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73.52% Treasure! / Chapter 25: Pandora’s Labyrinth of Deceit

Chapter 25: Pandora’s Labyrinth of Deceit


Pit and Jared rush to the door to start the adventure.

"Your destination is Pandora's Labyrinth of Deceit." Palutena said, telepathically.

"A Labyrinth of Deceit. Huh." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Are we talking about a Witch's labyrinth?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

Pit and Jared leaps through the door and flies through the air.

"The Reapers certainly hid it well…" Palutena said, telepathically.

"What are you talking about? I don't see anything." Pit said.

A crack in the sky appears

"A crack in time?!" Jared exclaimed. "No. This is something different."

"Whoa!" Pit said.

"And here we have a space pocket. In you go!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"O-OK!" Pit said.

Palutena sends Pit and Jared through the crack and into a green tunnel.

Green tunnel…

"You thought Witch's labyrinths were crazy. Wait till you see this, girls." Jared said, frowning,

"This is getting weird…" Pit said.

"You'd have to be pretty out there to base your operations in a place like this." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Well, Pandora has always been pretty out there." Pit said.

"So, Palutena is like Magical Girls but on a whole other level." Homura said, telepathically.

Jared closed his eyes to imagine Pandora's new appearance.

"It's like we're more sane than she is." Mami said, telepathically.

"It's true. The goddess of calamity even LOOKS pretty out there. I guess it's no surprise that the path to her would be as twisted as she is." Palutena said, telepathically.

"'Twisted'? I'd say 'unhinged' is more like it!" Pit said, scoffing.

Labyrinth of Deceit…

"I kind of hate that I gave a book to Amy about this place…" Jared said, sadly.

The labyrinth comes into view.

"You gave Amy a book of this place to trap you and the Doctor in? That explains the Pandorica." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"What's that?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"Pandora's Labyrinth of Deceit!" Mami said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared head into the labyrinth.

"Whoa!" Pit said.

"This is not what I expected." Palutena said, telepathically.

"I give you my big red heart. My, my big red heart. My, my big red heart. I'll be true to my red heart. My, my big red heart. My, my big red heart." Jared said.

A red pillar rises in front of Pit and Jared.

"You jinxed yourself and Pit by thinking about Haachama!" Kyoko said, telepathically.

"You have to watch out for those red posts." Mami said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared abruptly stops at a solid wall made to look like an open path.

"Great…" Jared said, sarcastically. "I would rather take one of your Witches any day."

"This is crazy!" Pit said, terrified.

"Tricky tricky. A false path...Pandora is trying to psych the two of you out." Palutena said, telepathically.

"How does Pandora come up with this stuff?" Pit asked.

"Messing with people is what she does best. And Jared did say he gave a book of Pandora's Box to Amy." Palutena said, telepathically.

"He just wasn't expecting you guys to be real." Sayaka said, telepathically. "Back then, you were just video game characters."

Pit and Jared abruptly stops at another solid wall made to look like an open path.

"And look at how that turned out. Wait, that's spoilers." Kyoko said, telepathically.

"Not again!" Pit said, annoyed.

"And I thought me coming up with a Witch's labyrinth of Mitakihara City was crazy." Homura said, telepathically.

"Well, it was clever. I'll give you that, Homura, maybe I could use that idea of yours someday." Jared said, letting out a sigh.

"Uh-huh. Another psych out." Mami said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared approaches a path leading downward.

"Going down!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"OK!" Pit said.

"Let's do this!" Jared said, happily.

"The path branches up ahead." Palutena said, telepathically.

Jared closed his eyes to see branching paths with arrows, allowing him to decide which path to take.

"Tell you what...I'll let you decide which way to go this time." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Does that mean you don't know the way?!" Pit exclaimed.

Jared opened his eyes and it started to glow blue, allowing him to see the near future.

Jared's mind palace...

If Jared chooses the right path.

Pit and Jared stop at a dead end.

"This is a dead end!" Pit said.

"Sorry! I miscalculated. Now I know why Donna's world existed back then." Jared said, sadly.

"Looks like you're trapped. Pulling the two of you out of there!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Pandora's Labyrinth of Deceit…

Jared's eyes stopped glowing blue and it went back to the brown hue it was before.

