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100% Samurai Army in Another World / Chapter 11: Regroup and Analize

Chapter 11: Regroup and Analize

Tomoe was in dire straits as she watched her soldiers brace for the impact of the incoming demon cavalry charge. Tomoe knew her soldiers were not afraid of death, as their unwavering warrior code did not disappear when they became samurais.

"Brace for impact, men! Today we shed more of their blood than ours. We are samurai, given a second life to battle again on the battlefield. Today I, Tome Gozen, warrior of the Minamoto no Yoshinaka, and now servant of our master Johnson-Sama, will die with you warriors today and compete with you for heads. Do not fall behind me in taking heads!" Tome yelled, mustering her men with no way to retreat and determined to take their enemies to their graves with them.

"OoooH!" Her soldiers cried as they planted their feet firmly on the ground, unshakable like Mount Tai against the mightiest tsunamis. With swords and spears pointed at the incoming horsemen, they resolved to meet their deaths and fight with bloodshot eyes.

The thundering and shaking of the earth rumbled as the group of cavalry pounded the ground with their mighty hooves.

"Open fire!" a voice cried out in the distance.

"CRA-ACKLE-BANG!" The sounds of gunshots rang out. The charging group of Demon Cavalry buckled and fell sideways as horses and cavalrymen cried in anguish, their charge significantly diminished.

Tome looked to her side and saw emerging from the dense forest a group of samurai with smoking flintlock rifles as they reloaded. Oda Nobu Naga, in his iconic Portuguese Nanban breastplate samurai armor, positioned himself at the forefront of the riflemen and ordered them to reload. Trained and skilled, they reloaded their rifles in less than 40 seconds, positioning themselves in a firing line aimed at the already confused and demoralized cavalrymen who struggled to regroup from their previous salvo.

"Fire!" Oda Nobu Naga commanded with great authority, like a song from heaven. His orders were carried out with no doubt or pause from his soldiers, like verses from a Bible.


Tomoe Gozen and Oda Nobu Naga-Sama watched as their soldiers regrouped, the remnants of the battle still fresh in their minds. Amidst the commotion, Tomoe turned to Oda and said, "Oda-san, I must speak with you about a mission that Johnson-Sama entrusted to us."

Oda raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Go on, Tomoe-san. What is this mission you speak of?"

Tomoe's eyes were serious as she explained, "Our Lord Johnson-Sama tasked both of us with finding a group of civilizations in this world, forging alliances, and gathering information to aid him in his quest. I came across a group of fox people who are under seige by the same group just currently killed. However, I had to retreat from the battlefield, leaving these fox people to their endeavor to outmaneuver the demonic cavalry that we just vanquished."

Oda nodded astonished by the occupants of this new world. "Fox people?Are you sure? Do they have Nine Tails too? Do they shoot fire?"

Tome annoyed by his lack of seriousness. "I did not get a good look at all the defenders. It is beside the point, THEY ARE BEAST PEOPLE, and they look weaker than us military."

Oda surprise at the wonders of this new world, hearing there were beast people on top of these demon people who are currently in conflict with one another, he couldn't help but wonder if there are other intresting races in this world.

This is quite the Task, Tomoe-san. However, we know little about this world and its inhabitants. How can we be sure that aiding the Foxkin will not put us in a precarious situation?"

Tomoe's gaze turned towards the distant horizon, where plumes of smoke rose from the besieged Foxkin territory. "I understand your concern, Oda Nobu Naga-Sama. We have only witnessed the Foxkin under siege, I do not know much about this group of animal people but what I do understand as their combat power is weaker than ours. Being their saving grace in dire straits we can make our value and gratitude of them to us more beneficial. If we can aid them in their time of need, it may open doors to understanding this world better and establishing friendly relations with other civilizations."

Oda considered her words carefully before nodding in agreement. "Understood, we shall aid the Foxkin and establish friendly relations. After establishing a foothold, we should inform our Lord."

As their conversation concluded, they turned to lead their united forces towards the battlefield where the demonic army continued its siege of the Foxkin territory.

