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100% Lost Tapes: Season 4 / Chapter 9: Episode 9 - Mega Bear

Chapter 9: Episode 9 - Mega Bear

















2 weeks ago....

"Help me! Someone please help!" A camera opens up to reveal that the person holding the device was running through the snowy and thick forest. From behind, loud growling noises followed as if it whatever made that was chasing her. The camera shook with each step the girl with the camera takes.

"Someone help me! " A branch is seen along the way but the girl must've been too panicked to see the obstacle and hit it, causing her to drop the camera. The device laid on the floor to reveal the girl's face. She had a look of fear in her eyes as she tries to retrieve the camera, but the growls became close and closer as the creature closes in.

"Aaaah!" Her instinct to survive came crashing and she turns to run, abandoning the camera for her own life as she ran as fast as her legs can carry. Ten seconds later, a very large bear sprints across the camera, revealing it was the creature chasing the girl.

"Dad, help meeeee!" The last thing the camera captures was the girl's desperate cry for her father before everything went silent.


When Adam's daughter Vanessa failed to return home two weeks after a camping trip, he brought his partners FrostWing and Nakano, as well as Vanessa's best friend Sara, along to mount a search and rescue where her last known location was given by eyewitnesses.

They armed themselves in the event of a bear attack. But what they encountered was something far more bigger than any bear they've ever known or seen.

These are their tapes....


4:20 pm

"Vanessa!" A camera pops up to reveal Vanessa's father, Adam, shouting as he ducks under a branch as he, Nakano and Sara advanced forward, shotguns and pistol in hand. "Vanessa! Where are you?!" He shouted once more, hoping it was loud enough for his daughter to hear. After a few seconds, there is still no answer.

"We've been here for hours and we still still haven't seen any signs of her." Adam said, fear and panic in his voice as he clutches his head. "She's been out here for so long, I don't. If the cold didn't kill her, maybe-"

"Adam." The person behind the camera, FrostWing, spoke as he tries reassuring the distressed father on the verge of a panic attack. "Don't assume the worst case scenario just yet. Vanessa's a tough girl."

"FrostWing's right, Adam. For all we know, she could simply fell from a cliff and is being nursed in one of the nearby settlements." Nakano pats him in the back to calm Adam down. Adam sighs as he combs his hair. "I know guys, I might be overreacting. But it's just that should've at least called me if that happened."

"Maybe her phone got wrecked when what happens or lost it." Nakano shrugs as she swats a nearby vine away from her face.

"I don't understand how Vanessa could've gotten lost here." Sara mutters as she walks beside FrostWing.. "We know this area since we were teenagers and hiked a lot. No way she could simply get lost in the forest."

"Well, this area is filled with bears. Maybe she accidentally ran into a hibernating one and got chased by it." FrostWing speculates as they continue to walk through the snowy dense forest.

"Hold it, hold it!" Adam's hand raised up with prompts the group to stop and look at him. "What'd you find Adam?" FrostWing asked as Adam kneels on one knee and inspect the ground. After a while, he looks back at the camera.

"The good news is that I found human footprints, most likely Vanessa's." The group sighs in relief before the camera sees Adam's face turning grim. "But the bad new? I found bear tracks, really big bear tracks." Adam motioned them to come closer as they took a look from what Adam discovered. The camera captures bear pawprints in the snow.

"So what? We've seen bears her plenty of times." Sara said, stating the obvious but Adam looks at the camera and shakes his head.

"Except this one's bigger." Adam said, stunning them as FrostWing's camera got a closer look and sure enough, it was two or three times bigger.

"But that kind of bear is it? Last I checked, polar bears are in Antarctica." Nakano said with fear in her voice. Adam made a grim face as he ponders about it.

"Don't know, but that won't stop me from finding Vanessa and bringing her home alive and in one piece." Adam declared with determination in his face as he got his readies his shotgun and begins heading where the pawprints were headed, Nakano and Sara behind him.

FrostWing is about to join them when he heard some twig snap. he turns his camera and looks for the source. "What the....." He mutters behind the camera as he zooms in on a spot and saw something brown moving. He would've easily dismissed it as a branch had he not recognized that is was actually fur and soft growls emanating from it.

"FrostWing!" Adam's voice yelled from behind the camera as he turns to face his group who were ahead of him.

"Uh, I'm coming!" He replied. But when he faces the camera to where he had spotted something, it was gone, confirming his suspicions that it was something. "I have a bad feeling we're being stalked....." FrostWing muttered before he heads back to where the group are heading.


7:10 pm

"Brrrrrrr." Sara is shown shivering against the cold wind as they continue to venture the forest into the night. Yet it is clear everyone is feeling the freezing wind in the air as they made their search and rescue effort for Vanessa.

"I-It's in the damn m-m-middle of s-s-ssummer. How the hell is it still c-c-c-cold?" Nakano chatted her teeth while rubbing herself in an attempt to get warm.

"It's motherfucking Russia. What you'd expect?" Adam joked a bit, causing FrostWing to chuckle from behind the camera. But then they heard Sara scream. The group quickly turned to see that she'd tripped on something.

"You alright?!" Nakano said with concerned as she went on to pick Vanessa's friend up.

