February 1, 886, in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. The two industrialist duo, Poul Nielsen and Jonathan Axelsen were engrossed in their work at the Axelsen & Nielsen Arms Manufacturing Company. They were juggling multiple projects, including air brakes, AN-M1 rifles, signaling equipment, and the development of the alternating current system. Jonathan in the meantime was in New York, settling matters there as they prepared to lay the foundation for the metro station. However, there was a slight drawback in one of their enterprises that was causing concern.
Amelia interrupted Poul's work by handing him the latest report about the war in Europe. Poul set aside the files that he was working on and took the newspaper. After unfolding it, he read the headline.
One chap for today only, it's been a hell of day for me because of midterms. This could go on tomorrow as we will have midterms exam in other subjects, but in Saturday, expect the update to return to nermal