"Left! The right end is a dead end." Jared said, smirking.

Pit and Jared go through the left path.

"Your visions really come in handy, huh." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Oh, my." Mami said, telepathically.

"We can't let her get to us! We have to hustle before the power of flight runs out." Pit said.

"That would be...problematic. You see, I can't extract you and Jared if Pandora's powers are still active." Palutena said, telepathically.

"How about your time stopping magic, Homura?" Jared asked. "Can it reach us?"

"Hypothetically. It could. But at most, it would only get what is in range of Palutena's Temple." Homura said, telepathically.

"I'll just pretend the two of you didn't say that!" Jared said, angrily.

Pit and Jared arrive in a room full of Handoras.

"It's a Handora ambush!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Wha—?! It's Pandora time already?!" Pit exclaimed.

"No, no, I said Handora. You know," Palutena said, telepathically.

"So, it's the equivalent of Witch's Familiars." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Yeah. And I'm keeping the five of you out of danger as much as possible." Jared said, happily.

"For a master of deceit, that's pretty weak! Creating stuff that the Puella Magi Holy Quintet face on a daily basis." Pit said.

"Finally!" Jared said, excitedly.

A hole opens up in the ground.

"A way out!" Pit said.

"Now's your chance!" Madoka said, telepathically. "Get out of there!"

Pit and Jared fly through the hole and end up in an area that looks like the Overworld section of Chapter 1's Air Battle.

"Wait a second...whoa! We're outside now?" Pit asked.

"This could be another trick…" Palutena said, telepathically.

"But it all seems so real…" Pit said.

"I miss using illusion magic…" Kyoko said, telepathically.

It suddenly goes black, then flickers before the labyrinth reappears.

"I can't believe this labyrinth is using your speciality against us!" Jared said, angrily.

"Well, THIS is confusing." Pit said.

"I know, right. It's the main reason why I don't use illusion magic. Especially in virtual reality games."

"It isn't called the Labyrinth of Deceit for nothing, Pit, Jared." Palutena said, telepathically.

"The name is the only straightforward thing about this place!" Pit said, annoyed.

Jared closed his eyes to imagine branching paths with arrows, allowing him to decide which path to take again.

"The path branches again." Palutena said, telepathically.

Jared opened his eyes again and they turned blue for him to get another vision of the near future.

Jared's mind palace…

If Jared chooses the left path.

Pit and Jared stop at a dead end.

"Ugh, don't tell me this is a dead end!" Pit said.

"Let's go back before the power of flight runs out." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Sorry! I miscalculated again…" Jared said.

Labyrinth of Deceit…

Jared's eyes stopped glowing blue and they went back to the brown hue they were before.

"Right!" Jared said, smirking.

Pit and Jared go through the right path and abruptly stop at a wall.

"Is THIS a dead end?" Pit asked.

"Yes...? No...? Uh…" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Why are you making us watch this?" Kyoko asked, telepathically.

Pit and Jared head out of the path they were on.

"I thought you guys could kick back and relax." Jared said, sadly. "Anyway, we're losing our grip here!"

"No, I just need to think." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Could you think a little faster please? We don't know how long they've got." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"I'm...I'm getting a handle on things now. OK, Pit, Jared, watch out for the columns around you. They'll reflect your fire!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared fly through a tunnel and end up in space.

"O...K…" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Space?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"Is this place made to mess with Jared most of all?" Kyoko asked, telepathically.

"Ugh, this is hurting my head. I don't want to be reminded of Earth and space." Jared said, frowning.

"I believe we're close to our target." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Then let's do this!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared takes a jump pad to a narrow, cyberspace tunnel, which leads back into the labyrinth.

"We're nearing the landing spot." Palutena said, telepathically.

"You're sure it's not another illusion, right?" Pit asked.

"Kyoko, I'm kind of glad that you can't use illusion magic." Jared said, happily,

Palutena sends Pit and Jared down to a platform.

"Hey! I can use it in ALFheim Online. It's not my full extent. But it's close enough." Kyoko said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared land on the platform and look around.

"Huh?!" Jared exclaimed. "A fun house?!"

The camera suddenly flips, and Pit and Jared are sent plummeting down to the real floor.