"Yeah, I'm find I just tripped on-" Sara but then looked down and gave a horrified scream. Nakano look what she saw and she also scream.

"Holy shit!" Adam yelled in shock as FrostWing used the camera to zoom in on what Sara tripped on. It was a bloodied leg with three scratch marks. Looking up, the camera showed that they were at the camp site where Vanessa went with her friends. The area was a complete mess with the tents having huge holes and blood staining the snow and sleeping bags.

"Everyone....." What disturbed Sara is that there were four bodies laid all over the area and that they were her classmates with Vanessa.

"It looked like everyone was massacred by something." FrostWing stated as he inspected one of the tents with a huge slash mark. It was definitely made by a huge animal.

"Everyone but Vanessa." Adam said with both relief and worry in his tone as he went inside the tent.

"Dad! Help meeeeeeee~!" Suddenly Vanessa's cry for help broke through the air, getting everyone's attention especially Adam.

"Vanessa?~" Adam shouted as he got out and went outside to hear where his daughter's voice is coming from.

"Vanessa!" FrostWing, Nakano and Sara yelled as they began searching through the snow to see where Vanessa might be. Suddenly the leaves began moving where Adam is looking.

"Adam behind you!" FrostWing shouted, but it was too late as something slams into Adam knocking them both down. It was none other than Vanessa, who was roughed up and shivering from the cold, but ultimately alive. "Dad!" Vanessa cried as she hugged her father tightly.

"Vanessa!" Adam breathed a sigh of relief as he clutched his daughter, refusing to let her go. It lasted for a few seconds before both parent and child got up from the snow.

"What the hell happened to you and the others Vanessa?" FrostWing asked as he patted her shoulder. "We saw the rest of our classmates back and there and it looked like a damn warzone!"

Vanessa took deep breaths before explaining. "Two weeks ago, we were just having s'mores in the campfire we had setup and telling stories before we heard rustling in the bush. We grabbed sticks since the forest had bears and tried to scare it off, but it got closer and when it got out of the bushes, it was a fucking bear! By some miracle, I was knocked away and out while the rest of my classmates were killed." She teared up at the end

"Wait," FrostWing asked, remembering something as the camera turns to Adam. "Didn't we saw a large bear pawprint a while back?"

"Yeah we did." Adam nodded, to which Vanessa straightened up. "T-Then that means it's still alive?!" Vanessa cried out as she clings to Adam again. "W-We gotta go! It could still be-"

The huge rustling of leaves cut her off as growling noises began to got closer. "Over there!" Nakano pointed behind FrostWing. He turns the camera and with the lights on, they witness a huge brown bear barreling towards them, closing the 100 meters between them.

"EVERYONE RUN!" Adam roared as all of them screamed and began tor un in the opposite direction to where the truck is. The camera shaking as snow covered the lenses in the dark night as the bear's snarls kept creeping forward.

"Shoot it!" Nakano shouted as she fired several rounds behind her. FrostWing and Sara doing the same. Adam, who still had Vanessa's hand in his, resorts to firing blindly while trying not to accidentally shoot the others. Many had either missed or was ineffective enough to pierce the bear's hide.

Then one of the bullets hit something as the bear groans in pain and its strides began to slow down, yet no one had bothered slowing down to see it  as they prioritized their survival.


7:32 pm

The camera finally saw Adam's red 4x4 truck in their sight. "Get in!" Adam instructed as he and Vanessa got in front. Sara and Nakano jumped to the trucked bed while FrostWing got in the back.

"Come on! Come on!" Adam chanted as the camera sees his trying to start the car,, but failing. Soon, the bear's noises grew louder as it got nearer to the vehicle. FrostWing look in the window and saw the bear's figure ever growing closing to them, making all of them scream in fear and horror.

"Start the car!" Vanessa pleaded to her father as the giant bear was now a few feet away from them.

"Come on you rusty son of a bitch!" Adam shouted as he turned the key for the final time. Then, the car roared to life as the monster rears up on its hind legs and roars.

"Floor it!" Vanessa and FrostWing screamed as Adam's pushed the pedal and got the vehicle moving. Just in time, as the camera caught the bear taking a swing which nearly hit a screaming Nakano and Sara from the truck bed by mere inches from their face. The vehicle hightailed it out of there as the bear's roar of anger can be heard in the distance before fading.

"Holy shit." FrostWing muttered behind the camera as everyone in the pickup truck took heavy breaths from the near death experience.

"Well, remind me not to go hiking without a gun to defend myself from giant bears." Sara joked weakly. Soon, everyone began chuckling despite their terrifying encounter, Vanessa included.


Vanessa was taken to a hospital for her injuries while  Adam and the others reported their encounter to the police. Though the giant bear tracks and fur were recovered in the area, the authorities announced that the official death of the students are caused by rogue bears which resulted in 3 brown bears being killed seen in the area.

Even though the Ice Age had long since passed, we are still discovering new species today, even those that were declared extinct. Which begs the question shown here: Are these giant bears merely people exaggerating the sizes of real bears.....

Or do they live among us?


Captain_Valkyrie Captain_Valkyrie

Yeah I got no excuse why it took me this long to update other than losing interest for a bit.

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