Upon reaching the battlefield, they witnessed a scene of chaos and desperation. The Foxkin defenders valiantly held the walls of their city, their fur-covered bodies and magical abilities aiding in their defense. But the demonic army, relentless in its assault, had them surrounded, their monstrous siege engines pounding the walls.

Tomoe and Oda observed the battle with keen eyes. The sky above was filled with swirling magical energies and the sounds of clashing weapons and roaring demons. The defenders, outnumbered and outmatched, fought with unwavering resolve.

Tomoe whispered to Oda, "We must act swiftly, the Foxkin cannot hold out much longer."

Oda nodded, his eyes calculating. "Agreed, Tomoe Gozen. We shall move in and break the siege. Our rifles will be a formidable force against their ranks."

With a silent signal, they ordered their soldiers to advance.

The united army moved forward, forming a disciplined formation as they approached the battlefield. Their presence was like a rising sun, casting a ray of hope upon the Foxkin defenders who had been besieged for so long.

As they neared the Foxkin city, the defenders atop the walls noticed their arrival. At first, cautious optimism spread among the beleaguered Foxkin. They watched in awe as Tomoe, Oda, and their forces took positions, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight.

Oda, displaying his tactical genius, called upon the shock trooper samurai wielding massive odachis. "Shock troopers, to the front! We'll break the enemy's lines and create an opening for our allies."

With a resounding battle cry, the shock troopers charged forward. The shock trooper's samurai were heavily armored with not only out plated armor but wore a chainmail ontogenetical armor under their breastplate to ward away lucky killing shots to their would-be unarmored bodies. Welding a 4 foot massive blades, they cleave through the demonic ranks. Their sheer strength and ferocity created chaos among the enemy, as demons were cut down left and right.

Tomoe, meanwhile, directed her archers to provide cover for their advance. Arrows sailed through the air, finding their marks among the ranks of the demonic forces. With precision and skill, the samurai archers picked off their enemies, causing chaos and confusion within the demon's ranks.

As the shock troopers and archers carried out their respective roles, Oda continued to assess the situation. "Tomoe Gozen, we need to target their siege engines. If we can neutralize those, it will greatly aid the defenders."

Tomoe nodded in agreement, and they directed their spearmen ashigarus to form a defensive line to protect the riflemen. The riflemen focused their fire on the demonic siege engines, while the spearmen held back any demons attempting to breach their line.

Explosions erupted among the demonic siege engines, their crews scattered in disarray. With the destruction of their heavy weaponry, the demons' advantage began to wane.

As the united army led by Oda and Tome approached the city gates, they were met by a group of Foxkin warriors who had managed to break free from the enemy's grasp. Among them was Victor, the Foxkin commander, whose body bore scars from past battles and a slight limp from a previous injury inflicted by the demonic forces. The two forces pushed back the demon army a good distance from the village walls enough for some breathing room for the commanders to address each other in the back.

With curiosity in his eyes, Victor stepped forward and addressed Tomoe, recognizing her as the mysterious warrior who had saved him from Demonic Captain Magnus Deus. "Warrior," he began, "I remember the battle where someone much like you rescued me from Demonic Captain Magnus Deus. I never learned your name, but I owe you my life."

Tomoe nodded in acknowledgment but kept her identity concealed. "I am but a traveler in this land, unfamiliar with your people. We have come to aid you and your kin in this time of need."

Victor winced slightly as he shifted his weight, feeling the old injury from his encounter with the demons. "Your timing is impeccable. My soldiers informed me that the warrior who saved me was being pushed back by the demonic cavalry into the forest."

"Mmm, we will help push back these attackers, do you have men to spare? Are you able to still fight?" Oda assessed the situation and put forward the next course of action.

"I can-" 

"No you can't Victor, you are heavily injured. Its amazing you can break free from the encirclement this far without collapsing even though you had a near death battle with the demon captain." A soldier who seems like second command interrupt Victor.

"My name is Aron Gias, Son of Aki Gias. As second command and overseer of the village defenses, I implore you warriors to take me and a group of our men to aid you in pushing back the demon army from our village."