"Yeeow! Ow!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared get to their feet and walks through a door.

"Quite the thrill seekers, aren't you?" Pandora asked, telepathically.

"Pandora, goddess of calamity!" Pit said.

"We let ourselves in. Hope you don't mind." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Oh, please. Make yourselves at home. Doesn't bother me. But you should know that the whole 'goddess of calamity' was really the old me. The new me leads a more grounded life. Yoga, macrobiotics, reflexology." Pandora said, telepathically.

"Don't you need feet for that?" Pit asked.

"It's not like you can play Wii Fit or Ring Fit Adventure. You don't have feet to do any workouts." Jared said, sarcastically.

"How dare you take that tone with me?! Especially since calamity is really more YOUR domain these days!" Pandora said, telepathically.

"Uh…" Palutena said, telepathically.

"It's really quite insulting."

Pit and Jared walk into a room with multiple doors.

"There're so many doors…" Pit said.

"And I'm sure there are just as many tricks." Palutena said, telepathically.

"I don't know which is more annoying, labyrinths or corn mazes." Jared said, sadly.

"Labyrinths. Period." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Agreed." Mami said, telepathically.

"With corn mazes, you can get out of them." Homura said, telepathically.

"Once you find the right way out." Madoka said, telepathically.

"Uh, no doy." Pandora said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared take either the door furthest to the left, or the door second to the left.

"What?!" Pit exclaimed.

"Damn. She's doing this on purpose." Kyoko said, telepathically.

"Ya think?" Jared asked.

"You're back where you started." Madoka said, telepathically.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious."

Pit and Jared take a different left door than the one he previously picked.

"Ugh! Again?" Pit asked.

"You seem to have a thing for this room." Palutena said, telepathically.

"How about this one?" Jared asked.

Pit and Jared try to enter one of the doors that hurt them.

"It's not like these doors can hurt us." Pit said.

The door opens and damages Pit and Jared, sending them backwards.

"Ooof!" Pit said.

"That's one of the oldest tricks in the book." Sayaka said, telepathically. "I can't believe you fell for that."

"Grrrr! This is one day I wish I was eating sweets and drinking tea." Jared said, sadly.

Pit and Jared tries to enter additional doors that hurt them.

"Be careful." Madoka said, telepathically.

The door opens and damages Pit and Jared, sending them backwards.

"We're trying!" Jared said, annoyed.

"Ooof!" Pit said.

"I just want this day to end…" Jared said.

Pit and Jared enters a room with a Girin, which hops out of the ground when Pit and Jared either approaches or damages it.

"Gross! It's a giant bug!" Pit said.

"More like a giant ant. At least it's not giant spiders. And I probably jinxed myself. Yuck! What does this giant ant do?" Jared asked,

"It jumps out of the ground and emits a shock wave when it lands. And technically speaking, it's not a bug. It's an Underworld Girin." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Thanks for the science lesson. Anything else we need to know?" Pit asked.

"You need to dodge its shock waves."

"No, what we NEED is a giant bug zapper."

"Pit, what we need is Haachama eating it. But I don't know if that's the right option due to the coexisting being not what I had in mind…" Jared said, frowning.

"Right. That was mortifying." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Since when was her mental state like ours?" Mami asked, telepathically.

"Memes." Madoka said, telepathically. "I think."

Pit and Jared enter a room with moving walls.

"So, the person behind Akai Haato and Haachama took the Akai Haato dead meme seriously. What an idiot!" Kyoko said, telepathically.

"And she came up with something you would see from us as a result…" Homura said, telepathically.

"Where are we?" Jared asked.

"The Hall of Marvelous Moving Walls." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Your delivery stinks. Say it with feeling. This isn't public radio, you know." Pandora said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared approach the back of the room.

"Be careful with that moving wall." Palutena said, telepathically.

"We've got a delicious Pit panini and Jared milkshake on the menu today." Pandora said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared enter another room with different moving walls.

", what's up with the walls in HERE?" Pit asked.

"Watch them carefully, and try to time your movements." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared arrives in a practice track with two Exo Tanks.

"Look! Exo Tanks!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Now those are heavenly rides!" Pit said.

"I bet they're cooler than motorcycles." Jared said, happily.

