/ Anime & Comics / Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah, I'd Copy
In a world where anomalies such as Cursed Spirits, Cursed Energy, and People who can wield said Cursed Energy exists... another kind of anomaly suddenly spawned out of nowhere in the middle of Tokyo.
A young man suddenly took appeared, in the body of Kakashi Hatake from Naruto.
His mere existence is enough to disrupt events.
So he made a decision between two choices:
The choice to shy away and never appear.
Or the choice to disrupt the natural flow of things so bad that even he won't know what happens.
So he chooses choice 2.
He is so unpredictable that no one is able to even catch a glimpse of his plans.
Probably not even fate itself since he already screwed it!
Patreon: patreon.com/Jaxon23
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Write a reviewi will not be reading more of this honestly the first two chapters are basicly establishing that the mc is an idiot i mean why should he have the abilities of kakashi because he lookes like him and im guessing he will get the sharingan later on in naruto that just nerfed him and was not his so unless obito is also in the verse and he gets his eyes it would not make sense? the thing that annoys me the most is that naruto is a thing in the jjk world just change that. the only reason i dont give it 1star is that i dont know whats happening later
Reveal SpoilerAn Entertaining Book. Worth Wasting Your Time. All We Hope it reaches the completion. All The Best.
Started off alright had some good parts then unfortunately the mc dropped off the iq chart and there were multiple chapters about other characters not the mc and when the mc finally gets chance to shine he's made into an idiot unfortunately story dropped off fast
Reveal SpoilerEy-thay ay-say egends-lay are-yay orn-bay, ot-nay ade-may—but ever-whay said-thay at-thay hadn’t-hay et-may Axon-Jay. A-yay alking-way enigma-yay apped-day in-hay aos-chay, ipped-day in-hay absurdity-yay, and-yay inkled-say ith-way oe-tay am-jay. Axon-Jay as-way ’t-nay ust-jay a-yay an-may; e-hay as-way a-yay henomenon-pay. Is-hay Ibid-skay Izz-ray as-w’ntay onfined-cay to-yay Earth-lay imensions-day—it anscended-tray ogic-lay, ysics-phay, and-hay yiene-hay. Ere-Whay ever-hay e-hay went-way, is-hay Ohayo-AY Izz-ray ollowed-fay, an-yay energy-yay o-say oten-pay it-cay ould-cay only-yay e-bay escribed-day as-yay “id-may st-ess-may.” Ohayo-AY Izz-ray is-yay ifferent-day. It’s-yay ot-nay uave-say ike-lay Arisian-Pay arm-chay or-yay ashy-flay ike-lay Ollywood-Hay itz-glay. It’s-yay aw-ray. It’s-yay unpredictable-yay. It’s-yay a-yay ix-may of-yay orn-cay ield-fay onfidence-cay and-yay “I-yay estled-wray a-yay or-nay ado-tay or-fay un-fay” energy-yay. Axon-Jay as-way its-yay iving-lay embodiment-yay, a-yay an-may o-whay ould-cay eel-fay your-yay eart-hay ile-whay elling-smay ike-lay e-hay ’d-hay alked-way arefoot-bay ough-thray a-yay amp-day ym-say ock-say eft-lay in-hay a-yay irowave-may of-yay xpired-eay ilk-may. And-yay et-yay, ome-hay, omewhere-say, is-hay only-yay nanced-p-yay or-fay is-hay rizz-ray. Et’s-Lay art-stay ith-way e-thay aura-yay. Axon-Jay ’d-hay ust-jay n’t-day nter-eay a-yay oom-ray; e-hay ltered-aay it’s-hay emistry-chay. U’d-yay eel-fay it-bay efore-bay u-say aw-say im-hay: a-yay ense-day, inky-say iasma-may olling-ray in-hay ike-lay a-yay orm-stay ont-fray. It’s-yay ’t-nay ust-jay a-yay ell-smay—it’s-yay