Tome and Oda admired Aron's bravery but it still up to the Commander of the defense to make the final decision.

Seeing that Tome and Oda had no immediate response and still looked at Victor, Aron argued more with Victor despite his denial of being further effective in combat presently. After a couple back and forth Victor finally approved Aron unwilling to aid the samurai to turn the tides of the battle with the new warriors. The foxkin and the samurai united and charged towards the slowly retreating demon army. Victor retreated to the top of the wall to oversee the battle. If he can't fight he can still command and give orders from the village walls. 

As the samurais of Oda and Tome clashed with the demonic forces on the battlefield, their martial prowess and unique combat style left a lasting impression on both the Foxkin warriors and the retreating demons.

The samurais moved with a fluidity and precision that seemed almost supernatural. With their odachis, they executed devastating strikes, cleaving through demonic armor and flesh alike. Each swing of their blades was a deadly dance, a symphony of destruction that left their foes in awe and terror.

The shock trooper samurais, with their massive weapons, displayed a savage elegance in their combat. Their odachis sliced through the air with a graceful yet deadly arc, leaving a trail of fallen demons in their wake. Their movements were a beautiful but bloody ballet of death.

The archers, on the other hand, showcased their incredible accuracy and speed. With every release of an arrow, a demon fell, their projectiles finding their mark with unerring precision. It was as if they could bend the very trajectory of their shots to suit their needs.

Tome's spearman ashigarus fought with disciplined ferocity. Their long spears became a wall of death, preventing any demonic advance. They moved in unison, their spear thrusts timed to perfection, creating a deadly phalanx that the demons found nearly impossible to breach.

Victor and his Foxkin warriors, who had never witnessed such martial skill, marveled at the samurais' actions on the battlefield. To them, the samurais fought like gods, wielding weapons and techniques unknown in their world. They had a sense of discipline and unity that surpassed anything they had ever seen.

As for the retreating demons, they were in disarray, their morale shattered by the relentless onslaught of the samurais. They had never encountered such a formidable and coordinated force. The demons, who were used to terrorizing the natives of this world, now found themselves on the receiving end of a brutal and decisive counterattack.

The Foxkin warriors were equally impressed by the samurais' actions. They saw the samurais as saviors, warriors from another world who had come to their aid in their darkest hour. To them, the samurais represented hope and courage, and their unique combat style was a testament to their strength and determination.

As the battle raged on, the samurais continued their deadly dance of death, their blades and arrows cutting down the remaining demons. The Foxkin and Aron joined in the fight, inspired by the samurais' example. Together, they pushed the demonic forces back, securing their victory and the safety of the Foxkin territory.

Aron's Foxkin warriors displayed agility and cunning, darting in and out of combat, harrying the flanks of the demonic army. Their unique abilities, including magical spells and bursts of speed, caught the demons off guard, disrupting their formations and causing chaos in their ranks.

Oda and Tome's coordination with Aron was impeccable. Oda's shock troopers acted as the anvil, drawing in the enemy's attention and absorbing the initial assault. Meanwhile, Tome's riflemen and archers provided constant ranged support, weakening the demonic forces before they could reach the frontline.

Aron's Foxkin warriors, with their hit-and-run tactics, exploited the confusion created by the samurais' steadfast defense. They targeted key enemy commanders and spellcasters, disrupting the enemy's command structure.

As the battle wore on, the demons found themselves pushed back, their initial momentum waning under the relentless assault of the united forces. Oda and Tome, now fully synchronized with Aron's warriors, pressed the advantage. They executed a perfectly timed pincer maneuver, encircling the remaining demonic troops.

The demons, realizing their dire situation, began to retreat in disarray, their ranks broken and their morale shattered. Oda's riflemen and archers continued to pick off stragglers, preventing any organized escape.

The battle finally ended with them the united forces standing victorious, the once-encroaching demonic army now in full retreat. Exhausted but resolute, Oda, Tome, and Aron surveyed the battlefield, taking in the fruits of their hard-fought victory. Hu

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