"Technically, they're vehicle of the gods. Why don't you take it for a spin? To get in, walk up to it and climb on." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared hop into the Exo Tanks.

"How do you control this thing?" Jared asked.

"As you drive the vehicle, an arrow will appear by the Exo Tank. That arrow shows you which way you're headed. Don't just take off. Use the Touch Screen on the Exo Tank to face the direction you want to go...then drive forward! This should ensure a nice, stable ride for you." Palutena said, telepathically.

"OK, thanks for the explanation!" Pit said.

"We really appreciate it." Jared said, sitting on top of the vehicle.

"Just always be looking ahead and facing the direction you want to go. To get out, tap the arrow on the Touch Screen." Palutena said, telepathically.

"What are Exo Tanks doing here anyway?" Sayaka asked, telepathically.

"I wanted to get my driver's license. So I whipped up a little parking lot to practice in. But then it hit me. How am I supposed to steer without hands?" Pandora asked, telepathically.

"How'd you build a parking lot without hands?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"Hard work and determination." Pandora said, telepathically.

"Once you've practiced enough, go ahead and move on. Tap the arrow on the Touch Screen to get out of the Exo Tank." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Refresh our memory. What are we doing here again?" Jared asked. "It's been a long day of navigating the equivalent of a Witch's labyrinth."

"Pandora has the Mirror of Truth, making her Medusa's most valuable commander." Palutena said, telepathically.

"The hell is the Mirror of Truth?" Kyoko asked, telepathically.

"I'll bet smarty-pants here knows the answer." Pandora said, telepathically.

"The Mirror of Truth makes a copy of whatever stands before it." Palutena said, telepathically.

"So, hypothetically speaking, it could turn one ice-cream sundae into two?" Pit asked.

"And that's why you're one of the great minds of our time." Pandora said, telepathically.

Jared closed his eyes to picture a diagram of the Mirror of Truth copying a Mik.

"It copies what's in your heart and creates beings identical in nature. So what Pandora possesses is a way to create monsters on a catastrophic scale." Palutena said, telepathically.

"That's one way of looking at things." Pandora said, telepathically.

"Then it has the potential to make entire ARMIES for Medusa. We have to destroy it! But wait...does the mirror copy the reflection's soul too? Or just the body?" Pit asked.

"Or is it like Magical Girls and their Soul Gems? This is an entirely new concept to me." Homura said, telepathically.

"That's a good question. Maybe Pandora will tell us." Mami said, telepathically.

"Do I LOOK like a strategy guide? In case you haven't noticed, this isn't the Ask Auntie Pandora hour." Pandora said, telepathically.

"She makes a good point, especially when she yells." Pit said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared enters a room with rotating platforms.

"Whoa! How do we deal with THIS?" Pit asked.

"First, get a sense for the timing. Then use jumps or dashes to make your way across." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Having fun there?" Pandora asked, telepathically.

"Pandora certainly has...interesting ideas about interior design."

"Rude rude rude! You don't see me breaking into YOUR home and criticizing YOUR style. I mean, marble columns? Really? How gauche!"

Pit and Jared approach a set of platforms shaped like letters.

"Those orange platforms seem to spell something." Madoka said, telepathically.

"Ooh, ooh! Like a secret message? Lady Palutena, can you decode it?" Pit asked.

"It says...P-A-N...D-O-R-A... It...doesn't seem like there's much to decode here." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Well, that was a letdown."

"You're just jealous of my knack for interior design AND my flair for spelling." Pandora said, telepathically.

"Yes. I'll never have powers like yours." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared enter a seemingly endless hall.

"Uh...what's this?! The exit's moving away!" Pit said.

"Maybe you should stop running in place then." Pandora said, telepathically.

"Ugh. Is this really necessary?" Jared asked,

"I don't think so." Madoka said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared enter a room with green mats on the floor, which boost Pit and Jared into the air with contact.

"I guess it's bouncy time…" Pit said.

"I haven't been to a bounce house in so long." Jared said, happily. "Is it one?"

"I don't think so." Mami said, telepathically. "They look like trampolines."

"The hell? Why use trampolines?" Kyoko asked, telepathically. "What's the point?"

"I thought trampolines would add a touch of whimsy to my humble abode." Pandora said, telepathically.