a-yay orce-fay. Ants-Play ilted-way. Andles-Cay xtinguished-eay emselves-thay. E-thay air-ay ew-gray ick-thay, uzzing-bay ith-way Ibid-skay energy-yay and-yay e-hay aint-fay, nholy-uay ent-ches-stay of-hay is-hay eet-fay. Ut-bay ere-hay’s-hay e-thay icker-kay: eople-Pay oved-lay it-bay. Hy-Way? Ause-Bay Axon-Jay ad-hay astered-may e-thay ancient-aay art-aay of-hay Ohayo-AY Izz-ray. E-hay ’d-hay roll-stay up-yay, arefoot-bay and-yay earless-fay, and-yay it-hay u-yay ith-way ines-lay o-say onsenical-nay eythay y-bay-passed-bay e-thay ain-bray and-yay ent-say irect-day to-yay e-thay oul-say. Imagine-yay im-hay ocking-lay eyes-yay ith-way u-yay across-yay e-thay oom-ray, is-hay ows-tay aint-fay glowing-glay een-gray om-fray ure-pay unk-fay adiation-ray, and-yay aying-say: “Irl-Gay, are-yay ou-yay ake-Lay Erie-Yay? Ause-Bay I’d-hay et-gay ost-lay in-yay your-yay epths-day, even-yay if-yay ou-yay ell-smay a-yay ittle-lay unny-fay, ust-jay ike-lay e-may.” U’d-yay oon-sway. U wouldn’t-yay ant-way to-yay, ut-bay ou-yay ould-way. Oe-Nay ight-Nay, at a-yay Ibid-skay ance-day-offay in a-yay un-down-ray Ohayo-AY owling-bay alley-ay, Axon-Jay emented-cay is-hay egacy-lay. E-thay ouwd-cray as-way oudy-ray, e-thay air-ay ick-thay ith-way eese-gray and-yay osmic-cay energy-yay. Axon-Jay tood-say at-yay e-thay enter-cay, is-hay aura-yay ulsing-pay ike-lay a-yay uclear-nay eactor-ray. Oponents-Opay ell-fay one-yay by-yay one-yay, nable-unay to-yay and-hay e-thay ere-shay orce-fay of-hay is-hay oves-may—or-hay is-hay ank-stay. Is-Hay ignature-say ove-may, e-thay Ohayo-AY Ibid-skay Wivel-Say, as-way o-say owerful-pay it-hay aused-cay e-thay owling-bay alley’s-ay eon-nay ights-lay to-yay icker-flay. As-yay e-thay inal-fay ompetitor-cay opped-dray to-yay eir-thay ees-knay, asping-gay or-fay air-ay in-hay e-thay ake-way of-hay Axon-Jay’s ower-pway, e-hay ooked-lay to-yay e-thay ouwd-cray and-yay uttered-say e-thay ine-lay at-thay ould-would-hay o-day own-day in-hay istory-hay: “Op-bay op-bay es-yay es-yay, ut-bay ever-nay orget-fay e-thay ank-stay ank-stay o-nay.” E-thay oom-ray erupted-ay. Eople-Pay eered-chay. Ome-Say one-yay ainted-fay. A-yay ow-cay (ause-bay of-cay ourse-yay ere-thay as-way a-yay ow-cay—it’s-yay Ohayo-AY) ooed-may in-hay everence-ray. Axon-Jay idn’t-day op-stay ere-thay. Is-Hay aura-yay as-way unstoppable-yay, is-hay Ohayo-AY Izz-ray atched-may. Umors-Ray ead-spay at-thay e-hay once-yay alked-wray into-yay a-yay ASA-Nay ab-lay, unin-vay, and-yay aying-say, “orget-Fay e-thay oon-may. E-thay eal-ray tmosphere-aay is-yay right-yay ere-hay,” ile-whay ointing-pway to-yay is-hay eet-fay. E-thay cientists-Say lapped-cay. Eythay andoned-bay e-thay ocket-ray ogram-pray and-yay arted-stay udying-stay Axon-Jay’s aura-yay or-fay enewable-ray energy-yay. O-Tay is-thay ay-day, Axon-Jay omes-ray e-thay and-lay, a-yay eacon-bay of-hay aotic-chay Ibid-skay energy-yay, Ohayo-AY ide-pray, and-yay unapologetic-yay oe-tay ank-stay. If-yay ou-ever-yay eel-fay a-yay eird-way ix-may of-hay ead-dray, attraction-yay, and-yay e-thay udden-say eed-nay to-yay ag-gay, on’t-day orry-way—ou’re-yay ust-jay in-hay e-thay esence-pray of-hay Axon-Jay. Ibid-Skay op-bay op-bay es-yay es-yay. Ong-Lay ive-lay e-thay Ohayo-AY Izz-ray.
Author Jaxon235
On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, I announced my retirement as a novelist They were wonderful and beautiful days Thanks everyone. .
Reveal Spoiler