoughts to himself again:

- "No matter how many times I try to forget I can't. Not only that I feel these four other heroes expect Chiyo.. want me gone. That aura of there's say that"

Genji said under his breath:

- I don't even know how strong the omega heroes are at there Prime. Which is kind of a problem.

Genji stepped on a small cliff that was above a massive chamber. Surrounded by what seemed endless pits of void or darkness. He looked at the middle and saw something laying on the ground. His senses told him that thing wasn't ordinary.

Although he was how he was and said:

- Well time to go and meet this ... Monster responsible for this.

He stepped forward falling down in straight line landing causing small shockwave and crater. As he walked out from the crater the creature already was sitting and looking at him. He nosebleed as soon as he noticed that the monster female and in fact he commented:

- Holy...shit.. what size is that..not gonna count.. that women or a monster is..a fucking tall one.

The female monster grinned and commented while seductively massaging her own breasts with one pair of her 3 pairs of arms:

- Would you look at that . The first human to be here is already a fan of me. What you want ? Sex? My body? Or ....

She grinned her aura changing to murderous one as she with a very low voice and Beatifuel answered:

- Death from my hands human Weakling. Or I should say piece of flesh.

The monster licked it's lips as it stood up . She heard the upcoming heroes but didn't care. Genji after a second got back to normal but this time His eyes flashed With flames as he charged at the monster with incredible speed. He was right in front of her in instance as he commented right in front of her:

- Check Mate. Bitc-

Before Genji could threw the punch the monster dissapeared in instance. Genji froze as he was suddenly punched with invisible force into the wall coughing blood for the first time. He commented:

- i.. overestimated ..this..bitch..

The female monster had Genji's blood on her hand and grinned admiring:

- I need to say you survived that hit? It would be enough to kill as you call them a dragon level heroes with ease. Maybe even Kaiju level...HAHAHAH!

The women heard the other four heroes coming as she commented saying:

- My name is Nirvana. The Queen of Monsters and Insects. I am a Kaiju level threat.

Genji suddenly snapped to his mind as his eyes went blank for that period. In the meantime the other four heroes arrived and saw Genji in the wall bloodied. Chiyo froze in fear as she commented:

- Genji..

Amelie was shocked as well and analysed:

- This something too much for even him... What the hell..

Haruto, Hiroto and Akihito had different ideas. They Immediately jumped At the monster. Akihito was the first one to strike but his attack got stopped with a finger. He let out a sentence:

- W..what is this?! What kind of threat level is this thing!!

Haruto came in and used an attack:


But his slash bounced off the monsters armor which made him froze in pure shock just at the spot. Hiroto jumped from the ceiling holding his hand on the handle of the sword.He propelled himself downwards having a giant wave of wind behind him as he Slashed downwards yelling out:


He managed to cut in a bit of the horn but that's it. Nirvana smirked as she spinned sending the heroes away flying. Akihito and Haruto being lower class coughed blood but Hiroto charged in again and continued to use his shadow attacks:


And again:


And... Again:


This attack managed to finally cut Nirvana's arm off which surprised her. She commented:

- I..i didn't expected that! What a persistent human!

Hiroto was all about his speed and persistence that's why he was called "Shadow Avenger". Chiyo jumped down with Amelie while Akihito and Haruto were recovering. Although being a high class omega heroes in the top 100. They were only beneath sixteenth place. Hiroto on the other hand was in top twenty of the Omega class. Chiyo looked at how amazing Hiroto was standing his groin as he suddenly yelled:


Chiyo ,Amelie ,Haruto and Akihito knew what Hiroto meant. All four of them charged forward. Nirvana was shocked as she had to keep track of five targets at once. Chiyo used a spell:


Principal Chiyo powers arcane magic and ancient magic. Specialist in many types of magic similar to video games. Amelie charged with incredible speed gaining tons of momentum and kicked the monster right in the chest causing Nirvana to vomit liquid which was her blood as she went flying. Amelie Fushiguro powers momentum. Her speed is her key to victory. The faster she is. The more deadly she is and the more reflexes she has. As Nirvana went flying she got hammer slammed into her back with giangatic force causing some cracks to happen on her armor as she vomited blood.... Akihito Muramoto Known as Red Striker Platinum. His armor which he can create is beyond strong . It's stronger then any metal on earth. To add to that. His hammer can create earthquake's or even destroy entire continent's. Nirvana thought to herself:

- "How can they defeat me!! How is this possible! I can't even predict there movements!!!"