"But you can't even use them!" Sayaka said, telepathically.

"So what? I thought it would be fun to watch people bounce around on them. And I was right! ...Even though this is the first time people have made it this far." Pandora said, telepathically.

"Well, there's another achievement to throw up next to 'Slaying Pandora'!" Pit said, happily.

"I would take removing the bounce house over removing the karaoke bar any day. When it comes to the TARDIS." Jared said. "And slaying Pandora would be nice. Especially in terms of music."

"Don't make ME throw up. Slaying me on top of the radio platform. Really?" Pandora asked, telepathically.

Pit and Jared encounter the Mimicutie in the level 4 Intensity Gate.

"Check out this treasure box!" Pit said.

"I love treasure boxes." Jared said, happily.

"Say hello to Mimicutie!" Pandora said, telepathically.

"Aw! Who's a Mimicutie!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"It's been DYING for some company."

"Thanks, but no thanks!" Pit said.

"Let's get out of there. Pit." Jared said, looking at Pit.

Pit and Jared enter the level 8 Intensity Gate.

Pit enters a room with 8-bit textures, with the back wall displaying a Store screen from the original Kid Icarus.

"Whoa! Now this takes me back! Ah, memories…" Pit said.

Pit and Jared enter another room with Exo Tanks.

"This must be some sort of Exo Tank racetrack. You might as well try it out since you're here. Use the attack button to get in." Palutena said, telepathically.

On the racetrack, a random conversation may trigger.

"So, Kyoko, want to take me on in some Dance Dance Revolution?" Jared asked.

"After this? Sure. Doesn't mean that I'll go easy on you." Kyoko said, telepathically. "I've been playing that game way longer than you."

"That is true. I am bad at rhythm games."

Pit and Jared race around the track once.

"A ramp has appeared next to the starting point. Take it up to move forward." Palutena said, telepathically.

"You know we appreciate your help, Lady Palutena. But Jared and I would be totally fine without all this hand-holding too." Pit said.

"I don't want this to end up like Generations 6-8 of Pokémon. So much hand holding in those generations." Jared said, letting out a sigh. "It happened in Kalos, Alola, and Galar."

"That's right. Hand-holding is strictly prohibited here. Not to be rude, but I have to project a certain aura of toughness." Pandora said, telepathically.

"We understand. Rules of being a boss." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared enter a room with invisible walkways.

"Is this a dead end?" Pit asked.

"Hmm. I guess you'd better turn back." Pandora said, telepathically.

"No, it's a trick. There's an invisible path you can walk on." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Do you have to ruin EVERYthing? Honestly now."

"Shoot downward in front of you to reveal the path."

"Ah, so there IS a path!" Pit said.

Pit accidentally pushes Jared off the path to make him fall.

"Pit!" Jared said, angrily.

"What was that for?" Madoka asked.

Palutena summoned Jared back to the area where he was and the ally of justice made it back to Pit.

"Careful there. Shoot areas you can't see, don't push Jared off, and check your path as you make your way forward." Palutena said, telepathically.

Near the path with the Girin, a random conversation may trigger.

"I can't believe you made Jared fall off like that." Sayaka said, telepathically.

"Don't do that." Homura said, telepathically. "Things could have ended badly here."

"Pandora is just up ahead. It's time for the both of you to destroy the Mirror of Truth!" Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared heads through the door, and Pandora emerges from behind the Mirror of Truth.

"You made it. Yay." Pandora said, telepathically.

"Pandora!" Pit said, while he begins striking several poses. "Underling of Medusa floating before me! It's time for you to atone for your crimes. I am Pit, servant of the goddess of light! And you. Are. History!"

"I am a Huntsman who fights for love and Justice! I am Jared Shay! And now in the name of the Law of Cycles I'll punish you!" Jared said, while he begins striking several poses.

Pandora blinks as Pit and Jared awkwardly stands still.

"What was that all about?" Palutena asked, telepathically.

The battle initiates.

"Did the two of you just rip off two Magical Girl anime?" Sayaka asked, telepathically.

"Was one of them Sailor Moon?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"Sailor Moon?" Homura asked, telepathically.

"OK, whatever. Do what you're gonna do." Pandora said.

"What kind of attitude is that to have? We can take anything but indifference!" Pit said, angrily.

"What's the point of getting worked up? What's the point of anything, really?"

"Quite an existentialist view for a ball of vapor." Palutena said, telepathically.

"Homura, you sound like Sailor Mars to me." Jared said, smirking.

"Homura? Sailor Mars?" Kyoko asked, telepathically.

"Same voice actress. Oh, Madoka, you sound like Sailor Saturn."

"Sailor Saturn? Ah, geez. Really?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"It doesn't seem like the two of you are doing much damage to Pandora. Meleeing her bombs back at her will be more effective. Try that." Palutena said, telepathically.

Pit and Jared defeats Pandora.

"OK, OK. I'll give you what you came for." Pandora said, teleporting to the mirror. "Here it is. The Mirror of Truth."

Pandora floats behind the mirror, presenting it to Pit and Jared.

"Pit! Jared! You have to destroy that mirror!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Right!" Jared said, sadly.

Pit and Jared start running toward the mirror.

"Yaaaaaaah!" Pit said.

Pit and Jared go to dropkick the mirror, and the two see their reflection's wings begin to radiate a purple aura and their eyes gleam red.

"Huh?!" Pit exclaimed.

As Pit and Jared shatter the mirror, Dark Pit and Oriru burst out from the other side.

"Um…" Jared said, at a loss for words. "What?"

Pit and Jared lands and notices Dark Pit and Oriru.

"What the…" Pit said.

Dark Pit looks over his shoulder at Pit and Oriru looks over his shoulder at Jared.

"Hey." Dark Pit said.

"Hello." Oriru said.

"Let's get right to introductions. This here is Dark Pit and Oriru. They'll be your escort out of this life." Pandora said.

Dark Pit unexpectedly punches Pandora and Oriru unexpectedly kicks Pandora, sending her flying backwards.

"No!" Pandora said.

"Speak for yourself." Dark Pit said.

The battle initiates again.

"Do you even know how to fight?" Oriru asked.

"You fools! The two of you were created to serve ME! Your opponents are over there!" Pandora said, angrily.

"You're A boss, Pandora. But you're not MY boss!" Dark Pit said.

"And you're not MY boss!" Oriru said.

"Wait, so was creating Dark Pit and Oriru part of Pandora's plan all along?" Pit asked.

"Having an angel and a soldier CAN come in handy. And they're quite the little scrappers, aren't they? Use their scrappitude to your advantage and take down Pandora together." Palutena said, telepathically.

"The Mirror of Truth is just that. It reflects the truth. It seems that under that cute veneer of yours, Pit, Jared, you're actually quite ferocious." Pandora said, telepathically.

"You don't know anything about me!" Pit said, angrily.

"Or me!" Jared said, looking at Pandora.

Pit and Jared defeat Pandora.

"And that's that!" Pit said.

"Finally!" Jared said, excitedly.

"...took you long enough." Dark Pit said.

"It was like watching a dog go through an endurance stream." Oriru said.


Pandora explodes, and Dark Pit rushes over to Pit and kicks him in the stomach and Oriru rushes over to Jared and kicks him in the crotch area.

"Ooogh!" Pit said.

"Ow…" Jared said. "Gah…"

Pit and Jared are sent flying backwards and roughly land on their stomachs.

"Pit!" Palutena said, telepathically.

"Jared! Are you okay?" Madoka asked, telepathically.

"I'm okay." Jared said, frowning.

"That's for ripping off my look." Dark Pit said.

"I'M the original here!" Pit said.

"That's for ripping off my fighting style." Oriru said.

"I'M the original here!" Jared said.

Dark Pit and Oriru leaps through the remnants of Pandora and the two absorb her energy.

"What are you doing?!" Palutena exclaimed, telepathically.

"Just making sure Pandora's powers don't go to waste!" Dark Pit said.

"And she has illusion magic. Will use that." Oriru said.

Dark Pit and Oriru rise into the air and fly off.

"He can fly?!" Pit exclaimed.

"He wants illusion magic?!" Jared exclaimed.

"If they have Pandora's powers, they could be allied with Medusa. We need to follow them." Palutena said, telepathically.

Two lights shine down over Pit and Jared, whisking them away.

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