Nirvana has two giant horns resembling demon ones. Had armor all over her body and 3 pairs of arms. Her legs resembled that of an insect. While her chest was busty and her ass as well she had red eyes with orange pupils. Nirvana decided to make two of her arms into blades as her sixth one cut by Hiroto regenarated. She Slashed immediately towards Haruto who suddenly took out two swords and said:

- Pacific Thunderstorm Slash!

He then managed to cut both of her blades in half. Nirvana screamed in pain as she stepped back only to turn around and see Hiroto right innfront of her. Hiroto then silently used an attack appearing right behind her in isntance sheeding his sword:

- Secret Art. One milion slashes of Void.

Nirvana got cutted equally one milion times across her body as she screamed in agony her armor was barely holding together as she stepped back holding her chest. She in anger yelled at the heroes:


Nirvana regenarated in instance and powered up to the fullest causing giant earthquakes around the world. The five omega stood firm Hiroto commented:

- So this is the power...of the Kaiju level monster...

Nirvana changed colours from purple to black as she transformed all arms into blades from stars core. She yelled:


Suddenly footsteps were heard. All heroes stopped as Nirvana turned around and froze seeing Genji completely fine walking towards her he said:

- Sorry for being away for a second. Leave this to me.

He was serious and his aura was stronger then before but Nirvana yelled:

- How dare you be alive..INSOLENT INSECT!!!

She charged at him with giant power. As she about to slash him Genji pulled his arm backwards and commented with menacing red eyes instead of his normal ones:

- I am . Everchosen. Genji Yamamoto. Everstandum Series. Everchosen. Fury.

In blink of a instance Genji's punches went through Nirvana's chest. Chiyo and others froze in shock. Nirvana stood vomiting black liquid in pure shock.. she commented whimpering:

- posses....s...such...power..

Genji said as his eyes became normal:

- Because I am born to fight you. Monsters. I am the Grim Reaper.

He pulled his arm out and punched Nirvana's one more time sending here flying into a wall.. she was barely alive. Hiroto wanted to finish her off but Genji went pass him towards her. Chiyo said to Hiroto:

- Just..let's wait...

Hiroto nodded as Genji kneeled to the monster who suddenly started to cry. Genji asked it:

- You didn't choose this..did you.

Nirvana looked at him and part of her face resembled that of a human. She was turned into a monster by force. Genji said while putting hand on her shoulder:

- I am sorry for what had to be done. But if there is anything I can do. Tell me.

Genji maybe evil had compassion for the monsters that he knew. Weren't doing this normally. He had a natural gift. Nirvana took out an egg from her chest and handed it to him. As she slowly crumbled to nothing she asked him:

- W forgive me..w..will the god forgive me..?

Genji smiled a bit as he answered holding the egg:

- He will trust me.

Nirvana turned to dust with tears in her eyes. Genji prayed in the front of her. Chiyo noticed it and said:

- That women.... That monster..

Haruto answered fast:

- Was a human before. Being turned into that monster...

Hiroto walked next to Genji and kneeled down and prayed as well and said to Genji:

- Those cases are rare. But still happen. I noticed that she was under someone's control. Don't know who but. I can at least do this much.

Genji stood up and walked to Chiyo and commented:

- I will be going if I may. I have to take care of this.

He showed the egg to them. Amelie wanted to take it but Akihito stopped her saying:

- Let the kid keep it.

Amelie hesitant nodded and Genji looked at Chiyo as she said:

- See you tomorrow then. Genji.

She smiled a bit. Genji's expression changed to more happy one. He walked out towards the exit as the five heroes looked over the place standing and looking after a while at Genji. Haruto commented:

- Now you see Hiroto. This guy is something we can't just Understand....

Hiroto took off his mask revealing his black hair and golden eyes with a giant scar on his left eye and answered:

- Yeah. I can see it... This kid. Will be one heck of a hero one day. I am looking forward to it....

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